Hide / Show Div Iframes Won't Work In IE
Dec 31, 2010
I've created a gallery with multiple slideshows; each of them show/hide when you click on their corresponding link. The first slideshow appears when the page loads, but the others are hidden with a div style. It works great in most browsers, except Internet Explorer :(. For some reason, IE only shows part of the slideshows; the whole iframe is there, but only a small portion of the photos appear (although the slideshow itself also continue to run fine).
I realized that the problem is the div style (style="display:none; ). When I remove it from all the slideshows, then they appear fully instead of partially in Internet Explorer. However, the purpose of hiding them is defeated, as they all show up at once when the page loads. I want to keep them all hidden until you click on their respective link to show them. The page can be viewed here: [URL] Firefox shows how it should display....
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Jan 17, 2011
Basically, as you can see,*I've created a gallery page with multiple slideshows using iframes & javascript; each of the galleries show/hide when you click on their corresponding link. The first slideshow "Family" appears when the page loads, but the others are hidden with a div style. *Then, when you click on each gallery's link, that gallery appears, but all the other galleries hide.It works great in most browsers, except Internet Explorer. For some reason, IE 9 beta only shows part of the slideshows; the whole iframe is there, but only a small portion of the photos appear (although the slideshow itself continues to run fine). IE 8 doesn't load the galleries at all, except for the first one ("Family"); the div section appears for them, but the slideshows do not play.
I realized that the problem is the div style (style="display:none; ). The first gallery, "Family", shows fine because it's not hidden to begin with.*When I remove that div style from all the slideshows, then they appear & play fully (instead of partially or not at all) in Internet Explorer. However, the purpose of hiding them is defeated, as they all show up at once when the page loads. I want to keep them all hidden until you click on their respective link to show them.Coding:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
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Dec 5, 2010
So I am trying to hide content and show it when selected with a select box. The first select box works fine no problems.
However I added a second one with two options, and it will not work at all. If I use the same name it messes up, and if I make a new name, it does nothing at all.
ShowNext function is the new one I added that doesn't work.
<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowReg(op) {
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Aug 2, 2010
jQuery Code...
Clicking the link toggles the visibility of the Disclaimer, but it does not toggle the text of the a#toggleButton. How can I make this work?
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Nov 7, 2011
This is the site: [URL] And the attached javascript: [URL]
Now Begin and Contact are fine, but as you can see, the Einde part isn't sliding in. I'm hiding my "Second" div at the end of the transformation to avoid horizontal scrollbars. But after I show it again, to slide it back to the left, the transformation somehow doesn't work.
If I comment out the slide-to-left transformation, the Second div shows on the right, with horizontal scrollbar. So it does actually do the transformation, but doesn't seem to do the slide. I've also tried re-setting the -webkit-transition property again after I show() the Second div, to set a delay on it again. However, this had no effect either.
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Feb 5, 2010
Here's my issue, hoping someone can help. I have a page with 5 roundabouts on it showing pictures depending on a button click. Buttons would look like:
So if you click Dogs, I want it to hide the roundabout for Cats, Birds, Fish, and Reptiles but show Dogs. This works perfectly in FF, Chrome, IE8, IE7, but if I view in compatibility mode or with an IE6/7 browser, all 5 roundabouts show and even if I hit the buttons, which fire the show/hide code, nothing gets hidden. Here's some code, I'm hoping someone has a tip on where I am going wrong in getting this simple show/hide of a div.
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Jun 26, 2009
I am using the following script on one of my pages (script comes from [url]:
The script works great, BUT I need to use it in 2 different areas of the same form. It only works on an id="selectMenu" and of course I cannot have more that 1 id.
How can I get this script to work in multiple select fields? (at least more than 1)
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Sep 12, 2011
I am trying to hide/show table when hide/show button is pressed
Problem: The code works fine when I remove 'slow' from line 10. But with 'slow' in line 10 content of toggleButton doesnt change from Hide to Show when pressed.
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Jan 6, 2006
I am using struts frame work and in one of the jsp pages I have a bunch of IFRAMES like this.(This is in logic iterate and the recordId is incremented with that iteration) ....
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Dec 2, 2005
I have a page that is, essentially, a big form. Inside of this form are several iFrames which are intended to populate fields in the form of the parent (follow?). Basically, the form is for the creation of a quick banner ad spec/rough. And in the form, the user needs to position elements. Rather than requiring them to type in pixel values I used an ISMAP that returns the values to it's parent's form's appropriate field. I also do the same with a "choose the background image" - click on the image in an iframe and it is supposed to populate the appropriate field in the parent window's form.
Well, it works fine in Firefox. And, as expected, Explorer sucks and won't do any of the functions within the iframes.
You can't help me without the relevant code so...
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Jan 22, 2009
I am having problems, basically I have a set of nested lists I need to show and hide
<ul id="smenu3"><ul id="smenu4">
<li>stuff here..</li>
<li>stuff here..</li>
<li>stuff here..</li>
</ul><ul id="smenu5">
I always want "smenu3" to show with "smenu4" and "smenu5" collapsed... When the user clicks the link, it calls a javascript function to show "smenu4" like so...
