Focusing Back The Parent Top.focus() Does Not Work In IE
Feb 20, 2010
I have an Iframe in my webpage wher I have the focus. I now want to give the focus back to the parent document, so i've used top.focus() in my code. Works fine in almost every browser but not inIE7.
I have a validation function and the this is the last thing it does.
[code = var mytext=document.getElementById("sizip") if(check5(mytext,"Zip Code must be 5 digits.")==false) {mytext.focus();return false;} function check5(mytext,alerttxt){
It will validate ok, if I do not have 5 digits, I get an error box.
But then if I click the accept button again, it puts focus back on my zip code with no error.
an index.html that has 2 frames (the main and the navigation bar) and the next problem (in IE, in Mozilla it works properly):
when i start to scroll in the main window, it blurs, and of course, it finish scrolling, you must click to focus again. This is rather annoying. And i know that the other frame does not get the focus (i put an alert if it got, and it didnīt appear)
I know is a problem of the focus because i put en the main frame: <body onblur()="javascript:window.focus()"> and the scrolling worked properly. But know the problems is that i cant use the navigation bar (if i click, as the main window lost the focus and get it again, the navigation bar doesnt work)
I want users to work from a main application. Certain things will need to be done but the users wont want to see the main screen go away while doing these certain things. So my idea is to just open a new window with the content they need, they'll make their changes, the new window will close but then I want the main page to reload.What I've done now is at the end of the script that will be run prior to the new window closing is added this (its a php app):
are there any callbacks for me to hook into in order to send the "focus ();" back to my input box when someone selects or clicks and autocomplete item?
After open a child window, I would like to keep parent window on focus. I tried self.focus(), set new window in blur() as well as setting the setInterval, none of them works in either Firefox or IE. I think this question relates to the opening window in tab rather than in new window.
I'm spawning a child window from a parent. In the child I'm dynamically building a table. When I click "finished" I want the entire table to go back to the parent and replace the original table "shell" (an empty <table> </table> tag-pair).
Note: The table ID is the same at the parent and child. This allows the replacement to work repeatedly. The child window closes but I don't see the table on the parent.
I get the feeling I'm mixing DHTML and DOM (ie "window.opener....") and .. well, I don't know what to think.
Is it OK to nest DOM functions as shown in the code?
I've tried a couple of different things - I'd like to use "replaceNode", but the syntax is not clear in the reference I have.
[b]The problem{/b] Below is the function triggered by the child window "finished" button's onclick event.
I suspect the variable assignment is wrong as an alert box immediately after it (removed in this sample) did not show up.
function finished() { var oldReport = window.opener.document.getElementbyId('DBReportsTable'); oldReport.firstChild.removeNode(true); // the <tbody> oldReport.appendChild(document.getElementById('DBReportsTable').firstChild); window.close(); return true; } // finished()
There are 3 graphics (top left of page) which open a linked page in a pop up window; each popup comes into focus the first time it's opened - clicking on the same graphics again doesn't bring the already opened popups back into focus.I had originally sized each popup as 320x430px in the body at each of the 3 references to the linked pages, but discovered that (in FF portable 3.65.13) the popups all opened full-size windows. In an attempt to resolve this I removed the size info from each of these 3 page references (lines 84, 89, 94) and moved it to the head (line 67) which seems to have resolved the size issue, but works only when I specify the popup to be any size except the original size of 320x430 (e.g. 320x431; I have now settled for 321x431)
This is a really basic question: what does blur mean, or what does it do when used in links as described below? I've tested it on Firefox 3.6 and Opera 11 and it behaves as I hope except for one thing. During testing if I use both keyboard and mouse to navigate within the same session, the browser history for the 'other' method is wiped out; it won't go backwards beyond the most recently used method. Is this not a surprise when you know what blur really means? I want the following (assuming Javascript is enabled):
a) Keyboard users to see a focus outline on navigation links. b) Keyboard users to see the outline still there if they use the browser Back button, and continue tabbing from that link onwards. c) Mouse users to NOT see an outline if they use the browser Back button.
A page I'm working on lets users open a new window, which in turn lets them send data back to the parent page to create new table rows, cells, links, etc. One of the links created is "delete", so it should delete the row that the delete link belongs to when clicked on. I can do this no problem in ff using the setAttribute('onclick',onClickEvent), but can't do this in IE. I'll show some code to make this easier to understand....
