JQuery :: Catching When A Div Is Updated Through Js

Sep 18, 2009

Is there a way to catch when a div content is updated through javascript? I update a div content through rjs and I need to call tablesorter every time the div is updated.

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JQuery :: Catching All PostBack Events?

Jul 15, 2011

How may I catch all postback events which are triggered by all controls using jQuery in an ASPX page?

I am using the below provided code and displaying an alert window when any control posts back to the server, however not all postbacks are getting caught by the highlighted code.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.ServerVariables["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" || Request.ServerVariables["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET")


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JQuery :: Select Option Not Catching Mousedown Event In IE And Chrome

Jul 2, 2009

This is the code I am using to test this. In FF and Op. When I click on an option in the select box, the alert pops up. In IE and Chrome, it doesn't seem to catch it at all.

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JQuery :: Validation: Custom Rule With Regexp Not Catching Initial Space In Text Input

Sep 23, 2010

So I created a custom rule following numerous examples out on the web for a dynamic text input, but for some reason it seems to be letting spaces through even though my regexp tests out ok to not match when the value is any combination of spaces...

$.validator.addMethod("noSpace", function(value, element){
return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_ ]{0,70}$/i.test(value);
}, "Please enter a name starting with either a letter or a digit.");
rules: {

The odd thing is, it will work if you type in a space followed by a character, but if you type in one space, or one space followed by x number of spaces, it just lets it through like it's valid. But yet when I look at the demos and examples that I pulled this from, they never let those scenarios go through.


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JS Detect IE4 Without Catching IE5.0

Jul 23, 2002

Has anyone tried working out this one?

How to detect IE4 without wrongly detecting IE5.0 (IE5.0 usually returns a navigator.appVersion of 4.0)

Here's the code im working with using substring of IE version:

// <head>
<script language="JavaScript">
this.version = navigator.appVersion;

// <body>
<script language="JavaScript">

if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){
if (version.substring(0,1) <= 4){
if (version.substring(22,23) <= 4){
document.write("This Browser is IE4 or lower!");
document.write("This Browser is IE5 or higher!");
document.write("This Browser isn't IE!");

document.write("<br>This Browser is " +version);

The version string usually return's something like this:

4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)

Can anyone see any problem with using this method?

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Catching Keypress In Canvas Tag

Jun 22, 2006

I am trying to catch keypresses in my canvas tag, but it appears that
that is not valid.

I may try to just create a hidden input box that will allow me to catch

I am trying to write a very simple asteroids game for a presentation on
Ajax in July, to show that javascript can do more than it was able to a
couple of years ago.

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Catching Information From Other Frame

Apr 18, 2005

Can I get information from other frame, like form values or variables?

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JQuery :: Object Instantiation When DOM Updated

Jan 16, 2011

I have a number of methods on my page which are instantiated on page load (such as an image zoom method). How can I force a reinstantiation of this method when I update the DOM? For example I will have a list of Images that magnify on mouseover. I then change this image (and use the .attr method to substitute new arguments). However when I mouseover the method only shows the previous instantiation from when the page first loaded.

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Catching Events In A Seperate Frame ?.....

Jul 23, 2005

I have a main page ('index.php') with an iframe ('mainframe') on the
left hand side. All the links on the index page load a new page of
mainly text content into the iframe.

All pretty straightforward, but I am using some javascript to launch
and hide a floating div on the index page (if I launch it in the
iframe, it will be restricted to the height and width of that frame).
The code to show / hide the div is located on the page index.php - say
the function is called 'showMe()', I would call top.showMe() to launch
the div.

The Div works fine, but when I try and catch an event via:


it returns the error message 'object required', because it is being
passed from a link on a totally seperate page (the iframe)...

Is there any method for the main page (index.php) to catch the event
on 'mainframe' that triggers the div ?

The div's do show up and hide, and I can load source content into them
- only error messages keep flashing up on IE (but not on Netscape /
Firefox, etc).

