JQuery :: Place Plugin For Mutiple Elements Out There?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm searching high and low for a plugin and since my knowledge of what's available out there in way of plugins is pretty poor, I implore the assistance of [URL] I need a edit-in-place plugin that, when I click "edit", will open up the fields for two items at the same time, a title and a description. One save button, and two editable fields. Title and description should be separate fields, one field, one textfield. I've found tons of plug ins that do one item at a time, but not several.

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Jquery :: Place A Plugin Into Wordpress?

May 22, 2011

how to add a jquery plugin into wordpress. I've searched all over and can't find specific instructions...

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JQuery :: Get Decent Edit-in-place Plugin?

Feb 27, 2009

I'm looking for a decent edit-in-place jQuery plugin where clicking an "edit" link would put the editable elements on the page within a form, so users can edit the information and save.

All what I've found so far are plugins where the users have to click within the editable elements to enable the form fields, which isn't user friendly in my opinion.

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JQuery :: How To Add Content To Elements Created By Plugin

Mar 31, 2010

I'm using a plugin (asmSelect) that dynamically generates list items as the user chooses options from a select. I want to add additional dynamic content to each of the list items as they are created. How is this best accomplished? I thought I could delegate a 'load' event for the list items, but it looks like load events don't fire for content that's generated by JavaScript. (Delegating a 'click' event works, so I know I've got the code correct.)

What I want to do is basically equivalent to:
$('#testform').delegate('.asmListItem', 'load', function(){
custom_content = '<span>' + [calculated result] + '</span>';

Modifying the plugin to take the dynamic content doesn't seem like an option. The additional content will be different every time, so I can't just pass it as an argument when I initialize the plugin.

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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin - Only Display Certain Elements?

Dec 14, 2011

check the code snippet below:

<div id="Mu00">
<div id="Mu001"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">


NOTE jQuery load function is used to fetch the content for the <div> above.

Everything works (it displays the content that is fetched by jquery load function), but it also displays the literal HTML code "jQuery('#Mu001').load('http://www.myserver.com/page1.html');
" and "jQuery('#Mu002').load('http://www.myserver.com/page2.html');

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Prompt Box With Mutiple Messages

Aug 31, 2006

I'm trying to make a prompt where if a person types in their username, according to the name it will play a hello message with their name and have their own background.

The script so far looks like this, but I'm trying to make it work.

<script language="JavaScript">
name=prompt("Please Enter Your Name"");
if (name == "Ex1")
document.write("<html><head><title>Welcome " + name + "</title></head><body><EMBED src="sound1.ram"><h1>Hello, " + name + "</body></html>");
if (name == "Ex2")
document.write("<html><head><title>Welcome " + name + "</title></head><body><EMBED src="sound2.ram"><h1>Hello, " + name + "</body></html>");
if (name == "Ex3")
document.write("<html><head><title>Welcome " + name + "</title></head><body><EMBED src="sound2.ram"><h1>Hello, " + name + "</body></html>");

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Place A Text At Fixed Place On A Picture With Script?

Jan 19, 2011

Isn't it possible to place a text at a fixed place on a picture with javascript ?

The text will be AJAX updated...

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JQuery :: .corner.js Plugin Not Working With <input> Elements

Aug 25, 2009

I must have missed a bit of information, because I cannot get the jquery.corner plugin to work with <input> html elements. The following renders a rounded div but not a rounded input element in FF3, IE7, IE8, and in fact causes the input box border to disappear completely.


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How To Make Focus() To Mutiple Select

Nov 20, 2003

How to make focus() to mutiple select wit name "my_select[]" ?

for simple text I do

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Searching Arrays For Mutiple Conditions?

Oct 6, 2011

I'm got an application that uses (will use) 6 drop down boxes to filter through items stored in an array, if I can get a search system sorted out.At the minute i've tried a range of ways and I can't suss this out. At the minute its counting the number of entries that match the filter criteria but its not even getting that 100% right.I've tried using one big if statment 'if condition 1 && condition 2 && condition3 = true then' etc. I've tried nested ifs. t the moment I thought I'd try to dump the values of servos into a new array, that meet the criteia of the first if, then using another if, create another array and repeat this until only the servos that meet all 6 if conditions are stored inside one array that i can then set to display on screen. if there are no matches then i can display a 'none found' messageHeres my code, hopefully its commented enough to follow whats happening,

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JQuery :: Plugin Not Working After DOM Elements Are Dynamically Added And Removed?

