You've all seen it before banner codes/rss feed displayers/twitter feeds/etc. All you do is copy and paste a <script src="[URL]"></script> somewhere on your website and it retrieves the html from the remote server and displays it on your site. I have a back end php page that pulls the required information from my DB based off a userid passed to it i.e.:
Is the javascript just a simple ajax call to my php page passing straight on the userid passed to it or is there something more complex to it? I was always under the impression you couldn't do remote ajax calls to a page on a different server, which if I get this right a script off my server included on another domain becomes a member script of that domain and not my own?
I have content inside a DIV that I want to display only the first time the page is viewed. I'm assuming this can be done with a cookie and javascript with little difficulty.
So basically it needs to write the cookie and the code for the DIV on the first load and then anytime that person returns to the page, the source for the div is omitted.
I've been researching this for a while but just am not getting anywhere.
get the information selected from the drop down boxes in my form to display in a pop up. The text field and text area information diplays fine. Can anyone tell me why this isnt working?
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function displayHTML(form) {
I'm fairly new to JQuery and am trying to get my menus to load all the images before it tries to fade in. I am passing categoryid to an external php page which gets the relevant data from the database, and then displays it in the right div element.
This pops up a divs with a black alpha background, so that it appears the new content is displaying over the top of the current content. This all works fine, however the content I am displaying in the top level div is (or should be) dynamic.In order for the content to be useful I need to grab the id.Normally I would simply do this:
I'd like to put a script on the home page of one of my sites that automatically rotates content for a specific day of the week.
You can see the site HERE.
I'd like to take the first story in the NEWS & EVENTS section and make it change with each day of the week to match the corresponding stories in THIS PAGE.
I'd like to do this all with Javascript rather than server-side includes. Unfortunately, I know very little Javascript.
I have a simple script for showing my content (pictures) on other websites, but it generates the content by reading the users date (1-31), and because of that can show only certain amount of content/pictures (31) on a mountly bases. Can I edit this simple script to randomize the way the content is being displayed, so I'll be able to display a greater number of content? Example of the way the content is displayed: [URL]
Code that displays the script: Code: <script language="JavaScript" src="[URL]"></script> Script:
Code: var msg = new Array(); Stamp = new Date(); today = Stamp.getDate(); .....
function writeTip() { document.write(msg[today]); } document.write(msg[today]); document.write('<br>[<a <a target=_blank href="[URL]</a>]');
1) I have a series of divs embedded into a page, sort of like an FAQ setup. Each has a unique id like id="service1" etc.
2) i'm using an unordered list with each li being a hyperlink to the div id's
3) the div's are set up as name anchors ( <a name="service1">Service One</a. ) so I can hyperlink to them via the <a href="#service1">Service One</a> method
4) There's 22 divs and they need to be hidden until summoned. Therefore, I set $('.service').hide(); to make them all disappear.
Now, where i'm stuck is in how to summon them individually and have them appear when the appropriate list hyperlink is clicked. I'm using:
$('.servicelist a').click(function() { var toLoad = $(this).attr('href'); }
So it's telling it to load the info found at the appropriate link. This is where i'm stuck. I need help on
1) how to 'unhide' the proper div id containing the related data
2) how to point it to the right location in the page (target div)
I have enabled a hover() event on a DIV that includes an H2 element that is always displayed and a child DIV that needs to be shown/hidden. This code works wonderfully on Firefox and IE. However, it's not working in Safari (I have not tested Opera or Chrome yet)Here's my (very simple) code:
I'm new to javascript and still trying to learn my way around. Below is my code
<script type ="text/javascript"> var a1 = "2"; var t2 = "hello world"; var total = ("t" + a1); alert(total); </script>
That code will display the string "t2" rather than the value of the variable t2. How do I make javascript display the value of the variable rather than the string?
I have a site that can be downloaded and run on a closed network (not needing an active Internet connection). I'd like a page that displays live data to a user with Internet connectivity (I can do this) but display "canned" data when the user is without an internet connection...and this difference in page display is transparent to the user. I know this can be done with php but the user without Internet connectivity will likely not be able to run php locally so the page must be an .htm file. I there a javascript somewhere that does this?
I'm using the script below in a custom HTML to generate a random line of text (not with the text shown here). This works fine BUT; I want it to go randomly through the WHOLE list without repeating lines that already have been printed. As it is now, a line of text might be printed several times in a row, which is a little annoying. I'm using a refresh button for generating a new line of text.
How can I just make it display in the order shown and just re-arrange the content so it seems random to the user? Random would the best though...
<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var r_text = new Array (); r_text[0] = "All the leaves are brown";
The content of my webpage is all contained in hidden divs. These divs are shown when a link in the nav bar is clicked. At the moment, ALL divs are hidden on page load, only the nav bar is visible. Is there a way to have one of the divs visable when the page loads? i.e the 'home' page.
function init(){ if(document.getElementById && document.createTextNode){ var mn=document.getElementById('nav'); var as=mn.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i=0;i<as.length;i++){ as[i]. false} as[i]. false} } hidem(); }}
function show(l){ hidem(); var id=l.href.match(/#(w.+)/)[1]; document.getElementById(id).style.display='block' }
function hidem(){ for (var i=0;i<document.getElementsByTagName('div').length;i++){ document.getElementsByTagName('div')[i].style.display='none' }}
I'm would like to add a light box to a site that has content generated by php. Basically it is a property site and will have a thumbnail image and description. When the user clicks on thumbnail I would like to display a gallery of pictures relevant to the property. Each property will be generated dynamically by php. My question is how do I enter the selector for the gallery into jquery. I am thinking of using Fancy Zoom as you can use hidden elements, as the gallery will be hidden.
