JS Arrays In Storing Input Frm Form Into Array / Displaying Result
Mar 18, 2009
need urgent help with javascript arrays. I need to store the checked value of the radiobutton into an array and then display the result from that array.I have created an empty array to store the input from the textbox of the form using the JS insert() function and then used show() function to display the result... but I am unable to display which option the user has selected from the radiobutton.if you look at it in the browser, and type in a name in the name textbox and click submit....it displays the result (which was stored in the inputarray) but the radiobutton doesnt work...gives.."undefined" and should give either Male or Female, depending on what the user selects.
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Mar 8, 2010
The issue we are having is that he has a simple form that we are testing out that allows users to come on, click what they wish to order and submit. While they click what they wish to order, there is a text field in the bottom which updates with the price of their order. This script he found online and implemented without a problem.Though we noticed when this form was submitted, the email would take the name of the input and the value and place them next to one another.So for example if the user clicks the first bread with the value 1.99 then the email would show "Bread=1.99" and as we wished to use radio boxes so the user can only pick one, we need a way to read off the bread name.
We thought the easiest route would be to use javascript to take the selected value, store it with a variable and then run an if statement through the value and when it found the answer, we could display the name of the bread in a seperate field below the prices or hidden, as long as it appears within the email.I know it can be done as some examples online look similar to what we were trying to achieve but our ability to do so is non-existant.Is there a simple easy way to do this or could you direct me to a location which would take me through it step by step.
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Mar 9, 2011
i have a form with arrays, I want to sum different arrays and display the total in a array field in the form itself.i have this code
do {
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Feb 1, 2009
I'm building an online auction system. Each participant will be allowed to post one bid per minute for about 3 hours. Each person's "bid history" must remain visible to him during the entire auction in a scrollable list, and this list must be sorted from high to low bid. These auctions will have upwards of 10,000 bidders and the server will be seriously stressed in dealing with so many bidders posting another new bid every minute. Therefore I want to alleviate any additional stress on the server by storing and sorting each bidder's "bid history" in his own browser -- perhaps in a cookie or maybe there is a better javascript-based data storage container available for this purpose ... ?
This seems like a natural application for javascript because of the fact that only the individual bidder needs to see his own list of submitted bids -- sorted from high to low -- and I'm hoping that javascript can be employed to do this.
1- A bidder enters his bid into a form (example 12345.67) and posts the form to the server;
2- Javascript grabs the posted value and appends it to the cookie or whatever container is storing the bids in the browser;
3- Javascript re-sorts the values and displays them again, perhaps in an iFrame or maybe in another kind of scrolling list on the main page.
Note that these bids will NOT be placed in ascending or descending order (this auction is different from most) and this means the values must be re-sorted each time a new value is posted -- so they always appear sorted from high to low in the list.
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Sep 14, 2011
in a textbox called 'ShowAllQuestions' I want to list all the questions in order (but without showing the choices (answers) along with them).Would I need to sort the arrays first? If so, its tricky because '11' would come before '2' in this case..
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Apr 9, 2009
I could use some help with a form I am trying to complete. If someone could PM me and I could attach the file. It's only a small problem but I am tired of spending hours trying to figure it out.
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Jul 21, 2011
is this correct
var mid = math.floor((0 + array.length)/2)
from here you could use array.slice to divide the array into two equal sized arrays?
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Aug 13, 2007
The Problem
I have made the following structure which uses Dynamic Object Module (DOM) to
add/remove a field on the page which works perfectly fine.
I have a database whose structure contains tag,date and ip as field.
Now I want to send whatever data has been written on the tags field to be
stored in the database in the tag field of the db.
I read on a forum to use implode function or serialze function and then post
the data (which is combined) to the database.
I didnot understand how to use the implode function WITH REFERENCE TO THE GIVEN TASK.
I am storing whatever the contatenated data from all the tags fields (the no. depends
on the click on add button) in a variable 'tag'
And I want all the individual data of the field using DOM in variable tagarray.
Please tell me what will be relationship between the tag and arraytag so all the
array of tags field are concatenated and stored in tag variable.
How do I define the index of tag array and the the variable tag. Code:
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Apr 28, 2011
Firstly visit the following page: [url]
As you can see, it is editing images using the HTML5 canvas and the plugin pixastic.
Once the image has been edited, I need a way to store that edited image. Perhaps in an array or database (all suggestions welcome)
On top of this, it would also be nice to be able to display this array of images in the bottom blue box, although this is not essential.
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Dec 7, 2009
Problem with storing values in Array from php to AJAX index.php [code]What is the problem? What should I do to get the desired result?
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Feb 13, 2011
This is calculator program that I have gotten stuck on. Here is where I think I am at:
The program is now taking the 1st number entered displaying it and storing it in the variable "memory".
Operation (+,-,*,/) is added to the memory in function action1() but then when the second number is entered it replaces memory with the second number. How can I get the variable memory to the whole string of 1st number,action, 2nd number?
