Event Handler To Track Cursor Movement Deep In Code?
Nov 27, 2011
This might be more easily explained just by showing you the code. Basically, this is a function within a large class dealing with moving table rows around, and works in Chrome but no where else. Chrome understands "event.clientY" in this context while other browsers throw "event is undefined". Y is a correctly set global indicating the clientY of where the original click occurred.
set_bgcolor = function (t, r) {
var tr, i;
var currentY = pointer.y = event.clientY;
tr = tables[t].rows[r];
So, I'm just trying to get event.clientY to work for all browsers in this case, where an event handler might not easily be passed to the function.
I'm using third-party code to move rows of a table around. [URL]
It's a large piece of drag and drop code, but I'm trying to edit it so that at a point near the code's completion, it says whether the initial mouse click was above or below where the cursor has been dragged to. "Why" is a long story, but suffice it to say that there are functional differences when dragging the row up rather than down (up puts it above the hovered over row, while below puts in under that row), and I want to place a border line in there so that users know exactly where the row is going.
So you probably don't have to look at the whole code (which I can provide if you'd like), but my basic question is, how do I get the function to know where the current mouse pointer is this many levels deep in code. I could try to pass the event through all the layers, but I'm not good enough at javascript to make that work, and I'm not sure it would. Isn't the event the keypress (and not the current position?).
Demo page illustrating current issue:[URL]... I'm calling different tooltip DIVs from different triggers.Using bodyHandler, each trigger has a unique corresponding DIV To keep a clean document, i've grouped the tooltip DIVs at the bottom of the source When you hover over triggers, the correct tooltip is displayed However, the tooltip displays at the bottom of the page, not tracking with cursor.
How can i group my DIVs away from my trigger markup and still achieve tooltips that track with mouse cursor?
I'm trying to gather some information on any techniques or even plans to change the fundamental nature of the way the internet and http requests work. From both an advertising, and a usability perspective, the concept of a page load is becoming obsolete. Users expect instant results, and advertisers are becoming more concerned with time on site than they are with page views. You don't need a full page view to have an ad impression anyway. That said, there are plenty of techniques to make it so that your page can load new information without reloading the whole page. The problem is there doesn't seem to be any good way of making it so that AJAX calls can be linked to.
My site has a somewhat weak implementation of this: [URL]
Notice that it links you to the "APM" tab of that page, and if you click the other tabs they're all loaded via AJAX? You'll probably notice that initially it loaded the "Overview" tab, and after the page loaded, it then switched you to the APM tab. That's wonky behavior, and I don't like it, but there's not much that can be done about it as far as I know. The problem is, as far as I know, this deep linking technique becomes increasingly difficult to implement the more variations you have on a page's data.
For example, if you have pagination, then you need to make your deep linking code support all those variations as well. So my question is, is there a way to easily, FULLY AJAX a website, complete with the ability to deep link to any page state, without any wonky behavior (e.g. loading the "base page" first, and then after it's loaded, switching the data)? If not, has anyone heard of any plans to fundamentally rewrite the nature of HTML and HTTP requests so that web pages are no longer based on page loads, but state changes?
I'm seeing surprising behavior, consistent across Opera, Firefox, and IE. An event handler is changing the value of an element, and there is apparently no Change event being generated for the element. A simple illustration is, make an INPUT element with an onchange; type in a new value, the Change event handler is called. But make a button whose Click handler changes the value, and the Change handler does not get called.
It appears that events are not generated while an event handler is running. Can this be true?
When you click the main button, will one of the six images get a background image, and you can then press the image with the background image, and get your "reflextime".
But it won't work. When I press the image, were the new background image has shown, you can click on it and get your time - why?'
I try to add a function to be triggered also within an event (which already has a function). I coded it, unfortunatelly one line of the code should be different for IE and Moz. I try to find a common way without using a browser detector... Any ideea? The red line works for Mozilla, the blue one for IE:
function addFunc(){ var e = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); for(var i=0;i<e.length;i++){ if(e[i].getAttribute('onclick')||e[i].getAttribute('onclick')!=null){// Moz || IE //var f = new Function(e[i].getAttribute('onclick')); var f = e[i].getAttribute('onclick'); e[i].onclick=function(){f();otherFunction()} }}} Code:
I have no problem attaching an event handler to a single anchor labelled with an id. But I can't get the following to work on all anchors, meaning nothing happens. Any idea about what's wrong here? Code:
Im using onKeyUp on a text input field and everytime some information is gathered from a database through ajax.
