Calculator Calculation - 1st Number Entered Displaying It And Storing It In The Variable "memory"

Feb 13, 2011

This is calculator program that I have gotten stuck on. Here is where I think I am at:

The program is now taking the 1st number entered displaying it and storing it in the variable "memory".

Operation (+,-,*,/) is added to the memory in function action1() but then when the second number is entered it replaces memory with the second number. How can I get the variable memory to the whole string of 1st number,action, 2nd number?

Also once I do get that working correctly:

Wouldn't eval(document.calculator.display.value= memory) in my HTML for the "=" give me the calculation. (if I could figure out how to have memory store the 1st number and action1 and 2nd number all together) Or would eval(document.calculator.display.value) do it for me.


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Storing A Value From A Slider As A Variable For Calculation Later?

May 11, 2009

I'm working on a page that needs to do some calculations based on values that the user inputs via sliders. I can get the values selected to display in a text box below the slider, but I also need to store the value as a variable for use in calculations.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Memory Functions On A Calculator?

May 22, 2010

I'm trying to make a calculator in HTML/Javascript but I'm having trouble with the memory buttons. Here is the code:

<title>Env X Software | Env X Online Calc</title>


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Changing Calculation In Simple Interest Calculator

Aug 10, 2010

The exercise problem is to "MODIFY the code in the "calculate_click" event so interest is added to future value just once each year for the number of years that they were entered by the user". The calculation as you see it below assumes an amount is invested MONTHLY (not just once), and the interest is calculated accordingly. This is what I think the problem is trying to calculate: using a $100 one time investment at 10% interest (compounded once annually) for one year = $110 as the future value. For two years, the future value should equal $121 (110 + (110*.10)). Okay, if my math is wrong, let me know. This is what I'm trying to get it to match to.

I have been able to modify the calculate_click function to compound the interest annually (it does it monthly now). Cool. I cannot get it to stop adding $100 annually. See my math above? I think that's the answer. My manipulation of the code yields $110 for the first year, $231 for the second year, etc. The $231 is incorrect cuz it adds an extra $100. See, this is a simple interest calculator I can't figure out! The original code is below that calculates the investment as a monthly investment as opposed to one-time. To avoid confusion, I did not include any of my modifications. But yeah. I know that the major culprit is how the "for" loop is being executed. I've highlighted where I think the code needs to be changed, but I haven't changed it here. Note the first function is a shortcut to execute getElementbyID.

The Code:
var $ = function (id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
} var calculate_click = function () {
var investment = parseFloat( $("investment").value );
var annualRate = parseFloat( $("rate").value );
var years = parseInt( $("years").value );
$("futureValue").value = ""; .....

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Storing Of Radio Values And Displaying

Mar 8, 2010

The issue we are having is that he has a simple form that we are testing out that allows users to come on, click what they wish to order and submit. While they click what they wish to order, there is a text field in the bottom which updates with the price of their order. This script he found online and implemented without a problem.Though we noticed when this form was submitted, the email would take the name of the input and the value and place them next to one another.So for example if the user clicks the first bread with the value 1.99 then the email would show "Bread=1.99" and as we wished to use radio boxes so the user can only pick one, we need a way to read off the bread name.

We thought the easiest route would be to use javascript to take the selected value, store it with a variable and then run an if statement through the value and when it found the answer, we could display the name of the bread in a seperate field below the prices or hidden, as long as it appears within the email.I know it can be done as some examples online look similar to what we were trying to achieve but our ability to do so is non-existant.Is there a simple easy way to do this or could you direct me to a location which would take me through it step by step.

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Storing / Sorting / Displaying Data In Browser

Feb 1, 2009

I'm building an online auction system. Each participant will be allowed to post one bid per minute for about 3 hours. Each person's "bid history" must remain visible to him during the entire auction in a scrollable list, and this list must be sorted from high to low bid. These auctions will have upwards of 10,000 bidders and the server will be seriously stressed in dealing with so many bidders posting another new bid every minute. Therefore I want to alleviate any additional stress on the server by storing and sorting each bidder's "bid history" in his own browser -- perhaps in a cookie or maybe there is a better javascript-based data storage container available for this purpose ... ?

This seems like a natural application for javascript because of the fact that only the individual bidder needs to see his own list of submitted bids -- sorted from high to low -- and I'm hoping that javascript can be employed to do this.

1- A bidder enters his bid into a form (example 12345.67) and posts the form to the server;
2- Javascript grabs the posted value and appends it to the cookie or whatever container is storing the bids in the browser;
3- Javascript re-sorts the values and displays them again, perhaps in an iFrame or maybe in another kind of scrolling list on the main page.

Note that these bids will NOT be placed in ascending or descending order (this auction is different from most) and this means the values must be re-sorted each time a new value is posted -- so they always appear sorted from high to low in the list.

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Phone Number Form - Error-check It So That Only Numbers Can Be Entered Into The Phone Number Input Field?

