MSIE: Background Not Updated On AJAX Generated Content

Jan 14, 2007


User name: sitepont
Password: preview

And I have developed an Ajax based search module that primarily does the following:

Lets the user select a Country and then loads via AJAX a drop down full of areas and then when an area is selected loads another drop down menu full of towns.

The Ajax functions fine and it all looks great in Firefox. But there is a problem with the background in internet explorer.

When the new <select> is loaded the background stays white in a small strip. Does anyone have any experience with this bug?

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Jquery :: Using With Generated Content - Add A Light Box To A Site That Has Content Generated By Php

May 31, 2010

I'm would like to add a light box to a site that has content generated by php. Basically it is a property site and will have a thumbnail image and description. When the user clicks on thumbnail I would like to display a gallery of pictures relevant to the property. Each property will be generated dynamically by php. My question is how do I enter the selector for the gallery into jquery. I am thinking of using Fancy Zoom as you can use hidden elements, as the gallery will be hidden.

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Ajax :: Change Background Image And Div Content?

Jul 1, 2010

i have a website where i change the content of a div using jquery, however i also want to change the background image at the same time but cant seem to get both to work together, not sure what im doing wriong but i think its something to do with the script and return false

you can also view the page here


button1 changes bg image ok
button 2 changes div content ok
button 3 doesnt work


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IE Replacing Div Content (UPDATED)

Feb 26, 2010

i have a javascript that creates a table then appends it to an empty div. This works fine in FF, however it fails to work in IE8.


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Reload On Submission And Display The Updated Content?

Feb 15, 2009

I currently have a DHTML popup menu that holds a form. I was trying to make it so on submission of the form within the DHTML popup the page itself will fully reload to update the content. However, on submission of the form the page "reloads" but not really, because i still need to go to the URL again for it to display the updated content.

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JQuery :: Subscribe And Respond To AJAX Updated DIV?

Aug 25, 2011

Nutshell version: I need to fire off a javascript call whenever an ASP.NET UpdatePanel is updated, and I'm not sure how to do it. Detailed version: I have an ASP.NET page that has several UpdatePanels. Some of these are in my own code and I have access to, some are used by third party controls (e.g. ReportViewer) and I don't have direct access to them.

My website also uses jQuery Mobile to render the controls in a mobile friendly way. The problem I'm having is that whenever something in an UpdatePanel is updated, the newly updated contents don't get re-parsed by jQuery Mobile, and so they revert to their original style(s).


The problem I'm having is that I can't figure out how to make that happen. document.Ready() doesn't refire on an AJAX update. I've tried using $('div').live(),$('div').load(),$('div').change() and a few others (I am adding these to the Master page for the website) but nothing seems to fire off when the DIV updates.

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Ajax :: Form Not Working Not Displaying Updated?

Apr 19, 2010

i am wanting to develop a ajax application a simple one i found using an ajax div refresh in a project i am currently working on but i have never done such a thing where i change the div of the submited contenthere is a copy of my ajax and html code

<script type="text/javascript">


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Randomly Generated Colors - Create A Button With The Name Of The Color It Is Going To Turn The Background To

Sep 28, 2011

Alright so for a school assignment I need to create a button with the name of the color it is going to turn the background to. the assignment says nothing about naming the buttons the hex numbers for the color therefore: I was curious if someone could show me how to create a button in java script that would generate a random hex number for a color ie: #+()+()+()+()+()+() and the text shown on the button would be the same as the hex number generated.

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JQuery :: Function Runs Before HTML Updated By Ajax

Aug 21, 2011

Problem in the timing of the script. The problem is that when I try to get an id of an object that was added by ajax, the script doesn't recognize it. The html:
<select id="categories" name="categories">
<option value="3">aa</option>
<option value="43">bbb</option>

When I load the page, there is this script that get the value of the #categories and use ajax to fill another select and in the same ajax, I load images by another function using the new select input that was created:
function fill_subcategories(){
type: "post",
url: "ajax/sub_galleries.php",
data: 'parent='+parent,
success: function(data){

This fills this div:
<select name="sub_categories" id="sub_categories"></select>
Right after filling the #sub_categories, I use another ajax that get images of the new id of the #sub_categories, and here I get the problem.. the js:
function show_exist_imgs(){
type: "post",
url: "ajax/show_exist_imgs.php",
data: 'g_id='+g_id,
success: function(data){
This script doesn't recognize the id of the new $('#sub_categories') select input.. why is that?

