Ajax :: Deep Linking Code To Support Variations?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm trying to gather some information on any techniques or even plans to change the fundamental nature of the way the internet and http requests work. From both an advertising, and a usability perspective, the concept of a page load is becoming obsolete. Users expect instant results, and advertisers are becoming more concerned with time on site than they are with page views. You don't need a full page view to have an ad impression anyway. That said, there are plenty of techniques to make it so that your page can load new information without reloading the whole page. The problem is there doesn't seem to be any good way of making it so that AJAX calls can be linked to.

My site has a somewhat weak implementation of this: [URL]

Notice that it links you to the "APM" tab of that page, and if you click the other tabs they're all loaded via AJAX? You'll probably notice that initially it loaded the "Overview" tab, and after the page loaded, it then switched you to the APM tab. That's wonky behavior, and I don't like it, but there's not much that can be done about it as far as I know. The problem is, as far as I know, this deep linking technique becomes increasingly difficult to implement the more variations you have on a page's data.

For example, if you have pagination, then you need to make your deep linking code support all those variations as well. So my question is, is there a way to easily, FULLY AJAX a website, complete with the ability to deep link to any page state, without any wonky behavior (e.g. loading the "base page" first, and then after it's loaded, switching the data)? If not, has anyone heard of any plans to fundamentally rewrite the nature of HTML and HTTP requests so that web pages are no longer based on page loads, but state changes?

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Event Handler To Track Cursor Movement Deep In Code?

Nov 27, 2011

This might be more easily explained just by showing you the code. Basically, this is a function within a large class dealing with moving table rows around, and works in Chrome but no where else. Chrome understands "event.clientY" in this context while other browsers throw "event is undefined". Y is a correctly set global indicating the clientY of where the original click occurred.


set_bgcolor = function (t, r) {
var tr, i;
var currentY = pointer.y = event.clientY;
tr = tables[t].rows[r];


So, I'm just trying to get event.clientY to work for all browsers in this case, where an event handler might not easily be passed to the function.


I'm using third-party code to move rows of a table around. [URL]

It's a large piece of drag and drop code, but I'm trying to edit it so that at a point near the code's completion, it says whether the initial mouse click was above or below where the cursor has been dragged to. "Why" is a long story, but suffice it to say that there are functional differences when dragging the row up rather than down (up puts it above the hovered over row, while below puts in under that row), and I want to place a border line in there so that users know exactly where the row is going.

So you probably don't have to look at the whole code (which I can provide if you'd like), but my basic question is, how do I get the function to know where the current mouse pointer is this many levels deep in code. I could try to pass the event through all the layers, but I'm not good enough at javascript to make that work, and I'm not sure it would. Isn't the event the keypress (and not the current position?).

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Linking Files Within JS Code?

Mar 8, 2011

I have to create a website which features Javascript. I created a calendar which shows small images for specific dates (trying to keep it interesting, hearts for valentines day etc...). Text looks quite dull.

Anyway, I was able to get the code to work successfully, when the image is linked absolutely to the file. However, if I try to change it so that it's relatively linked to the file, it appears as a broken file. This wouldn't normally be a problem, but I have to transfer all of the files to a disc, and so the images will end up broken.Is there anyway I can link the files without them appearing broken? I've tried most things I can think of.

Sample code:

// New Years Day
if (m==1 && d==1) {
objEvent = new EventObj(m,d,y, "<center><img src='file:///E:/ICT/Website/mysite/Balloons-32.png'>


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JS Code: Linking Webpages With Different Shown Image (onclick)?

May 31, 2010

This is what I am seeking: On the main page we have 3 different images (img1, img2, img3), that must link to another page (photo page) with a photo in the middle enlarged: for example if I click img1 i will go to the photo page with img1 enlarged in the middle, and if I click img2 will go to the photo page with img2 in the middle. the photo page has photo thumbnail sliding at the bottom of the page that links to the same middle enlarged photo based on the clicked photo. is it doable with JS? or should I look somewhere else?