Jan 12, 2011

I'm using the following plugin to include pagination functionality in my application In a nutshell I'm developing a map-based application using Google Maps. The markers that I display on the map and the corresponding information windows (infowindows) that are displayed when clicking on a marker are dynamically rendered from records in a database as the user moves around the map. So basically these DOM elements are dynamically removed and added throughout a user's sessionThe contents of these infowindows are what I need to paginate in cases where multiple markers are stacked on top of one another.

I call the paginate() function from the marker's click event handler if that marker's infowindow contains more than one DIV. It all works beautifully until the user triggers an event that causes the markers to redraw (e.g panning the map). Once the following happens the paginate() function mysteriously no longer works. 1. I click on a stacked marker that causes the paginate() function to execute 2. I then execute some event that causes the markers (and corresponding infowindow DOM elements) redraw3. I click on the same marker as was clicked in #1. No errors are generated and the paginate() function is definitely called but the pagination does not occur. I think it might have something to do with jQuery seeing the containing DIV's id as a duplicate ID? Could I be on to something there?

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JQuery :: Plugin Validate Freezes IE When Form Have Too Many Elements / Sort It Out?

Jun 9, 2011

I have a huge form working fine, I have many hidden fields inside some DIVs, and as the user marks aCheck-box, the DIVsappearshowing the fields accordingly, but there are two DIVs with more than a hundred inputs(text), the problem is that when those fields are enabled the validation freezes the browser. I'm using jQuery1.4.2 and the latest Validate.

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JQuery :: Validate Plugin: Message Being Displayed Even For Valid Elements?

Apr 2, 2011

I am calling a custom method to validate adate input element (this element is an array ). Upon validation, a message is displayed against each date input element, even if the others are valid. If one date element is invalid, all other valid date elements too show the message. How do I make sure that the error message is displayed only for the invalid element?

My formelement is defined as such:
<input name="order_date[ ]" size="10" type="text">
Here's the script:
<script type="text/javascript">


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Google Map Api V3 - Setting Mutiple Markers Using Checkboxes?

Mar 25, 2011

I was using a google map V2 API, but decided as it is deprectaed, to step up and use the latest version, and it is doing my head in. Basically all I want is a map, that has 5 checkboxes, checkbox1, checkbox2 etc... and if one or all is checked then a marker will appear on the map that I have location preset, the marker when clicked will show a little information and contain a url. I was able to get the map with the five markers completed using V2, but when I was researching how to use checkboxes, i kept being led to the V3 API. I think the Google documentation is pretty bad for this PAI, as there is tons and tons of information but none of it is explaing the simple things, like how to set mutilple markers in V3. It will instead show you how to create polygons using images and fancy stuff that is not essential.

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Google Maps & Mutiple Domains But One Site.

Jul 30, 2006

I have a site that uses 2 domains to forward to the IP no. (a .org.uk and .co.uk). The site uses the Google Map API for a map on the site, however the API key is locked to the individual domain (I do have two keys for both the domains). I found the following Javascript which is supposed to switch the key depending on the domain that is accessing the page.


if (window.location.host == 'www.domain1.com') {
type="text/javascript">' +
} else if (window.location.host == 'www.domain2.com') {
type="text/javascript">' +
} else {
alert("host ="+window.location.host);

but I can't get it to work, the page doesn't display any map (not even an alert) if I use this instead of the normal API key script.

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JQuery :: Event Handling DOM Elements After Ajax .load() - Cannot Bind Selector To ContextMenu Plugin

Nov 11, 2011

I'm trying to load some html content into a page via the ajax .load() method (wrapped within the $(document).ready() function).After I execute this, I'd like to bind all new span elements from the loaded content to a context menu plugin like this:

menu: ''myMenu''


Unfortunately since the span elements are coming from the ajax request,I don't think I can bind a normal event handler as per the plugin. [URL] how to use event bubbling in this situation.

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Place The Drop-down List In The Right Place?

Jul 23, 2009

I use a Time Date Picker Javascript code [URL]. It works fine with a placement problem. When you click one of the last pair input fields on the page, a drop-down list will appear from the input field. In my case, the drop-down list shows on the bottom of a page instead. I can't find the code controls the location of the list.

