Displaying All Arrays In Variable
Sep 14, 2011
in a textbox called 'ShowAllQuestions' I want to list all the questions in order (but without showing the choices (answers) along with them).Would I need to sort the arrays first? If so, its tricky because '11' would come before '2' in this case..
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Mar 18, 2009
need urgent help with javascript arrays. I need to store the checked value of the radiobutton into an array and then display the result from that array.I have created an empty array to store the input from the textbox of the form using the JS insert() function and then used show() function to display the result... but I am unable to display which option the user has selected from the radiobutton.if you look at it in the browser, and type in a name in the name textbox and click submit....it displays the result (which was stored in the inputarray) but the radiobutton doesnt work...gives.."undefined" and should give either Male or Female, depending on what the user selects.
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Feb 1, 2007
I'm creating a simple memory game in which the user has to make pairs
from cards. I would like the user to see the variable "trys" (the
score) update on the page dynamically (in a text box would be great).
I can do this by showing a msgbox every time try increments but this
is annoying to use. I have been trying for hours to get this to work,
using innerhtml. Code:
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Feb 15, 2009
I'm new to javascript and still trying to learn my way around. Below is my code
<script type ="text/javascript">
var a1 = "2";
var t2 = "hello world";
var total = ("t" + a1);
That code will display the string "t2" rather than the value of the variable t2. How do I make javascript display the value of the variable rather than the string?
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Feb 10, 2010
Simply put, I need to take a variable (The number '20' in this case) that is displayed by an input box on my web page and plug it into a function so that whenever I click on a button, the number in the input box will decrease by 1.
Seems simple enough, though for hours I've been going at it with no luck. Skipping the rest of my code - I currently have:
<title> Online Slots </title>
<script type="text/javascript"
The entire code is a slot machine project that's supposed to be extremely simple where you hit the button and it spins 3 wheels, 3 of the same image and you win. Every spin takes $1, every win gives $13.
The majority of the code is already working, however for some reason I appear to be failing badly at getting the read out to show a decrement of $1 every time you push the button.
I've tried so many different ideas that I've found across w3schools, webdevelopersnotes, dave-reed, ect - and so far I haven't been able to get any of them to work correctly.
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Mar 4, 2009
I have a javascript rich text editor code...
If I set $Message = 'hello' then it works and the message is inputed onto the rich text editor and appears. But when I try to retrieve the variable via $Message = $_SESSION['Message'] or from a database $Message = $INFO['Message'] ... the whole text editor disappears! How do I keep the data in the rich text editor from disappearing after a refresh by storing the variable with javascript or something else.
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Nov 1, 2010
I have interesting question about javascript. I'm no expert but I do understand coding for few languages and html. Let me give an example:
<option value=illinois' +Illinois+ '>Illinois</option>
<option value=illinois' +Alabama+ '>Alabama</option>
Would it be possible to make besttest[1] arrays value an actual variable name and assign it string value "selected"? I have "for" loop that returns the selected state and I need to somehow pass that variable name (which has value "selected") to option tag. And that variable name is the actual value of array.
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Feb 13, 2011
This is calculator program that I have gotten stuck on. Here is where I think I am at:
The program is now taking the 1st number entered displaying it and storing it in the variable "memory".
Operation (+,-,*,/) is added to the memory in function action1() but then when the second number is entered it replaces memory with the second number. How can I get the variable memory to the whole string of 1st number,action, 2nd number?
Also once I do get that working correctly:
Wouldn't eval(document.calculator.display.value= memory) in my HTML for the "=" give me the calculation. (if I could figure out how to have memory store the 1st number and action1 and 2nd number all together) Or would eval(document.calculator.display.value) do it for me.
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Jul 23, 2005
I've noticed that IE apparently has a horrible implementation of the
array object, since traversing one with as few as 1000 items it tends
to pop up a dialog informing the user that the script is taking too
long. I tried splitting the array into a 10x100 two-dimensional array
as well as changing the array to a linked list, but neither improved
the code's efficiency sufficiently. Can anyone suggest methods for
optimizing array efficiency, or some other workaround for yet another
one of Bill Gates' blunders?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web document created by a script and instead of going back to
the db I choose to either create an array to iterate through or xml to
parse through.