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AJAX :: Linking In With PHP In One Page

Aug 11, 2010

I have 3 bits of code, 2 of which I'm pretty sure are right [i know the php works, and the ajax looks fine], but one i'm having trouble with. Basically what I'm trying to do is use a link to call php function [calls a piece of text from a database]. Which worked fine. But then I tried to incorporate AJAX into the script to make change dynamically on the page, and I'm a little confused with it all. I've got the AJAX and PHP, [and an attempted page with a link on to try and call the function with AJAX] but so far it's not doing as it should. Wondered if anyone could show me where I'm going wrong with the whole 'linking together' thing? So far everything I've tried hasn't worked. [hope this doesn't violate the forums 'don't dump your code' rule. But it's kind of all necessary]


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Code Not Aligned - Browser Does Not Support Script

Feb 14, 2009

How come when I add my code it doesn't place in on the page where its supposed to be it puts itself to the top of the page:
<script type='text/javascript'>
function Go(){return}
Menu1=new Array("<img src='images/mboardbtn.gif'>","http://","",0,20,122);
Menu2=new Array("<img src='images/suserbtn.gif'>","http://","",0,0,122);
Menu3=new Array("<img src='images/chatmailbtn.gif'>","http://","",0,20,122);
Menu4=new Array("<img src='images/historybtn.gif'>","http://","",0,20,122);
Menu5=new Array("<img src='images/locationbtn.gif'>","http://","",0,20,122);
Menu6=new Array("<img src='images/cidbtn.gif'>","http://","",0,20,122); .....
function BeforeStart(){return}
function AfterBuild(){return}
function BeforeFirstOpen(){return}
function AfterCloseAll(){return}
<noscript>Your browser does not support script</noscript>

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JQuery :: Ajax Function Some Browsers Do Not Support ?

Oct 6, 2010

I have this ajax function that executes till some output is done, but it doesn't work in some browsers like ie 6 or 7, if it is bad constructed:

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Doing A Deep Word Count Of A DIV?

May 17, 2011

One option that occurred to me is to loop through all nodes in the div and count the words in the nodeValue if it's a text node, or otherwise loop through the element's sub-nodes if it has them. You could do this recursively and therefore find all text nodes within the DIV and its sub-elements.The problem is this doesn't cover everything. Inputs and textareas have a value, not a nodeValue. You will want to ignore any "script" elements and perhaps others. Of course you can set up a list of exceptions and modify the algorithm a bit to allow for them.An attempt at the approach described so far is shown here: [URL]But what about select elements? Do you want the value or do you want the text inside the selected option? What if they're multi-select lists? etc.

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JQuery :: Go Through XML Nodes Only 1 Level Deep?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm grabbing an XML file with jQuery like this:



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3 Deep Function Call Not Returning To First / Resolve This?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a setup where I have a function, calling a function, calling a function. All functions do what they're supposed to do, but they don't return to the first function when all is done, so it doesn't display an alert that it's supposed to.

For those that don't want to look through tons of code and think they might know what I'm doing wrong, here's the "coles notes" version. code...

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JQuery :: Deep Link To Expanded Section?

Jun 22, 2011

as you can see the items hide/show on click using a simple jQuery toggle. My question is, is it possible to link to my website with one section already expanded from an external source. I hope this question makes sense. Iv tried and failed by linking to the div id using #link but cant get that to work.

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JQuery :: Deep Copy $.extend() An Object Containing Selectors

Aug 17, 2010

What happens if you do the following? - That is deep copy a jQuery selector.


I'm concerned whether the myObj.selector object will deep copy the whole of jQuery as part of the process. My initial tests did not show any obvious speed hit, but it is rather a basic test right now.

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Jquery :: Find Onkeyup Embedded Deep Inside DOM Tree

Aug 15, 2010

I want to change the onkeyup attribute of a id="duration" textbox which is buried deep inside the DOM tree.

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JQuery :: $.extend() "deep" Property Not Working?

Jun 18, 2010

I have two objects that I am trying to merge together using $.extend().

As long as I only use objects 1 level deep everything merges correctly.

objOne = {
face: "book",
captain: "crunch"


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Ajax :: Code Isn't Working?

Dec 6, 2010

function addEvent(elem,type,func) {
var obj = document.getElementById(elem);
if(window.addEventListener) {


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AJAX Code Works In FF But NOT In IE8?

May 25, 2010

Ive been sitting with my cod for a while now and dont see what to change..

Im fetching data to a div in the page from n Server side ASP page.