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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin [cycle] Terminating; Zero Elements Found By Selector?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm using the Cycle plugin to display images for some of my past projects onhttp:[URL]..projekteMy problem is that in Chrome i get the above error in console.([cycle] terminating; zero elements found by selector) I have tried manually initializing the Cycle plugin for every project div and that did not help so I went back to my initial code:


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JQuery :: Validate Plugin - Do Not Validate Hidden Elements?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a section of a form containing elements that are not visible, currently just in a hidden div. Some of these elements have validation on them so when the form is submitted it fails on this validation.What I am after is a way to stop the validation firing for any hidden elements. I have tried setting them to 'display: none' and 'visibility: hidden' but this does not have any affect.

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JQuery :: Call A Plugin Function From A Html File In Which The Plugin Is Running

Aug 18, 2011

I have a slideshow plugin and there is a function in it called stopAutoplay(). This is called when I click on the pre-defined pause button in the slideshow, so it stops.

If I switch between the slideshows(Slideshow 1 2 3) the slideshow is getting messier and messier because it starts many slideshows at the same time and the plugin gets confused what to show.

I figured if I click on the pause button before I switch to another slideshow it works fine. Therefore what I would like to achieve now is to call stopAutoplay() somehow before I switch to the new slides.

How can I call stopAutoplay() from the html file when I click on one of the slideshow 1 2 3 buttons?

I've tried the codes in green below but they don't work.

fadeSlideShow(); plugin pause function part:
stopAutoplay = function(){
intval = false;


If there is a better solution let's say to kill everything before the new slideshow appears it's even better. Although I've tried die(), empty(), detach(), remove(). I hoped remove() would help cause as I read it's suppsed to remove everything but for some reasons it doesn't...

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JQuery :: Creating An Extension Plugin To The UI Date Picker Plugin?

Jul 12, 2011

I am creating an extension plugin to the jQuery UI Date Picker plugin mostly to just standardize the options used, as well as to add an icon to open the calendar. I am aware of the plugin's use of an icon trigger, but this will not work, as I am using an icon in my sprite image and not wanting an additional request for a mere icon.

My plugin code:



This is where it really perplexes me as this code does work to produce the calendar icon. while I could get it to work this way, it is obviously not the better choice as it should be part of the extension plugin and not get repeated in all of my various implementations of the plugin.

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JQuery :: Making The Cookie Plugin Work With The Colorpicker Plugin?

Aug 31, 2009

I'm trying to take the hex value chosen from a jQuery colorpicker plugin, and store it as a cookie using the jQuery cookie plugin. I just don't know the appropriate way to tie the two together.


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JQuery :: Validate Plugin - Localize My Validation Plugin In General ?

May 26, 2009

I need to localize my validation plugin in general. Hence I thought I have to override the default code with this one:

But it's not working. Another problem is, that I can't access input names like this > name="xyz[1]" Is there a way to do so?

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JQuery :: How To Add HTML To Current Place

Apr 4, 2011

I have the following code:
'<div class="Comment">' +
$.each(post.Comments, function (i, comment) {
}) + '</div>'
The document.write() is not working, it erase all the content of my page in fact. What I want is just write the HTML contained in 'comment.Description' for each iteration (comment.Description contains a DIV with multiple elements in it!)

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JQuery :: How Var Selector Fits In Place Of This

Jun 22, 2011

I have a small function which is not entirely correct. Although it produces correct results, syntactically it's wrong. Here's the function, then I'll explain.

function displayLabelErrors(selector) {
$(selector).each(function () {
var valError = false;
$('.validation-error', this
).each(function () {
if (!$(this).attr("isvalid")) {
valError = true;
$(this).toggleClass('input-error', valError);

The var 'selector' is an ID and can therefore only ever be 1 object. The foreach in blue isn't required and the red 'this' (context) should be the selector. The issue I have is when I remove the loop, I'm struggling to understand how the var selector fits in the place of 'this'. I've tried a few different ways and still failing.

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JQuery :: Place An Array Of 2 (or More) Objects Into A <ul>?

Aug 19, 2011

I know that I can retrieve the values from a single object and place them in a <ul> with the following code :

var employees = {
name: 'Mary Brown',


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