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Aug 11, 2005
I am trying to hide some form elements in a form by default and show/hide
depending on which radio button is clicked. This is what I have but it is
not working: Code:
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Sep 6, 2005
I'd like to have a show/hide widget on my web site, kind of like "show
details" / "hide details" in Google Groups. Is there a tutorial
explaining how to make them? Google's is a bit complex and it's easy to
get something wrong. If the browser does not support the required
features, I want it to generate a completely static page with the
"details" shown automatically.
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Oct 26, 2009
Check this code:
<div id="pkg">pkg</div>
<div id="table_pkg">table_pkg</div>
I'd like to show table_pkg and hide pkg when I click on <a>text</a>. How can I do?
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Apr 8, 2009
I am using some simple javascript to show and a hide a div
function showHide(d) {
if (document.getElementById(d).style.display == "none")
document.getElementById(d).style.display = "block";
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Feb 12, 2006
i have 5 sections in seperate divs and i am trying to collapse them using anchor onclicks and some js to toggle the display style. I am a little unsure of how to make this piece of code work a little more elegantly(lack of js symantic knowledge). Code:
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May 17, 2006
gives me a type mismatch when I try to hide the div using the function hideTip2? Code:
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Mar 29, 2010
I have 5 links and 5 divs. When the page loads I've set the visibility of first div to visible and all the rest are hidden. When the user clicks on second link I want to hide all the other divs and show only second. Similarly when the user clicks third link I want to show third div only. You get the idea. Here is what I have so far. Nothing happens when I click the second link.
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Jul 20, 2011
Basically, I need a link that gives the user an option to show the rest of an article, and then a link UNDER the rest of the article to hide a post again. The link needs to work uniquely with each link. Every method I've used so far has worked for one post, and on the next post, when the link is clicked, it just shows the rest of the first post.
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a javascript that works great in every browser except IE8. In IE8 the rows of links change but this ONLY happens when you open and close the info using the same link.
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Jul 23, 2005
I would like to add some javascript to show/hide a certain row of a
table. The first row of the table contain the hyperlink that calls the
javascript the second row is the one i want to show/hide with the
javascript in a toggle fashion.
the problem is a know very little javascript and have become incredibly
frustrated because i went ahead thinking it was going to be like C. its not.
I know i can use these lines to do the actual work:
document.getElementById("row").style.display = "none"; // hides row
document.getElementById("row").style.display = "inline"; // shows row
but I don't think i can use a getElementById exactly because i want to
reference the element via its relationship to the hyperlink that calls
the javascript, i know this can be done. You see there will be several
tables on one page and i want to be able to toggle each one
independently; hopefully with the same bit of javascript.
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Jul 11, 2006
i Have a table with two columns and a checkbox above it.
when the box is checked, i like to show the two <TD>s
i have:
<TD ID=1000 style=display=none>APPLE</TD>
<TD ID=1000 style=display=none>ORANGE</TD>
how can i do this with JS ?
i have used getElementById, but it only return one of the ids 񟝘'
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Feb 20, 2007
I have a working Show / Hide form, that works on FF, but what I would
like to do is to be able to display one part when a user clicks on one
radio button and display another part when the user clicks on the
second radio button - here is the code which just shows / hides the
whole form:
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Apr 16, 2007
The idea is that the blue help text rechtangle will have to remain
visible when mouse over (because there will be soon links in it) and
invisible when onmouseout.
I have now placed javascript on the small numbered balls and within
the rechtangle itself.
But I have it in a way that when "onmouseout" the blue help rechtangle
will be hidden. But now the onmouseout event is acting like
onmouseover. Any Ideas to do this correctly? So right now when you
onmouseover it it will disappear :S
If I get this working I can start thinking of putting a timeout on the
rechtangle for it to disappear within a couple of seconds after
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm using a simple show function, called from a button.
function show(rowId) {
var hideRow = "View_" + rowId
document.getElementById(showRow).style.display ="block";
QUESTION: I'm using xsl and can have more than one table row with the
specific rowId, and I want ALL of them to show when the button is
clicked for that rowId. But although the html source is there, I only
get the first row with the rowId.
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Apr 10, 2011
I have some divs laid on top of each other. By clicking somewehre specific I want to hide all the divs but except for one - which is related to the point i clicked - to show up.Here is my code so far:The function will be called by something like this:
<a href="javascript:void(0)"><img src="album_emilia.jpg" width="90px" height="125px" onclick="setAlbum('emilia')"/><p>Emilia</p></a>
function setAlbum(album) {
$('.right_nav').each(function() {[code].....
All these divs are in the same from the right_nav-class.I guess the problem lies within line 6, where I want to select the div that should show up and is given as the argument of the function.The commented lines are things I already tried, but didn't work either, especially $(this).style seems to be invalid.It does hide all divs as i want, but the one i want to show again doesn't show up. It just stays hidden...
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