JSs In Iframes Calling Parent Work In FF But No IE...? Help, Please?
Dec 2, 2005
I have a page that is, essentially, a big form. Inside of this form are several iFrames which are intended to populate fields in the form of the parent (follow?). Basically, the form is for the creation of a quick banner ad spec/rough. And in the form, the user needs to position elements. Rather than requiring them to type in pixel values I used an ISMAP that returns the values to it's parent's form's appropriate field. I also do the same with a "choose the background image" - click on the image in an iframe and it is supposed to populate the appropriate field in the parent window's form.
Well, it works fine in Firefox. And, as expected, Explorer sucks and won't do any of the functions within the iframes.
I have a PHP page with an iframe where I load PERL/CGI content. Now of course when I click anything on the parent page the iframe refreshes with it.
But what I really want is to have the parent page refresh when anything inside the iframe is clicked. Of course the iframe should not refresh and go to initial view then. So basically I am looking for a way to have ONLY the parent page refresh every time something in the frame is clicked or to have the parent page and the iframe refresh but with the iframe retaining the last user position.
Looking at the code, you might assume (as I did) that clicking the button on page1.htm would load page2.htm. However for some reason, when calling a parent function, the function runs with the calling file's path rather than the path of the parent.
So it is actually trying to load /files/files/page2.htm! How do I force all calls to parent.function() to run with parent.hta's path as the root?
Realize that this is a simplistic example and simple solutions such as putting all the files in the same path, or dropping the "/files" in the loadPage2() function are not valid solutions.
Essentially I need to call parent.loadPage2() and have it run the function with the root path = parent.hta's path.
I've created a gallery with multiple slideshows; each of them show/hide when you click on their corresponding link. The first slideshow appears when the page loads, but the others are hidden with a div style. It works great in most browsers, except Internet Explorer :(. For some reason, IE only shows part of the slideshows; the whole iframe is there, but only a small portion of the photos appear (although the slideshow itself also continue to run fine).
I realized that the problem is the div style (style="display:none; ). When I remove it from all the slideshows, then they appear fully instead of partially in Internet Explorer. However, the purpose of hiding them is defeated, as they all show up at once when the page loads. I want to keep them all hidden until you click on their respective link to show them. The page can be viewed here: [URL] Firefox shows how it should display....
Basically, as you can see,*I've created a gallery page with multiple slideshows using iframes & javascript; each of the galleries show/hide when you click on their corresponding link. The first slideshow "Family" appears when the page loads, but the others are hidden with a div style. *Then, when you click on each gallery's link, that gallery appears, but all the other galleries hide.It works great in most browsers, except Internet Explorer. For some reason, IE 9 beta only shows part of the slideshows; the whole iframe is there, but only a small portion of the photos appear (although the slideshow itself continues to run fine). IE 8 doesn't load the galleries at all, except for the first one ("Family"); the div section appears for them, but the slideshows do not play.
I realized that the problem is the div style (style="display:none; ). The first gallery, "Family", shows fine because it's not hidden to begin with.*When I remove that div style from all the slideshows, then they appear & play fully (instead of partially or not at all) in Internet Explorer. However, the purpose of hiding them is defeated, as they all show up at once when the page loads. I want to keep them all hidden until you click on their respective link to show them.Coding:
I have an embedded iframe that needs to call a function from a parent. The parent then automatically submits a form. It is written mostly using php, but since php is serverside, I need javascript to gather information in iframes. Here is what I have:
I am using opera, if that makes a difference. Should probably try it with chrome and IE...
i have a page containing an iframe somewhere in the middle of it. the iframe stretche to the end of the page and its height is calculated from its content with javascript.
i want some of the pages i load into the iframe to have a "back to top" link at the bottom. but i can not put the anchor inside my iframe because my iframe doesn't start at the top of the page.
so i put the name linke of the anchor at the top of the parent page which has the iframe inside. but i couldn't find a way to call that anchor from within the iframe.
i'm sure this could be done with a simple code of javascript. how do i get to the parent frame within the iframe?
I have a simple javascript function loadNPlay('file'),
on clicke event it simply plays the file in a player in the parent window. with IE and Mozilla its working fine but with Safari, when called from iframe this function doesn't work(it does work, ie loadNPlay(..) when called in the same window, in safari)
I have tried:parent.loacation.loadNPlay(..) as well, it doesn't work.
