Building A Dynamic Table Based On An Array?
Mar 24, 2010
Requirement: Build a dynamic table 2 columns wide with an undetermined number of rows based on an array.
I can build the table and everything works until I add an "if" statement into my script to handle "undefined" errors. Example below.
window.onload = fnInit;
function fnInit()
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Jul 23, 2005
What I'd like to do is have a dropdown box populated with data from a
database. Based on what you select from the drop down a table will be
generated (in this case a 3 column table) from another query to the
database. I will eventually want a way to select one of the rows from
the table, but for now I'd be happy with just generating the table.
I know it will have to deal with DHTML, dom documents, getElementID,
removeNode, recreating the node. What I am not sure about is how to
1) Dynamically create a table
2) Step 1 with data from a database (recordset)
Like I said, I'd also like to be able to select a row from the table.
I'd be happy with making the ros a radio group, though it would be
interesting to be able to select the row. I take it I'd use CSS to
highlight the row selected then.
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Oct 4, 2006
I have a form that has two radio buttons. When the first one is
clicked, I would like the page to refresh (keeping the form data in
tact) and then displaying 2 new fields that need to be filled out. If
the second button is clicked, I need the same thing to happen, only it
will display two different fields needing to be filled out.
Does anyone have code that will do this? Or is this even possible with
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Jul 5, 2011
I have a website which displays routes on a map. The data behind this is held in a MySQL database. What I want to do is to be able to click a button and the current route information would be download in a gpx file (xml variant) for that route, built from the database. I'm using shtml, Javascript and perl. Is it possible? The formatting of the data is not an issue. I am a real novice and have self taught enough to get where the site is today, so please be gentle.
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Aug 17, 2007
I've been trying just about every sort function I could google but they do not work becuase I am building the table I want to sort dynamically from XML - then appending it to the page using innerHTML. No HTML gets written to the page, hence there are no HTML values to iterate through to sort. Does anyone know a way to capture values that have been extracted from the XML file and then sort them based upon the users selection?
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Jun 21, 2010
i'm trying to build a small script for predicting Worldcup football winners. participants have to predict the teams in both the semi finals and final. a select menu with all participating countries will be given for 2 semi finals. suppose if a persons selects Argentina and Brazil for Semi 1, then the values of Final select menu should be Argentina and Brazil. Similarly for Semi 2, if Denmark and Italy selected, then the select menu for final2 should be Denmark and Italy.
my html (with only a few no. of countries is below:
<b>Semi Final 1:</b><select id="semi11" class="select menufield_101" name="semi11" onchange="ChangeValue(this);">
<option value="empty">Select a SemiFinalist</option>
<option value="Algeria">Algeria</option>
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Aug 16, 2010
point out where my logic is flawed in this? Or where my scripting is wrong?I'm trying to build a standard HTML table with 5 columns across and as many rows down as necessary, to fit all of the images in an array (brought into the DOM via PHP).My goal is to have rows of 5 columns that add on to accomodate up to 50 total images (10 rows).Here's my logic (flawed or not):*Look at the number of tems in the array*If the number is greater than 5, build one full row (of 5 <td>s)*Check again - is the number of items in the array greater than 10?*Build another row*If not, build a partial row, and fill in the rest of the <td>s (less than a full row) with blank spaces.The question is whether or not my logic is being represented in the javascript?unctions in <head>calls to function on lines 149-159Don't mind the formatting, I've blown it up so I can see what's going on.
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Feb 17, 2009
I want to build a dynamic list of items with jquery but am unsure how to add an index number to each of the items i create so that i can reference them to edit or delete them for example. So far, I have the following which just creates the items and appends or prepends them to the element depending on whether one item exists already. I just need a way of adding an attribute so I can then reference the current item when clicked and remove it. What would be the simplest method to use?
//create list items
if ($('.mylistitem').length) {
$('.myList-box').prepend('<div class="mylistitem"><div class="mylistitem-image"><img width="30" height="40" src="[URL]"/></div><div class="mylistitem-title">' + title + '</div><div class="mylistitem-options"><a href="javascript:removetitle();">Delete From List</a></div>');
} else {
$('.myList-box').append('<div class="mylistitem"><div class="mylistitem-image"><img width="30" height="40" src="[URL]' + titleid + '"/></div><div class="mylistitem-title">' + title + '</div><div class="mylistitem-options"><a href="javascript:removetitle();">Delete From List</a></div>');
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May 1, 2010
I have an array but I'm not exactly sure how to finish the build using an if statement. I have 6 elements and need the build to load a different top image for each array that loads that matches the specific element. Here is what I have but it only shows the first top image no matter what:
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="scrolling_popup/scrolling_popup.css" TYPE="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="scrolling_popup/scrolling_popup.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
var array = new Array();
array[0]='<a href="[URL]" target="_blank"><img src="[URL]" border="0" alt=""></a>';
array[1]='<a href="[URL]" target="_blank"><img src="[URL]" border="0" alt=""></a>'; .....