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JQuery :: Applying Ajax To Ajax-generated Data?

May 31, 2010

i have a series of <select> fields. The first one, via ajax(), generates a 2nd one, based on the first ones' data with the .change() method. there is then a 3rd <select> - who's data will depend on choice of the second one although step 1 works, and i can generate the 2nd one, i still can't generate the 3rd one.

when i test the script on its own, both the 2nd and 3rd <select> fields are fine - but not via the ajax, which leads me to believe that the .change() from the 2nd one, isnt triggering the ajax call - its not being picked up (even the 'hello' alert isnt working).


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Replace Content Of Welcome Box With Generated Text?

Sep 29, 2009

Im working on a 2nd case .I need to replace the content of the welcome box

<div id="welcome">
Today is<br />
Tuesday, May 29, 2007[code]....

with generated text that displays the current date, and the name of a famous person born on that date.Including comments that describe each of the variables used in writing this code and the functions that the code accesses.

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Linking To Button Generated Content?

Apr 11, 2011

I have a page where I am using JQuery to load text into a DIV when you click on a button. Each button loads different text into an existing DIV. I need to be able to give people a link to the page that will preload certain text when they get there.

For instance, there is default text in the DIV when you go to mypage.html, however if you click on 'button_1' it loads different text. I want to be able to have a link that will automaticall have 'button_1' text loaded if i give them a link like mypage.html#button_1 (or something along those lines) How do I do that?

Here is my code for the text to load.

$(document).ready(function() {


Is there someway I can feed that 'id' name into the link so that it loads this text when you get to the page?

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Trouble Escaping Generated Content

Jan 7, 2011

I'm dynamically generating an image tag, and the final slash for self-closing the tag is not coming through, even though the slash is escaped with a backslash. Worse, I think this is screwing up my attempt to select the image in another function. Any ideas what could be causing problems? [code]The image does appear, but I can't reference it later on.While everything works fine if I drop the " img" from the call and let clicking anywhere in the div start the search.Any idea why escaping the slash isn't working?

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JQuery :: Reload Content In A Div That Is Generated Dynamically?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a jsp file that is used to display data from Java objects running on my server. I'm using JQuery for tabs and to handle the ajax calls to a servlet that affects the Java server I have running.Each tab represents a service, and has a corresponding java object on the server side. These are generated from the spring configuration, and is working fine. The page is used to control some aspects of the service, and I have a few buttons that can be clicked. I'm trying to get it so that when a button is pressed, the appropriate Java function is called on the service's object (this happens using ajax) and then refresh the current tab.

My js code is like this:

function doPause(params) {
//some additional params set


Right now, I'm using the window.location.reload(true) to refresh the whole page but I'd like to just redo the div for the tab that contains the button that has been clicked.I have tried:


instead of the window.location calls above, but that puts the whole page into the tab.

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Can .innerHTML Be Used To Display Content From A XML Generated Treeview

Oct 29, 2009

This is what Im doing: [url]

I am using dhtmlxtree and I would like to display the contents of the drag and drop treeview (pulled from an xml file) from the Build your Template section on the left to the WYSIWYG area on the right.

I thought that by using innerHTML to display onclick() to the div will solve my problem, but thats not the case When I click the preview template button, I get an undefined error.

The innerHTML script:

The build your template container Div:

The XML File:

And the WYSIWYG holding area:

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FireFox And Local Links Within Generated Content Exhibits Problems

Sep 1, 2005

The scenario: 1) Generate a popup window via script. 2) Populate it (again
via script) with content that features local (hash) links.

In IE 6.x this works - the links work as they should, moving the document to
that document position. However in FireFox 1.x the links load the main page
(the opener) in to the popup.

Both browsers populate the location.href of the popup with the main page's
href... but this only adversly affects FireFox (which seems to, in this
scenario, reload the whole page on a local link). I tried manually
populating the location.href but no joy.

I've appended an example which demonstrates the problem. I've tried to
shave it down as much as I could. Just save it to an HTML page and load it
up in FireFox. Click the button then scroll down and click the link...
instead of returning to the top of the page I get the opener page's HTML
populated into the popup.

Any thoughts on how to address this? I've Googled, but it may just be that
I've been unable to hit on the right terms to uncover the answer.


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JQuery :: Setting Background Image To Another Div's Dynamically Generated Image?

