to users input? And, just to be clear, I don't mean to CMS stuff. For example: let's imagine I want to make script that every enrolled number multiplies by 2 (I don't know if it's common for jQuery to do this, but it is just an example). User need to enroll number, let's say, in some bar, or little window that displays on screen. So, that is what I mean by open for user. Script interact with user textual information.How to leave script open for users inf.I mean, this is very often thing in various scripts like form validation, contact email forms etc. In fact, I am typing this in something like that
I'm trying to figure out a way to add a simple tool to allow users to click an input box (or a nearby button if using the input box is not possible) and a small box will pop up displaying a bunch of images. When one of the images is clicked, I need a specific URL related to that image to be added to an input box. I've put together a demo page showing where I'm trying to use this: [URL].
As you can see in the demo, at the bottom of the page is an editing box, in that box is a small label of "Bkgrnd image" and there is an input box below that with a URL for an image in it. I want users to be able to either click the input box (or a nearby button if necessary) and a list of images to pop up for them to select from. When they click the image, a URL will replace the original one in the input box.
I'm attempting to make user's input choice dynamically create the scrambled word game. The only thing that changes between the HTML page, and the JS files is the Array used to make the game. I researched Dynamic Arrays, but was confused, as nothing seem related to what I'm doing. What I've got going is all wrong. I know there is a better way to do this, but am confused. SelAry I've tried using too, but I can't get that code to work either. I don't know where to put the eval function. I know that window onload is not preferred, but am too confused.he crap code, using my crap method:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function myChoice() if(myChoice = 1a) {
I'd like to provide users with help regarding the form input areas with a help popup dialog box. I don't like the term popup because so many people block popups. I'll be providing a question mark next to the feature and if clicked would like a customizable dialog box to show with help text. There will be many of these involved and would like to know the best approach.
I am setting up a form to enter a chat queue on my website for work. The form script comes from the company we are using to host the chat, but the problem is that customers don't have to fill out anything to enter the queue. I want the users to have to fill out 3 of the 5 fields before they are able to click the sumbit button. I've found a few scripts on the web that looked they like would work, but they were all for radio selections, and I don't have enough javascript knowledge to switch the correct parameters to work with input.
This is the script I am using; <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]"> <html xmlns="[URL]"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <form name="channel00000" action="[URL]" method="post"> .....
I need the name, comment1, and comment4 sections to be filled out before the submit will go through. I don't care if the button is not available until they are filled or a popup that asks for them to be filled out, just so long as they can't enter chat without us knowing their name and whatnot. From what I understand, the bulk of the form script needs to stay the same so it directs to us and not another company.
I am using a very simple search-type page to enable users to input a model number and its page appears in a inline frame. Its not a true search as it is simply relying on a person entering the correct html page name to find it. But this works perfectly in my application.The problem I have is that I cannot get the type box to accept enter key as a submitt, only a click of the mouse will submitt the request. If enter is pressed the box loses the users input but no action is taken.I think this may be a javascript issue. I have posted the code below.
Is there any method for <input> tag like .html() to escapsing html code? Example with a label, I can use: $("#label").html("NGUYỄN") will become NGUYỄN (that what I want); so I want to do the same thing with <input> tag.
I'm making a dynamic div in a page but I'm having some doubts:-I have an input text field and i need to get it's position (left andtop) to make the div appear near this input. $.(':INPUTNAME').css('left') returns me zero like 'top' does.Is there a way to get left/top position from a static input text field
I'm trying to have a variable store the HTML in a div tag, but simply using var a = $('div').html() doesn't store the values of the input tags that lie within the div. how should I go about saving the HTML and the selected options and values of input tags to a variable using jQuery? Here is some example code:
I wirte a simple sample to alert 'here' when catch submit event. The code as below. When I press submit button , it works fine. But when I press b3 button , it will call a function to submit the form. The form submit is ok , but it will not alert 'here'.
the image is like <img style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader (src='aa.png')" ... > $('img').css('filter') will get progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='aa.png') Can I get the aa.png directly?
I have to save the state of a form in a var before submitting it with the whole html, but if I alert the var, I get the original html without the updated input fields.
This is slightly off topic, but if anybody can solve this, it'll be this mailing list. The basic question is: Is there a way to catch an error thrown in an external js library so that I can continue parsing the remaining javascript on the page? The more detailed version is this: I'm using DotNetNuke (DNN) for my website. A module that I'm using include Scriptaculous, DotNetNuke uses a mixture of jQuery and MS AJAX. To avoid namespace pollution, the DNN folk have used the jQuery prefix for jQuery functions and the $ shortcut for MS AJAX (actually, I think this is the only way you can do this). The third party module uses $ to reference Scriptaculous. I think we all know where this is going: the namespace pollution of $ causes an error to be thrown very early on, leaving parts of my page unstyled (cornerz), dates unformatted, etc, etc, etc. The good news - for me - is this only happens when an admin is logged in. My thought would be to catch the errors and continue parsing <i>my </i>portion of the page.
I have a textbox and button in html, and when something is fill in the textbox, i want to pass the value of the textbox to ajax, data: '{"name": theName}', I couldn't seems to get it to work.
Of couse when i use string value, it works just perfectly for example: data: '{"name": "Joe"}',
I'm trying to load some javascript files via ajax, I can't get it to catch 404 errors. I've tried searching, but everything I've found says that I should check the status on the request object to catch it but it's not even getting that far.
I've tried:
I would try $.getScript, but that appears to have no way of handling errors. I've even tried just doing a"test") -- it doesn't even do that. Firebug shows a 404 error (obviously) but the error doesn't seem to be being caught? I'm loading jquery through the google api, version 1.3.2.
I'm using the jquery cycle plugin. the entire page is a slide show. Its working pretty well so far but now i want the body background to change as the slide changes.Is there someway to us .live() to catch the event, and then dynamically change the body background?
I've got a problem with a jQuery slider I'm using on a website I'm currently developing (temporarily hosted at [URL]. Generally it looks and functions as I'd like it to, but it seems to have a problem when you're looking at other tabs/websites in your web browser. When you come back to the slider having been looking at something else for a minute or so, the slider effectively plays catch up and quickly scrolls through the slides faster than usual until it catches up with the position it would have been in had you not have been looking at another tab and left it to run. This seems to happen in all web browsers as far as I can tell.
I created a test page here: [URL]. But basically the problem is that $("#button").attr("disabled",true); should disable a input button, and it does, HOWEVER it outputs disabled="" when it should output disabled="disabled".
I am having some jQuery troubles whereby I have some jQuery that toggles an 'Other' HTML input field and associated label when a user selects the value Other from a HTML select drop down. I have this working for one field but the application I am building has increased in scope whereby there may be multiple instances of members on one page so the Other option will be there multiple times. At the moment if a user selects Other from one drop down all Other input fields show. How do I make this exclusive without repeating the jQuery for the separate instances?