CSS3 Transformation Doesn't Work After Hide And Show Div?

Nov 7, 2011

This is the site: [URL] And the attached javascript: [URL]

Now Begin and Contact are fine, but as you can see, the Einde part isn't sliding in. I'm hiding my "Second" div at the end of the transformation to avoid horizontal scrollbars. But after I show it again, to slide it back to the left, the transformation somehow doesn't work.

If I comment out the slide-to-left transformation, the Second div shows on the right, with horizontal scrollbar. So it does actually do the transformation, but doesn't seem to do the slide. I've also tried re-setting the -webkit-transition property again after I show() the Second div, to set a delay on it again. However, this had no effect either.

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JQuery :: .hide Doesn't Work On Ie9?

Dec 1, 2011

I have a problem with hide() method on ie9: if I put this command after a flag, it (hide) doesn't work anymore.Obviously the same code works pertefect on firefox.[code]

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JQuery :: Hide Option Doesn't Work In IE And Safari

Dec 4, 2011

I'm trying to hide a few options in a dropdown box using .hide(). This works perfectly fine in firefox and chrome, but it doesn't work in IE and Safari. My original code is more complex but I've narrowed it down to this.I've tried several combinations and nothing has worked.hide() works, but not for things within option tags for some reason.[code]

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JQuery :: Slide Show Doesn't Work?

May 27, 2011

I used JQUERY to create a slideshow on my website. It worked fine off-line but when i uploaded it on the server it doesn't work at all. I'm very new to this so i was wondering if its the coding, server or the script that makes this problem.and the problem is in each and single one of those pages in the menuknow if I should post a certain part of the script or the html file to ensure a better solution.

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Doesn't Work Quick Enough To Hide Moving Items Into Place In IE8

Apr 19, 2011

I have a website at: [URL] The page works on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and IE-9. It sort-of works on IE-8, however, the problem is that on IE-8, there is about 2 seconds where everything is shown on top of everything else in a mess. This is bad.

The website is unusual in that it uses a menu to slide screens from right to left. This has implications. For instance, I need the menu to appear on all screens, so I use absolute positioning, and then use javascript to calculate the center position. The same goes for a logo image. And on top of that, some screens (which are really DIVs) have items positioned by absolute and relative positioning within them, and those positions are often calculated via javascript (and then set).

On IE-8, the result is not good. I think what is happening is that the browser first shows everything as it appears before javascript is run, and then slowly the javascript is run, which puts everything in the correct position. So initially, not only is everything in the wrong position, but different DIVs appear on top of each other.

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Hide / Show Div Iframes Won't Work In IE

Dec 31, 2010

I've created a gallery with multiple slideshows; each of them show/hide when you click on their corresponding link. The first slideshow appears when the page loads, but the others are hidden with a div style. It works great in most browsers, except Internet Explorer :(. For some reason, IE only shows part of the slideshows; the whole iframe is there, but only a small portion of the photos appear (although the slideshow itself also continue to run fine).

I realized that the problem is the div style (style="display:none; ). When I remove it from all the slideshows, then they appear fully instead of partially in Internet Explorer. However, the purpose of hiding them is defeated, as they all show up at once when the page loads. I want to keep them all hidden until you click on their respective link to show them. The page can be viewed here: [URL] Firefox shows how it should display....


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Show And Hide Fails To Work Multiple?

Dec 5, 2010

So I am trying to hide content and show it when selected with a select box. The first select box works fine no problems.

However I added a second one with two options, and it will not work at all. If I use the same name it messes up, and if I make a new name, it does nothing at all.

ShowNext function is the new one I added that doesn't work.

<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowReg(op) {


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Hide/Show Div Iframes Wont Work In IE?

Jan 17, 2011

Basically, as you can see,*I've created a gallery page with multiple slideshows using iframes & javascript; each of the galleries show/hide when you click on their corresponding link. The first slideshow "Family" appears when the page loads, but the others are hidden with a div style. *Then, when you click on each gallery's link, that gallery appears, but all the other galleries hide.It works great in most browsers, except Internet Explorer. For some reason, IE 9 beta only shows part of the slideshows; the whole iframe is there, but only a small portion of the photos appear (although the slideshow itself continues to run fine). IE 8 doesn't load the galleries at all, except for the first one ("Family"); the div section appears for them, but the slideshows do not play.

