Prompt Box With Mutiple Messages
Aug 31, 2006
I'm trying to make a prompt where if a person types in their username, according to the name it will play a hello message with their name and have their own background.
The script so far looks like this, but I'm trying to make it work.
<script language="JavaScript">
name=prompt("Please Enter Your Name"");
if (name == "Ex1")
document.write("<html><head><title>Welcome " + name + "</title></head><body><EMBED src="sound1.ram"><h1>Hello, " + name + "</body></html>");
if (name == "Ex2")
document.write("<html><head><title>Welcome " + name + "</title></head><body><EMBED src="sound2.ram"><h1>Hello, " + name + "</body></html>");
if (name == "Ex3")
document.write("<html><head><title>Welcome " + name + "</title></head><body><EMBED src="sound2.ram"><h1>Hello, " + name + "</body></html>");
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Nov 20, 2003
How to make focus() to mutiple select wit name "my_select[]" ?
for simple text I do
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Oct 6, 2011
I'm got an application that uses (will use) 6 drop down boxes to filter through items stored in an array, if I can get a search system sorted out.At the minute i've tried a range of ways and I can't suss this out. At the minute its counting the number of entries that match the filter criteria but its not even getting that 100% right.I've tried using one big if statment 'if condition 1 && condition 2 && condition3 = true then' etc. I've tried nested ifs. t the moment I thought I'd try to dump the values of servos into a new array, that meet the criteia of the first if, then using another if, create another array and repeat this until only the servos that meet all 6 if conditions are stored inside one array that i can then set to display on screen. if there are no matches then i can display a 'none found' messageHeres my code, hopefully its commented enough to follow whats happening,
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Mar 25, 2011
I was using a google map V2 API, but decided as it is deprectaed, to step up and use the latest version, and it is doing my head in. Basically all I want is a map, that has 5 checkboxes, checkbox1, checkbox2 etc... and if one or all is checked then a marker will appear on the map that I have location preset, the marker when clicked will show a little information and contain a url. I was able to get the map with the five markers completed using V2, but when I was researching how to use checkboxes, i kept being led to the V3 API. I think the Google documentation is pretty bad for this PAI, as there is tons and tons of information but none of it is explaing the simple things, like how to set mutilple markers in V3. It will instead show you how to create polygons using images and fancy stuff that is not essential.
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Jul 30, 2006
I have a site that uses 2 domains to forward to the IP no. (a and The site uses the Google Map API for a map on the site, however the API key is locked to the individual domain (I do have two keys for both the domains). I found the following Javascript which is supposed to switch the key depending on the domain that is accessing the page.
if ( == '') {
type="text/javascript">' +
} else if ( == '') {
type="text/javascript">' +
} else {
alert("host =";
but I can't get it to work, the page doesn't display any map (not even an alert) if I use this instead of the normal API key script.
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm searching high and low for a plugin and since my knowledge of what's available out there in way of plugins is pretty poor, I implore the assistance of [URL] I need a edit-in-place plugin that, when I click "edit", will open up the fields for two items at the same time, a title and a description. One save button, and two editable fields. Title and description should be separate fields, one field, one textfield. I've found tons of plug ins that do one item at a time, but not several.
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to translate the messages of mine scripts, as I can make
professionally this working with the pair php and javascript?
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Mar 4, 2010
I'm finding (like small syntax errors) in my JS/html which are sometimes hard to spot straight away. For example, when coding python on the web, I usually use try: except: and then use the error function to output what went wrong on the webpage.
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Jul 4, 2011
IE browser (even IE8) is giving warning when I open a webpage with JavaScript in it. I can of course close the warning but since I am developing webpages that will be deployed and used by customers, customers will get the warning messages too. How do I design webpage that don't popup ActiveX warning message on customer browser when they open pages with JS in it?
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Dec 14, 2005
I was wondering if it was possible to have a variable count down in a
window.confirm dialog box. Like the type of message some systems have
to log users out automatically.
E.g "You will be logged out in x seconds. Do you want to stay logged
in. Yes No"
where the x value would count down and if they didn't press yes then
they would be redirected to another page to log then out.