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Webkit - Catching Uncaught Errors?

Oct 1, 2009

I want window.onerror type functionality in webkit.

Is there any way of doing this?

My best attempt was:


Which breaks Chromes console, but doesn't get triggered for internal errors (e.g. reference errors).

I'm trying to implement a php style __autoload.

Essentially I think it's possible to

-Catch the error
-Find out the name of the object which isnt referenced
-Try to include a JS file with the same name

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Sending Out Of Iframe And Catching In Parent?

Apr 1, 2009

I have a page contained in an iframe. The page contained in the iframe shows videos all the time.Each video has an id that changes when a new video is played.I need to be able to catch this changing id in the page that has the iframe (the parent page) and that is hosted in a different server from the contained page.The only languages that can be used in the contained page are javascript, ajax and jquery
In the parent page you can use these languages + php.

I'm not posting the contained page code just because, believe me, it's humongous,full of variables and functions from other files and modules.The only thing needed there is a variable, myid, that stores the new id when a new video is played.Then I have to post, send, throw ... etc. myid and after that catch it in the parent page, remembering that myid's value changes when a new video is played and that.I have to get that new value at all times.I have to get the value of the playing video id to do things like changing the background of the page depending on the video played or showing a webpage depending on the video played ... and so on.

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JQuery :: Subscribe And Respond To AJAX Updated DIV?

Aug 25, 2011

Nutshell version: I need to fire off a javascript call whenever an ASP.NET UpdatePanel is updated, and I'm not sure how to do it. Detailed version: I have an ASP.NET page that has several UpdatePanels. Some of these are in my own code and I have access to, some are used by third party controls (e.g. ReportViewer) and I don't have direct access to them.

My website also uses jQuery Mobile to render the controls in a mobile friendly way. The problem I'm having is that whenever something in an UpdatePanel is updated, the newly updated contents don't get re-parsed by jQuery Mobile, and so they revert to their original style(s).


The problem I'm having is that I can't figure out how to make that happen. document.Ready() doesn't refire on an AJAX update. I've tried using $('div').live(),$('div').load(),$('div').change() and a few others (I am adding these to the Master page for the website) but nothing seems to fire off when the DIV updates.

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JQuery :: Input Not Updated - Datepicker Not Working

Feb 15, 2011

My problem involves input elements not being visibly updated after $('#selector').val(...) and non-working datepickers (the hasDatepicker class is attached, but the datepicker control doesn't fire up when the input gains focus).

I have a calendar, based on fullCalendar and the fcalendar bundle which chains the fullCalendar to a datepicker and a MySQL/PHP backend.

Now, the base functionality of datepicker works, but it is not sufficient; I need some more attributes for my calendar entries, including date information (including the start and end values, since they must be editable, rather than changing them via drag'n'drop only). Since the html of the form is somewhat complex, it is loaded from a .php page, which is a major change related to fcalendar, where id (#myGeneratedEditor, in my case) is built using HTML code in formStart and formEnd

Here is some code:

The summary of problems: the values which are attached via .val() don't show up the datepickers (one so far) don't / doesn't show up

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JQuery :: CurrSlide Value Not Updated With Next / Prev Options

Jan 7, 2011

Been playing with this plug-in for several hours now, very cool. Managed to build a decent non-linear presentation tool with play controls and multiple hotspots per slide. I noticed what I think are a few minor bugs concerning the opt.currSlide value, could also just be my lack of experience with the plug-in and JQuery. When using the 'next' and 'prev' options, the opt.currSlide value does not appear to be updated. I'm using this value to trigger hiding and showing of overlays in 'after' code. Works fine when a jump is initiated via cycle(num, trans) but not when initiated via cycle('next') or cycle('prev').