Also once I do get that working correctly:
Wouldn't eval(document.calculator.display.value= memory) in my HTML for the "=" give me the calculation. (if I could figure out how to have memory store the 1st number and action1 and 2nd number all together) Or would eval(document.calculator.display.value) do it for me.
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Aug 2, 2011
im not new to javascript but arrays still confuse me exspecialy when put into loops.ok say i had 2 arrays i have used jquerry to extract a question lets say this is the question.How long is a piece of string?so what i want to do is search the question trough a array with 21984 and more in the future when it finds the match it then looks at the answers array at the same array length as where the question was found then sends the answer to a variable for later use could someone give me a example on how to do this please?
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Aug 9, 2002
Using javascript how do I remove all the data within a particular table row and store it in an array. Then if the user wants it back I append the information to the same table again from the array.
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Apr 21, 2010
How would I go about running a program onclick or onblur and displaying the result on same page without it changing?
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Apr 10, 2009
I have a program where I will get Terrain coordinate values x and y in a pop up with left mouse click event hovering in a 3D window like google earth. I want to store those values in an array.
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Nov 10, 2011
Lets say I have an empty array and I want the user to be able to enter as many new numbers as the user wants into the array. Could you explain how? Simply put it: How can javascript parse a textarea and input it into an array. (Like if the user entered 1 3 5 7 4).
function example(form){
var myNumbers=new Array();
then I'll do something with the array once the #'s are loaded...
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Mar 6, 2004
The form contains 3 file input tags. The name for each is an array. This is for further processing by PHP script. I want to make sure at least one of the file input tags has selected a file.
The rest of the validation script works, but I get a 'not object' error when I include the section that checks the file input tags. Code:
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a pretty basic set of things I want to do: Capture key press, compare against an allowed list, block keys that are not in that list, replace a space by a dash if entered. As this is happening, I have a span I wanted to be updated with the live values. The username field at [URL] is exactly what I am trying to do, though I have trouble dissecting how they did it. Here is my attempt, which is off by one keypress for some reason.
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Jan 27, 2011
For some reason my script only works when I have at lease two checkboxes. To simulate the problem just run it once with two html input checkbox elements
-> check one checkbox and press submit -> it works
-> Now remove one input checkbox field and check the remaining checkbox & submit -> Bamm doesn't work...
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Dec 3, 2009
I have the following checkbox code:
echo "<input name="picbigid[]" type="checkbox" value="$pic[src_big]">";
I then want to select all the checkboxes so I have this code:
It works but I can't have it like that because the form posts to another PHP page that needs the input name as an array.
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Dec 8, 2011
my form value is &hello john &bye jacob &goodafternoon.How can I store all the values starting with & in a var?
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May 2, 2011
I'm still struggling with creating a properly formatted form. This problem it two-fold. The first part isn't strictly a javascript problem, but I've included it here because it relates to the second part, which is:
1. Given the form below, how should I structure the input names to get an array like that at bottom?
2. The scripts are used to provide running totals and subtotals. They're fun - try them! But how should I modify these scripts so that they can continue to work with the amended naming policy?
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Mar 28, 2009
I've been given two arrays:
arr1 = [1,8,9,12]
arr2 = [2,3,10,11,13]
My task was to merge the two arrays into a third array. Done, no problem, merged then sorted a new array. I understand there is a way to merge the two without using "merge" then "sort" functions. My reference material doesn't go into it, and I can't find an example of how this would work. I think there would be a way to do it using a for loop and then "push", but I could be way off.
Can anyone tell me how they could see merging two without using the merge then sort? And what would be the advantage to doing it this alternate way as opposed to using merge? Is there a case where it would be preferable? I'm so new at this that I can't fathom doing anything other than merge.
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Mar 27, 2010
(the "code" below is pseudo code, just to get the idea across)
Here's what I currently have:
var bill = new array[20];
var sam = new array[20];
var nancy = new array[20];
var Oscar = new array[20];
I'm assigning objects to them (ie Oscar[5] = new objLabel() This seems like a kluge, however. Here's what I'd like (again, pseudo-code)
var Objects = {bill:null; sam:null; nancy:null; Oscar:null};
var theObject = new Array of Objects[20];
// yes: i know that's wrong... and that's the part I'm having trouble with
so that I can do something like:
Just seems to me that keeping a single array of multiple objects is likely to be less error-prone than multiple arrays of single objects... But I don't have the syntax right... or can it be done in JS? If it's doable, would someone be kind enough to show me how to declare and access that example?
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Aug 1, 2009
I have a series of links in a list.And by an onmouseover event I want to get a message <li> with an explaination between the last link and the previous one.
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Nov 8, 2010
I was having some trouble with 2D arrays (or array of arrays). Essentially, the array has 100 rows, with two columns. The first column of every row holds a name, and the second holds a sales amount. With the use of a do while loop, the user can continuously add up to 100 names and sales amounts. After all the information the user wishes to add is stored into the 2D array I'm attempting to pass that very same 2D array as a parameter to a function called printRow as can be seen in the code below: Note: the function call and the actual function are found in two separate javascripts.
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