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Apr 1, 2010
I have several <img> lines in my markup that contain an onmouseover attribute, as shown below: <img id="flowersPic" class="queue" class="queue" src="media/flowers.jpg" onmouseover="playVideo('flowers.flv'); "/> . .<img id="animalsPic" class="queue" src="media/animals.jpg" onmouseover="playVideo('animals.flv'); "/> . .<img id="waterPic" class="queue" src="media/water.jpg" onmouseover="playVideo('water.flv');"/> . .</body>I want to use jQuery to build a standard JavaScript array of just the video names in the onmouseover attribute. So for the markup above the array would be the stringsflowers.flvanimals.flvwater.flvI expect the jQuery will be something likev=$(img.queue).??????.get();but I'm really not sure what should go in the ?????? area.
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Oct 13, 2009
I'm requesting a very large JSON dataset for a table via AJAX and I'm building it on the fly with JQuery. What would be the most efficient way to build it?
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Jun 29, 2010
how to populate a dropdown based on Another dropdown selection. This all should be a dynamic. Eg: I have two text boxes one is TechID and other is JOB ID. When I start typing Tech ID it suggests me the list of IDs which start with the input string i have put in Tech textbox. When i select the Tech ID the jobs associated to that Tech ID should be displayed in JOB ID text box as a dropdown list.
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Jun 7, 2010
I have a dynamic HTML table which gets populated by coldfusion and displayed in the page, I have a column called performace which holds numeric values. I need to select the top 3 best performace value in the column and then highlight the entire row in different colours (top 3 values for performance). Can any one help me in doing it?My server can run only Javascript and coldfusion, No Ajax/PHP.I need a complete set of code which such that I will add the script and it performs the calculating and highlighting part.
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Nov 12, 2010
I'm hoping this is possible or that there is an easier way to do this. I'm having an issue with displaying data from one array that contains information about users in a table that is controlled by a different array.Is it possible to do this or is this use of arrays to display the data the wrong approach?
The table is located on one webpage, I simply want to extract one piece of information that I have placed in the initial array as part of the login script that contains user information (for validation for login etc) and display it in a table on the new webpage that is opened as a result of successful validation of the user details. I'm completely stumped and after many attempts I just can't seem to get it to work.
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Sep 3, 2011
I'd like to be able to feed in a variable to the selector. for example, if i have the string "div" stored in a variable and want to select using that variable, the following code works:
var div = "div";
var id = "#option_" + div;
$(id).click( function() {
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Nov 8, 2005
A user will be able to choose a home for example based on criteria. The only requirement will be to choose a state. From their they can narrow down their search by the following (these will be dropdowns with options):
split bedroom
footage range
price range
sort by
1/2 baths
They don't have to choose in that order. I will have all that info in an access database.
So the user can choose a state then depending on what options they choose, all the other criteria adjust dynamicly, and if a user selects another criteria all the other criteria changes as well as the ones they may have already chosen, and so on. So basiclly when a user hits submit form they will always have a result.
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May 31, 2011
So i'm just getting into writing jquery. it's my first scripting language and first time in the field of programing. I have a general idea of what i want to do, but not so much how to get it done. Objective: I would like to change the class of a div "ActiveSelection" to the same name as the id of a clicked link in the "catalog" ul. Here is an example of the HTML
<ul id="catalog">
<div id="stage">
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Feb 22, 2010
I have a form on which two separate drop down values need to change based on which option the user selects at the top of the form ("dbt" refers to the remote database the results are pulled from);I have to stick to the names/ids otherwise the form will return an error.I've found examples that dynamically change ONE select list, but not two.
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Apr 2, 2009
Trying to get this code to work:
<script type=�text/javascript�>
function resizeframe()
var ff = parent.document.getElementById ?
As you can see, all I want it to do is set the frame row's height based on its content.
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Jul 23, 2005
Does anyone know of how I could dynamically resize an iframe based on
the content's height (for IE) so that no scrollbar appears for the iframe?
