Array Within Form - Just Run It Once With Two Html Input Checkbox Elements

Jan 27, 2011

For some reason my script only works when I have at lease two checkboxes. To simulate the problem just run it once with two html input checkbox elements

-> check one checkbox and press submit -> it works
-> Now remove one input checkbox field and check the remaining checkbox & submit -> Bamm doesn't work...


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Form Elements And Document Models - Structure The Input Names To Get An Array

May 2, 2011

I'm still struggling with creating a properly formatted form. This problem it two-fold. The first part isn't strictly a javascript problem, but I've included it here because it relates to the second part, which is:

1. Given the form below, how should I structure the input names to get an array like that at bottom?

2. The scripts are used to provide running totals and subtotals. They're fun - try them! But how should I modify these scripts so that they can continue to work with the amended naming policy?


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JQuery :: Function To Duplicate Form Elements With A Little Html-code Surrounding Input Fields

Jan 28, 2011

I made this function to duplicate form elements with a little html-code surrounding the input fields. First i clone the html of the first child found (always gets rendered by php). Then, everytime the add-button is pushed, i append a cloned piece of that stored html. It's working fine except for the delete button.

It's seems that whenever a cloned html is removed, the other cloned elements aren't recognized anymore by the delete buttons (although the delete buttons are in them)

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JQuery :: Checkbox Names Aggregate As Array In A Hidden Input Value?

Jan 19, 2010

In a form, I have multiple checkboxes which represent products whose values are the product prices and names are the product names. When a user clicks submit the next page processes it for cart/purchase purposes.

I need to pass the names of each checkbox to the next page as an array, and it seemed the best way to accomplish this would be to have a hidden input which automatically generates that array in the page then gets passed to the next (via POST) so the application can manipulate the data.

My server-side language is PHP on Codeigniter.

Here's the code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


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Counting Of Input Array Elements?

Sep 13, 2010

I am creating table rows dynamically through javascript and also creating the input array in each table row. while counting the array elements in IE its give me the correct counting but in GOOGLE CHROME and FIREFOX its give me the only those count like 2 which I do with hardcode

HTML Code:


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Show Form Elements By Selecting Checkbox?

May 11, 2011

Trying to build a dynamic part on my form by using a checkbox and <span>. Found a script that does exactly what i want, but uses a 'radio' in the script instead of a checkbox. And at that spot i need to be able to make multiple selections, so i need checkboxes.. In this specific case it's about geslacht='v' checkbox

My problems are:

1. My span doesn't start off at invisible
2. My function match_personalia_geslacht() works with a onChange, not with a onSelect.

Don't know how to get the same result with a checkbox.. So if someone can help me, i would be a happy man.


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Adding JS To Old HTML Referencing Array Elements?

Mar 23, 2010

Years ago I created HTML that employs checkboxes and textboxes. I am now writing JS with the intention of adding flexibility and limiting redundancy. I am not sure I truly understand how to correctly interact the two though. For example, one of my scripts have arrays that contain the names of the checkboxes and textboxes, with a 'for' loop to document.write() them to references within the HTML code.This does not seem to be working for me though. Here is what I have thus far (in short):

<script language="javascript">
var teamNames = new Array(3);
teamNames[0]="South Africa";


I've left out a lot of the code (to include the teamAbbr array, but you get the points. I've tried moving the JS within the HTML body and playing with the reference syntax, but nothing so far.

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Form Validation -> Checkbox Array

Sep 19, 2006

<form name="new_page" action="test.php"><input type="checkbox" name="allowed[]" value="2">
<input type="checkbox" name="allowed[]" value="2">
<input type="checkbox" name="allowed[]" value="2">
<input class="button_140" type="button" value="Toevoegen"

if (!document.new_page.allowed[].checked){ popupalert('allowed'); }
else { this.form.submit(); }"></form>

This is a piece of the code I've written. It's supposed to check if one of the allowed[]-checkboxes is checked, and if not, to run function popupalert('allowed');. It's not working. Can someone tell me how to fix this?

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Form Array Checkbox Accesing

Feb 21, 2005

First I'm sure the answer to ths JS question is buried somewhere in the many item of this forum. Just could not find it. So I'm working on changes to a form developed by someone else. In the form the previous developer wrote the following:

<input type="checkbox" name="method[]" value="payroll_onetime">Payroll
<input type="checkbox" name="method[]" value="payroll_onetime">One-time
<input type="checkbox" name="method[]" value="paper">Paper Check
<input type="checkbox" name="method[]" "onlinebill">Online Bill

Note there are other form and HTML I removed.

