JQuery :: Getting A Request From Client Device To Update A Page?

Sep 16, 2010

i want to know if its possible to update a page based on some information we recieve from a device which a client will have.the simple issue is that a client device will be sending me some values by making a request along with some parameter values. i have to recieve the request, get the values and update the information on the web page.i don't know if the get() and post() function can be used in any way.. they are supposed to send request.if I don't find a solution using jquery, i will be forced to use a servlet, but then again, i have to somehow update the page directly, i can't save the data anywhere and read it. because, one thing is the data is critical and other thing is that i will get data every 5 seconds.

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JQuery :: Creating Basic Page For A Client To Allow Them To Update Photo Captions On Their Own

Jul 8, 2011

I am creating a basic page for a client to allow them to update photo captions on their own. The test page is here: [url]

There are only 4 photos right now for testing, but eventually there will be 100's. The issue I'm having is that only the first image caption is being updated. If I edit the caption for photo #4 and click update, it appears to update, but it actually doesn't. Further testing shows if I change the caption for #1 and click submit on ANY other caption, it updates #1. This makes me think that the jQuery code is only referencing the first form.

I know I could use ID's on the forms and in the jQuery to differentiate the forms, however the form HTML code is generated with PHP and there will be 100's of them. Is there any way for jQuery to determine which form was submitted? I need to be able to tell which form was submitted so I can use that form's caption text to update the photo caption via SQL (photo info stored in an SQL database).

Here's the code from the page. The forms are generated via PHP:

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Cant Update Dom After JQuery Ajax Request

May 11, 2007

I'm trying to update my page with either a yes or a no, I'm using Ajax for the request to the server. The request works perfectly, however when I try to update the DOM with the server response using $(this).text(response.waiting); and $(this).html(response.waiting);.

I've tried alert(response.waiting); and returns a valid response. So, the problem probably stems from the DOM.

$("#data a.waiting").each(function(i){
$(this).click(function() {
$(this).html('<img src="../img/loading.gif" id="loadwait" alt="Loading..." />').fadeIn("slow");
type: "POST",
url: "waiting/ajax/",
data: "id=" + $(this).attr("name"),
dataType: "json",
success: function(response) {

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JQuery :: Notify/update Client When Change On The Server

Jun 10, 2009

I'm trying to implement a simple chatting website. For now what the code does is checking every 10 seconds if there are new posts stored in the database (newer than the last check, 10 seconds ago). Is there a more efficient way than doing this with a timer??? for example, is there some kind of event listener attached to the server that would notify the client whenever the db is updated?

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JQuery :: Update HTML With Id Attribute From Database After $ Request?

Oct 8, 2010

I was wondering if someone could help me out with the following.I'm developing a webshop CMS in which you can create categories. By using jquery's ajax method I'm making a POST request to a PHP script which then handles all the data supplied to it. This works good and all except for the fact that after the query is being executed my HTML doesn't get updated, at least not as well as I want it to.I understand that the common way of working here is to update HTML in the success callback of the ajax method. But the thing is that every category is being displayed as a list item with an id attribute, this id corresponds to the id the category has in the database.If$.ajax tells me that everything went down smoothly and my query has been executed then there's still no way for me to know which id this new category has been given so that I can update the HTML accordingly.

What would be a "smart" way to tackle this? The first thing that comes to my mind is simply calling another script which figures out the last inserted id on the db but that would mean doing an ajax request in the callback of another ajax request? That doesn't sound right to me..

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Request Server Information Client Side

Jul 23, 2005

The only way i can think of doing such a thing is having an active
server page that returns an image, that is generated on the fly. As
long as there is no caching on the client this in theory will allow
the client to perform an action on the server and display an image
generated on the fly as a result of this action without actually
reloading the page, simply by requesting an image.

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AJAX :: Update Multiple Window Elements With Single Request?

Dec 18, 2010

The general outline is that I have part of a page that deals with the addition, editing and deletion of upcoming events. Data is stored in a MySQL table. The form design (in traditional terms) would be very simple requiring three fields, one for the Event Name, one for the Event Description and one (hidden) to identify the UniqueID of the event in the MySQL table. (As the reference to make edits.) The table therefore has 3 fields. (There are more such as Timestamp, clientID etc, but they are not important here.)

I envisage three functions, one to add, one to edit and one to delete the event listed on the page. I have 3 php files eventadd.php, eventedit.php and eventdelete.php which speak for themselves.However, this is where I have the problem. What I have been doing is returning the xmlhttpresponse as a formatted HTML page for the two 'form' elements because whilst I can return unformatted text containing the relevant fields in one response, I don't know how to break that down into two sections for the innerHTML of the two 'form' elements that change.