May 12, 2010

I have a div set up like this

<div id='y' style='background-image: url(./randomcolor.php?ibase=
php echo $entity


I am having an issue with setting the background-image of a another div #x to the background image of #y.Correct me if I am wrong but I think you would do this in a simple case by saying



So when it does it, it is getting the URL of the generator (I logged it. what is actually being passed is [URL] This would require a server call to generate a new image, In this particular application, even if it wasn't exactly the image y had it would be acceptable. But it's not doing it. It is not getting any image at all. Am I doing something wrong, i.e. is it supposed to just work? I would think not, since the page has already been rendered. This is almost an ajax situation but I don't know how to do it for an image. I don't really want to generate a new image anyway, I'd be very happy to get the one that's already there. How would I access the actual image already attached to y and not do another server call?

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Ajax :: Table Generated But Not Seen Via Validation

Jul 27, 2011

I have a link here First if you select the name T1 via ajax the second drop down list is populated. Then pick anyvalue from the second drop down list and your will get a table populated below it. Then finally when you press submit button I call the validation function. In there I got this little codes.The alert keep showing me null even though the table is generated with its relevant values too. What is the problem ya?

var table = document.getElementById("listOfCorrection");
//var checkbox = table.getElementsByTagName("input");

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JQuery :: Get Value From An AJAX Generated Input/textarea?

Sep 28, 2009

I guess the title says it all. I've generated two checkboxes and two textareas via an ajax requst. When I later on call anoter function I want to get the valus from the textareas and to know if weather the checkboxes are checked or not. But that seem impossible to be as you seem not to be able to select an element generated after the page load, or am I wrong ?

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JQuery :: Using Loupe On A Ajax Generated Page?

Jan 3, 2011

I have been playing with jquery loupe and want to use it on a ajax genererated return (html refresh) So far I can get it to recognize multiple images defining only one script using a id tag that begins with image_


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Get Php Generated Array Input Fields For Ajax?

Jan 15, 2009

When the user enter a value into the quantity input field it calculates the first amount another entry to the same field would calculate the second amount instead of the second input fields entry. The other input fields behave the same as the first one. How do I match the input fields to quantity? Here is the code.

include_once ("db.php");
To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
and open the template in the editor.

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Ajax :: Load Dynamically Generated Google Map

Dec 7, 2009

I need to be able to load a dynamically generated google map (done in PHP) back onto an already loaded page.Is this possible? The string of Javascript is being returned fine, but I cannot get the map to load as it would if I loaded it "onload" with the body.

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JQuery :: Target Any Element On Document Ready Generated By AJAX On Run Time

Aug 18, 2011

I want to call me function on document ready and target elements will generate by AJAX at run time. Is there any function for that?

I'm familiar about live() and delegate() but main problem is that, We can use it with any event only :(

We can call delegate() or live() with events like click, mouseOver, mouseLeave, focus etc. There is not any way to call it on document ready :(

Is there any other function we can use to do that without any event?

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Background Color For Content Area Of Table

Mar 4, 2011

What I'm trying to do is type a background color for the content area of a table by using the prompt box. This is the code I had but it didn't work:

<script type="text/javascript">
//content color
var table = prompt("Choose a color for the content area", "white ");
document.write("<table BGCOLOR=" + table + " >");
<body bgcolor="black"> .....

Here's the code a friend gave me but it didn't work either:
<script type="text/javascript">
var contentbg = prompt("What background color would you like your content to be?", "White");
document.write("<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="15" width="600" height="600" bgcolor="" + contentbg + "">");

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JQuery :: Plugin - Cycle The Background Image And Content

Apr 14, 2011

I have a few "panels" that I am looking to cycle. The panel has a width of 100% with a background image. It is supposed to span the whole width of the browser. the content is set at a specific width, centered in this panel. I am looking to cycle the background image and content but just can't get it to work (the panels have a set width and are pinned to the left, not centered.

simple js:

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Develop Something Where On Hover Of A Paragraph The Background Colour Of A Div Tag That Contained All The Content Changed Correspondingly?

Jun 2, 2010

I was trying to develop something where on hover of a paragraph the background colour of a div tag that contained all the content changed correspondingly.So the html is something like this:

Code HTML4Strict:
<div id="container">
<p>Change the colour</p>

I did something simple first where the text colour of the paragraph changed on hover of that paragraph. Now that works completely fine. Here is the code:

Code HTML4Strict:
<!DOCTYPE html>

but it does not work .get the latter code working so that the background of the container will change on hover of a paragraph?

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