Also the "none" transition does not appear to call all of the before, after, etc.. events. As a work around, I defined a custom transition based on fade that animates the left property from 0 to 0 rather than opacity. Finally, I'd like to suggest an enhancement to the cycle method to accept cycle(num, trans, args). An example of why this is needed...
cycle(3, 'wipe', {clip: 'l2r'}).
Meaning jump to slide 3 using a wipe transition with clip set left-to-right. As a workaround for this limitation, I defined custom transitions for each of the wipe options.

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JQuery :: .html() Ignoring Updated Input Value?

Aug 18, 2009

I have to save the state of a form in a var before submitting it with the whole html, but if I alert the var, I get the original html without the updated input fields.


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JQuery :: Can't Use .live To Re-initialise A Plugin When Dom Is Updated / Why Is So?

May 24, 2011

Here is a live view of the problem I have:As you can see I am building a page which has an image cycle/carousel. On each of the images I would like to also have a zoomable loupe - I am using the jQzoom plugin to achieve this. Hover over the first image and you will see the zoom appear.

However, whilst all works fine on the first image, as soon as I click the next arrow (just visible at present top left of image as CSS tweak needed) to load the second image and hover over for the zoom, the second zoomed image fails to load. Anyone know why?

I am presuming it's because the cycle plugin hides the images so the jqZoom plugin can't 'grab' them.

I've been reading up on .live() function - can I use this to solve the problem? If so, could you provide some pointers...?

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Ajax :: Catching Errors From A Reply Handler?

Jan 11, 2010

I'm sure someone has written about this, but my google-fu is utterly failing me!Say I make an ajax request:

javascript Code:
- javascript Code
errQueryFailure = new Error ("Server query failure");


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JQuery :: Function Runs Before HTML Updated By Ajax

Aug 21, 2011

Problem in the timing of the script. The problem is that when I try to get an id of an object that was added by ajax, the script doesn't recognize it. The html:
<select id="categories" name="categories">
<option value="3">aa</option>
<option value="43">bbb</option>

When I load the page, there is this script that get the value of the #categories and use ajax to fill another select and in the same ajax, I load images by another function using the new select input that was created:
function fill_subcategories(){
type: "post",
url: "ajax/sub_galleries.php",
data: 'parent='+parent,
success: function(data){

This fills this div:
<select name="sub_categories" id="sub_categories"></select>
Right after filling the #sub_categories, I use another ajax that get images of the new id of the #sub_categories, and here I get the problem.. the js:
function show_exist_imgs(){
type: "post",
url: "ajax/show_exist_imgs.php",
data: 'g_id='+g_id,
success: function(data){
This script doesn't recognize the id of the new $('#sub_categories') select input.. why is that?

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Jquery :: Multiply 2 Input Fields When Either Field Updated

Jun 25, 2009

I pull product price from another page. Then I multiply it with quantity entered in the quantity input field. The problem is, if I forget to enter quantity value before I pull product information or if I change the quantity field later, the final total price is not updated.

My codes:


UCTID" name="PRODUCTID" /><input type="hidden" class="UNITPRICE" name="UNITPRICE'+(i++)+'" /><small>Search Products</small></div>30"><span class="prices">Unit Price:<span class="UNITPRICE"></span><br />Total Price:<span class="TOTALPRICE"></span><br /><a onclick="RemoveProduct(".column width50");" href="#">Remove</a></span>


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Catching <a> Link Click - Fancy Box - Show The Larger Images

Mar 19, 2011

Catching <a> link click - Fancy Box I have an example here of the simple image gallery I'm working with. The thumbnails are loaded from an XML and are linked to larger images. untitled I want to use Fancy box Fancybox - Fancy lightbox alternative to show the larger images. I have fancy box working on other sites but can't get it to work here. In an attempt to work out why it's not working I tried to capture the click on the <a> link, but that won't work.


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Bookmarklet Script For Catching Scammers (Mafia Wars / Facebook)

Dec 10, 2009

It would be easier to explain this if you play mafia wars (or any game that includes intra-game exchange of gifts/items between members) but the actual scripting doesn't require any knowledge of the game.

