Ajax :: Response Is Empty Whenever It Takes Some Time To Answer

Sep 15, 2009

ser is able to create queries and issue them. The query is sent to the web-app by means of an ajax call. Then, the server computes the result set and a small subset (100) of tuples are sent back to the client for visualization.

These thing works with queries that are simple and do not require to the database long computations. As soon as I try a more complex query (computation requires ~ 7secs), the answer returned to the client is empty.

I suspect that this is a problem of timing out the connection, is that possible?

(edit) I have almost forgot, I'm using Prototype as JS library

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JQuery :: Ajax - Always Getting Empty Response?

Aug 27, 2010

I am making a call like -

$('#display').load(adnwurl, function(response, status, xhr) {

And also tried with -

function(data) {[code]...

In both the cases I am getting an empty response instead of expected html response.If I just copy paste this adnwurl in browser, I do get a proper html response. Its not working with ajax call.

adnwurl = "http [url]...site_id=4764&partner_id=70606a913077034c&timeout=5000&version=1.5&language=jsp&format=wap&testing=1&target_params=AGE=>29||DOB=>1981-08-[code]....

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JQuery :: Get And Ajax Function Returns Empty Response?

Sep 27, 2010

The goal is to change the source on the fly (as with a firefox extension webdev or another or even Greasemonkey) to add a link. Until then, easy does it work well. This link launches an application ajax jquery like:
$.get(...) or even $.ajax(...)

If I'm on [URL], added my link, I click and it works, I see the ajax request and pass my "alert ()" gives me the return of application. Great! But if I'm on a site other than mine (the url of the ajax request is [URL] while I'm at [URL] for example), the return of the ajax request is empty.

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JQuery :: Ajax Response Time Inconsistent?

Feb 27, 2011

What I'm doing is creating a div element dynamically when the user clicks on a point in the page. Once created I create a record in my database table the corresponds to this div element and save information such as the width,height, x coordinate, and y coordinate of the element. This is done via AJAX accessing my web service. The weird thing is, I get really fast responses 80% of the time but 20% of the time, its taking a lot longer. For example, I would get a response after 50-100ms and at times I would get it in 2 seconds What do you think is the source of this problem?

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JQuery :: Json Value Takes More Time In Processing?

Jun 2, 2011

In our application we have used json data and we get json data from the server and on client side we display in grid. We have functionality of paging and filter. so on paging and filtering we process that json data and show to user. For filtering we are comparing each value to the filtered criteria and when json value is more thatn 35 kb it takes around 8-10 second to filter it. So is there any way that we can minimize the processing tiem.

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HTML File Takes A Lot Of Time To Read The Script ?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a very large tree data structure and I want to display some of its sections on a HTML page. I wrote the following JavaScript that loads parts of the tree dynamically injecting the desired HTML code.

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>[code]....

Each show_xxxxxxxx() function displays desired part of the tree on HTML.The problem is each time I load the HTML file it takes a lot of time to read the JavaScript (there are many show_xxxxxxxx() functions with a lot of HTML to insert).Is it possible to cache the loaded JavaScript into browser memory so it won't read the entire script when I reload the page with different content?

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Why Get A Response From Php Is Empty

Jul 3, 2010

Two ajax and php files are located in a domain. and, ajax is calling in another domain. Why get a response from php is empty? While not empty. Like the image attached.

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Which Script Is Good For Website - Site Takes Time To Open?

May 22, 2010

I heard that when we put javascript in website, then site takes time to open, is it correct ? If yes then which script is good for website.

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JQuery :: Ajax - Response Truncated - Limit To A Response Size

May 17, 2010

I have an ajax post which returns a large html response. It is getting truncated at 98784 characters everytime. Is there a limit to a response size or a way around this?

Using: IE7
jQuery 1.4.2
jQuery UI 1.8.1

Here is my ajax call:

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JQuery :: $.getJSON Returns Empty Response?

Jan 19, 2011

I am making an AJAX call using $.getJSON

I get empty response. I am making a same domain call.

Here is the code am using:



I am using firebug and can see the URL and the parameters. The response is always empty.

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Using A Time Value To Generate A Text Response?

Nov 22, 2010

In a Prompt Box, ask the user When do you plan to come to the Hatch to eat? and expect the user to provide the time in military time (e.g., 0400 = 4 am and 1700 = 5 pm). If the hour is between 7 am and 10:59 am (0700-1059), reply using an Alert Box The Hatch is Serving Breakfast! If the hour is between 11 am and 3:39 pm (1100-15:59), reply The Hatch is Serving Lunch! If the hour is between 4 pm and 10 pm (1700-2200), reply The Hatch is Serving Dinner! If the hour is between 10:01 pm and 11 pm, reply The Hatch is serving coffee and tea! Otherwise reply The Hatch is closed after 11 pm!

My Script:

<script language=javascript>


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Can I Play A Repetitive Sound And Test Response Time In JS?

Jul 23, 2005

I want to play a repetitive sound, and have a user click on a button each
time it plays (say 5-10 times) and measure how far off he is from the
sound each time.

The only way I know to play a sound in JS is bgsound, and I know how to
loop and pause, so as to do the 1st part. I haven't figured out how to
then test the delay in response. Since some of the responses may also be
*before* the sound plays by some milliseconds, that also compicates it.

My real question is, can this even be done in JS, or should I be in PHP,
ASP, or do you have another suggestion. I'm thinking it needs to run
client-side so there are no network delays, and the results would be
reasonably accurate on different machines. I could easily write it in VB
but I don't want them to have to download anything. I'd just like it to
run from the page.

