JQuery :: Subscribe And Respond To AJAX Updated DIV?
Aug 25, 2011
Nutshell version: I need to fire off a javascript call whenever an ASP.NET UpdatePanel is updated, and I'm not sure how to do it. Detailed version: I have an ASP.NET page that has several UpdatePanels. Some of these are in my own code and I have access to, some are used by third party controls (e.g. ReportViewer) and I don't have direct access to them.
My website also uses jQuery Mobile to render the controls in a mobile friendly way. The problem I'm having is that whenever something in an UpdatePanel is updated, the newly updated contents don't get re-parsed by jQuery Mobile, and so they revert to their original style(s).
The problem I'm having is that I can't figure out how to make that happen. document.Ready() doesn't refire on an AJAX update. I've tried using $('div').live(),$('div').load(),$('div').change() and a few others (I am adding these to the Master page for the website) but nothing seems to fire off when the DIV updates.
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Feb 28, 2011
How to fix browser cache and notmodified respond for JSON? jQuery.aja ({ifModified:true}) break on data respond (bug ticked for it was closed like invalid).
Are there any other solution to get 304:notmodified without breaking cache and data respond?
First time browser request [url] returns status 200 OK and nexts 304 Not Modified
XHR first time returns ok:
But on next times returns data undefined:
How to solve it? Expected result:
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Feb 24, 2010
Using $.get() and insertBefore() work great for what I'm doing. But, the data I insert does not respond to events that I have set up. I'm notsurprised by this. I'm sure there is something extra I need to do. But, what is that?
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Aug 21, 2011
Problem in the timing of the script. The problem is that when I try to get an id of an object that was added by ajax, the script doesn't recognize it. The html:
<select id="categories" name="categories">
<option value="3">aa</option>
<option value="43">bbb</option>
When I load the page, there is this script that get the value of the #categories and use ajax to fill another select and in the same ajax, I load images by another function using the new select input that was created:
function fill_subcategories(){
type: "post",
url: "ajax/sub_galleries.php",
data: 'parent='+parent,
success: function(data){
This fills this div:
<select name="sub_categories" id="sub_categories"></select>
Right after filling the #sub_categories, I use another ajax that get images of the new id of the #sub_categories, and here I get the problem.. the js:
function show_exist_imgs(){
type: "post",
url: "ajax/show_exist_imgs.php",
data: 'g_id='+g_id,
success: function(data){
This script doesn't recognize the id of the new $('#sub_categories') select input.. why is that?
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Apr 19, 2010
i am wanting to develop a ajax application a simple one i found using an ajax div refresh in a project i am currently working on but i have never done such a thing where i change the div of the submited contenthere is a copy of my ajax and html code
<script type="text/javascript">
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Jan 14, 2007
User name: sitepont
Password: preview
And I have developed an Ajax based search module that primarily does the following:
Lets the user select a Country and then loads via AJAX a drop down full of areas and then when an area is selected loads another drop down menu full of towns.
The Ajax functions fine and it all looks great in Firefox. But there is a problem with the background in internet explorer.
When the new <select> is loaded the background stays white in a small strip. Does anyone have any experience with this bug?
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Apr 11, 2011
We're trying to enhance and optimize the forms in our projects with jQuery, but I don't know if something we want is possible. Nowadays we are using simple javascript to enable and disable elements in our forms, we have a part to execute when the document is loaded and another that is executed with the interaction of the user.
For example, we have a simple select with "Race" : "Caucassian", "African" and "Other", when the user selects something we enable or disable a textfield (where the user specifies the other race) depending of the election; and when the user saves the data and reopen the form to modify the elements, we execute a function that evaluates the value of the select (previously loaded from the database) and enable or disable the textfield.
We need to optimize this because we've got really large forms (sometimes with 400 different fields) and it would be great to do this in 1 step and have one file with the behaviours instead of doing this once for the interaction and once for the reload. I've been thinking in a way for subscribing to the onchange and execute it at the same time, but I don't know if there's any way of doing that...
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Sep 8, 2009
This is similar to how forums work. I can't seem to find a way to do this so it's probably not available. Just thought I'd ask anyway.
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Feb 4, 2011
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeinput(){
document.getElementById("newsletteru").value = "sadfjflaskfj";
document.getElementById("newsletterid").value = "345345";
This is a form to subscribe people to a newsletter on Mailchimp. There are two lists: community, student. I am trying to separate people into one or the other based on the checkbox input, "Check if you are a student." To do this, on submit, I need the two hidden inputs, "u" and "id," to be set differently depending on whether the checkbox is checked. The error right now I'm getting is that it's not being linked to a mailing list. Most likely "u" and "id" are not being set properly. The javascript is fairly short, and I'm wondering if its setting the values correctly.