Returning a formatted page does work, but as well as being slower than neccessary, I am also running into character-set encoding issues and I just know that I am not doing this properly. I can supply code and things, but I have a feeling that this problem will have come up somewhere and probably has a recognized solution because to me it seems to be such an obvious requirement to be able to populate several form elements with fields from one recordset.

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JQuery :: JQM ScrollView With Device Orientation Change

Sep 6, 2011

I'm making an HTML5 web app which can use on both android and iOS devices. Here I want to use a scrollview with y direction paging and "data-scroll = yp" work for me. But here I'm experiencing an issue with device orientation change.So inportrait mode when we seeing 2nd page, scrollview offset is -768 and it is ok. But here if we rotate the device to landscape mode, then to see the complete page scrollview offset should be -1024. But still it is remaining in -768. So we have to give some touch movement to jump it to correct position.Actually this is a huge bug for scrollview and I tried a lot to fixed this. I bind a method with orientation change in scrollview widget and that method can not access other properties in the widget.

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Jquery :: Update The Page Content Without Refresh The Page?

Oct 29, 2011

the page url is

`http://example.com/index.php?main_page=index&Path=<?php echo $_GET['Path'];?>`
there are some contents on the page:


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UI Device For Rotation

Apr 18, 2006

Im trying to design something that would be intuitive for the user to
represent rotating something. Think along the lines of rotating an
image a specific amount of degrees. The obvious choice is to have the
user input CW or CCW and the number of degrees but i would rather
present something graphically and let them manipulate that, then in JS
determine the rotation.

The only thing i have been able to come up with right now is something
along the lines of the iPod click wheel with a dot at the top. As it is
clicked and dragged it spins, but the problem is i dont know if this is
possible in just JS / HTML, i don't want to use flash.

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Possible To Identify A Mobile Device??

Aug 14, 2006

Just wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to identify if a user is accessing a web page with a device suc as a blackberry?

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JQuery :: Create Ajax Request & And Edit Html Request

Jun 2, 2009

I worked with now in jQuery. Property however at present the following problem: [i]I provide a AJAX Request. the side is loaded, the parameters all conveyed and back receives I a complete HTML side. Now I would like to have only certain elements however from this side, like DIV, SPAN etc. How can I make with the AJAX Request return in such a way best, which I can select these elements thereby? Simply it would be unfortunately not functioned over the function $ (element), it even if I indicate the HTML Request as secondly parameter.[/i] Excused, for my bad English. ;-) Translatertool. There is unfortunately too many words, in order to describe my problem. ^^

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JQuery :: Changing Page During An Ajax Request?

Aug 4, 2011

I have a webpage that makes a request to my server to get news posts. The request is made by using $.ajax(). If I change the page (e.g. click on a link) before the request is returned, the onerror handler gets called, raising an error! Any idea why is this happening? For your information, when onerror gets called, the 'xhr' and 'errorThrown' parameters are 'undefined' and the 'status' parameter contains the value 'error' (which I produced using JavaScript's alert).

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JQuery :: Ajax Request Form In One Page?

Aug 29, 2009

I want to build a form that work on one page only, to subtract the PHP pages for getting the data from all my web forms, I tried to pass the parameters to the same page but it dosent work.

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JQuery :: Non-asynchronous Page Request Using Both Get& Post Parameters?

Jul 24, 2010

I have some trouble with my app. User enters his login&pass, they are being checked on server using ajax, and if they're ok, i wanna open new page, which'll set cookies and session vars, but i have an universal script, and I need request something like universalScript?mode=login (mode is GET) and some POST parameters such as login and pass, besides it must be new page, not ajax, Some ideas?

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JQuery :: Update Page Without Refreshing?

Jun 2, 2011

I came across this product page at nordstrom that allows users to filter products by certain criteria (size, fit, price, etc). [URL]..

They use ajax to update the page with any new criteria that users select, but with each page update the page url also changes and the browser history shows the new page. This is done without refreshing the page.

how this is done: creating a new page in browser history but without refreshing the page?

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JQuery :: JSON - Refreshing Request Second Time After Page Loads

Oct 24, 2009

I'm using some jQuery to work with the Last.FM API, and I'm stuck where I need to allow the user to run the JSON request a second time after the page loads (it loads once automatically when the page loads, the second time is when they push a button). What happens currently, is the JSON function is fed some default data when the page loads:

username: 'UserName',
from: 1254369600,
to: 1256184000,
apikey: 'myApiKeyHere',
onComplete: function(){

The JSON function:
$.fn.lastFM = function(options) {
var defaults = {
username: 'Verdani',
apikey: 'e4f3bb251d13179bf7ce80a089fb3d0c',
onComplete: function(){}
settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); .....