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If A Check Box Is Or Not Empty - Allow User To Have One Box Checked At Any Time In A Form

Mar 31, 2009

I'm trying to figure out with Java Script how I would have Java Script check and see if a check box is or not empty. The goal is to only allow the user to have one box checked at any time in a form. That means, if they click on another one and there is already one checked, it would uncheck the one that was checked and make the one that the person checked on next checked.

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JQuery :: Application With PHP - Ajax Doesn't Work Time To Time ?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm writing an application with PHP that let me have statitics about visited pages for my web site. to save informations needed i use an ajax query with the unload event. The problem that i have is titme to time the script uses with that ajax query doesn't work especially when i stay long time in a page.

This is my code?

Why it works most of time but sometime doesn t work? is there any specifications to take for the unload event ?

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JavaScript As AJAX Response (RPC)

Oct 15, 2006

Some servers return JavaScript as the response to an AJAX request. When
the response JavaScript is eval'ed it calls other JavaScript functions
already in the browser to update elements, etc. This seems like a good
system because it allows so much freedom in creating the desired
behavior in the browser. The required data doesn't have to be converted
to XML or JSON on the server. The browser doesn't have to have
templates for interpreting and converting this data into some change in
the browser. All of the conversion algorithms don't have to be written
and changed when new behavior is required. This remote procedure call
approach is the predominant system in the Ruby on Rails world.
(Unfortunately they are calling Prototype.js functions.)

However apparently some people seem to think this remote procedure call
approach is a bad idea. I can't see why it is so bad because it is so
lightweight and flexible. It also helps to keep the client less
intellegent which seems good in a world of incompatible client-side

If I use some neutral data format like XML to accomdate different types
of clients then I have to write different client-side interpreters for
each type of client (browser, RSS, POP, cell phone, etc). Why not just
write different server-side code that generates the correct JavaScript
(or other) for the requesting client type?

When is the RPC approach such a bad idea?

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Ajax.response Max Size

Feb 24, 2007

I am using ajax / php where I am looking up some info from the
database and populating a select list dynamically, however I am
running into some sort of size limitation with the ajax.response
object. If the string I am passing to javascript from php is too large
javascript does not get it all the data. The magic number appears to
be 6123 characters, anything below that it works fine, anything above
and if I alert the ajax.response, I see the string is cutoff. Any
ideas where this limitation is defined?

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Ajax :: Wait Until Response Comes

Nov 15, 2008

I am using following code

Now what i want to do is: i have a callajax() function. with in this function i will call do_login() function. this do_login() handles an ajaxrequest and returns the responsetext.

Now i want to do some validation on this responsetext(in case of onsuccess). so i am trying to return value to callajax() function for onSuccess case in ajaxrequest.submit();

That is(onsuccess response) supposed to be some string( but not true or false). but i am always getting false in ajaxcall() function. i know the do_login() function is returning false before ajaxrequest completes

So i want to stop this and make do_login wait until ajaxrequest completes and then i want to return it's response to callajax() function.

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Using Eval() With Ajax Response

Apr 3, 2008

I am wondering how possible it is to use eval() to parse javascrpt that is pulled in through ajax(innerHTML)? I have found a few notes about this, such as:

var myObj = eval ( xmlhttp.responseText );

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Run JavaScript That Is Part Of AJAX Response

Apr 12, 2006

In my browser, I make an AJAX request. The server sends me a fragment
of an HTML document. That fragment has some JavaScript inside some
script tags. How do I run these scripts when the fragment arrives at
the browser?

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JQuery :: Ajax Response And .html()?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm using $.ajax for an ajax request and I've setup a basic html form and if there are errors in the form when the user submits them my server side script is returning them in an array to the client with the errors.

If there are multiple values in the array, how do I display each error on its own line either using <li> tags or even just a <br/>? I'm injecting the ajax response into a div using .html() but how do I iterate the array within that div so I get one error message per line?

Do I need to construct the HTML on the client side after the ajax response has come back or should I do this on the server side before the data is even returned to the client? Right now I'm returning a raw array so that is why I'm asking the question about how to format things up and get the form errors into my div.


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JQuery :: AJAX Process The Response XML?

Aug 28, 2009

I'm truggling with this for a while now, without succes. Here is the


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JQuery :: Can't Get Attributes From Ajax Response?

Sep 7, 2009

I'm making a ajax call using $.ajax


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Ajax :: Redirect To URL Response Not Working

Feb 10, 2009

I have a simple ajax request that is supposed to (after a short timeout) redirect the page to the URL that the server sends back but it just wont work. It does work without the setTimeOut() function however.

var http = false;
if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} else {
http = new XMLHttpRequest();

function go() {
var u = "http://site.com/";
http.open("GET", "go.php?" + "u=" + u, true);
http.onreadystatechange=function() {
if(http.readyState == 4) {
var redirURL = http.responseText;
setTimeout("window.location.href = redirURL;" , 2000);
} }

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Ajax ::: Not Getting Response Text Some Times

Oct 6, 2010

i have wriiten a form in my php page and i did call an ajax function on onsubmit, based on my ajax response my form have to be submit...but i am not getting ajax response text some times. But some times i got it correctly..i have used post method in my ajax function.

var f = document.getElementById(formid);
var keyValue = "";
keyValue = buildKeyValueSearchFunction(f, keyValue);
ajax_request = createRequestObject();

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Ajax :: Convert Response To Json?

Feb 15, 2011

I am using ajax to process a url. The result echoed back is

ok=true how can I convert that to json format so I can read that back in?

I can't edit how the response comes to me.

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AJAX :: XmlHTTPrequest - No Response From Server?

May 5, 2010

I am running the scripts below which should return a string containing a URL. So far, it cannot find the form contents in Firefox, but displays the non-dynamic data such as ?Location=. It won't work at all in IE.

HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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