So my problem is this. I'm trying to access the method checkbox array from a JS function. So I write:

function setPayrollStatus()

This does give me that value of 4. Since there are 4 checkboxes for method I'm thinking this is correct. So next I add:

for (var idx=0; idx < document.profile.method.length; idx++)

Now I get only 'undefined'.

What I want to accomplish is to check the first item. I thought I would be able to write something like: document.profile. method[0].checked = true;

If I change the form name tags from 'method[]' to 'method' it works. Problem is he also wrote the php back end processing for this form. And in PHP this syntax yeilds an array for the method vriable.

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Clear An Html SELECT And Next Insert In It All The Elements Of An Array

Jul 23, 2005

how can clear an html SELECT and next insert in it all the elements of an array () I try this but seems doesn't works.

function ComboAddArrayValueWithLabel(combo,ArrayLabel,Array Value)
combo.options.length = 0;
for (i=0; i<ArrayLabel.length; i++)
combo.options[combo.options.length] = new Option(ArrayLabel[i],ArrayValue[i]);

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Form Validation For Checkbox Named As Array

Jul 24, 2005

I have a number of checkboxes and radio buttons in an HTML form that are named as arrays, ie.

<INPUT type="checkbox" ID="i1" VALUE="MILK" NAME="Q1[]">
<INPUT type="checkbox" ID="i2" VALUE="SUGAR" NAME="Q1[]">
<INPUT type="checkbox" ID="i3" VALUE="BISCUIT" NAME="Q1[]">

I need to keep the 'NAME' as an array as above because of the form processing that is used after submit.

I was really hoping to use Javascript to validate the form and make sure that each checkbox group has at least one option selected , but my javascript messes up because the 'NAME' is Q1[] as opposed to Q1. I had been using:

function validate() {
if (!(mainform.Q1[0].checked || mainform.Q1[1].checked|| mainform.Q1[2].checked)) {
alert('Please answer question 1.');

but this only works when I name the checkboxes NAME="Q1". Is anyone aware of how to get the validate function to work (or another way of validating the form) even when the checkboxes and radio buttons are named like NAME="Q1[]".

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Pass User Input From A Form To One Database Field Using Several Form Elements

May 4, 2009

I need to pass user input from a form to one database field. I'm relatively new to JS but the idea I had was to have several form elements and use JS to collect the users input and send all the values through a hidden element. What's happening is the variable names are being sent rather than the values. The code below is only passing to the next page. Limitations: I am editing an intranet site built by a 3rd party so a lot of the files we've been given are encrypted. I cannot change the method to post.


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Using Form Elements In Array?

Sep 22, 2010

I am creating an array based on form elements. I then am trying to create an IF (and nested IF) statement to check if the fields are empty and then with the nested IF statement use certain fields to create mathematical functions.

So far I have this:

function QuantityMWh(form) {
var formchk = document.forms[0]
for (i = 0; i < formchk.elements.length; i++) {
if (formchk.elements[1].value == "" && formchk.elements[2].value == "") {


It's only checking the first field and not the second, and vice versa. i.e. if only one field has text then it passes.

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Set Value Of Array Of Form Elements

Oct 14, 2009

I have a form that has an array of input values:

I do this so I can loop through the values in php... now...that's the easy part... the hard part comes to this:

Next to each of those boxes is a search button that allows the user to open up a popup window that they can search for an item, and select the item. Once they select the item it should populate that particular input box with the selected item. I can easily do this with a uniquely named input box, but can't seem to figure out how to do it with an array of input boxes...

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Form Elements Array Not Being Updated

Oct 28, 2009

I use a very handy function (onsubmit) to validate empty fields in a form:

PHP Code:
function validate_form(){
var x = document.getElementById("form1");
for(var i=0; i<x.length; i++){
if((x.elements[i].value == "") && (x.elements[i].title)){

It worked like a charm, until I had to change a dropdown dynamically with ajax. I have two dropdowns, the second being populated with ajax (php, mysql) by the option selected in the first one. The second dropdown has the title attribute filled so the previous function can validate and ask the user to select something. However, it seems like fields loaded dynamically with ajax wont appear inside the x.elements[] array. I've tested it over and over, it keeps ignoring it. It isn't even in the array. Why?

