I have a form that has a drop down. In the drop down are items the person can select, then next to the drop down there is a link to add an item if the item is not listed in the drop down. That link is a popup window for the person to add a new item.
My question is, is there a way that after the person adds the item via the pop up the popup window closes and the drop down is now showing the new item they selected without losing all their form data they already entered??
Im trying to create a hidden form field in a parent window from within a child window (popup). I am trying to use jQuery, but unfortunately the hidden field does not get created.
I am created a site where personal messages will be sent to other members. To do this I want to allow users to either type in the users seperating their name by ; (ie Joe Bloggs; Michael Jackson; Fred Flintstone). or alternativly have a popup box where all the names on the database are displayed in a list with a check box next to the names. I will be using PHP to interact with the database and know about this
My problem is getting details from the popup box and displaying them in the text field on the main browsers form? So if in the popup box the user checked Michael Jackson's name how would I get Michael Jackson to dispaly in the main browers field (input name ="to")?
If member clicked 'remember me' on confirm alert after entering the loginid and password, browser will save this information. But if some other clicks on register/join on the same browser, the login and password fields are populating by default. If member didn't say 'remember me', like saying 'not now' or 'never for this site', it is not populating. Note: Both the form names have the same name. Is there anyway to fix it without changing the form name.
I have built myself an invoicing system and I am in the midst of upgrading it. Currently I have a dropdown box with all the items we sell in it and next to that a unit price text field. Currently you select the item and them manually type in the price. The issue is you have to know the price. What I want to do is once you choose an item it automatically adds the unit price. I am sure this is easy and have a funny feeling I have done this years ago. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great. An example or download code would be even better.
I have an application with many fields over several pages. After hitting Load, a Summary field is filled (via Javascript) with all the input from the various fields. This is working perfectly. Is it possible to make a button that, when clicked, will open the user's email client with the body filled in with the contents of this Summary field? Obviously the field will need a unique ID so JS can target it, I'll use onClick, and I'll need the mailto: tag, but I don't know what syntax to use to put it all together. Also, the script should check to make sure the field is full (they should tap on "Load" first), so the length of Summary needs to be checked. Only the Safari browser will be used for this.
I have a flash game that passes a score via URL string i.e.(URL) and I want it to populate the "value" of this hidden form field (<input type="hidden" name="Score" value=""> ), but I dont know where to begin. The form is in an HTML doc and not within flash, if that makes any difference.
I just know basic HTML & CSS. However, was working on a project that would require a little javascript. It's for a travel agency and the idea behind it is there is a "booking page" that is basically an html form with a bunch of hidden values (like the destination airport code, the origin airport code, etc). The only thing a potential customer has to do is use a selection list and pick the dates available for that travel sale and hti submit. However, there's a new promotion coming out next week where if you book to travel for certain dates, you can use a promo code to save $100 on your vacation. What I would like to know is if there is anyway I can use javascript so that if a person selects the promotional dates, it auto-populates the promotional code text field.
I have a table set up with a .click() function on each row sothat if it is clicked on, a class is added to the row thus changingthe background, etc. I was wondering if there was is a way to takethe id of the row that was clicked and populate a hidden field withit. What would I need to include in my .click() function for this towork?Here is my current one:
I am trying to dynamically open a popup window but ie8 blocks it with the popup blocker. basically within a ajax fuction I have a confirm button and if the user clicks yes it opens a popup window. now I tried it with a javascript function but it got blocked, so I have tried it by creating a form with a button in it and instead of calling the popup function direct I call document.form.button.click and in the form my button has onclick"popup('<? echo url; ?>')" but this also is detected as a unwarranted popup and is blocked.
now I understand that the popup blocker works when a popup is called without user interaction, but allows popups on say button clicks. how can I get the popup to work
In my application i use window.showmodaldialog() to pop up a window. When i run it in IE pop up blocker wont blocks the window... But when run it in FireFox pop up blocker will blocks the pop up window.. is there any way to open a window with out blocking(avoiding ) by the pop up blocker?
I have a popup window which has the search form in. What I want to do is for the popup window to close once the form is submitted, and to post the form data to a page on the main window.
Is anyone able to advise. As the main page is dynamic, it is not possible to give the page a name.
I have a couple of utility windows - a calculator and a calendar that popup from my main window. I would like them to always stay in front of the parent window until they are shut down with there own close buttons. As it is, when you click back to the parent window, of course it comes in front of the child windows. Can I do this?
I need to open a popup window from a PHP site and pass in some parameters to use in the pop up window. I have the params in an input box and need to get the val of the box into a param and pass it to the new popup window. All pages are local and in the same folder. The id of the input box is 'ddutykey'. The name of the new window would be showduty.php if possible.
I have the code below in my popup window which currently brings up a blank page in the background as the main window. Instead I want the popup to come up but the original page I left is in the background as the main window. Does anyone know how I can do that with the code I currently have.
<html> <head> <title>JavaScript Popup Example 3</title>
I have a form that is in a popup window. I need the form to submit to the opener window. Is is possible to do that? The opener window is the main window so it is does not have a name and there are no framesets.
<form action="something.php" method="post" target="????"> I'd like to use window.opener in the target but that's JavaScript...
I know somebody has done this before and has the code.
I am trying to insert the value of a variable gathered from a popup window as an option in a <select> menu on the main window. This is the code I have so far:
Code: var newOption = document.createElement("option"); newOption.value = '<?=$userfile_name?>' newOption.appendChild(document.createTextNode('<?=$userfile_name?>')); select.insert(newOption);
How do I do the rest? I just want to add this new value to the end of the list.
I need the most efficient way of passing a variable from a parent window to a popup window.The reason i say "most efficient" is because i currently do it like this from the parent:[code]But this is inefficient because at times it randomly alerts "undefinded".Anyways, can someone tell me a more fail safe way to pass a var to a popup so that i will be able to access it 100% correctly.
how I can populate the value of an input field on a parent window from a selected item (of a form - listmenu) on a pop-up window? Basically, I need to pass the value of one form to another form located on a different page...
I have a popup window that comes up when a user doesn't have access to a certain page within my site. The problem is when a user clicks on something the popup window comes up but the bigger sized window of that popup comes up in the background as well. I am trying to have my popup window come up while the original page I clicked from is still focused/seen in the background. This is the code I currently am using, can anyone help me with what I am missing. I have a back button but I won't need that if I want to maintain the original page in the background. Instead I will use a close button.
I am building a CMS and will have an Image browser built with it. When articles are added the will be able to open up the image browser when they find the image they want to insert I would like to send it(and ID from my database) into that textarea where the article is in(in the main window). So basically sending a value from popup to the main window(textarea). Is there a way i can do it.
how to pass a value from radio button in a window to a popup window using asp javascript?n in the popup window,there is a textfield to enter data to search from database.. the value from the textfield then is used to generate report.