Sep 26, 2011

I am working on a Phone Number Form. The link of script: [url]


(1)I wanted to know if code this script so that instead of the phone number appearing as: (123)456-7890

So that it appears as: (123) 456-7890 with a blank space after the ")"

(2)If that's simple, is there a way to error-check it so that only numbers can be entered into the phone number input field?

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JS Arrays In Storing Input Frm Form Into Array / Displaying Result

Mar 18, 2009

need urgent help with javascript arrays. I need to store the checked value of the radiobutton into an array and then display the result from that array.I have created an empty array to store the input from the textbox of the form using the JS insert() function and then used show() function to display the result... but I am unable to display which option the user has selected from the radiobutton.if you look at it in the browser, and type in a name in the name textbox and click displays the result (which was stored in the inputarray) but the radiobutton doesnt"undefined" and should give either Male or Female, depending on what the user selects.

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Show Number Textbox As Value That Entered

Apr 4, 2007

Enter one value in textbox (number) , then click on button show on the screen number textbox that entered I did as follow:

function show() {
var x,i;
x = parseInt(f1.text1.value);
for (i=0 ; i<x ; i++) {
document.write("<input type='text'>");
<form name="f1">
Please enter data <input type="text" name="text1"> &nbsp;
<input type="button" value="submit" onClick="show();">

My program run exactly...but have a issue !

On screen display number textbox equals value that I entered, but content in <body> is cleared !

Show me the way to hold content in <body> and only display textboxs under them...?

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Splitting Then Adding A Number Entered Into A Form?

Aug 7, 2010

I am making a form using HTML and java where you enter a number and it uses an equation then spits out another number. My problem is I want to split the number you put into the form and add it up. Example You enter"457829"Press "convert"And the first step I want it to do is"4+5+7+8+2+9=sumA"Then"sumA/8"So far I can only do the sumA/8 if I manually add up the numbers then place the sum in the form, here's the code:

var a = parsefloat(form.NumA.value, 10);


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Mac / Firefox - Verify That A User Has Entered A Number Between 0 And 99 In A Form

Jun 24, 2011

I use the following to verify that a user has entered a number between 0 and 99 in a form:

It seems to work fine in all browser / machine combos except Firefox on a Mac, when entering 0 returns false (I don't know if entering other numbers also returns false.)

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Validate That User Has Entered A Ten Digit Number Into The Text Box?

Mar 18, 2011

I need to validate that the the user has entered a ten digit number into the text box, and need some help with the code. Here is what I have:

<title>Checking with RegExp</title>


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Form Validation Check If Email Or Phone Number Entered?

Jul 24, 2009

I have this form validation code

function check_email(mailstring)
valid = "1234567890qwertyuiop[]asdfghjklzxcvbnm.@-_QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM";
for(i=0; i < mailstring.length ;i++)


at the moment its checks that someting has been enetered in all these fields,

what would be the best way to check that the email or phone nummber had been entered?? will not send if nothing enetered, but will send if one or both have been enetered?

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Storing A Javascript Variable In A Php String

Jul 7, 2006

I have the following javascript function:

<script type="text/javascript">
function HTMLEncode( text )
text = text.replace(/&/g, "&amp;") ;
text = text.replace(/"/g, "&quot;") ;
text = text.replace(/</g, "&lt;") ;
text = text.replace(/>/g, "&gt;") ;
text = text.replace(/'/g, "'") ;
return text ;

Now i want to store the content of 'text' in a php string. Is that possible?

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Storing An Element's Colour As A Variable?

Jun 4, 2009

I tried and tried for so long to get this to work, but I just can't.

Here's what I did:

var testvar = document.getElementById('example').style.color;

Not only would the alert come up empty each time, but IE reports that "testvar" is undefined. Why isn't it working? And if I'm going about it the wrong way, how can I store an element's style info, such as font colour like in this example, as a variable?

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Script Checkbox Not Storing In Variable

Dec 8, 2010

I was wondering if someone could help me on a problem I have been having. In my code my function is supposed to take the elements of the form and it checks to see if it is checked or not. After that it would store it in the variable checkbox. However when I test it out it will not store it in the variable. For example if I picked sleep/ standby checkbox and hit submit it will show as 06 instead of just 6. Don't know what I am doing wrong. Here is my [code]...

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Storing A Variable After A Script Is Complete?

Sep 19, 2011

'm thinking that I have to learn how to work with cookies to do this but I was wondering if there was a variable type that might instead.. I have the following little test works but only the first way...if I wanted to make this work both ways how would I go about it? I'm trying to figure out a way to create one of the little +/- buttons that can show and hide content.


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Storing Page Source As A Variable?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to write a script that parses a web page for a given delimiter and then stores the following 50 characters as a variable. I wrote the following php script:

$del = "picture_id";
$url = "";
$source = file_get_contents($url);


The delimiter is always going to be constant, however the succeeding characters will be different each and every time. I need to write this in Javascript because it is hosted on my server, and ran by users who post on my brothers message board (which is hosted elsewhere). Since Php is server side I always get "guest" as a value rather than the random string of characters like it should be.

