I am creating a small CMS module for a client. I created a little form and when they click Submit, it goes straight out into an include (.inc) file, which is connected to the web page to be displayed.
The trouble I am having is that I'd like to create an additional button that will insert some text (certain html tags to make their life easier, etc) - I got it to work, actually. The script executes and the text is inserted - but once the script runs and the page refreshes (or whatever it does), the text then disappears. The only way I can seem to get it to stay put is when I use "onmouseup" instead of "onclick" - which means that every time the user accidentally mouses over the thing, it inserts the text.
I have a dropdownbox with values. When the user selects a value and presses the button [add], this value is added to the textareabox. Now I like to create a function that will remove the selected value from the same dropdownbox from the textareabox when the user presses a button [remove]. Currently I check if the textareabox is empty and set the value from the dropdown to the textareabox. If it is not empty, it will add the value + a linebreak ( )
Example: <Select name="A"> <option value="" selected>select</option> <option value="123, xy; ">123, xy</option> (notice the space at the end after the [;] !)
I have a form which has a dropdown menu on it. The last option on the menu "other". When "other is clicked, I would like a textarea to become visible, so that the user can enter the new information. Does anyone know how I might do this?
Here is the html for the form:
HTML Code: Union: <select name="union" id="union"> <option value="choose">Choose One</option> <option value="ibew">International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers</option> <option value="ibt">International Brotherhood of Teamsters</option>
My script works ok in IE but not in firefox.Basically i have a dropdown list that onclick adds the values to a textarea field on same page. It works ok if you just select from the dropdown to begin.However as soon as you press a key with the cursor in focus of the textarea it disables the further addition from the dropdown.This doesn't happen in IE so it's probably a syntax error.'m new to all this and i search the internet to build the scripts by trial and error -this is my way of learning. Anyway here is the code;avascript:
function test(){ document.getElementById('taid').innerHTML+=document.getElementById ('selid').value;
Years ago I used to have a Javscript Dropdown Menu. When an option was selected whatever was in the Value="text here" would be displayed in either a <input> or <textarea>. I have looked all over and can't locate such a script. This type of setup is great for FAQs in chats and in forums.
<select id="pickone"> <option id='first_time_user'value ='First Time User'>First Time User</option> <option id='frequent_flier'value ='Frequent Flier'>Frequent Flier</option> <option id='buying_a_degree' value ='Buying a Degree'>Buying a Degree</option> </select>
Im trying that when i click a submit button, I can add a certain element to each of those options. Does anyone know how? I want to display an alert for option[0] and for each option[1] and option[2], i want to multiply a total_cost feature by a percentage, 0.75 for option[1] and 0.5 for option[2]
I have a verticle dropdown menu, which works nicely. The problem is when the window is resized the menu and submenu stay's in it's fixed position, this means that user has to scroll down the page to access bottom links of large submenus. Is there a way to make the menu's shift up depending on the elements in them and the size of window or even have a scroll bar.
I am trying to add a dropdown list with the point values 1, 2, 3 ,4.If I use the number 1 from the dropdown for the first question, I need it to not allow the user to use that value again for questions 2, 3, and 4.
1. first I have a link for something that works but I want to work better:
The dynamically resizing textarea boxes are in light orange. They work, but they are rather jerky and you see some "bounce" when adding or removing lines -unlike Face Book which doesn't do this. Can anyone propose a better coding system that is smoother AND less processor intensive?
2. If you really do UNDERSTAND javascript at the programmatic level I'd be interested in having you work regularly for me, but I think I might need to post that in another forum. I'm a PHP programmer, and because I don't understand the JS Kernel and how it thinks, I'm always chasing my tail on it.
What I need to do is create a simple wiki editor. A user will be able to type <html> code and click submit. onclick a new window will appear with the html page that they typed
My problem is I am grabbing the textarea by its Id but when it opens the new window it is displaying the Id of the textarea, not the actual information inserted into it.
I try to created a function to (Add Text into <textarea>), but the problem is that if I click on the button again it keeps adding " - New Text" again and again, while it suppose to be stopped and be added only once.
I'm working on setting up a "Send this link to a Friend" page. The page has a couple of inputs and a textarea. I have some default text in the textarea that is populated at the time of page load. What I would like to do is replace the "Dear Friend" in the textarea with the name of the friend once it is entered in the input. Code:
Does anyone know if its possible to left-justfy text in a <textarea>? I can do left justify with a simple style declaration, but can't find any reference anywhere to a left justify as can be done.
End result: I want to have buttons along the top of a textarea which will be used to add tags around highlighted text / the text curser thingy. (Basically it will be an edit box like the I am using now to make this post).
Problem at the moment: I want to reference the var to use in the function. e.g.
function addtext(id) { var al = "<div style="text-align:left;"></div>"; document.myform.outputtext.value += id; }
"id" will be defined as "al" in the HTML onclick function, I want this to use "var al" where it says ".value += id;".
<form name="myform"> <textarea name="inputtext">Type Here
I'm about to build a custom CMS using PHP, but I was hoping to add text formatting (bold, italic and maybe inline links) to a textarea in a secure admin section.
I was wondering whether it's possible to use Javascript to allow the user to highlight some text and click a button which will cause the script to write the appropriate HTML tags into the textarea.
i'm creating a ASP page, which is going to have a form in it that needs filling out. part of the form will be a table with a header row, then the next rows will have text boxes that need filling out. is there a way of putting in a dropdown box that contatins numbers that will dynamically show the rows. for example if i select 5, then five rows of text boxes will appear. if i select 14 then 14 appear.
I have a webpage I've been working on and it utilizes jQuery Autoscroll. You can view it here [URL]
I'm having a problem and I can't figure it out.
I have a text area. I can put text into it and it will scroll. However, when I go to File>new window to create a new identical but separate webpage the text which I just typed into the autotext area doesn't get copied over. Everything else does. Why is that? How can I fix it so that it will copy over.
Is this a JQuery issue or is it more of an html issues.