Displaying Dynamic Variable Content (String T2)
Feb 15, 2009
I'm new to javascript and still trying to learn my way around. Below is my code
<script type ="text/javascript">
var a1 = "2";
var t2 = "hello world";
var total = ("t" + a1);
That code will display the string "t2" rather than the value of the variable t2. How do I make javascript display the value of the variable rather than the string?
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Apr 19, 2011
basically I have the following code:
<a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "document.getElementById('light').style.display='block';document.getElementById('fade').style.display ='block'">View Availability</a>
This pops up a divs with a black alpha background, so that it appears the new content is displaying over the top of the current content. This all works fine, however the content I am displaying in the top level div is (or should be) dynamic.In order for the content to be useful I need to grab the id.Normally I would simply do this:
<a href = "url.php?uniqueidentifier=<?php echo $row['id'];?>" onclick = "document.getElementById('light').style.display='block';document.getElementById('fade').style.display ='block'">View Availability</a>
However what happens in this instance is that the page loads with the javascript and the id in the url but it then disappears...
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Jun 26, 2010
I have a for loop: Code: for( var i = 0; i < aInput.length; i++ ) I want to use this i variable to concatonate it as a string to find an input box
var j = i;
var qualname = "discountqualifier" + j;
if ( inputName == ( qualname ) )
Assuming I have a input box named discountqualifier0, discountqualifier1, discountqualifier2 etc...
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Mar 20, 2010
I have been working on a script that can be placed on any of our clients websites. It is a mix of PHP and Javascript.it calls the php script on my server which takes their request, processes it and provides a file ready to be read on my server. This file will be in multiple formats depending on how we have confirmed with the customer so it could be xml , html, csv etc.The problem I am having is that I have used PHP's file_ get_contents function to obtain the html of the file this script creates however when i try to write the contents out to the screen using javascript I get errors.Has anyone ever come across this issue and does anyone have any advice on how to actually take the contents of the file (stored on an external website) and displaying it?
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Dec 27, 2010
parsing the querystring using javascriptSo I have successfully parsed the querystring & also replace the special character+but I want to display the querystring in the TextField Control
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Aug 13, 2010
So I'm having some issue with an ajax call I'm making. The success always returns an empty string no matter if what the php function returns. It seems that looking in firebug the function is called and I've tested it by sending myself an email. It just happens that it is always an empty string. And I am very confused because I developed it on my local server and it worked just fine.
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Mar 16, 2010
I am currently using Oracle APEX to make a report on the success/failure of XML messages being processed at various points in a chain of systems. I intend to allow users to see the XML message upon clicking a link in the report.
The XML messages are stored as CLOBs in a database. I have successfully extracted the text into an APEX "page item" variable called P4_XML and am now trying to open a new window/tab showing the XML.
My initial code:
//Open the new window with fake address Booking.xml and title "Booking XML"
var ow = window.open('Booking.xml', 'Booking XML');
//Open the document for writing
Using this, I can see the XML fine in Firefox, except that it comes out as plain text with no spacing. Firefox also reports back that it is being interpreted as text/plain. I've also tried using "application/xml" and "Content-type: text/xml" with no more success.
I would like to have it pretty-printed the way Firefox does when you open an XML file directly. I've searched Google and this forum but failed to find anything that works.
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Feb 8, 2011
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Aug 24, 2011
I'm a complete newbie to JSON and I'm trying to make some sense out of itI think that what I want to achieve is fairly basic, but I have no clue where to begin. Here's my problem:I want to get the information from this JSON-string, fetch the value for realm_rank and display it within a header-tag in my html-code.
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Nov 9, 2010
Using js, I would like to write a single string of several phrases into a textarea such that each phrase is aligned in order, one above the other. I tried a function that receives the string argument and splits it into an array. With a 'for-loop', elements of the array are assigned in turn to the textarea value. This gives me only the last element ('GROUP BY room') displayed , since it was the last assigned. My placing of a '+', a break("<br>") or a newline( ) didn't help. To get the idea, the following piece of script displays the string as broken, stacked, but not in the textarea where I want it:
$Statement = "SELECT all data,
FROM Departments,
WHERE grouphead = 'Milo',
GROUP BY rooms";
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Sep 24, 2009
You've all seen it before banner codes/rss feed displayers/twitter feeds/etc. All you do is copy and paste a <script src="[URL]"></script> somewhere on your website and it retrieves the html from the remote server and displays it on your site. I have a back end php page that pulls the required information from my DB based off a userid passed to it i.e.:
Is the javascript just a simple ajax call to my php page passing straight on the userid passed to it or is there something more complex to it? I was always under the impression you couldn't do remote ajax calls to a page on a different server, which if I get this right a script off my server included on another domain becomes a member script of that domain and not my own?
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Feb 7, 2007
I have content inside a DIV that I want to display only the first time the page is viewed. I'm assuming this can be done with a cookie and javascript with little difficulty.
So basically it needs to write the cookie and the code for the DIV on the first load and then anytime that person returns to the page, the source for the div is omitted.
I've been researching this for a while but just am not getting anywhere.