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Oct 5, 2009
how can I make it hold only X amount of messages then after X amount of messages it just removes the last one.This isn't all the code but I figure it has to be something within this code that I have to change. If you want to look at the source code to go [URL] and take a look there.
//Function for initializating the page.
function startChat() {
//Start Recieving Messages.
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Feb 25, 2006
but i need one to display 1 text massage of, lets say, 5 whole messages, randomized.
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Oct 27, 2010
'Error On Page' messages, IE only.. I need badly to get rid of these error messages. i'm showing my sites to potential employers. When clicking on the ! icon, the so-called 'Details Page' is too cryptic to be of help usually. the line numbers do not correspond to the JS's line numbers (i'm using BBEdit).
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Jan 21, 2010
I am trying to fadeIn error message received from the server.Here is the code:$("#" + RowID + "> TD:nth-child(4)").append("<err class='error'>" + err.Message + "</err>").fadeIn(1000);But the fadeIn() does not seem to work, it shows the message straight away courseI am missingsomethinghere, probably the append() and fadeIn() do not go hand in hand.
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May 3, 2009
Is it possible to disable showing error messages in jquery.validate plugin at all?
I just need to aply css error class, not to see error messages anywhere.
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Nov 23, 2010
When I have this form loading its loading both messages when I told it to hide it and don't know why. I looked inside the source code of the form and it's not saying the jquery function is involved.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div.message message-error').hide();
$('div.message message-success').hide();
$("input.submit").click(function() {
$('div.message message-error').hide();
var divisionname = $("input#divisionname").val();
if (divisionname == "") {
$("div.message message-error").show();
return false;
} .....
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Feb 13, 2011
What can I do to find out what the errors in the error console mean?
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Jul 30, 2010
I have 2 java Servlet files EmpRecord & Delete. Employee has a button of delete, on clicking will be redirected to Here the record will be deleted. Now, I want to redirect back to where the message "Record deleted" will be displayed. How can I pass the message from to to display the message?
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Feb 20, 2010
Looking to have a div on my page that will give the user some tips or help for that specific page.There should be a "dont show me again button" so the div will dissapear and the user wont see it again..What is the best way to approach this?Ajax calls, cookies, session variables, storing info in mysql?. Im developing in PHPIve heard a lot of different ways but looking for the best way..
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Jul 8, 2005
What is the simplest/easiest way to display messages from another
script without refreshing the browser.
I have a server side script that dumps messages like.
echo "received fn123.tar";
echo "moved fn123.tar"
echo "received fn567.tar";
I can dump the above messages into a file if necessary so
many clients can read it. Want a client like below
I want to display the above messages at the bottom of many other
other pages at the bottom as I receive the files.
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Sep 24, 2008
I'm using validation plug-in in our application for customers fromRussia. I need to set russian messages for all customers from allplaces in the world. How can i do that? Messages are in "localzation/
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Jul 21, 2011
I'm new to using jquery and I have a question regarding the validate plugin. How can I make the error messages appear where I want them? Right now they appear to the right of the input field but I'd like them to appear below it or wherever i'd like
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Aug 25, 2004
I have been looking for a way to give something back to this forum as it has helped me greatly, and I am hoping that this might be of value to someone.
Basically I was just tired of consistantly commenting and uncommenting out alerts in my code so I wrote some code that would allow me to keep my alerts and only show them when I wanted to, and only the types of alerts I wanted to show.
I thought that using bitwise operators would give me the flexibility to specify different options and a quick way of finding out what options were wanted. There are other ways of doing this of course, and this is one approach.
The bitwise OR operator "|" says if one of the two vars has the bit set, then set the bit.
the bitwise AND operator "&" says if both of the two vars has the bit set, then set the bit.
