Using Frames / Iframes

Sep 12, 2005

I believe that different browsers treat frames/iframes differently, and this
is one of the reasons to avoid using them in websites/applications.

Are there any other reasons to avoid them?

In my experience I find them clunky and messy to implement using javascript
and prefer to keep the whole web page as a single page.

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Frames, Iframes VS. Divs + AJAX

Jun 18, 2007

I was just wondering, why people continue using frames and iframes when we have handy AJAX approach to fill needed divs with content. Is it because of some user's paranoia about javascript?
But if they make pages without javascript, they would not need to bother, how to access other frame's content, would they?

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Resize Frames / Iframes Onmousover?

May 17, 2011

I wish to have 3 frames left to right, an them to resize as i hover over each frame to specific percentage widths.[code]...

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Multiple Iframes

Aug 29, 2006


Currently, I have one of the iframes working. When you click on it text
below appears with information about the jewelry.

I would like an iframe to open up (immediately to the left of the
image) and show an enlarged image of the thumbnail (yes I know right
now the images are not thumbnails, but my friends are working on the

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Javascript & Iframes

Jul 20, 2005

I want to load a javascript file on a root page with various iframes,
then call the javascript functions from the root page to be displayed
in the iframes. Any idea how to do this?

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Function On Iframes

Aug 8, 2007

I have a mainpage and it contains iframe (myFrame). A js function validatedata() is on iframe. before submitting mainform in mainpage i am calling validatedata() function as below. mybool = document.myFrame.validatedata();

This works in IE 6.0 but fails on mozilla firefox.

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JavaScript And IFRAMES

Jun 20, 2006

I have a webpage with some divs and iframes in them, I have some Javascript code in another page in one of the iframes that when activated, will change the page within the other iframe. The code I have throws the following error:

'null' is null or not an object

and it is complaning abou the following bit of code:

var obj = document.getElementById("frame2");
obj.src = new_src;

But I am not sure if the code is the correct code anyway. Can anyone assist please?
Please find below my complete code, hopefully you can spot what's going on. Here is my 'index.htm' file: Code:

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Iframes And Javascript

Mar 12, 2002

I'm starting to use some iframes in a div layer. I want to know if i can use javascript to change the size of the iframe (from the parent page containing the iframe).

In IE i can use 100% width and height to fit the iframe to the layer, but in Netscape 6 the iframe doesn't appear if the height is set in % values - hence the need to be able to specify it dynamically as the layer wil change size.

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Detexting If IFRAMEs Enabled

Dec 1, 2005

Is there a way to use Javascript to detect if a browser supports IFrames, or (if it DOES support them)that IFrame use is enabled?

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IFRAMEs Show The Same Page

Jan 6, 2006

I am using struts frame work and in one of the jsp pages I have a bunch of IFRAMES like this.(This is in logic iterate and the recordId is incremented with that iteration) ....

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Iframes And Mouse Position

Sep 22, 2006

I have a really professional conspiracy movie site
and I use tons of layers and an external scroll bar assembly.
I would like to put the various sections into MS Iframes and
in order to clean up the page but I find that the iframes interfere
with the getting the mouse coords from the screen which is
essential in moving the scroll bar around.

My test html is given below. With the iframe hidden the mouse coords
are obtainable. With the iframe visible things get buggy.

Where the "background_foriframe.html" is just a html file with
a background layer using a "DIV" tag. Code:

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Communicate Between Iframes On Different Subdomains

Nov 17, 2006

Is there a way to communicate between iframes on different subdomains?
e.g. from to there is a security access
restriction passing javascript commands between subdomains that we've
run into.

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JQuery :: Way To Do Hidden IFrames?

Nov 17, 2011

I have a problem with iframes. In my page there are two iframes, one for loading and one for projects.

Here you can see the problem after clicking on a thumbnail image: [obscured]

My question is: How can I do to hide the second iframeand display it only after the end of loading of first iframe?

I don't have uploaded the code onjsfiddlebecause there doesn't work

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Resizing Iframes On Click?

