Automatically Populating Another Field From A Dropdown
Oct 4, 2010
I have built myself an invoicing system and I am in the midst of upgrading it. Currently I have a dropdown box with all the items we sell in it and next to that a unit price text field. Currently you select the item and them manually type in the price. The issue is you have to know the price. What I want to do is once you choose an item it automatically adds the unit price. I am sure this is easy and have a funny feeling I have done this years ago. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great. An example or download code would be even better.
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May 6, 2010
I am getting some problems with populating my drop down boxes. I create the drop down through dom object.when I call this function onClick event in a button its work fine and populate the records from database so it does't matter how many times you click the button its work fine and populate all rows. The problem start when I call this function in a loop like in php file its populate only last row. but I want to populate all rows.
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Jun 24, 2010
I am using Moodle and need to make an amendment in one of the modules using a little bit of Javascript.
I have an array called [[Loacation]] I want to create a dropdown in an HTML from which will populate from this array. I could probably just about do it in php using the foreach command, but I need to be able to do it clientside using Javascript.
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Feb 25, 2010
I am trying to populate a textarea using a dropdown menu.
The code I have tried doesn't seem to work,
<script type="text/javascript">function updateTextBox(val)
if(val == "1")
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Jul 20, 2010
I am trying to populate inputs on a form from a select drop down list (with date being pulled from a mysql database). This is to allow for any changes that need to be possibly made.
Is this even possible? I've tried doing some internet research, and the books I picked up from the library don't seem to go into this at all, so I'm not even sure that what I want to do is possible. The only thing I can really seem to think is that i need to use onChange. But outside of that, i'm lost.
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Mar 23, 2011
This is for a test, am not sure what they mean by "do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript":
instructions: When a user selects a date from the investment cycle drop-down box, the subsequent investment values must display the next three fiscal quarters.
Do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript. (empahsis mine...;-)
The subsequent quarters should be presented with checkboxes which are all unchecked.
Checkboxes in markup:
The values to populate the checkboxes (value and label) have to be hardcoded somewhere, no? what am I missing?
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May 25, 2009
The second menu is populating correctly from the first menu. The third menu doesn't work because it is not pulling the cat1 & cat2 values. I suspect it is the "checkNew" function, which I tried (with limited Javascript knowledge) to copy and alter from the "checkSelected" function.
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Dec 29, 2010
I have 2 drop down list that are populated through mysql. They both contain data upon initial page load. However when you select an option from drop down #1 it populates drop down 2 with data associated to it. Sometimes the 2nd drop down list has selected data already and I need it to be cleared back to the first option when the first drop down is selected.
the following code is what I use to populate the second drop down
type: "POST",
data: "company=" + $(this).val(),
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Jan 26, 2011
What am trying to do is when i select from Switch field I want Vendor to auto populate with $name. Below is the code that i am useing
PHP Code:
<select name="Switch" id="Switch" >
while ($row_getSwitches = mysql_fetch_array($getSwitches))
$id = $row_getSwitches['Switch'];
$name = $row_getSwitches['Vendor'];
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Sep 5, 2009
I want to have an input text on the top of the page that when I type in a series of numbers and hit submit, it populates the rest of the form.
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Aug 20, 2010
I have 5 Numeric fields in my from, I am using onkeyup to check for numeric values only, now I have a total field also. I would like to have a sum of the values entered in the 5 fields to be shown automatically on this total field.
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Sep 2, 2009
If member clicked 'remember me' on confirm alert after entering the loginid and password, browser will save this information. But if some other clicks on register/join on the same browser, the login and password fields are populating by default. If member didn't say 'remember me', like saying 'not now' or 'never for this site', it is not populating. Note: Both the form names have the same name. Is there anyway to fix it without changing the form name.
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Nov 10, 2011
I have an application with many fields over several pages. After hitting Load, a Summary field is filled (via Javascript) with all the input from the various fields. This is working perfectly. Is it possible to make a button that, when clicked, will open the user's email client with the body filled in with the contents of this Summary field? Obviously the field will need a unique ID so JS can target it, I'll use onClick, and I'll need the mailto: tag, but I don't know what syntax to use to put it all together. Also, the script should check to make sure the field is full (they should tap on "Load" first), so the length of Summary needs to be checked. Only the Safari browser will be used for this.
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Aug 22, 2006
I have a form that has a drop down. In the drop down are items the person can select, then next to the drop down there is a link to add an item if the item is not listed in the drop down. That link is a popup window for the person to add a new item.
My question is, is there a way that after the person adds the item via the pop up the popup window closes and the drop down is now showing the new item they selected without losing all their form data they already entered??
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Oct 18, 2010
I have a flash game that passes a score via URL string i.e.(URL) and I want it to populate the "value" of this hidden form field (<input type="hidden" name="Score" value=""> ), but I dont know where to begin. The form is in an HTML doc and not within flash, if that makes any difference.