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Storing Output Of A Display Script As A Variable?

Nov 8, 2010

When a person signs up for my website it first adds them to my external email list and then to my MySQL database.In order to do this you have to pass the information of the form to the next page where you can "display" it. Nothing except this display function seems to work.So what I am trying to do is take what is outputted by this display button and store it in a javascript variable. Then transfer this variable to a form which will auto submit and start the PHP registration pulling the output of the script, right now I can either get an undefined or the entire HTML code. Is there another option?Here is my code:



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Form Calculator - Display Number Based Series Of If Else Statements

Sep 22, 2010

I'm just learning javascript and am editing a calculator form that will calculate square footage and write to a form text field. I have another form filed that I would like to display a number based a series of if else statements. ex: if square footage > 2761 then display 5.0., if square footage > 2521 then display 4.5. etc.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "<HTML>
<HEAD><TITLE>Size Calculator</TITLE>
function CalculateSum(Atext, Btext, form){
var A = parseFloat(Atext);
var B = parseFloat(Btext);
form.Footage.value = A * B;
form.Size.value = 21;

/* ClearForm: this function has 1 argument: form.
It clears the input and answer fields on the form.
It needs to know the names of the INPUT elements in order to do this. */

function ClearForm(form){
form.input_A.value = "";
form.input_B.value = "";
form.Footage.value = "";
form.Size.value = "";
// end of JavaScript functions -->
<P><FONT SIZE="+2">Sizing Calculator</FONT></P>
<FORM NAME="Calculator" METHOD="post">
<P>House width (ft): <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="input_A" SIZE=10></P>
<P>House length (ft): <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="input_B" SIZE=10></P>
<P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Calculate" name="Calculate" onClick="CalculateSum(this.form.input_A.value, this.form.input_B.value, this.form)"></P>
<P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Clear Fields" name="ClearButton" onClick="ClearForm(this.form)"></P>
<P>Square footage = <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="Footage" SIZE=12></P>
<P>Size = <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="Size" SIZE=12></P>

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JQuery :: Selecting Multiple Elements And Storing Them In A Variable?

Mar 23, 2011

just a very basic question. Have a div (id - photos) with multiple images. 1) Does this select them all? $('#photos img') 2)If so, how can i capture this information? Like so -> var bunchOfStuff = ($('#photos img')); and 3) if so, why can't i do something like alert(bunchOfStuff.length)into code tags...

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JQuery :: Storing An Span Content To A Variable Without Getting An Error?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm trying to embed a lot of html code into a javascript variable. How do I do that without getting error?

I kinda think that it has something to do with the escape quotation plus x, which I need so that the id won't duplicate.

//add new form
//update cached steps in the wizard with a new step (adds one first)
//step 2 vehicle information content


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Alternative For Document.write - Calculator That Takes Number Of Songs From Input Text Box

Jan 16, 2011

I have a simple calculator here that takes the number of songs from the input text box and multiplies it by 500 and then tells you the total. I am doing this on a simple web page for a project for college. I know document.write overwrites my entire page to print the result but I would like to keep the page and design that I have made and to print the result on the same paragraph as where the script and text box are.

Below is my javascript:


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Displaying The Same Image A Random Number Of Times?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm trying to display the same image several times using javascript. It can range anywhere from 0 to about 50. I'll also have its' location determined by the user click and each image will timeout after a short period of time. I figure i'll have to create a new object for each image that is added and remove it after it times out, but my problem is I dont know how to tell the HTML code inside the <body> tag to display the same image for each click I make.

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Memory Leak - When Use Mouse Wheel In Firefox To Scroll Contents Of The DIV - Memory Usage In Firefox Goes Through The Roof

Mar 26, 2009

First the code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function TextScroll(scrollname, div_name, up_name, down_name, top_name){

When I use mouse wheel in Firefox to scroll contents of the DIV, memory usage in Firefox goes through the roof. Code above is a fully working page, if anyone would like to see what's up, just load it up, and start moving your mouse wheel in the area with text. You don't actually have to scroll the text, just moving the wheel back and forth in that DIV will do. Memory usage will start going up quite fast, and after you stop moving the wheel, it will finally come down a bit after a short while. I've highlighted in red the line where mousewheel event is registered for Firefox. I'm not sure if it's really a problem, but since Opera and IE don't have any strange memory usage, and Firefox does, maybe I did something wrong. In everyday use it shouldn't matter [don't expect to have kilometers of content to scroll], but anyway, it is a bit unsettling.

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Determine Which Number Entered Was The Highest And The 2nd Highest

May 13, 2011

I need to write a program that asks for 3 different numbers (prompt boxes) and determine which number entered was the highest and the 2nd highest. I know what to do for the input and output but I don't know what to do during the processing.

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