Is there anyway to cancel onKeyUp events that are within X seconds of the previous event trigger? I dont want to use setTimeout because i dont want them called at all.
I modified a particular page in the following way:
I ran an init function on window.onload, which iterated thorugh the checkboxes on the page and assigned an event handler function - let's call it validate() to each checkbox.
I tested it in the big 5 browsers and ran into a strange issue in I.E. only -
let's say there are the following checkboxes code...
When I click on "box1" the function is not called. When check "box2" the function is called but by "box1", when I click on "box3" the function is called by "box2" and so forth...
I'm trying to dynamically create an image map for a particular image on my website, and I'm running into an issue where I try to register the "mouseover" and "mouseout" events for the AREAs of my image map.
I want to change the event handler for a form field, using JS code. But there doesn't seem to be a way to reference it. MyForm.SomeField.onChange is undefined. Anyone know if there's a way to do this?
I've many div with sequence of ids like d1 d2 d3 ... and I need to listen to their click event so I'm using a loop to add an event handler to them, Here it's my code:
for(var i = 0; i < $ds.length; i++){ var $d = $ds[i]; var xFunc = function(e){ document.title = "d: "+$d;
But when I click on each of them always the title goes to "d: 4" where 4 is the last value in $ds.
I'm creating a drop down menu so that when a user clicks on the drop down arrow and then hovers over one of the options, a bubble comes up and does a validation. The thing is that everything works fine in Firefox, but not in IE or Chrome. The problem is that the .mouseover() function doesn't work on the <option> tags in IE and Chrome, but it works fine in Firefox because apparently FF is the only browser that supports it.
I have a form with a text box. As you know, if a user has previously entered data into that text box from the same machine, then a dropdown list appears in the browser showing previously entered values. That's fine; however I have an OnKeyUp event on this box so if a user selects from the dropdown list then the event isn't triggered. Is there any way to recognise this action as an event? None of the normal event handlers appear to do it.
i have registered a validation function as the onclick event handler. It runs for the first time but does not run when i click on the button the second time. ( this is because i have put an aert box in the validation function and it does not show up when i click on the submit button for the second time)
function validate(form_name){ validate=1; string="";
when i leave all the fields of the form blank then the error message is displayed. But when i click on the submit button again then the validation function does not run.
I am working on a project that takes links on a page (Not all, depends on if they are Merchandise links or partner links), and passes some parameters to a tracking js call.The problem is, I don't want to put 'onclicks" on every href as there could be a hundred on a page and many of the links are dynamically generated on the backend.So, I was thinking of creating a function that took in parameters from each of the links that are pressed. we have two links (there will be many more, but for an example sake).
<a href="somelink.html" id="linka">link a</a> <javascript> var cu = new Linktracker({
Should I use just "bind" or "bindAsEventListener"?Since each link on the page is unique and will pass different values, what is the best way to do this without putting "onclicks" on every link?
I'm use prototype quite a lot for ajax calls, but have always used inline onclicks. I'm trying to be less obtrusive by creating event handlers/listeners.I used to do this with the aid of pHp to place arguments into the function (usually via 'while loop'):
i have two links,i left the second one alone so you can see what result i want. but the first link is where i am attempting to remove the inline event handler (onclick) but i want the same result.
I've successfully used the Random-Order javascript on my site for years to shuffle around a number of banners on my main page.I now want to add an onClick event handler to each banner so that I can use Google Analytics to track those exit links, but I can't get the script to work when adding the onClick; the banners just don't show up on the webpage then. I'm pretty sure that some coding needs to happen in the function area below the content section, that just putting the onClick in each item won't do it, but I don't write this stuff, so I have no clue what to do to make it work right. Here's the script WITH the onClick code I would like to add in red. If you were to remove everything in red, the remaining code would be exactly as it currently appears on my site and works properly. [code]