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Jul 15, 2009
I'm working on creating a little suggestion/autocomplete code for form fields.[code]...
Everything works fine and when I click on the text Foo the form field value is set to foo. But, when I try clicking on a word added to the page by the keyup part of my code above it doesn't work.
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Oct 7, 2009
I am using superfish and I am wondering how I can go about changing the hover event to click so that when people hover over the links it
doesn't do anything until they click them.
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May 27, 2011
i am following the example ajaxSubmit[URL].... here my code[URL]... i realized that the showRequest work correctly, shown all my form submit values But it doesn't respond "showResponse(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form)" is not execute. the respond prompt is not pop up
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Jul 23, 2005
I am dumbfounded by this. I have a form where a user enters text for an
event which is posted to a database on submit. The form is not running a
script and is not necessarily part of a session. The page where you
enter data is .asp in name only (it loads shared header and footer
After about 30 minutes, when the user clicks the submit button, nothing
appears to happen. The page sits there in front of you. Text can still
be added to the fields, the button press animation occurs, but there is
noone home.
Weirder (?) still is that this only seems to occur in Internet Explorer.
Timed trials in FireFox have the form still functioning well after the
45 minute mark.
My customer is obivously upset that his form does not function.
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Jul 20, 2005
Is it possible to have a JavaScript object that works just like a
standard Array, except that when the array is modified, a function
gets called which can then do some processing on the array?
Like this:
// SpecialArray has a function called Notify
function Notify()
// process the array with changes made
var myarray = new SpecialArray("zero", "one", "two", "three");
myarray[1] = "ein"; // after this change is made, function "Notify"
is called
I know you can derive a new object from Array, but you cannot directly
override the [] operator.
Can you add a function or event handler to a regular Array object that
gets called when the array changes?
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Apr 9, 2011
I'm animating an element and have tried to do a simple css transition in jquery
But it wont respond unless that value is 0. I've been using these for months and suddenly 'top' and 'left' no longer respond to JS.
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Sep 18, 2009
Is there a way to catch when a div content is updated through javascript? I update a div content through rjs and I need to call tablesorter every time the div is updated.
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Feb 26, 2010
I wrote a little clock with JS and...The clock worked fine until i chose to dynamically add the DIV with createElement to the BODY with appendChild and the clockString to the DIV using innerHTML...and so now when i open it after about 20 seconds safari begins to stall and/or not respond...
Also just fyi i use some CSS to style the DIV and font-size ect and use the BODY element's onload attribute to run the functions...
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Jan 16, 2011
I have a number of methods on my page which are instantiated on page load (such as an image zoom method). How can I force a reinstantiation of this method when I update the DOM? For example I will have a list of Images that magnify on mouseover. I then change this image (and use the .attr method to substitute new arguments). However when I mouseover the method only shows the previous instantiation from when the page first loaded.
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Sep 23, 2011
I am using a calendar that I have downloaded from a web site. I use this to provide a way for the user to choose a date from the calendar to fill in some date fields. Overall, the calendar works fine except for one problem that I cannot fix: When I add OnBlur event handler to the calendar, the calendar loses its capability to handle OnClick event -- therefore, the user cannot click a day from the calendar. I am trying to use the OnBlur event to hide the calendar as soon as the user clicks outside the calendar. Currently the user can click at a "Cancel" button on the calendar to hide the calendar, or the user can hit <Esc> key to hide it. But I think the calendar will work better if the user can click outside the calendar to hide it.
Attached please find a simplified version of the program that can show this problem. It has one single text field to put date on it. When you click at the text field, the calendar will pop up. This version has the OnBlur event handler commented out. Therefore, you should be able to choose a date from the calendar. But you cannot click outside the calendar to hide it. In order to show the problem, you need to go to the bottom of the program and uncomment this line:
//div.onblur = function() { calendar.hideCalendar(); };
After you have uncommented that line, you will find that you can click outside the calendar to hide it. Unfortunately, you will also find that choosing a date from the calendar only hides the calendar; the date is not being placed into the text field.
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Feb 15, 2011
My problem involves input elements not being visibly updated after $('#selector').val(...) and non-working datepickers (the hasDatepicker class is attached, but the datepicker control doesn't fire up when the input gains focus).
I have a calendar, based on fullCalendar and the fcalendar bundle which chains the fullCalendar to a datepicker and a MySQL/PHP backend.
