I need to alert the answer 31 but keep getting 34. It has to go like this ticket*reward+cost. It would be 24+4+3=31. I would need to times the tickets by rewards then add the cost after. How would I alert this? code...
Code: <script language="JavaScript"> var checkobj function agreesubmit(el){[code]....
i need to make it like if the button is clicked and there the agreement checkbox is not checked.. it should give an alert that the alert is not checked.. i know that would require a if and else statement but i cant figure out how to do it
I am obviously new to Javascript, etc me by pointing out what is wrong with my code while changing as little as possible ... and if you could also please explain the part that says code...
as I copied that portion from someone and I really don't understand it. code...
I have created a checkDelete function to ask the user if he wants to delete the selected entries from a database. The problem is that choosing cancel still deletes those entries. This is the function code...
m just a beginner in java scripting.I just made the following code for calculating the factorial of a number [code] however when i try to run it the result is not displayed in the field.
I already found some cool stuff here, but I'm looking for a script that, if somebody send me a e-mail, he/she automaticaly receive a reply from me, including a required access code.
I am trying to place a Body Mass Index Calculator on a web page. I need a prompt box that asks the user to enter their weight and height (in pounds and inches, respectively). The box should calculate BMI as follows:BMI = (Weight / (Height * Height) ) * 703;After the BMI is calculated, I would like the box to display the user's status (obese, overweight, normal, underweight). After the user has entered all information, use the document.write function to display the following, with the customized information:
The application works fine but it makes the user enter the answer twice before it brings up the question "Would you like to continue?". I thought the fix would be to just call "myMH.checkAnswer(studentAnswer);" straight from the method in the "appclass" but that didn't fix it I m so lost on this problem. This problem most likely is right in front of my face but don't see it lol. I have another question as well but I think if I get this one figured out first it might answer my other one.
My program generates 10 random questions with random wrong answers in radio and one correct answer also in radio. When I click checkAnswer it should check the right answer and compare to the user provided answer. Please check out isCorrect() function (and see comment). I tried diff things and couldn't get the value out from the radio checked value.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Experiments with Simple Objects.</TITLE> <SCRIPT Language="JavaScript"> <!-- checkedResults = 0 checkSummary = 0 questions = new Array() for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { .....
I am working on a calculator page for a clients site. I am using dreamweaver and form calculator made by Kaosr as behavior / plugins in dreamweaver. The way I have it set up is first the user enters some numbers in boxes, clicks a get refund now button and a div element appears with the answer. The whole calculator works..but I cant get the answer to appear in currency format. I've found tons of applets for javascript that change it into currency format upon clicking a button or clicking elsewhere on the page.. but none that automatically will make a text box display currency when the answer appears..
ser is able to create queries and issue them. The query is sent to the web-app by means of an ajax call. Then, the server computes the result set and a small subset (100) of tuples are sent back to the client for visualization.
These thing works with queries that are simple and do not require to the database long computations. As soon as I try a more complex query (computation requires ~ 7secs), the answer returned to the client is empty.
I suspect that this is a problem of timing out the connection, is that possible?
(edit) I have almost forgot, I'm using Prototype as JS library
I am relatively new to Java and am going to be taking a class on it next fall. For now though, I am trying to code for a client I am currently working with and am hopelessly lost. The client I am working with has an ecommerce site with Network Solutions which uses aspx. It allows you to code html and link to css, java (pretty much anything except php). The problem I am having is that they currently have their product descriptions coded in div tags:
What they want to happen is for the sections that have 'Not Available' as the answer to not show up on the live page. I have tried to use <ns:if condition="..."> but do not know how to call for it to see if the div says 'Not Available'.
i am facing a problem after using jquery jconfirm alert. Issue is that after receiving confirm alert, when user press tab to go on Cancel button and press Enter key there, despite of firing event of Cancel button, it fires the event of OK button. this issue is not produced when user press the cancel button by mouse. Waiting for your replies.
I am trying to set up a simple web page that requests two inputs and upon these input, determines and angle (basically taking a Spur Gear Pitch � and threads pitch to get a cam angle). Here is what I have but it is not working. I actually want it to work onClick of a button but I can deal with that later. I just am not sure how to get this to work properly.
<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function getCirc(dia){ return dia*Math.PI; } function getRad(x,y){ [Code]....
php page is echoing out:{"species":"Please select a species!"} I double checked the response from the php and firebug shows the same. On success alert is not alerting the JSON data instead, I'm receiving [object Object]. Why is that and how do what should I do to fix this?
I'm currently working on MySQL/PHP/JavaScript project using AJAX. I came across some weird abnormality .for some reason alert(textarea2); shows nothing but if I place another alert(textarea2); right after the first one it works, second pop-up contains responseText....also I've tried alert(resp.responseText); it worked fine,
new Ajax.Request("categories-inset.php", { method: 'get', [code]....
I need to have three text boxes, user will enter a number in each box.Then i have four buttons, add, subtract, divide and multiply.When i click on each button, the numbers in the first two text boxes should match the answer in the third text box.ex. (first box has a 4, second box has a 4, and the third box has an 8. if i click the add button, i should get a "correct" answer in the div below with a green background and if i hit the multiply button the div should say "wrong" with a red background.
Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>[code].....