I am trying to populate a preview div with the content of a textarea. I have 2 textareas on the page. One with ID compose and another with ID profile_signature. Each has its own preview button named respectivly #profile_sig_preview and #msg_preview. however no matter which button is clicked the div is always populated with the content of the first textarea ie profile_signature. I tired setting up 2 divs so the content could be seperated but that did the same thing.
I am getting some problems with populating my drop down boxes. I create the drop down through dom object.when I call this function onClick event in a button its work fine and populate the records from database so it does't matter how many times you click the button its work fine and populate all rows. The problem start when I call this function in a loop like in php file its populate only last row. but I want to populate all rows.
I am using Moodle and need to make an amendment in one of the modules using a little bit of Javascript.
I have an array called [[Loacation]] I want to create a dropdown in an HTML from which will populate from this array. I could probably just about do it in php using the foreach command, but I need to be able to do it clientside using Javascript.
I am trying to populate inputs on a form from a select drop down list (with date being pulled from a mysql database). This is to allow for any changes that need to be possibly made.
Is this even possible? I've tried doing some internet research, and the books I picked up from the library don't seem to go into this at all, so I'm not even sure that what I want to do is possible. The only thing I can really seem to think is that i need to use onChange. But outside of that, i'm lost.
I have built myself an invoicing system and I am in the midst of upgrading it. Currently I have a dropdown box with all the items we sell in it and next to that a unit price text field. Currently you select the item and them manually type in the price. The issue is you have to know the price. What I want to do is once you choose an item it automatically adds the unit price. I am sure this is easy and have a funny feeling I have done this years ago. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great. An example or download code would be even better.
This is for a test, am not sure what they mean by "do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript":
instructions: When a user selects a date from the investment cycle drop-down box, the subsequent investment values must display the next three fiscal quarters.
Do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript. (empahsis mine...;-)
The subsequent quarters should be presented with checkboxes which are all unchecked.
Checkboxes in markup:
The values to populate the checkboxes (value and label) have to be hardcoded somewhere, no? what am I missing?
The second menu is populating correctly from the first menu. The third menu doesn't work because it is not pulling the cat1 & cat2 values. I suspect it is the "checkNew" function, which I tried (with limited Javascript knowledge) to copy and alter from the "checkSelected" function.
I have 2 drop down list that are populated through mysql. They both contain data upon initial page load. However when you select an option from drop down #1 it populates drop down 2 with data associated to it. Sometimes the 2nd drop down list has selected data already and I need it to be cleared back to the first option when the first drop down is selected.
the following code is what I use to populate the second drop down
I use ASP to write the arrays at the start of my page:
<script language="Javascript"> var ArrManu1 = new Array(); var ArrManu2 = new Array(); var ArrManu3 = new Array();
...to populate the second dropdown box. However, when the user selects the first option in the first dropdown box (therefore making the variable "Co" equal to 1), ((ManuArr[Co-1])[i-1]) is "undefined" - why doesn't it add "Bell" to the dropdown?
I have a dropdownbox with values. When the user selects a value and presses the button [add], this value is added to the textareabox. Now I like to create a function that will remove the selected value from the same dropdownbox from the textareabox when the user presses a button [remove]. Currently I check if the textareabox is empty and set the value from the dropdown to the textareabox. If it is not empty, it will add the value + a linebreak ( )
Example: <Select name="A"> <option value="" selected>select</option> <option value="123, xy; ">123, xy</option> (notice the space at the end after the [;] !)
I have a form which has a dropdown menu on it. The last option on the menu "other". When "other is clicked, I would like a textarea to become visible, so that the user can enter the new information. Does anyone know how I might do this?
Here is the html for the form:
HTML Code: Union: <select name="union" id="union"> <option value="choose">Choose One</option> <option value="ibew">International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers</option> <option value="ibt">International Brotherhood of Teamsters</option>
My script works ok in IE but not in firefox.Basically i have a dropdown list that onclick adds the values to a textarea field on same page. It works ok if you just select from the dropdown to begin.However as soon as you press a key with the cursor in focus of the textarea it disables the further addition from the dropdown.This doesn't happen in IE so it's probably a syntax error.'m new to all this and i search the internet to build the scripts by trial and error -this is my way of learning. Anyway here is the code;avascript:
function test(){ document.getElementById('taid').innerHTML+=document.getElementById ('selid').value;
Years ago I used to have a Javscript Dropdown Menu. When an option was selected whatever was in the Value="text here" would be displayed in either a <input> or <textarea>. I have looked all over and can't locate such a script. This type of setup is great for FAQs in chats and in forums.
How would i change back to the default length of textarea?
I have this comment area that after clicking submit i will append the new comment in the list of comments through ajax... i got one problem though, everything is working perfectly well except for the textarea that won't change back to it's default size...
The problem is that the textareawon't change back to it's default size // let's say that the default size is rows=3
I have a project where I need a selection of one dropdown menu may affect the select of multiple other dropdown menus on the same page.First, a table is generated, and within each row, it contains a dropdown menu. Assume: Rows A, B, C, etc..., and Dropdown selection: 1, 2, & 3If dropdown in Row A selects 2, then I want the selection of dropdowns in rows B & C to dynamically change to 2.And if in Row C user selects 3, then the selection in dropdowns in rows A & B should dynamically change to 3.
I just needed a simple dropdown. So what better solution than jquery right? Well, when I finished it, I tested it out and it works until you try to click a link in the dropdown. It then disappears. Not sure if theres something overlaying throwing it off but I didn't see anything in firebug.
Website: [url] (hover over the rentals link in the top nav)
I have code for autosuggestion while typing in a text box written in Javascript and PHP. When I start typing a number I get a list of matching numbers and I'm able to select one of them with the mouse click. Now I have an other text box which should display a list of numbers based on the selection from the first textbox.
On selecting abc(a) in first dropdown the 'a' must get selected in second dropdown,on selecting cde(b) second dropdown must have 'b' and so on,also the second dropdown value should be disabled(grayed out) for user.Need the code in javascript.
I have 4 strands of hair left... I have been fighting with this one for almost a week now. I'm trying to pass the value of this dropdown to a function and enable another dropdown(and in the future create the populated dropdown based on this choice). If the original 'Select...' option is chosen it will then hide that second dropdown. In the following code the function actually resides in a js file which has been imported and is working properly. I have tried this as text and as value and both seem to be passing a null value regardless of the option selected.
I am trying to populate a listbox using Javascript. The listbox is populated using the xml response from ajax request. But i am facing performance issue here. some ajax requests retrieves xmls with around 11,000 nodes and this takes too much of time to populate the listbox.
Am trying to populate my second list box from the 1st. I have done the folowing code, iam trying to call a function in the onchange event of my 1st listbox, but it does not change the URL :( however if i manually change my URL then the thing works fine.