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Feb 27, 2009
I just know basic HTML & CSS. However, was working on a project that would require a little javascript. It's for a travel agency and the idea behind it is there is a "booking page" that is basically an html form with a bunch of hidden values (like the destination airport code, the origin airport code, etc). The only thing a potential customer has to do is use a selection list and pick the dates available for that travel sale and hti submit. However, there's a new promotion coming out next week where if you book to travel for certain dates, you can use a promo code to save $100 on your vacation. What I would like to know is if there is anyway I can use javascript so that if a person selects the promotional dates, it auto-populates the promotional code text field.
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Oct 1, 2009
I have a table set up with a .click() function on each row sothat if it is clicked on, a class is added to the row thus changingthe background, etc. I was wondering if there was is a way to takethe id of the row that was clicked and populate a hidden field withit. What would I need to include in my .click() function for this towork?Here is my current one:
$("tr").click(function () {
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Mar 30, 2010
Open SELECT dropdown list automatically. I want to simulate a user click or ctrl + up/down on a select drop down list. I tried various ways using create event object and click on the list but list does not drop down.
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Oct 23, 2009
I currently have a javascript drop down menu. and when the browser window is too small the menu moves for it to be visible. For example, if I hover over a link on the bottom of my site the menu will drop up instead of down.
Well I noticed because of the size of one of my monitors, the menu drops left instead of right and I want to know how to stop it from going left.
My JavaScript Code is:
Code JavaScript:
//** AnyLink JS Drop Down Menu v2.0- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library: [url][/url]
//** Script Download/ instructions page: [url][/url]
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Aug 7, 2009
I want to create a javascript function where I have a dropdown list and onChage I want to update a txt field with the current date in the dd/mm/yyyy format.
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Apr 16, 2010
I am trying to populate a modal form with information from a MySQL database, the text is inserted into a DIV with a PHP WHILE loop, like so:
<?php while ($linkDetails = mysql_fetch_assoc($getLinks)) {?>
<div class="linkBox ui-corner-all" id="linkID<?php echo $linkDetails['id'];?>">
<div class="linkHeader"><?php echo $linkDetails['title'];?></div>
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May 10, 2009
I use ASP to write the arrays at the start of my page:
<script language="Javascript">
var ArrManu1 = new Array();
var ArrManu2 = new Array();
var ArrManu3 = new Array();
[Code].... populate the second dropdown box. However, when the user selects the first option in the first dropdown box (therefore making the variable "Co" equal to 1), ((ManuArr[Co-1])[i-1]) is "undefined" - why doesn't it add "Bell" to the dropdown?
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Jul 23, 2005
can I have a field automatically clicked by calling something like
click()? I have a dropdown box, one of whose elements is "Others (Please
Specify)". I list the dropdown boxes values alphabetically.
Sometimes, this value happens to be on the top and SELECTED. The problem
is that if this item is selected by clicking on it, in response to
onChange I open a text field (so user can specify the value). If this
field is automatically selected, the text field des not show; I have to
select another value then click on the "Other (please Specify)" to have
the text field visible.
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Mar 4, 2009
Basically, I've setup a form to have all the required data written to a csv file. Now, The only thing is some of the non-required fields are filled in and some people don't fill them in, so when I import it into excel, the fields move about. What I need to know, is there a condition I can set to have a value written into all the empty fields when it is submitted?
Here is where I am with that so far:
if (app100.address2.value == "") {
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Aug 1, 2009
I am developing a site with Dreamweaver CS3 and have a little knowledge of HTML.
I need a solution for the following:
Visitors can come to my site through a referrer for ex: [url]
The referrers information (cesar017) should be prefilled automatically in a form field on another page than the index page. This means the visitor first can look around on the other pages of the site and then go to the page with the form.
I dont use a database at this moment, I only want a certain field automatically prefilled with the referrers info from the URL for ex : <input type= hidden -or text- name= partner id= partner value= ""/> In this case the field should have the value=cesar017
I understood this can be solved with Javascript or PHP and cookies, but I nearly dont know anything about this and Dreamweaver has not automated this function.
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Aug 2, 2009
I am developing a site with Dreamweaver CS3 and have a little knowledge of HTML.
I need a solution for the following:
Visitors can come to my site through a referrer for ex: [url]
The referrers information (cesar017) should be prefilled automatically in a form field on another page than the index page. This means the visitor first can look around on the other pages of the site and then go to the page with the form.
I dont use a database at this moment, I only want a certain field automatically prefilled with the referrers info from the URL for ex : <input type= hidden -or text- name= partner id= partner value= ""/> In this case the field should have the value=cesar017
I understood this can be solved with Javascript or PHP and cookies, but I nearly dont know anything about this and Dreamweaver has not automated this function.
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