$("#username").bind('blur',function(){ val = $(this).val(); if(val == ""){ alert("Username is a required field, please fill it in!"); $("#username-div").css("background-color", "#eeccdd"); $("#username-error").html("Please fill this"); $(this).focus(); } });
this code doesnt seem to focus. i have also tried Javascript and even that isnt working? Basically i would like that input box with id username to be focused if user leaves it empty and moves to next form field?
In the code below there is a set interval. The interval works perfect. There also is a clearInterval, this one works aswell. When I click on the button with the ID sluitinfonew the interval should be set again, this also works. But offcourse the clearInterval doesn't work anymore because the var is within the function(i'm not sure). Is there a better way to do this? I can't get it to work.[code]
Opening a new window using the ) command works great for opening new windows and having them on top and having the focus. The window.focus command brings any existing windows to the front (top) in Netscape, IE and Opera. However, this command does nothing when you access the web page through AOL, even though they say this is IE. Once a window is behind (blurred), I have been unable to bring it back to the front without 1. closing it, and 2. re-opening it, which stinks.
This is frustrating! I'm using the stock jQuery UI Datepicker; it will open on click, but not on focus. What's strange is, if I tab through the entire page and come around to the target field again, it
<em>does</em> open! Here's my HTML: Code HTML4Strict: <ul> <li class="black bold"> <label for="datepickX" class="labelDatefield">Select activation date for [ProductX]:</label> [Code]...
The page I'm creating is [URL] In IE7, the slideshow works fine until you get to a td which contains two img's. Then when you click you get a generic "invalid argument" error. You keep getting that until you mouse off the button and back on. Then you can click to advance the slideshow again. IE7 is the only browser where this happens.
I'm recently programming a website with ajax and no i have found a solution for the back button problem (broken) on the internet, but it doesn't work on IE. it works on firefox, chrome, safari,...
Every time the user changes the page the url is stored in history with this code:
It adds after the url a '#' sign with the name of the page...
After that the program will store the url in a non-displayed div
And now i've set up an interval that checks the url adress bar and that div if they are not the same the page will load the url in the adress bar here is the code:
I've checked the problem with IE. IE will not read the current adress bar. It's always reading the url of the current page but not the url of the adress bar. And i've tried almost every combination with document.location, window.location, href, hash, least here's is my url:[url]
I have a problem which I am not able to solve. I read a lot and tried many things but without being successful. Mhh.. The problem I struggle with is a simple .toggle() of a DIV. This is working fine. But now I do an ajax request and get the response back from my javascript ajax implementation (I'm using ajax anywhere). Within this implementation I work inside a callback routine which makes it possible accessing the response before updateing the DOM. Inside this routine I want to .toggle() but this is not working. It happens just nothing. I also do not get any javascript errors. As soon as the request is completly done I am able to .toggle() again.
When I am accessing the DIV by using jquery ($('#div_id')) it is referenced to the correct object within de document. Only the .toggle() does not work. .hide() for example is working fine.
Background: I am doing this like this, because I want to know if the response contains validation erros. If so I leave the DIV with the form inside as it is an highlight the error. Otherwise (no errors) I close the div with .toggle(), update the dom with the new form and open the DIV again.
Many reports are facing a problem that they lose the jquery binding. But this is not my problem as far as I understand.
I have a page that is, essentially, a big form. Inside of this form are several iFrames which are intended to populate fields in the form of the parent (follow?). Basically, the form is for the creation of a quick banner ad spec/rough. And in the form, the user needs to position elements. Rather than requiring them to type in pixel values I used an ISMAP that returns the values to it's parent's form's appropriate field. I also do the same with a "choose the background image" - click on the image in an iframe and it is supposed to populate the appropriate field in the parent window's form.
Well, it works fine in Firefox. And, as expected, Explorer sucks and won't do any of the functions within the iframes.
I'm having trouble with Safari. After i close a popup it does not focus on the parent window. I have been looking around and i think its this sort of thing i need 'javascript:window.opener.focus()" target="_self"' but tbh i'm not in anyway a javascript whizz, so im a little confused.
I've a navigation menu that has some sub-menus and I want to show them only after a click on the parent link. But every click on the sub-menu collapse the menu again.
When I click Products and than Apples it hides the level 2 UL. But it should go to #Apples instead. I can not change the HTML since it comes out of a CMS. So I have to deal with that structure. How can I prevent the level 2 UL collapses when I click on Apples or Bananas?