Background Information
Mafia Wars is a game on Facebook (and myspace, yahoo etc.) that among other things allows its players to send gifts to each other. Now because different people end up with more things of one type and are short of things of another type, the players have evolved a trading dynamic. Where x number of Item 1 is traded for y number of Item 2. A simple marketplace. And with this territory come scammers.

Essentially a player who doesn't go through with his end of the deal. good player sends item to bad player. bad player removes good player from mafia and blocks him for ever contacting him through his facebook profile. This has given rise to my group, among many others, that lists these scammers (identified with their facebook profile ids) as they are reported every day. Now over time the list has grown and it has become difficult and unrealistic to expect people to know who is on the list and who is not.

The Requirement
A javascript bookmarklet (there are many already servicing different needs of the players) that sits on the browser and tells the user if the person he is about to trade with is a listed scammer or not.

The Breakdown
The user will click the bookmarklet when he is on the facebook profile of the person he is about to trade with. When clicked the script will pull the facebook profile id from the current page, and then scan a text file located on a third-party server and return with a pop-up box message that reports if the id is listed as a scammer or not.

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JQuery :: When Updated The JS Library With The Latest Build (version 1.3.2), Get The Undesired Effect?

Jun 26, 2009

Take a look at the following two examples:EXAMPLE 1 (Undesired Effect):EXAMPLE 2 (Desired Effect):I am currently working on a HTML/CSS Tab interface that is using jQuery. I downloaded the original example files from somewhere that used an old version of jQuery (version dated back from 2006).When I open the TABS.HTM file in the browser, I see the desired effect (as in Example 2 above), where the first tab is auto selected. Nice!Now, when I updated the jQuery .JS library with the latest build (version 1.3.2), I get the undesired effect, as illustrated in Example 1I have absolutely no idea what is going on and I am totally new to jQuery. I am assuming with the new version of jQuery, the JS initiator code is different. Please can someone take a look? I've included the old jquery-Version2006.js and the new jquery-1.3.2.min.js libraries in the attached zip.

You can download the example files here:
or from:


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JQuery :: Updated - Make A Template Script Whose Parameters Are Assigned Externally?

Jan 29, 2011

I have an external script that looks for a specific id. Right now (im a noob to scripting btw) id have to have a version of this script in my header for each id or create an external script per id. I would like to have the script use a placeholder where "1stID" is, so that when i call the external script i can just say what the id is.

myscript.js (truncated)
var v = getelementbyid("1stID");

I want to call it like: <script src="myscript.js" #ID </script>

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JQuery :: Executing Function - When The User Changes The Item On The Dropdown, The Price Is Updated?

Apr 16, 2011

I have a setup where when the user changes the item on the dropdown, the price is updated by ajax.I want the price to pulsate with jquery ui after the price is updated.How can I do this? Here's my javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
function getxmlHttpObj()

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Catching Bug - Visual Basic And Firebug - Code Doesn't Work On Any Browser

Aug 3, 2011

If visual basic and firebug doesn't show me any error and if code doesn't work on any browser...so what should i do. I did a little boring - to read my code again to find a simple syntax errors like - writte() for exemple.

But even that does not give me anything! Is there any good recomendations how to change it all?

Look at this code:

Browser gives me out only - Please enter a valid name

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DOM Updated Question

Jan 22, 2007

I have a site with a 3 column layout. Because the size of the columns may be different onLoad, I am using Javascript to make each of the columns the same height. This works great when I load the page.

However, my site updates these columns using AJAX. After the update, one column may have become longer than the others. I am trying to find a way to detect this change and then again make all 3 columns the same height.

My first approach was with an event handler that detected "onsubtreemodified" for these DIVs. Unfortunately, this is a fairly new W3C DOM event that is not currently supported by most browsers.

My next idea was to simply call the function that did the resize with the onClick event when the user did anything that would update the columns. This does not work because Javascript does not wait until the DOM is finished updating before executing the code that checks sizes. So, it still sees the columns as the same height and doesn't make adjustments.

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