Its all working in Firefox browser but not all runs in IE.


function displayLocation()
var Results;
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {


I added an Alert as you will see so i could see in IE if the responseText data was getting there and it seems to be fine, it just wont display the data in this line...

window.document.getElementById("Span1").innerHTML = Results;

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Ajax :: Code Works Only Once In IE6/7?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm attempting to learn Ajax and the simple test program I wrote works great in all major browsers (IE8, FireFox, Opera, Chrome, etc).The javascript calls a tiny perl program to replace what is in the <div> area with a random number.The problem I'm having is the code does work in IE6 and IE7, but unlike the other browsers you can only click on the link to activate the AJAX function one time. After the second or more clicks it will not provide a new random number like it does in the other browsers.The only way I found to get a new random number in IE6/7 is to first clear my temporary internet files. The I get one more click and it provides a new random number but stops again until I re-delete my temporary internet files.The test program is located here:

http:[url]....Here is the complete code:

<html lang="EN" dir="ltr" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">[code]..........

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Ajax :: How To Get Code From Server And Execute It

Dec 6, 2009

How to perform on-demand javascript using AJAX? My question is: how to get a javascript code from my server and execute it?

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Ajax :: Fade In Code Does Not Work In IE?

Jan 11, 2009

I am making a multiple simultaneous requests with AJAX for my website, first to load the background with fading effect written in JavaScript, and all these all fine in Firefox and Chrome accept IE for some reasons...

Here is the link if anyone would like to throw me some light!


Is it the fading code which I have to write differently?

document.write("<style type='text/css'>#content1 {visibility:hidden;}</style>");
function initImage()
imageId = 'content1';


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Ajax Code Mozilla Browser

Mar 23, 2006

I'm Using ajax Coding For select Box options, When i select the first select Box , Based on that the second Select values will be displayed. Code:

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AJAX :: Getting Work Code Under Opera

Apr 18, 2011

I have a code:


This is how XMLDoc looks before convert:[url]

After convert XMLDoc represents(checked with alert(XMLDoc)) an "object XMLDocument".

This code works fine with Firefox 4, but fails under Opera 11.10 with: Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("smf")[0]' to object

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Ajax :: Get Websites Source Code ?

Jun 26, 2011

Is it possible to get a websites source code using ajax?

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JQuery :: Code - Repeatable - With Firefox 3 And AJAX

Sep 9, 2009

I have found a problem with Firefox 3 and AJAX, and give code to replicate it below.

The problem is when you have a resource, e.g. /docs/1234, which is fetched both directly as a web page and as AJAX (XMLHttpRequest). The server detects these cases based on the X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest header, and sends back different content, e.g. just a raw div or wrapped in a full HTML page.

The problem is when you use a jQuery AJAX request to fetch the page again. If Firefox has /docs/1234 in its cache, then load('/docs/1234') wrongly gets the non-XHR version of the page, and this is the version it will insert into the DOM. This screws up the page, since you get a second copy of the layout wrapper HTML inside the original layout.

The code below replicates this:

- The home page (/) fetches /docs/1234 into the lower pane using XHR
- click on the link to fetch /docs/1234 as a full HTML page
- click back, and the main page ends up inserting the full /docs/1234

HTML into the lower pane

You can see that I've set a Cache-Control: header, which ought to prevent /docs/1234 from being cached at all, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. You can confirm it's present using curl -v [url]

This problem doesn't occur with Opera. Looking at the server logs, when you hit Back you see that $.load fetches a new copy of the page, so the AJAX request isn't using a local cached copy. (This is true even without setting the Cache-Control header) So arguably this is a Firefox problem. However, since part of the purpose of jQuery is to abstract away and compensate for browser differences, I thought I'd raise it here first.

The only workaround I can think of is to use a different URL for XHR requests, e.g. add '?xhr=true' to the end.

To run this code, you'll need ruby and 'gem install sinatra'

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JQuery :: Php Code Not Interpreted With An Ajax Call

Apr 29, 2010

When I try this line on a local server or any ajax call (ajax, get, post)


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Ajax :: Not Working In FF, But Works Fine In IE (code Example)?

Nov 11, 2009

I'm trying to use ajax to replace the inner html of div tags.I"m calling an external javascript file on the html page with this in it:

function getXMLHttp() {
try {


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Ajax :: Code Inside Content Not Working

Jun 1, 2010

In my web page i am using tweetmeme button java script code.its working fine.When i was trying to put js code inside ajax content,and click the ajax callback button the entire page shows blank page.I thought the reason for this is java script using window.location.href.But i am not sure what is the exact reason for this issue. If i remove the tweetmeme button js code,ajax navigation button working fine.

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