I used a menu making program to create a cool new menu for my website, but I can't get it to work properly.The menu code uses this argument: "java script:[code]in my above code there isn't really a space between 'java' and 'script'.
I have an Iframe in my webpage wher I have the focus. I now want to give the focus back to the parent document, so i've used top.focus() in my code. Works fine in almost every browser but not inIE7.
I've a navigation menu that has some sub-menus and I want to show them only after a click on the parent link. But every click on the sub-menu collapse the menu again.
When I click Products and than Apples it hides the level 2 UL. But it should go to #Apples instead. I can not change the HTML since it comes out of a CMS. So I have to deal with that structure. How can I prevent the level 2 UL collapses when I click on Apples or Bananas?
why my simple javascript to refresh the parent window doesn't work in IE8? When the child window closed, it reopen another new window for the page I want the parent window to refresh and nothing happened on the parent window.How can I make it load the page from parent window instead of a new window ??? it works perfectly in other browsers but not IE.
Code: <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function rent() {[code].....
I am having one td and inside td using one control(it may be any control like textbox,combobox) and am using onblur events for td and aswell as the control inside td. when am moving focus from this td to another td the parent onblur event is firing first and then child control(like textbox, combobox) onblur event is firing. The problem is am validating that entire td (what ever the value user updates) in one method. so in this scenario that validate method is calling when i move the focus onto child control. After entering the value in the child control that child control onblur event is firing and am unable to fire the parent control(td) onblur event.
I have a form button with id="submit". When pressed, ClickGeocode(credentials) is called. This works fine and dandy with: $('submit").click(ClickGeocode) Despite there being no indication that the function takes an argument 'credentials'. So when I want to call the function at some point in my code, I should be able to do something like ClickGeocode(credentials) ... no? However, my issue is that credentials isn't once defined in my code - it is part of Bing Maps function... like so:
function ClickGeocode(credentials) { map.getCredentials(MakeGeocodeRequest); }
So why does it work using .click(), and how can I call the function without user interaction (simply somewhere in my code) even if 'credentials' is not defined?
Adjust the CSS margins of the BODY element with the first slider. The yellow P (paragraph) element resizes to fit its smaller containing block, as I would expect.
Then, adjust the CSS border or padding of the BODY element with the second and third sliders. The P element does not resize, though its origin changes. Instead, it overflows its containing block.
Finally, adjust the margins again. The P element snaps back into its containing block.
As you can see from the source, this is jQuery 1.6.4 and jQueryUI 1.8 pulled from googleapis.com.
Currently, I have one of the iframes working. When you click on it text below appears with information about the jewelry.
I would like an iframe to open up (immediately to the left of the image) and show an enlarged image of the thumbnail (yes I know right now the images are not thumbnails, but my friends are working on the graphics).
I want to load a javascript file on a root page with various iframes, then call the javascript functions from the root page to be displayed in the iframes. Any idea how to do this?
I have a mainpage and it contains iframe (myFrame). A js function validatedata() is on iframe. before submitting mainform in mainpage i am calling validatedata() function as below. mybool = document.myFrame.validatedata();
This works in IE 6.0 but fails on mozilla firefox.
I have a webpage with some divs and iframes in them, I have some Javascript code in another page in one of the iframes that when activated, will change the page within the other iframe. The code I have throws the following error:
'null' is null or not an object
and it is complaning abou the following bit of code:
var obj = document.getElementById("frame2"); obj.src = new_src;
But I am not sure if the code is the correct code anyway. Can anyone assist please? Please find below my complete code, hopefully you can spot what's going on. Here is my 'index.htm' file: Code:
I'm starting to use some iframes in a div layer. I want to know if i can use javascript to change the size of the iframe (from the parent page containing the iframe).
In IE i can use 100% width and height to fit the iframe to the layer, but in Netscape 6 the iframe doesn't appear if the height is set in % values - hence the need to be able to specify it dynamically as the layer wil change size.
I am using struts frame work and in one of the jsp pages I have a bunch of IFRAMES like this.(This is in logic iterate and the recordId is incremented with that iteration) ....
I have a really professional conspiracy movie site and I use tons of layers and an external scroll bar assembly. I would like to put the various sections into MS Iframes and in order to clean up the page but I find that the iframes interfere with the getting the mouse coords from the screen which is essential in moving the scroll bar around.
My test html is given below. With the iframe hidden the mouse coords are obtainable. With the iframe visible things get buggy.
Where the "background_foriframe.html" is just a html file with a background layer using a "DIV" tag. Code: