JQuery :: .html() Ignoring Updated Input Value?

Aug 18, 2009

I have to save the state of a form in a var before submitting it with the whole html, but if I alert the var, I get the original html without the updated input fields.


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JQuery :: Input Not Updated - Datepicker Not Working

Feb 15, 2011

My problem involves input elements not being visibly updated after $('#selector').val(...) and non-working datepickers (the hasDatepicker class is attached, but the datepicker control doesn't fire up when the input gains focus).

I have a calendar, based on fullCalendar and the fcalendar bundle which chains the fullCalendar to a datepicker and a MySQL/PHP backend.

Now, the base functionality of datepicker works, but it is not sufficient; I need some more attributes for my calendar entries, including date information (including the start and end values, since they must be editable, rather than changing them via drag'n'drop only). Since the html of the form is somewhat complex, it is loaded from a .php page, which is a major change related to fcalendar, where id (#myGeneratedEditor, in my case) is built using HTML code in formStart and formEnd

Here is some code:

The summary of problems: the values which are attached via .val() don't show up the datepickers (one so far) don't / doesn't show up

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Jquery :: Multiply 2 Input Fields When Either Field Updated

Jun 25, 2009

I pull product price from another page. Then I multiply it with quantity entered in the quantity input field. The problem is, if I forget to enter quantity value before I pull product information or if I change the quantity field later, the final total price is not updated.

My codes:


UCTID" name="PRODUCTID" /><input type="hidden" class="UNITPRICE" name="UNITPRICE'+(i++)+'" /><small>Search Products</small></div>30"><span class="prices">Unit Price:<span class="UNITPRICE"></span><br />Total Price:<span class="TOTALPRICE"></span><br /><a onclick="RemoveProduct(".column width50");" href="#">Remove</a></span>


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JQuery :: Function Runs Before HTML Updated By Ajax

Aug 21, 2011

Problem in the timing of the script. The problem is that when I try to get an id of an object that was added by ajax, the script doesn't recognize it. The html:
<select id="categories" name="categories">
<option value="3">aa</option>
<option value="43">bbb</option>

When I load the page, there is this script that get the value of the #categories and use ajax to fill another select and in the same ajax, I load images by another function using the new select input that was created:
function fill_subcategories(){
type: "post",
url: "ajax/sub_galleries.php",
data: 'parent='+parent,
success: function(data){

This fills this div:
<select name="sub_categories" id="sub_categories"></select>
Right after filling the #sub_categories, I use another ajax that get images of the new id of the #sub_categories, and here I get the problem.. the js:
function show_exist_imgs(){
type: "post",
url: "ajax/show_exist_imgs.php",
data: 'g_id='+g_id,
success: function(data){
This script doesn't recognize the id of the new $('#sub_categories') select input.. why is that?

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JQuery :: IE Ignoring Img Css() On Load/ready

Nov 15, 2011

I have been writing a script and need a gallery image to have it's width set on page load. My script works fine in safari, ff, chrome..but IE seems to ignore the line that sets the width of the image. It doesn't seem to be ignoring the other widths that are being set on certain divs. So it seems it is an image-only problem.

I thought it best to post a link to the page. To see the problem, you will have to have your browser set smaller than 885px in height. It's line 90 that seems to be ignored by IE

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JQuery :: Select Ignoring Certain Characters ?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a system that provides titles that have had certain characters stripped out. Iwant to be able to select elements in an HTML document that match the titles, even when the titles in the HTML have notbeen stripped.For example, the title "F.B.I" will have the periods stripped to become "FBI", and I want to use that tomatch <div title="F.B.I">.

So far the only way I've been able to do it is to create a new attribute, set it to a stripped version of the title (using e.g. .replace(/./g, '') and match against that. It works, but it seems rather inefficient.Is there a simple and direct way to do this with jQuery?

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JQuery :: IE/Opera Ignoring Load() Function?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm using the following chunk of code to find images located in a specific span and then I'm setting the span width to equal the width of the image that's inside of it. This is for adding captions to images through an editor that our writers use. By forcing the span to equal the same width of the image, the writers can just enter whatever captions they want and don't have to worry about manually adding <br /> tags to format the captions correctly.

$('.overview-content .caption img')
// once the image has loaded, execute this code
.load(function() {
// Loop through and find all images in the overview section


For some reason... IE and Opera completely ignore this function. Firefox, Safari and Chrome all add the appropriate inline style to the span.

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JQuery :: Ignoring The Root Element When Passed Through Context?

Feb 4, 2011

jQuery is ignoring the root element when passed through context. Am not sure if this is intended behavior.[URL]

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Div Ignoring Line Breaks

Jun 28, 2010

I am passing data from a textarea to a div with javascript. The problem is the div is ignoring line breaks.

document.getElementById('layer1').innerHTML = document.getElementById('reply').value.replace("
", "<br /><br />");
e.g... i entered this in the textarea

the result was in the div

test5 test6

the div is completely ignoring the line breaks.?

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Sum Of An Array - Ignoring The Spaces Between Numbers?

Nov 9, 2010

I want to get the sum of all numbers in an text area irrespective of the spaces before between or after them. e.g. " 1 2 12 15 " =30

In the code below I can have multiple spaces or CR between numbers and it works giving me their sum But if i have a space before the first number or after the last number I get a NAN (

<title>Calc Numbers</title>


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Split Ignoring Spaces Within Double Quotes

Nov 30, 2006

im trying to convert a string into arrays in javascript using split() function.

how to i split a string using spaces as a dilimeter but ignoring spaces enclosed by double quotes. ie: john robert "peter rabbit"

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JQuery :: Catching When A Div Is Updated Through Js

Sep 18, 2009

Is there a way to catch when a div content is updated through javascript? I update a div content through rjs and I need to call tablesorter every time the div is updated.

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JQuery :: Escaping Html For <input> Tag?

Nov 30, 2010

Is there any method for <input> tag like .html() to escapsing html code? Example with a label, I can use: $("#label").html("NGUYỄN") will become NGUYỄN (that what I want); so I want to do the same thing with <input> tag.

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JQuery :: Get Html Input Value From Another Site ?

Oct 19, 2011

How do I get a value from an html input from any one other site, which is beingdirected to mine?

Note: I can not use QueryString,I would like to use JQuery.

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JQuery :: Input Position In HTML?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm making a dynamic div in a page but I'm having some doubts:-I have an input text field and i need to get it's position (left andtop) to make the div appear near this input. $.(':INPUTNAME').css('left') returns me zero like 'top' does.Is there a way to get left/top position from a static input text field

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JQuery: Get HTML As Well As Input Values?

Dec 4, 2011

I'm trying to have a variable store the HTML in a div tag, but simply using var a = $('div').html() doesn't store the values of the input tags that lie within the div. how should I go about saving the HTML and the selected options and values of input tags to a variable using jQuery? Here is some example code:


<p>Some Text</p>
<select name="word">
<option value="1">Placeholder 1</option>


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JQuery :: Object Instantiation When DOM Updated

Jan 16, 2011

I have a number of methods on my page which are instantiated on page load (such as an image zoom method). How can I force a reinstantiation of this method when I update the DOM? For example I will have a list of Images that magnify on mouseover. I then change this image (and use the .attr method to substitute new arguments). However when I mouseover the method only shows the previous instantiation from when the page first loaded.

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JQuery :: Catch Users Input With Html()?

Aug 23, 2010

When you try to select some HTML modified by the user like an input, it returns the original html.

Example : <input type="text" value="" name="test" />

If the user write "something" in the textbox and then echo the html, the input value will still be null. (At least in firefox)

Is there a way to catch these inputs as well ?

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JQuery :: Retrieving HTML Input Maxlength?

Apr 9, 2010

I would like to pass the maxlength of an HTML input field as a variable with the $.getJSON function. Here is my current code:

$.getJSON('SVRPGM',{size: '4'}, function(j){

I would like to replace '4' with something like $(this).maxLength(). Is this possible?

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JQuery :: Subscribe And Respond To AJAX Updated DIV?

Aug 25, 2011

Nutshell version: I need to fire off a javascript call whenever an ASP.NET UpdatePanel is updated, and I'm not sure how to do it. Detailed version: I have an ASP.NET page that has several UpdatePanels. Some of these are in my own code and I have access to, some are used by third party controls (e.g. ReportViewer) and I don't have direct access to them.

My website also uses jQuery Mobile to render the controls in a mobile friendly way. The problem I'm having is that whenever something in an UpdatePanel is updated, the newly updated contents don't get re-parsed by jQuery Mobile, and so they revert to their original style(s).


The problem I'm having is that I can't figure out how to make that happen. document.Ready() doesn't refire on an AJAX update. I've tried using $('div').live(),$('div').load(),$('div').change() and a few others (I am adding these to the Master page for the website) but nothing seems to fire off when the DIV updates.

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JQuery :: CurrSlide Value Not Updated With Next / Prev Options

Jan 7, 2011

Been playing with this plug-in for several hours now, very cool. Managed to build a decent non-linear presentation tool with play controls and multiple hotspots per slide. I noticed what I think are a few minor bugs concerning the opt.currSlide value, could also just be my lack of experience with the plug-in and JQuery. When using the 'next' and 'prev' options, the opt.currSlide value does not appear to be updated. I'm using this value to trigger hiding and showing of overlays in 'after' code. Works fine when a jump is initiated via cycle(num, trans) but not when initiated via cycle('next') or cycle('prev').

Also the "none" transition does not appear to call all of the before, after, etc.. events. As a work around, I defined a custom transition based on fade that animates the left property from 0 to 0 rather than opacity. Finally, I'd like to suggest an enhancement to the cycle method to accept cycle(num, trans, args). An example of why this is needed...
cycle(3, 'wipe', {clip: 'l2r'}).
Meaning jump to slide 3 using a wipe transition with clip set left-to-right. As a workaround for this limitation, I defined custom transitions for each of the wipe options.

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JQuery :: Can't Use .live To Re-initialise A Plugin When Dom Is Updated / Why Is So?

May 24, 2011

Here is a live view of the problem I have:As you can see I am building a page which has an image cycle/carousel. On each of the images I would like to also have a zoomable loupe - I am using the jQzoom plugin to achieve this. Hover over the first image and you will see the zoom appear.

However, whilst all works fine on the first image, as soon as I click the next arrow (just visible at present top left of image as CSS tweak needed) to load the second image and hover over for the zoom, the second zoomed image fails to load. Anyone know why?

I am presuming it's because the cycle plugin hides the images so the jqZoom plugin can't 'grab' them.

I've been reading up on .live() function - can I use this to solve the problem? If so, could you provide some pointers...?

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JQuery :: Passing Value From Html Input Box To AJAX DATA?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a textbox and button in html, and when something is fill in the textbox, i want to pass the value of the textbox to ajax, data: '{"name": theName}', I couldn't seems to get it to work.

Of couse when i use string value, it works just perfectly for example: data: '{"name":


<input type="text" id="theName" name="theName" value="" />
<input id="callAjax" type="button" value="Submit" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="Default.js">


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JQuery :: Disable Input Button - Using Wrong HTML Code?

May 6, 2009

I created a test page here: [URL]. But basically the problem is that $("#button").attr("disabled",true);
should disable a input button, and it does, HOWEVER it outputs disabled="" when it should output disabled="disabled".

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JQuery :: Show Hide Multiple Other HTML Input Fields

Mar 1, 2010

I am having some jQuery troubles whereby I have some jQuery that toggles an 'Other' HTML input field and associated label when a user selects the value Other from a HTML select drop down. I have this working for one field but the application I am building has increased in scope whereby there may be multiple instances of members on one page so the Other option will be there multiple times. At the moment if a user selects Other from one drop down all Other input fields show. How do I make this exclusive without repeating the jQuery for the separate instances?

// Show/Hide 'Other'
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.jTitle').change(function() {
var $index = $('.jTitle').index(this);
if($('.jTitle').val() != 'Other') {
} else {
window.location.hash = 'Other' + $index;
<select id="title" class="inlineSpace jTitle">
<option value="Please select">Please select...</option>
<option value="Mr">Mr</option>
<option value="Mrs">Mrs</option>
<option value="Ms">Ms</option>
<option value="Miss">Miss</option>
<option value="Dr">Dr</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<label for="other" class="inlineSpace jOther">Other</label>
<input type="text" class="text jOther" name="other" id="other" maxlength="6" />

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Password To Page.html - Simple Text Input Field On A Html Page

Jun 27, 2010

I need to have a simple text input field on a html page. It needs the users to type in either:

And depending on whats entered this will then take them to the corresponding:

Is this possible with javascript?

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