Dec 1, 2009

I run a streaming site and am looking to have the option on a chat room next to the stream. Not everyone likes having the chat facility so I'd like to make it optional.

As the page loads I'd like the content to look like the diagram below with the stream (iframe1) taking up 95% of the page and the other 5% being taken up by an image which will say "open chat". The chat (iframe2) would have a width of 0%. [URL]

Then when the "open chat" image is clicked I'd like the chat (iframe2) to become 35% and the stream (iframe1) to become 60%. If someone could make a nice sliding effect when the image is clicked that'd be even better. Here's a diagram to show what it'd look like with the resized iframes. [URL]

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Using A Form To Control Iframes?

Dec 21, 2009

I basically want to input the url from a form & display it in an iframe, but cant figure out how to link the url from the form to the iframe

The code im using atm

<title> SearchLite v2 - search multiple sites at once</title>


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Possible To Add Onclick Events To IFrames?

May 9, 2010

Is it possible to add an onclick event to an iframe or perhaps a DIV that holds an iframe?

In specific I am using the Facebook Open Graph like button code...

What I would like to do is add a simple onclick event to it so that I can run a process when the user clicks on it, at the moment I am just trying alert but cannot get it to work. By setting the iframe within a DIV with height/width specs set would an onclick event work within the DIV?

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URL For Iframes Not Showing In Address Bar

Dec 30, 2010

I apologise if this is in the wrong section. I have built a website using iframes at: [URL] but when clicking through the menu, the address bar still stays at [URL] no matter which page is loaded into the iframe. I have seen a number of javascripts around that can change this, but most do not seem to work anymore. Has anyone a sure way to correct this please :)

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Forum System From Php Using Iframes?

Dec 15, 2011

I have both the java script and the php files, i just need to intergrate them into eachother to display the different topics and forums:

New Forum:

index.php :



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Keeping Iframes From Loading

May 19, 2005

<title>Snapitup Script</title>
<style type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript">
/* script made by &copy; 2005 free to use */
/* keep this script credit intact,thanx, a script to show/hide */
/* any html in IE Safari and Firefox, if you wish to preload */
/* just put it in the target, stripped out table and eval */
/* statements from 2 scripts and combined them, then altered */
/* part of a script took eval statement out */
function snapitup(target,statement){
string = 'theTarget = document.getElementById("'+target+'");'
if(theTarget != null){
theTarget.innerHTML = statement;
var el=document.getElementById(target);
var theTarget=document.getElementById(target);
theTarget.innerHTML = statement;
/* use this to preload content */
function hideShow(target){
theTarget = 'document.getElementById("'+target+'");'
var el=document.getElementById(target);
var theTarget=document.getElementById(target);
<a href="#null" onclick="snapitup('row22','<iframe src= width=100% height=500px frameborder=none style=border:0></iframe>')">Category 1</a><br>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideShow(&#3933;')">Category 2</a><br>
<div id="33" width="100%" style="display:none;"><img src="tn_1_books.gif"></div>
<p id="row22" width="100%" style="display:none;"></p>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="snapitup('row11','<table id=nTable border=2 width=500 height=400 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td>Data One</td><td>Data Two</td><td>Data Three</td><td><a href=# class=button>More</a></td></tr></table>');">Category 3</a><br>
<div id="row11" width="100%" bgcolor="#b9b9b9" style="display:none;position:absolute;left:100px;top:100px;"></div>

Ok first the bad, it will not work from a stylesheet, you have to use style="display:none" all over the place, I will try to fix that without adding more than 2 lines to the script somehow, I hope. you can not have line breaks in the innerHtml statements in your links(I think that's normal anyway). javascript:void(0); will not work for an iframe, you have to use #(or #null to keep from clicking up to the top of the page) for the hrefs, I don't know if that is a bad thing or not, there has to be something better than both of those options. now the good, if you do not have access to the head of a page, everything works from the body of a page. it is good for making ul/ol tags for a vertical menu without that complicated scripting having to differentiate ul/ol text and li links in those scripts for just a simple menu, the ecmascriptmenu is the only one that makes sense to me, hope he gets his server fixed. the script seems to work with or without a doctype in IE6 firefox and safari. people always wonder why I try to make these type of scripts, I usually maintain long lists of links so I like to provide small previews(iframes that do not load until clicked) for each link, the best part is that IE firefox and safari react to it flawlessly unlike most other types of scripting, one script had an eval statement that gave me tons of trouble taking it out and the other script I took out a server sql proprietary call to a rowid for a table and made almost any html element be a target(a p tag for instance).
here at :

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How To Make Iframes Resize?