The content will be from a different domain. I have searched on the web and
have seen solution like this
function resize() {
var oframe = document.getElementById("frameID");
//var odoc = oframe.document; //(1)
var odoc = oframe.Document; //(2)
var obody = odoc.body;
oframe.height = obody.scrollHeight;
The html :
<iframe onload="resize()" src=http://different.comain.content border="0"
....... > </iframe>
I have seen 2 solutions on the web, the only difference being lines (1) and
(2) get substitued.
My browser is version IE 6.
It seems that the solution with line (2) works perfectly when the content is
from the same domain but gets a Permission Error if the domain is different.
When the content is from a different domain solution (1) does not give
Permission error, but instead the scrollHeight is significantly smaller
than the actual content. Even if the content is from the same domain it
still gives the wrong size.
So my question is
1) What is the difference between oframe.document and oframe.Document, why
does it give different results?
2) More importantly, how can I dynamically adjust the iframe size based on
the content height from a different domain?
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Oct 21, 2010
I'm currently working on an IE7 CSS fix for a rather large form. Long story short, I have each input wrapped in a div, all in the same class. What I need, is to have each div define a padding-right value that is equal to the width of that div. I'm fairly new to jQuery, so I'm in need of some help with the syntax. Here's what I currently have, but it keeps printing a padding-right value of "0".
$(this).css('padding-right', function() {
var w = $(this).width();
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Nov 25, 2009
I have a form that has a pretty complicated combo box - a user starts typing text, it queries a database for matches, and displays the results to the user. The user can then select the match they desire and it has a value id, which I am currently sending to a hidden field in the form. So, for example: user starts typing in a movie name, Seven - it returns Seven and user selects it. The form submits the id of the movie seven (say 12) to a hidden field.
Where I am stumped: Once a user selects a movie title, I have another drop down select box that is to display the available formats of the movie by querying my database based on the product id (12) and returning the available formats in the list:
I am pretty good at programming, but I cannot figure this out - how to make the select box fire and return results once the value for the textbox has been captured.
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Sep 22, 2010
I've been trying to figure this script out for awhile and I've hit a wall. Basically, what I want to do for my organization's website is to use JS to display an image containing our hours and have it change each day of the week.
The hard part (for me) is that there are certain days we're closed. Ideally, I'd like a separate "We're Closed" message to overwrite the image carrying our hours on specific days (major holidays like Xmas, New Years, Vet's Day, furlough periods, etc. etc.).
Here's the code I've managed to cobble together (I have a real basic understanding of JS, so I've been pulling scripts from sites offering free copy/pastecode):
For the most part, this code works just fine. However, if I jump my system clock to December 24, the "closure.png" comes up appears ALONGSIDE the hours image for that day of the week. In other words, I've got two images appearing right next to each other - that's not what I want.
How can I work the code in such a way that when a closure date comes up (in this case, 12/24), just the "closure.png" image shows up by itself?
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May 6, 2009
I have a dynamic jCarousel which pulls in JSON data from php, and prints out the list html. What I'm trying to do is set the carousel start item as a variable, which would find the item with the class ".active", and start with that item. The problem is that since the data is dynamic when it looks for the start item, the list hasn't yet been rendered, therefore doesn't find any class or list data. The code below works with a static list, but not dynamic. I think my options are (a) wait for carousel to load, then somehow set the "start" item after, or (b) after list loads auto-scroll to the item with class ".active".
Here's the code i'm working with for the dyamic list:
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
/* create an image slideshow from a JSON array using jcarousel */
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Mar 16, 2009
I have a content slider called "Codaslider" (ver 1.1 I believe) setup, and using CSS I have an absolute positioned image hovering above the slider at all times. The effect is what I want, where I have a static image of my company's product hovering above the content slider, and the background images slide around showing various features and such.
I would like to make it where the customer can click anywhere within the bounds of the content slider (including on top of the static image), and be able to follow the link for the image in the content slider.
For example, if the background image shows "New Features" or something similar, I want the customer to be able to click anywhere and get to the "New Features" page.
So basically, is there a way to dynamically set the URL that the static overlaid image points to, based on what page the content slider is on?
Here is the javascript that setups up the content slider:
Code javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
var theInt = null;
var $crosslink, $navthumb;
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May 1, 2006
I'd like to know if its possible to shift a select option field into a simple text field based on a check box filled by user.
I have an asp form that carries a few select options. One of them I'd like to permit free editing if the user selects a check box just biside the select option, so enableing free editing by user.
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