I realized that the problem is the div style (style="display:none; ). The first gallery, "Family", shows fine because it's not hidden to begin with.*When I remove that div style from all the slideshows, then they appear & play fully (instead of partially or not at all) in Internet Explorer. However, the purpose of hiding them is defeated, as they all show up at once when the page loads. I want to keep them all hidden until you click on their respective link to show them.Coding:

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">


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Jquery: Show Hide Toggle / Make This Work?

Aug 2, 2010

jQuery Code...

Clicking the link toggles the visibility of the Disclaimer, but it does not toggle the text of the a#toggleButton. How can I make this work?

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JQuery :: IE6/7 Do Not .show .hide Divs, All Other Browsers Work Fine?

Feb 5, 2010

Here's my issue, hoping someone can help. I have a page with 5 roundabouts on it showing pictures depending on a button click. Buttons would look like:

So if you click Dogs, I want it to hide the roundabout for Cats, Birds, Fish, and Reptiles but show Dogs. This works perfectly in FF, Chrome, IE8, IE7, but if I view in compatibility mode or with an IE6/7 browser, all 5 roundabouts show and even if I hit the buttons, which fire the show/hide code, nothing gets hidden. Here's some code, I'm hoping someone has a tip on where I am going wrong in getting this simple show/hide of a div.


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Show - Hide Dropdown - Script To Work In Multiple Select Fields?

Jun 26, 2009

I am using the following script on one of my pages (script comes from [url]:


The script works great, BUT I need to use it in 2 different areas of the same form. It only works on an id="selectMenu" and of course I cannot have more that 1 id.

How can I get this script to work in multiple select fields? (at least more than 1)

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JQuery :: Toggle Function - Hide/show Table When Hide/show Button Is Pressed

Sep 12, 2011

I am trying to hide/show table when hide/show button is pressed

Problem: The code works fine when I remove 'slow' from line 10. But with 'slow' in line 10 content of toggleButton doesnt change from Hide to Show when pressed.


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2nd Iteration Doesn't Update - General Case Doesn't Work

May 10, 2010

This is a makeshift sort function for a table. I want to replace a div contents with a javascript function call. It works fine if I define the individual case, but the general case doesn't work. The problem lies with the +divHold+ part. It never converges to the passed value on the 2nd iteration. This is my Div:


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AJAX :: Cross-browsing Request Work Around - Every Browser Doesn't Work ?

Jun 14, 2010

The "Permission denied" cross site issue.

I have to check from my external domain if a service is running on localhost:8080 of a local machine.

I'm using XMLHttpRequest to do it.

I'm checking a local-web-server, not a file.

Every browser doesn't work, but Firefox. So I'm looking for a work-aorund.

An iframe? a flash swf? an applet java? HTA applications?

A side question is, why does FF work? Because it's a local-web-server?

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JQuery :: Restarting Script - Doesn't Fadein The Div - Press The "a.item_add" Link It Doesn't Work

Dec 10, 2011

I've this script:

When I press again the "a.item_add" link it doesn't work (doesn't fadein the div again). how can I "restart" the script ?

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Canvas:fillText(...) Doesn't Work In IE - Says "object Doesn’t Support This Property Or Method"

Feb 24, 2010

Why doesnt the following code work in IE. There is an error on the same row as fillText. It says object doesnt support this property or method.

<script type="text/javascript" src="excanvas.js"></script>
<canvas id='chart' width='500' height='200'>

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XML Transformation Effectiveness.

Jul 23, 2005

How effective is Javascript in transforming XML into XHTML? I'm
wanting to use the XML file to store data that will then be transformed
into the XHTML file for displaying of the data. I want to keep it real
simple and all text so that it is easily transportable.

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JQuery :: HTML Function - Automatic Transformation Tag?

May 26, 2009

I use the html() function for my dialog system, and this function changes the html code...

