Posting New Array Values Based On Switch Cases
Jul 17, 2009
I was tasked with creating a CPA calculator in JavaScript. I am currently struggling with the part where I will convert the letter grades to Number (a=4 b=3 etc...). I have a switch case function that is working when I enter the spec. letter value, but it is not working when I try to use the array that I created. How I can get the total of the grade column to show up at the bottom after all the prompts have been run through and the letter grades have been converted to numbers.
<title>GPA CALCULATOR</title>
<style type="text/css">
<script language="JavaScript">
do { //beginning of do/while loop to make sure user enters their name
var userName = prompt("Please enter your name:", "")
} .....
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Jul 23, 2005
I have an associative array like this:
arr[x1]=30; arr[x2]=20;arr[x3]=40;arr[x4]=10;
I want the sort function to sort keys in ascending order of the values
on the right hand side with the following result:
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Dec 15, 2009
I am making a small image annotation tool for research purpose. I have many images shown to a <user> and the person has to click on the image to enter further information about the image.
I would like to POST information about the <user> which is same for all images and also some fields containing the image information to php page containing next level of processing (the page is again same for all image and takes the user and image information as POSTed information).
So I was wondering if there could be a javascript function which i can put like onclick=submitform(imgname, imgA etc.) which submits a FORM with user information (same for all images hence not passed) and image information (strings containing info abt the images e.g. name, quality rating etc.) fields to another php page.
I could put forms for each image but I am dealing with hundreds of images here.
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May 29, 2011
This is what I'm attempting at the moment, links is an array. Should this work? I understand that HTML headers cannot contain complex datasets like arrays, so what format is the data sent in? Ie. how do I decompose the array on the PHP end? Or is there a better way entirely of doing this?
type: "POST",
url: "",
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Sep 23, 2008
I would like to do a switch in javascript, with multiple values in the case. code...
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Oct 9, 2011
I have the following as a code for an image rotation on each click (with three images)... when I load the page the first image loads fine and I click on it twice and the other two images switch smoothly, but then click a third time to go back to the first image and it doesn't go back to the first image. here's the javascript:
var x=0;
function change() {
and heres the html:
<img src="pics/adv/chrebMs1.jpg" id="chrsc" alt="" onclick="javascript:change();"/>
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Feb 3, 2011
I am calling this javascript function:
var facing = "First";
function switchit(list){
if (list != facing){
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Sep 7, 2010
I know this does not work, but hopefully you can see what I am trying to do. Only the first value is tested, but I want all of them to be.
Pretend there are like 10 more cases with more numbers with them. Currently this will only text to see if x is 0 or 42. How do I get it to test for the other numbers?
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Mar 2, 2009
I want to create an associative array dynamically pulling the index values from an array (propertyArray); Associative array is created inside create function and then returned. But after it is returned, I cant use index names to retrieve values. It returns undefined as below code shows.
Code JavaScript:
var propertyArray=["a","b","c"];
function create(){
var array=[];
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May 10, 2009
function read()
var numbers = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++)
numbers[i] = document.test.checkboxName.value;
var counter=0;
I want to read the values of the checkboxs and store the vlaues into an array (there are more than 1 checkboxs) the form name is text and the names of the check box = checkboxname
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Apr 10, 2010
This one is throwing me off! Either I am making a stupid mistake or I'm doing it totally wrong I have an array, and I am trying to select unique values from it and assign it to another array. Here is the code:
var flag;
for (i=0;i<=pdfs.length-1;i++)
flag = 1;
for (j=0;j<=pdfs2.length-1;j++)
The problem is that the if (pdfs2[j] == pdfs[i]) statement ends up never being true. There are URL's to pdf files in the array. On the other side, if there is a much easier way to select unique values from an array, please feel free to point it out.
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Nov 9, 2011
I have the following array:
I would like to add up the common values so add all values of Android into one array so it becomes something like this: [["Android", 92]....]
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Mar 16, 2010
we have form of the following code
<form name="name" method="post" action="index.html">
<input type="text" name="1" size="40" maxsize="6">
<input type="text" name="2" size="40">
I want someone give me an correct example for the following cases
for 1st one
<input type="text" name="1" size="40" maxsize="6">
1- Make it accept only numbers
2- Make it accept only numbers and only 6 digits if less then gives error
for 2nd one
<input type="text" name="2" size="40">
1- Accept only letters with no numbers
for both 1 and 2
1- Can't write HTML codes within it
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Oct 30, 2009
I have a function which shows and hides a div. It's working perfectly. But when i add another syntax such as FileSystemObject and AJAX with it, the show/hide function won't work anymore. get it to work.
function showhide() {
document.getElementById("div").style.visibility = "visible"
// Ajax Function Below //
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Nov 9, 2011
Here is the code, here is loading 11 times the same page, "artsaved.php" when fading out ".userbutton,.menulabel"
Here in other page, doing almost the same is working correctly loading ONE time "spaint.php"
Don't know why is working and why is not working at all...