It starts with my bitwise values:
var NONE = new Number(0);// 00000000
var ALL = new Number(1);// 00000001
var INFO = new Number(2);// 00000010
var LOCAL = new Number(4);// 00000100
var PARAM = new Number(8);// 00001000
var COUNT = new Number(16);// 00010000
These values are really important. Earlier I used 0 through 5 and because of the way bitwise operations work, COUNT was equivelant to ALL and PARAM. what you are doing is blending bits and then getting a value. So, in the 0 through 5 approach, COUNT was 00000101 (5). When I OR'd ALL with PARAM I got 00000101 which was a result of 00000001 with 00000100 (4)! So be really careful if you go this route to double check that no combination of vars will equal other vars.
In our constructor we get the value thus:
function FormCheckBase( objForm, blnStateIsDebug, sCulture )
this.Form= eval('document.' + objForm);
this.Debug= new Number( blnStateIsDebug );
this.Culture= new String( sCulture );
with this call:
objFrm = new FormCheck( 'FormName', INFO | LOCAL | PARAM, sCulture );
Then in the instance methods of the FormCheck class, I wrap my alert boxes.
if ( this.ShowErrorAlert( this.PARAM ) ) // or whatever other value you want.
alert( sWhoAmI + "iArrayLength: " + iArrayLength );
alert( sWhoAmI + "blnBlank: " + blnBlank );
ShowErrorAlert does a bitwise "AND" to see if we have a match. We are also testing for ALL, and if that is passed originally, we are returning a true to show the alert.
FormCheckBase.prototype.ShowErrorAlert = function( iAlertBit )
var bitCompareResult = new Number(0);
var showMe = new Boolean(false);
bitCompareResult = (this.Debug & this.ALL);
showMe = ((bitCompareResult == this.ALL) ? true : false );
alert( showMe );
if ( showMe == true )
return showMe;
bitCompareResult = (this.Debug & iAlertBit);
showMe = ((bitCompareResult == iAlertBit) ? true : false );
return showMe;
I also did a couple of helper functions that would change the Debug var before I went into a method and reset it after I was done. Sometimes you might not want every single method to start showing alert boxes. So I did a SetDebugBits that sets the value of Debug and GetDebugBits that gets the current value of Debug. Call GetDebugBits first to store the current value, then call SetDebugBits to set it to whatever you want to use, and then make another call to SetDebugBits with the original value to set it back.
We mostly call our FormCheck constructor with the value of NONE, and then work on a method by method basis as we have lots of methods in the class.
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Feb 18, 2010
I want to display validation messages in a callout image like we display msgs in alert box function provided by the javascript. means for eg. if user doesn't enter a value in a field then i want to display msg like 'Field is required' in the popup callout image above the field itself.
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May 13, 2011
so here is my "Project" for this class
and here are the directions where im stuck at, just right click view source to see the code. I believe what i am doing wrong is where i enter my variables and i dont know how to get an alert message to pop up using an if statement as well as getting the values for the distances to show up correctly
8. Now we will write some JavaScript to validate the input. We don’t want the user to be able to enter the same origin and destination city when they book a ticket. So we will use an if statement to check that. If they have entered the same origin and destination city then we will tell them that by using an alert statement and make them select again. All of your code to validate the input code goes in between the single quotes of the onClick event in the Calculate Fare button. Follow these steps: a) Assign the value of the origin city to a variable called origin Note that the value that gets assigned to origin is actually 0, 60, 90, 120 or 150 (and NOT Bellingham, Everett, Seattle etc.) since the value we gave to the each element of the list was its distance from Bellingham. This will make our lives easier later when we compute the fare. b) Assign the value of the destination city to a variable called destination in a similar fashion. c) Write an if statement that will test whether origin is equal to destination and if it is then do two things. i. Issue an alert message that says input different origin and destination cities ii. Stop the execution of the JavaScript code in the onClick event. Use return; as the second statement inside the if statement. Remember to use curly braces to denote that two statements are contained within the if statement. Your if statement will have the following structure to it.
if (<put the test you want to do here>)
alert(<put the message here>);
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Mar 17, 2010
I'm trying to change the default required field message in the validation plugin from "This field is required" to simply "Required". I tried to do so like this:
but this isn't working. I'd prefer not to edit the actual code to change the message, although that is an option (but one that would mean constantly updating the message when the validation code is downloaded once again).
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