Example :

The reply is :
<form method="post" action="traitement.php">
<select name="select">
</select><br />
<input type="text" name="text" />
/* jQuery code */

<form method="post" action="traitement.php"></form>
<select name="select">
<input type="text" name="text" />

We can see, the code has been modified by html() function...How I can do for insert code without modification??

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JQuery :: Using Client Side XSLT Transformation?

Sep 3, 2011

When using client side XSLT transformation, Jquery functions like animate and fadeTo will fail and cause an overflow of errors. In Firefox the error reads "k[l] is undefined". The same happens in Chrome. I could give you an example, but you can simply use your imagination, as this isn't a problem with only a specific case of XSLT transformation. I am using v1.6.2 and consider this to be a serious bug.

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Show / Hide Won't Show In Nested List

Jan 22, 2009

I am having problems, basically I have a set of nested lists I need to show and hide

<ul id="smenu3"><ul id="smenu4">
<li>stuff here..</li>
<li>stuff here..</li>
<li>stuff here..</li>
</ul><ul id="smenu5">

I always want "smenu3" to show with "smenu4" and "smenu5" collapsed... When the user clicks the link, it calls a javascript function to show "smenu4" like so...


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XSL Transformation And Javascript Inclusion Problem Of External .js Files

Jul 20, 2005

I have a problem of client side XSL transformation. I sent the XML and the XSL to the client in XML data islands. Using the transform Node method the HTML is returned. There
is however some script tag in the XSL file which references external
..js files they are like

<SCRIPT language="Javascript" src="abc.js" DEFER="true" />

Now, after transformation the function from this .js file are not
called and object required errors are thrown. This is despite the fact
that IE has downloaded the .js file and they are visisble in the cache
(Temporary Internet Files). This problem only occurs if the .js file
is not present in the cache, hence it happens when the user visits
some site for the first time.

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Web App Doesn't Work On Mac

May 19, 2011

I have created a multiple upload function using Flash and JavaScript. I have checked it in all webbrowsers (including Safari) on my computer (windows) and it works fine! Bravo for me! However, I have asked a friend to check my upload function on her Mac, but for some reason it fails. I have no Mac to test ... but does anybody know why the application fails in Safari running on on Mac OS? I understand this is a difficult question without knowing the exact error, but why does it work in Safari on Windows, but not in Safari on a Mac. Is Mac using other standards/conventions for JavaScript or something like that?

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'else If' Statement That Doesn't Work

Mar 25, 2010

this is a re-post of the last item in ':after in js?', below, but the problem is no longer about ':after': now there's an 'else if' statement that doesn't work. This works: it looks for 2 conditions in a class name, and changes a class:


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Replace Doesn't Work / What To Do?

Aug 25, 2011

I've got a form textarea on my site, which after being submitted is stripped by my php file.

Then my javascript kicks in and does some analysis of the entered text. However everytime the user entered a hard return within the textarea my javascript gives me an error 'tekenreeks niet afgesloten' which means something like 'string is not closed'.

Therefore I decided to replace all occurences of chr(10) and chr(13) with ok2 (just some random characters), I did this with php which worked fine, and I didn't get the javascript error.

However I need to reshow the entered text (original) to the user, so I need to restore the old values. I tried result.waarde.replace('ok2', 'chr(13)'); but it doesn't work, as it still displays ok2.

I'm no expert in javascript, but how can I replace those characters by the hard returns?

Oh yeah I'll show some more coding, perhaps the error can be found there code...

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Script Doesn't Work With IE?

Nov 11, 2011

I've done some small adjustments to my clients site, but it won't show properly in IE (the shadowbox js at least.). I thought js was accepted in all newer browsers.why it doesn't work?I use mootools, and shadowbox/corners and rightclick blocker.Is it generally a 'bad thing' to use js in webpages I want everyone to view in the same way? I tried the same effects with CSS but it's not supported in the same way corss-browser, unfortunately. The 'no selection' CSS class I have on the site is also not accepted in IE.

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InnerHTML Doesn't Work In IE 7 (8?)?

Feb 23, 2011

how can I get/set text from <style> tag? innerHTML doesn't work in IE 7 (8?) and neither does

document.getElementsByTagName("style")[0].firstChild.nodeValue = "";

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