I'd like to know how you would include updated blog posts in html? I assume it uses an RSS feed of some sort... but what kind of code is needed to automatically retrieve the updates from other sites and include them on one single web page?
(For instance, I want to "include" someone else's web content on my page as "here's the latest from so and so:" and then you could read whatever is retrieved from that URL.)
An example I'm talking about is the way news sites offer the news headlines in a java script box for websites. The web owner just puts in one code and the headlines are automatically updated by the news agency... How do I do that or find a template code to change with my custom information?
I have successfully loaded an element of content from another section of our website on a page, but for some reason it is firing .load() twice and displaying the section of content twice, stacked on top of each other.
i have managed to make things work how i wanted quite quickly but to be honest jQuery is so easy that i'm not sure i completely understood what i was doing .. but it's working anyways ... well almost ...I have an empty div into which i load HTML content from another page. When i click a link on the page, the content from the other page should load and then the div should change background color and then be displayed with a fade animation. When i click on another link, the displayed content should fade out and the new content fade in.Everything works more or less only that when i switch from one loaded content to another, i can briefly see the old content before the new one is displayed, so the DIV fades out, then fades in again with the old content loaded and then only the new content switches in.I think probably i have my code wrong, could someone have a look ?
$(document).ready(function() { var href = $('.bodytext a').each(function(){ var href = $(this).attr('href');
I'm using javascript in addition to a web service (BTBuckets) to display different content to visitors based on actions they take on my site. The javascript is working fine, but I noticed that if I simulate BTBuckets being disabled using Firefox Adblock none of the content shows up. So in the off chance of the service going offline it'll leave some pretty funky holes in the my content. I tried <noscript> tags which works with javascript off, but the content is still blank when I disable BTBuckets. I'm wondering if there's a way to display the default content if the service is unavailable?
Here's the code I'm using: In the head: <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[[ $BTB={s:XXXXX}; $BTB.jsh="[URL]"; //]]> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + $BTB.jsh.replace(/(https?:)/i,document.location.protocol) + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script>
The code in the body used to replace an image depending on visitor behavior: <script type="text/javascript"> var _t = ""; if ($BTB.clusters["ppc_visitors"]) { _t = ""images/top-photo-tracking-number.jpg" alt="Call Toll-Free: 1-800-XXX-XXXX">"; } else { _t = ""images/top-photo.jpg" alt="Call Toll-Free: 1-800-XXX-XXXX">"; } document.write('<img src= ' + _t ); </script> <noscript><img src="images/top-photo.jpg" alt="Call Toll-Free: 1-800-XXX-XXXX"></noscript>
I'm making a quick and dirty Google Calendar displayer with help from Full Calendar and am struggling to display the details of each Google event correctly. As you may know, if you're not logged into Google Calendar, if you're given an event link or invitation you will be taken to a dynamically generated page displaying the basic details of that event. It includes a <link> ed stylesheet and inline style="..." for each element. I have attached a screenshot of a typical event page.
I'm trying to strip out all the style and just display the content:
eventClick: function(event) { if (event.url) { $("#details").hide().load(event.url); $("#details *").each(function(){
I have Win 7, IE9. I have a HTML file on my hard drive, with Javascript within. When I load the page, it keeps popping up Do u want to allow this content, I have to click to allow. I want to stop this, and after doing some searching I found the setting in Internet Options, Advanced - "Allow active content to run in files on my computer".
Doesnt work. When i check this box, the page loads without the warning, but then the Javascript just doesnt work.
Getting quite annoying, because this file is my home page.
I have scroll div on the buttom of my page. This div is autoloaded after pressing link via AJAX technology. Everything is ok except position of the web. Right after I press link the view of the page is going to the top. How I could set the view on the div after AJAX content is loaded.
this may be more of an "html" issue, but I'll wing it.
i've got a multi-language site, where the home-page of each language group features a link to a popup window that offers background info on site management. the popup is fired by a javascript function, when they click the site management link. there's also a "window close" function button so they can nuke it as they please.
now, oddly, people who search for my site in the chinese language on google, are sent directly to the site management popup window, which of course, opens in their "full" browser window, and which also has no links back to the main site, because it's meant to open only as an "accessory" to the main site.
my question is this: is there any way, with Javascript, that I could determine if they arrived at this window from "off-site" (ie, a google search), and therefore offer such "off-site" visitors a link back to the principal site, a link that would be hidden for visitors who clicked the popup window from my own site?
Basically, I registered for a free board at one of the various sites because my server doesn't support .cgi scripts. I want to know if there is a way to have the data from a form on my site post to the board site -A user would fill in my form, click submit, and a new post would appear on the board site -as if they had entered it there. If you can point me in the right direction, I would be grateful. Here is my thinking.
A) I can't locate the script that they use to perform a "submit"; so I thought I might enter their <head> data (as far as xmlns, href, etc) in my <head>; that my website might call up their script files, css sheets, etc.
B)I could code my own Javascript function to send my form data to their site. If I knew how to simulate a mouseclick on someone else's site, I could have the script "click" there, paste the data, and hit the submit button. But I don't.
C) I could size their site down to the form itself and put it in a frame on my page
Option C is clearly easier, but I would prefer option A or B. I have time and will happily do the research myself; provided that I know if approach A or B is even feasible.