Now, the base functionality of datepicker works, but it is not sufficient; I need some more attributes for my calendar entries, including date information (including the start and end values, since they must be editable, rather than changing them via drag'n'drop only). Since the html of the form is somewhat complex, it is loaded from a .php page, which is a major change related to fcalendar, where id (#myGeneratedEditor, in my case) is built using HTML code in formStart and formEnd
Here is some code:
The summary of problems: the values which are attached via .val() don't show up the datepickers (one so far) don't / doesn't show up
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Jan 7, 2011
Been playing with this plug-in for several hours now, very cool. Managed to build a decent non-linear presentation tool with play controls and multiple hotspots per slide. I noticed what I think are a few minor bugs concerning the opt.currSlide value, could also just be my lack of experience with the plug-in and JQuery. When using the 'next' and 'prev' options, the opt.currSlide value does not appear to be updated. I'm using this value to trigger hiding and showing of overlays in 'after' code. Works fine when a jump is initiated via cycle(num, trans) but not when initiated via cycle('next') or cycle('prev').
Also the "none" transition does not appear to call all of the before, after, etc.. events. As a work around, I defined a custom transition based on fade that animates the left property from 0 to 0 rather than opacity. Finally, I'd like to suggest an enhancement to the cycle method to accept cycle(num, trans, args). An example of why this is needed...
cycle(3, 'wipe', {clip: 'l2r'}).
Meaning jump to slide 3 using a wipe transition with clip set left-to-right. As a workaround for this limitation, I defined custom transitions for each of the wipe options.
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Aug 18, 2009
I have to save the state of a form in a var before submitting it with the whole html, but if I alert the var, I get the original html without the updated input fields.
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May 24, 2011
Here is a live view of the problem I have:As you can see I am building a page which has an image cycle/carousel. On each of the images I would like to also have a zoomable loupe - I am using the jQzoom plugin to achieve this. Hover over the first image and you will see the zoom appear.
However, whilst all works fine on the first image, as soon as I click the next arrow (just visible at present top left of image as CSS tweak needed) to load the second image and hover over for the zoom, the second zoomed image fails to load. Anyone know why?
I am presuming it's because the cycle plugin hides the images so the jqZoom plugin can't 'grab' them.
I've been reading up on .live() function - can I use this to solve the problem? If so, could you provide some pointers...?
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Jun 8, 2011
In my website I have a couple of forms that you can only see them if certain conditions are applied.
For example - if you're an admin and you search a user, you'll see a form which allows you to edit his information. if you're not you won't see it. if you're already logged in you can't see the registration form, but if you aren't you can.
So I did it with ASP in this way - (this is the registration part)
I've managed to put in the form inside the Response.Write(), and it also has the javascript part like this -
This works perfectly fine.
Now, I've done this twice. the example above is from the registration part which doesn't allow a logged in user to register again.
I'm having problems with the second one - not showing the edit form to a user who can't edit.
This is basically the code -
Now this doesn't do anything... the submit button just ignores the JS file and just submits the form the way it is, unlike the other form which is written pretty much in the same way except for other JS fields/text boxes.
I know the code is written really poorly but thats unfortunately what we've been taught in class and thats all I know.
- I'm not checking for nulls because if a field is empty it means the information won't be edited.
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Jun 25, 2009
I pull product price from another page. Then I multiply it with quantity entered in the quantity input field. The problem is, if I forget to enter quantity value before I pull product information or if I change the quantity field later, the final total price is not updated.
My codes:
UCTID" name="PRODUCTID" /><input type="hidden" class="UNITPRICE" name="UNITPRICE'+(i++)+'" /><small>Search Products</small></div>30"><span class="prices">Unit Price:<span class="UNITPRICE"></span><br />Total Price:<span class="TOTALPRICE"></span><br /><a onclick="RemoveProduct(".column width50");" href="#">Remove</a></span>
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Jun 26, 2009
Take a look at the following two examples:EXAMPLE 1 (Undesired Effect):EXAMPLE 2 (Desired Effect):I am currently working on a HTML/CSS Tab interface that is using jQuery. I downloaded the original example files from somewhere that used an old version of jQuery (version dated back from 2006).When I open the TABS.HTM file in the browser, I see the desired effect (as in Example 2 above), where the first tab is auto selected. Nice!Now, when I updated the jQuery .JS library with the latest build (version 1.3.2), I get the undesired effect, as illustrated in Example 1I have absolutely no idea what is going on and I am totally new to jQuery. I am assuming with the new version of jQuery, the JS initiator code is different. Please can someone take a look? I've included the old jquery-Version2006.js and the new jquery-1.3.2.min.js libraries in the attached zip.
You can download the example files here:
or from:
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