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Jan 4, 2011
get the information selected from the drop down boxes in my form to display in a pop up. The text field and text area information diplays fine. Can anyone tell me why this isnt working?
<!-- Begin
function displayHTML(form) {
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Oct 19, 2008
I'm fairly new to JQuery and am trying to get my menus to load all the images before it tries to fade in. I am passing categoryid to an external php page which gets the relevant data from the database, and then displays it in the right div element.
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Jun 24, 2009
I'd like to put a script on the home page of one of my sites that automatically rotates content for a specific day of the week.
You can see the site HERE.
I'd like to take the first story in the NEWS & EVENTS section and make it change with each day of the week to match the corresponding stories in THIS PAGE.
I'd like to do this all with Javascript rather than server-side includes. Unfortunately, I know very little Javascript.
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Nov 13, 2009
I have a simple script for showing my content (pictures) on other websites, but it generates the content by reading the users date (1-31), and because of that can show only certain amount of content/pictures (31) on a mountly bases. Can I edit this simple script to randomize the way the content is being displayed, so I'll be able to display a greater number of content? Example of the way the content is displayed: [URL]
Code that displays the script:
<script language="JavaScript" src="[URL]"></script>
var msg = new Array();
Stamp = new Date();
today = Stamp.getDate(); .....
function writeTip() {
document.write('<br>[<a <a target=_blank href="[URL]</a>]');
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Mar 19, 2009
displaying content from array into textarea
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Jun 9, 2011
I tried this code but i got an error on the it said Syntax error code...
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Sep 14, 2011
in a textbox called 'ShowAllQuestions' I want to list all the questions in order (but without showing the choices (answers) along with them).Would I need to sort the arrays first? If so, its tricky because '11' would come before '2' in this case..
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Apr 21, 2010
1) I have a series of divs embedded into a page, sort of like an FAQ setup. Each has a unique id like id="service1" etc.
2) i'm using an unordered list with each li being a hyperlink to the div id's
3) the div's are set up as name anchors ( <a name="service1">Service One</a. ) so I can hyperlink to them via the <a href="#service1">Service One</a> method
4) There's 22 divs and they need to be hidden until summoned. Therefore, I set $('.service').hide(); to make them all disappear.
Now, where i'm stuck is in how to summon them individually and have them appear when the appropriate list hyperlink is clicked. I'm using:
$('.servicelist a').click(function() {
var toLoad = $(this).attr('href');
So it's telling it to load the info found at the appropriate link. This is where i'm stuck. I need help on
1) how to 'unhide' the proper div id containing the related data
2) how to point it to the right location in the page (target div)
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Sep 28, 2010
I have enabled a hover() event on a DIV that includes an H2 element that is always displayed and a child DIV that needs to be shown/hidden. This code works wonderfully on Firefox and IE. However, it's not working in Safari (I have not tested Opera or Chrome yet)Here's my (very simple) code:
function() {
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Oct 27, 2011
I'm new here and I have tried to search the forum, but there was nothing fitting to my problem.
I would like to display content in an alert box. Sounds simple, but the content is fetched immediately, so I have no influence on that[code]...
This responseText is quite long and I need to display it in more than 2 lines.
Im doing some security research for my master thesis and am a JacaScript newbie
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Aug 13, 2010
I have a site that can be downloaded and run on a closed network (not needing an active Internet connection). I'd like a page that displays live data to a user with Internet connectivity (I can do this) but display "canned" data when the user is without an internet connection...and this difference in page display is transparent to the user. I know this can be done with php but the user without Internet connectivity will likely not be able to run php locally so the page must be an .htm file. I there a javascript somewhere that does this?
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Jan 26, 2011
I'm using the script below in a custom HTML to generate a random line of text (not with the text shown here). This works fine BUT; I want it to go randomly through the WHOLE list without repeating lines that already have been printed. As it is now, a line of text might be printed several times in a row, which is a little annoying. I'm using a refresh button for generating a new line of text.
How can I just make it display in the order shown and just re-arrange the content so it seems random to the user? Random would the best though...
<script language="JavaScript">
var r_text = new Array ();
r_text[0] = "All the leaves are brown";
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Oct 23, 2005
The content of my webpage is all contained in hidden divs. These divs are shown when a link in the nav bar is clicked. At the moment, ALL divs are hidden on page load, only the nav bar is visible. Is there a way to have one of the divs visable when the page loads? i.e the 'home' page.
function init(){
if(document.getElementById && document.createTextNode){
var mn=document.getElementById('nav');
var as=mn.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i=0;i<as.length;i++){
as[i]. false}
as[i]. false}
function show(l){
var id=l.href.match(/#(w.+)/)[1];
function hidem(){
for (var i=0;i<document.getElementsByTagName('div').length;i++){
The function init() is called on page load.
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Feb 1, 2007
I'm creating a simple memory game in which the user has to make pairs
from cards. I would like the user to see the variable "trys" (the
score) update on the page dynamically (in a text box would be great).
I can do this by showing a msgbox every time try increments but this
is annoying to use. I have been trying for hours to get this to work,
using innerhtml. Code:
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