Oct 29, 2004

I have a table that contains two iframes, left and right. The left iframe contains a list of choices, when clicking the selection the right iframe displays the requested data.

Each of these choices link to web pages that are the same width but different heights.

If I right click my home page icon and open the page containing the two iframes in a separate web browser window, everything works correctly as I choose all of my different choices in my left iframe. I am calculating the height of the iframe so that it can be sized vertically.

If I dont right click and open in a new browser but let these two iframes load into an existing iframe called content, this is when the iframe never resizes. If you load into an existing target that has a size, is there not a way to have it resize or do I have to load it again?

On larger pages, I can hold my mouse in the right iframe and drag down which will show me the rest of the content in the iframe.

Since everything works correctly when I open the web page containing the two iframes in a new window, I know I could create a page containing each combination of left and right iframes and then loading them into my content iframe.

However, this defeats the purpose of a muti selection list that is supposed to stay static while the right iframe changes content and size.

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Iframes And Parent Window

Nov 7, 2005

If i have an iframe in a page, with dynamically generated db values. Woudl it be possible to write the values of on click to the parent window ?

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Changing Iframes With Javascript

Jul 4, 2006

I have bigpage.html that has the text "click" in it. Also, it contains the iframe small.html.

In small.html there is the text "visible"

How do you get it so that when you click on "click", "visible" changes from black(default) to red?

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IFrames - IE And Firefox Compatibility

Jun 2, 2010

I am working in IE and FireFox compatibility. In my application we are creating dynamic iframes inside another iframe. I have to access a div inside the iframe. In IE everything is working fine. But in Firefox, I am not able to access the div.

I have tried using:
iframename.getElementByTagName("divname") --> This was not throwing any error but the element length was 0.

I have created the iframe using the method
function getIframe(name){
var iframe = document.getElementById(name)
var ifDoc
ifDoc = iframe.contentDocument
} //NS6+
else if(iframe.contentWindow) {
ifDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document
} //IE
ifDoc = iframe.document
} //IE5
alert ("value for getIframe is "+ifDoc);
return ifDoc

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Loading Page That Contains Two IFrames?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a problem because I don't know nothing about Java Scripts. In the [URL] I have load a page that contains two iframes, the first (left) is the menu and the second (right)is the explanation for each one of the menu tabs. No problem so far. The problem is that I need that the menu tab keeps highlighted while you see the relative information on the right side.

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Sizing Iframes To Fit Content

Nov 5, 2011

I am building a webpage built with a column on the left, a header, and a main iframe which is the main content of the page. The content of the main iframe can get to be long, and I want the iframe to resize its height to fit the content. I know javascript can do this. I have seen many live examples of it working online. My problem is when I try and use the code myself (even if I leave the live example pages unchanged, but just save them and run them offline) it doesn't work. That is, the iframes work, the page works, but the iframe doesnt fit it's content.

Now, the page that I'm building is fully offline right now and I don't know if my javascript will work just fine if hosted on a domain and accessed online, but as it is it's not working and I don't know why. As an example here is some code, and the page it was taken from


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Changing Src Of Iframes In Firefox?

Apr 18, 2010

My javascript function for changing src of iframe does work in Opera, but it doesnt work in firefox or IE. I tried several ways, and now i have no other way, just ask.

function showMap(srcs, ine, ind, link){
if(document.getElementById(ind).style.display == 'table-row'){
document.getElementById(ind).style.visibility = 'hidden';


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