So, my question is: What are the trade offs between using an array to
load data from or an xml structure?
My array would look like:
myarray = [[],[],[],[]]
My xml like:
I would use js to iterate or getElementByTagName to find data. I am thinking the page would load faster using xml, and then the user may not even use that functionality. In all cases I have to load the array to memory.
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May 23, 2007
I am with XHTML and CSS as much do I have to learn in JavaScript programming. I’m just beginning to understand and modify the DOM and I ran into something that I couldn’t find a solution for after some extensive search. I have this function:
if(document.getElementById && document.createElement) {
function addflags() {
var children = document.getElementById('pagelist').childNodes;
for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
children[0].className = 'bulgaria'
children[1].className = 'england'
children[2].className = 'italy'
children[3].className = 'sweden'
The XHTML is an unordered list with 4 list items and sub lists in those list items (plus links in each li) and I want to add a country flag (set as background image in the CSS) to the direct children of the ul (the first level list items).
Now I discovered that Firefox is only reacting to odd array numbers, i.e. children[1], 3, 5, and 7 (the even numbers have "no properties") while IE is applying the classes correctly(?) as intended above (0,1,2,3).
At which point did I go wrong? Sorry if this is a real stupid question but I’m pretty new in this field and my researches didn’t bring any acceptable results.
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Oct 5, 2005
Is what I'm doing the right approach to creating an array of arrays? I have an external datafile with several employees' records. They are stored in an array with each element of the array being the complete employee record, ie: name, date of hire, etc., etc. These attributes are delimited by a :. I'm trying to separate these attributes while keeping the original array intact. That way I can access these attributes and validate whether or not an instance of the employee object will occur. There are too many records to create this from the start, so I'm trying to implement a for loop to do it for me. This is what I tried: datafile is the name of the original array of employees. emp is the array I'm trying to create .
for(var i=0;i<datafile.length;i++){
var emp = datafile[i].split(":");
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Jul 23, 2005
How do I set this to "disabled":
<select name="awards[]" multiple size="6">
<option value="1">Award 1</option>
<option value="2">Award 2</option>
<option value="3">Award 3</option>
<option value="4">Award 4</option>
I don't know how many options there will be as they are fed from a DB.
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Nov 23, 2005
Anybody got any suggestions about using two arrays. First i need to
ask the user their name and if their require a seat between 1and 5 or
between 6 and 10. I need to assign this information in two arrays.
Any suggestions. I have been working on this so far.
<script type="text/javascript">
var theArray = new Array(10);
//var sizeOfArray = parseInt(prompt("How many items will the array
have?", ""));
for(i=0; i<10; i++)
theArray[i] = prompt( "Please enter your name");
for(i=0; i<theArray.length; i++)
document.writeln( "theArray[" + i + " ] = " + theArray[i] + "<br />");
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Sep 12, 2006
I want to make algorithms that take selections from arrays and put them together in new ways. here is a simple array I set up for notes of a piano keyboard: Code:
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Mar 6, 2007
Safari and FF seem to allow this:
var wiggy = "ABCD";
ch = wiggy[2]; // ch will contain the character 'C'
however my JS book seems to insist that I do this:
ch = wiggy.charAt(2);
and indeed doesn't appear to mention the first method at all.
Since for my particular purpose I want to treat the string as an array
of single characters, I prefer the first method rather than the second.
Is there any reason not to pursue this approach?
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Jul 20, 2005
Any neat way to copy a snapshot of one array to another?
A normal assignment results in the second array pointing to the first,
with changes to either array affecting both.
As a trivial example:
var a=new Array();
var b=a;
.... this results in a and b being identical two-element arrays.