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Feb 28, 2010
I am having some issues using jQuery multi-select, it works fine but really lags when I have multiple instances (can crash the browser in some cases) am using jQuery 1.3 & jQuery 1.7 as the demo (have tried updating to the newer versions but problems persists)
I am using the following [url]
Does anyone have any idea to speed this up, or an alternative plugin that works a little better?
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Dec 19, 2011
I need to count if a hidden input has a .com , a .net or a .org.I am thinking I need to use a filter.there are many inputs that may have these values. I need to find a way to just countthe input values that have would I do this. Would I need to use the filter function in jquery?
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Jun 13, 2011
I have a form which contains a few drop down lists.The contents of the dropdown lists are dependent on each other and are populated via php scripts which are called each time a selection is made or changed by the user.When the view results button is clicked in the form I need the user to be directed to a specific page based on the selections they have made.The url of the page they need to be directed to is really based on what has been chosen in the first dropdown.
The subsequent dropdowns form variables that I need to be sent to the page so that the data the user sees on that page is if the user has chosen bikes then a specific manufacturer then a specific price range the page they will be sent to will be the bike.php page with all the manufacturer specific bikes in their chosen price range visible. Can anyone tell me the best way to go about doing this please?I had thought about using the php header script along with an if statement but how do I then go about getting the variables sent to the page to be recognised?
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Jun 13, 2011
I have a form which contains a few drop down lists.
The contents of the dropdown lists are dependent on each other and are populated via php scripts which are called each time a selection is made or changed by the user.
When the view results button is clicked in the form I need the user to be directed to a specific page based on the selections they have made.
The url of the page they need to be directed to is really based on what has been chosen in the first dropdown. The subsequent dropdowns form variables that I need to be sent to the page so that the data the user sees on that page is relevant.
ie if the user has chosen bikes then a specific manufacturer then a specific price range the page they will be sent to will be the bike.php page with all the manufacturer specific bikes in their chosen price range visible.
I had thought about using the php header script along with an if statement but how do I then go about getting the variables sent to the page to be recognised?
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May 2, 2011
I have a DatePicker , and a dropdown on my page. When the page loads, the datePicker shows the current month and assumes that no value has been selected in the dropDown. Once the dropdown is selected, I need to reload the datePicker based upon some data returned.
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Sep 26, 2010
I have a form that gets automatically filled based on the values returned by my php file. Then the form elements have their values filled.
Now the problem is, I have set few additional show and hide <div> tags based on the values of some other fields. So when the form loads, the <div> tag doesnt show up and stays hidden only as the event that activates it is based on the radio button's change event function.
So my question is, as the form loads, how can I have these <div> show/hide based on the default values of the text fields on which they depend upon....
jQuery(document).ready( function()
jQuery(".hidden, .error").hide();
This only gets activated when the radio button is changed but i want this to be checked on change as well as based on initial values... How do I do that ?
jQuery( jQuery("input[name='ssc_appear']") ).change
( function()
if ( jQuery("input[name='ssc_appear']:checked" ).val() == "yes" )
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Sep 3, 2011
I have an array of strings. Some of the strings have a continuation character at the end (in this case '='). What I need to do is append the element that contains that character (eliminating it) with the next element and reduce the size of the array by 1. My problem is arising (I used variations of split/join) when that character occurs someplace other than the end of the string. How can I check the last character in a string element and join it with the next string element? TIA. I can do it using brute force but am looking for something more elegant if possible.
for ($i=0; $i<$lines.length; $i++) {
if ($lines[$i].substr($lines[$i].length-1)=="=") {
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Apr 8, 2010
I am trying to get all the div tags in my page into an array but only the tags with the ID "image**". Below is what I came up with but this doesn't seem to work, even after googling a bit I couldn't find any solution. I can't seem to come up with a solution.
function divs() {
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
var ImageTags = [];
for (i=0; document.getElementsByTagName('div').length; i++) {
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Apr 13, 2011
Here is my code:
if (!goBook)
if (V == "*")[code]....
What I am trying to do is display a different image for each car type in the loop (eg carpic1, carpic2, carpic3 etc).
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Mar 24, 2010
Requirement: Build a dynamic table 2 columns wide with an undetermined number of rows based on an array.
I can build the table and everything works until I add an "if" statement into my script to handle "undefined" errors. Example below.
window.onload = fnInit;
function fnInit()
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Nov 3, 2011
My mission: Open/collapse TD cells based on items selected in a list box. Getting no response from jQuery so I've done something wrong but cant quite get there. Listbox 'mainselect' contains option values that refer to names of TDs in a table. When a mainselect option is clicked, it will toggle to open or close the referenced TD list box by option value. Does hide/show make a TD 'blank' or actually set it's width to '0'? I want it to close, moving other cells left.
<script src="jquery-1.6.4.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
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