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Input #'s Into An Array Using A Form?

Nov 10, 2011

Lets say I have an empty array and I want the user to be able to enter as many new numbers as the user wants into the array. Could you explain how? Simply put it: How can javascript parse a textarea and input it into an array. (Like if the user entered 1 3 5 7 4).

function example(form){
var myNumbers=new Array();
then I'll do something with the array once the #'s are loaded...


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JQuery :: Textarea Form - Selecting Array Elements?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm trying to add the text of a textarea form to the string that's contained at:
It was easy to pull out the value of the textarea with this:
textinput = $('#mytextarea').val();
But then when I try to add the variable into the array, it doesn't work. I'm not able (apparently) to do this. Fingers crossed that I'm doing something dumb?

This doesn't work:
myarray[a][b][c] += newstringvariable;
Nor this:
myarray[a][b][c] = myarray[a][b][c] + textinput;
I'm guessing there is a very simple (probably syntax related!) solution to this. I'm open to doing this via jQuery or regular javascript.

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JQuery :: Disabling Input Elements In A Form?

Aug 26, 2010

I am writing a ASP.NET UserControl and I am trying to incorporate JQuery into this. The control is a simple form with a few input fields (text, checkbox, select, radio). The first element in the form is a checkbox. Upon clicking this checkbox I want the all the input elements in the form (except the checkbox control itself) to be enable/disable. I tried writing some of this code but my solution was not getting me anywhere. Below is the ASP.NET form code.

asp:Panel ID="pnlInputControls" runat="server"> <table style="width:100%;">


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JQuery :: Loop Over All Input Elements In Form?

Sep 15, 2009

I tried


it only alert "XXX" nothing else !!! any idea about this. My journey till now is difficult in jquery

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Form Input Array Validation

Mar 6, 2004

The form contains 3 file input tags. The name for each is an array. This is for further processing by PHP script. I want to make sure at least one of the file input tags has selected a file.

The rest of the validation script works, but I get a 'not object' error when I include the section that checks the file input tags. Code:

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Does A Form Element Know Its Own Index Number In The Forms[].elements[] Array

Aug 24, 2010

I have a form element that looks like this:

<input type="text" onchange=doSomething(this)>

and a function:

function doSomething(theField){

I know that within the function I can access properties of the field (e.g. and theField.value). But how do I access theField's index number in the form's elements[] array -- from the "this" reference that was passed to the function? I.E. if this field is elements[3], how can I get at that 3?

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JS Array And Html Form?

Nov 6, 2011

im fiddeling about with javascript and learning the basics. say you make a javascript array keeping it simple for just now, say the array had 5 items in it, how can you make it so the user has to input a number which selectes one of the objects from the array ? my friend told me to use a form but i dont know how i can link this to the javascript array.


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Loop Through Form.elements Array Validating With Custom Event Handlers?

Jun 27, 2011

Nice module, but I can't get it too work.


* validate.js: unobtrusive HTML form validation.


but the script alerts me nothing?

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Object Properties With Array Syntax - Add Extra Properties To Html Elements

Nov 13, 2009

how to add extra properties to html elements as I was storing data in html attributes. After looking at some others code including Raphael and this addEvent code. [URL] They seem to treat objects just like an array. obj[property] = value; This would have been extremely helpful to know previously as I have needed to be able to include variables in property names - but have resorted to making the whole thing a string and calling exec() on it.

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JS Arrays In Storing Input Frm Form Into Array / Displaying Result

Mar 18, 2009

need urgent help with javascript arrays. I need to store the checked value of the radiobutton into an array and then display the result from that array.I have created an empty array to store the input from the textbox of the form using the JS insert() function and then used show() function to display the result... but I am unable to display which option the user has selected from the radiobutton.if you look at it in the browser, and type in a name in the name textbox and click displays the result (which was stored in the inputarray) but the radiobutton doesnt"undefined" and should give either Male or Female, depending on what the user selects.

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Select All The Checkboxes - Form Posts To Another PHP Page That Needs The Input Name As An Array

Dec 3, 2009

I have the following checkbox code:

echo "<input name="picbigid[]" type="checkbox" value="$pic[src_big]">";

I then want to select all the checkboxes so I have this code:


It works but I can't have it like that because the form posts to another PHP page that needs the input name as an array.

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