Is there any easy way to set array (b) to be a copy of (a) BY VALUE -
ie using the contents of (a) as they were at the moment of assignment,
but leaving the two arrays separate so that subsequent changes to one
array does not affect the other?
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Jul 20, 2005
looking for a way to pass an array to a function.
function myfunction(arrayname)
document.write("blablabla"+ arrayname[1] +"blablabla");
<html stuff>
arrayname = new Array("what", "is", "wrong");
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May 18, 2011
I'm a newbie of JS and don't know if I have got the right terms in my question. I want to lowercase all the arrays:
var txt = [
document.write(txt[0][1] + " love eating " + txt[1][1]);
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Jul 4, 2011
"When we combine FUNCTIONS with OBJECTS we get METHODS". Then he creates an empty ARRAY:
var a = [];
then he uses the "push() method" to add elements to the array.
uh, methods are for *objects* right? Yet he is using them on an ARRAY.how an array can magically becomes an object that is manipulated by a "method"?I mean, the array is still an array, no? It never actually becomes an object, right? Yet we still use a *method* to manipulate it. See my conceptual quandry?
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Dec 16, 2011
I have 2 arrays and I would like to compare the 2 arrays.If an element in array 1 is NOT in array 2 then I would like to display that element. In this case, I should only display the letter "c" but it doesn't work and I don't know why?
Here's my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getValue(id){
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Jun 20, 2007
I recently had a problem where I needed to build up an array of strings, that would be join()ed into a string when the array building was complete. however, each value could only be in the array once.
This was a problem for a few reasons. Once a value has gone into an array the only way to check for it that works cross-platform is to scan the array looking for the value. FireFox has the every() and some() functions but they don't work in anything else.
Using an object to simulate an assocaiative array would allow me to avoid this problem by storing key/values with the keys having the same value as the value I was storing. I could then use the (a in b) construct to check that I had not already added a value.
However, array type methods won't work with objects, so I had no access to size () or join () meaning I'd have to manually build the string by iterating over the object.
My solution was to use an array object, but to store the provided data i nboth the array proper and as a property of the array object.
var myArray = new Array;
function addVal (val)
if (!(val in myArray))
myArray [val] = 1;
myArray.push (val);
addVal ('one');
addVal ('two');
addVal ('three');
addVal ('one');
addVal ('two');
addVal ('three');
console.log (myArray.length);
console.log (myArray.join (', '));
This approach does use up more memory but it does give me the advantages of both arrays and objects for little extra work. (if you don't have FireBug then replace console.log with alert)
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Jul 16, 2010
for example if I have two arrys
how to merge them to get arr1[10,20,30,40,50,60]
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Oct 28, 2003
I am dabbling with objects and have successfully created an object with various properties, one of which is an Array, and all is fine. the Question I have is can I make an Array of objects? I have the following object:
dataSeries.Type = value
dataSeries.Name = value
dataSeries.dataPoints[n] = Array of values
dataSeries.color = value
What I would like to do is have an Array of multiple objects supposedly like:
dataSeries[0].Type = value
dataSeries[1].Name = value
dataSeries[2].dataPoints[n] = Array of values
dataSeries[3].color = value
Is this possible?
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Jul 12, 2005
Have an array l am building up during end user selections. There is an option to clear all selections, how do l then clear the array?
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Jul 17, 2006
I have been working on this for the last couple days and have made a lot of headway, but am still stuck on a spot. I have a group of checkboxes on my form that allow the user to select which items apply. I want to verify that at least one checkbox in each group has been selected before allowing them to continue. PHP requires the naming of the arrays to include the [] but jsp (for verification) doesn't like it. I read about and used the .elements method to overcome part of that problem so my for loop is now executing for the number of items in my group:
for (var i=0; i<document.form1.elements['dining_out1[]'].length; i++)
however my if statement won't execute:
if (document.form1.elements['dining_out1[i]'].checked)
even if I have checked ALL checkboxes. I have tried all the different methods I can think of to test for a checked value on each item in the array, but I can't quite figure out what I am missing.
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