You might have noticed in the JSON, I write the URL the JSON is requesting to the console every time it runs. When I click this button, a new URL pops up in the console below the first one but only for a second, and then the page reloads and the original JSON request is called. It's this loop that I can't seem to break out of - why does re-calling the JSON refresh the page?

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JQuery :: Taconite Receives The Xml But Does Not Update The Page

Nov 4, 2009

I am using the taconite plugin and am running into a strange issue. I use taconite to call several processes after each other (php) and update messages in the page, as such it is running fine. I have one big issue, if I open one database table too many in one of the calls, taconite receives the xml but does not update the page. With taconite debugging turned on I can see the following: WITHOUT the database I get to my last step in the database: [taconite] time to process response: 28ms [taconite] [AJAX response] content-type: text/xml; status: 200 OK; has


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Jquery :: Update Output Without Refreshing Page?

Jul 20, 2011

I have a query and a php loop that outputs all the rows from a database.

If there is a new entry in the database, how can I use jQuery to update the output without refreshing the page?

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Ajax :: Send 3 Data From One Page To Another Page Through .Request

Mar 24, 2009

I am facing some problem with this when i am trying to sent the data in krnlAddComment1.asp page and there is only an insert query exists. after run the query successfully, response.write "...." revert back to me

if ((myname != null) && (comm != null) && (captcha1 == randomnum))

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JQuery :: .resize() Value Update Without Requiring Page Reload

Mar 23, 2010

I am wanting to obtain the computed width value of an element (not window). This is of course easy enough using .width(), but the value needs to reflect the change in this element's width as a result of window resize (the element in question is being used as a page wrapper that utilizes the expand-to-fit of a block-level element).

I've read in various places that .resize() only works on window, but have managed to stumble across an article (benalman(dot)com/code/projects/jquery-resize/examples/resize/) in which .resize() works on an element other than window.

I've managed to craft together a very simple few lines based on the logic in the article. However, although the computed width of the element is returned, it requires a page reload in order for the value to be updated. What I require is the value to be update incrementally (like in article) without requiring a page reload.

function foo() {


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Universal Browser Compatibility - Mobile Device Connectivity This Is Making Things Even Harder

Feb 7, 2011

We run a click and sales tracking solution for our advertisers and as such we are having a few issues with browser compatability for certian sites that are ont eh Magento platform. Essentially we are just trying to create an image call in javascript that uses a few pre-populated variables from the checkout process.

So teh issue we are having doesn't seem to be broser specific. We are trying to simplify the javascript call to ensure we have the highest possible chance of compatiablity. Obviously now with so many differnt browsers and also mobile devide connectivity this is making things even harder. We know that our javascript calls are failing as we've been monitoring our IIS logs and can see the image calls are being made with blank variables. There are 3 different elements to our checkout calls that maybe you guys have experience of with possible issues or fixes:

1. unescape function
2. onload event function for images
3. creating images dynamically

these are very basic elements of the javascript core but aout 5-10% of our calls are failing with blank variables being passed into the image call. So the questions is what elements of our call will be the possibel sources of failure?


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AJAX :: Update Part Of Page After Insert Data In Same Page

May 21, 2009

I am currently programming Script Adds data to the database but if i want to Shown the data that have been added Requires refresh the page to show the Data that have been added . and I do not want this method.I want to when adding data to show updates as soon as the addition of data.This can be done by Ajax , and An example of this method used Google Gmail.

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JQuery :: Update Multiple SPAN Elements On My Page Using The $.get Function

Feb 14, 2011

I am fairly new with jQuery and am trying to figure something out. I am trying to update multiple SPAN elements on my page using the $.get function. So far this is the code I have...

I can loop through and verify it is catching all of them

This outputs the data I am expecting from the GET

How can I set the data returned to the innerHTML of the current span element in the loop?

I have tried $(this).innerHTML and this.innerHTML, but neither worked

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JQuery :: ASP Radio Button List - Partial Page Update?

Nov 4, 2010

ery new to Jquery but really like what I'm seeing. Really improves the interface. Is this possible to achieve? Partial Page Update Without Having To Do An ASP Auto Post Back on a ASP control. I have <div id="documents"> An <asp:RadioButtonList id="selector" Class="tablecell"> When its checked, can I refresh the documents div only rather than the full page?

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JQuery :: Keyup Function Loses Functionality On Ajax Page Update?

Mar 16, 2010

Im using keyup function to track text typed in input box. The idea is to perform incremental search in db. This works fine. After this I update the html dynamically to display the filtered resuts and at the same time I must dynamically rewrite the html for input box code. After this the keyup function is not working anymore, allthough the id tag is the same? How should I get around this?

$('#filterBox').keyup(function() {
if (this.value.length > 2) {

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