JQuery :: Dynamically Wrap Divs Around Inputs?
Apr 17, 2011
I am trying to figure out how I can dynamically wrap divs around inputs. I need to set the divs to the input's width and height and the same positions except top should be a little less compared to the inputs. I need to create more then one div for each input.
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Oct 7, 2010
How can I wrap every 3 divs in a new div? So If I have;
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Apr 1, 2010
I'm having trouble wrapping two adjacent divs in one parent container. For example take the following html:<div>
<div class="line"> hi </div>
<divclass="line"> hi again </div>
<div class="line"> hi </div>
<divclass="line"> hi again </div>
I need every pair of ".line" divs to be wrapped in a parent div, so it will look like this:
<div class="new">
<div class="line"> hi </div>
<divclass="line"> hi again </div>
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Nov 23, 2010
I am creating breadcrumbs using XML with the following code:
// <![CDATA[
var root = null;
$(document).ready( function(){
$.get( "/_assets/xml/sitemap.xml",
function( data ) {
root = data;
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
var local_url = "*[url=" + pathname + "]";
var currpage = $(root).find(local_url).attr("name");
var parentEls = $(root).find(local_url).parents();
var mapped = $(parentEls).map(function () {
var element = $(this).attr("name");
var element_url = $(this).attr("url");
var element_wrap = $(this).wrap('<a href="' + element_url + '"/>').attr("name");
return element_wrap;
.join(" / ");
$("#breadcrumb").append("<p>" + mapped + " / " + currpage + "</p>");
// ]]>
The breadcrumbs are displaying perfectly, I'm just having a hard time inserting the <a> tag via .wrap() here:
var element_wrap = $(this).wrap('<a href="' + element_url + '"/>').attr("name");
I want to attach a link to each element's URL and return the name of the tag. The <a> tags aren't being applied here, what am I doing wrong?
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Aug 24, 2010
How do I add form inputs dynamically? I found form wizard plugin, but it could only add one element.
$("#finland").after('<span class="step" id="added_step">New step added in the update steps callback</span>') I needed it to add the same elements as much as possible, how do I do that with the code below?
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Jul 14, 2009
I am having some trouble getting some divs to display dynamically.
<script type="text/javascript">
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May 12, 2010
There is a project called Seed which allows JavaScript programs to run on the Linux desktop. There is connected project called SeedKit which runs HTML files as a Graphical User Interface front end for JavaScript files run by Seed. It acts like a webpage which rather than linked to a web-server is linked to a JavaScript program with HTML events like buton clicks etc that drives JavaScript much in the same way as normal desktop Graphical toolkits do. I hope this page from my blog starts a bit.
Both projects are quite new so is very experimental. I am not involved in the development of any of the projects but I am trying to create a few examples to show how it works. My first example is to take the contents of the log folder /var/log, display it in the SeedKit HTML file and when a user clicks on it, it displays the contents of the log file.The way I am going about this is firstly to create a two column table in the HTML thus:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
The table on the HTML file is populated with the file names but I can't get the contents of the specific div I have clicked on. I tried $(this).text() but it displays all the text in the table.
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Aug 26, 2009
I have a page with a div that contains other divs. In the outer div, I have links that add new divs inside. I also have a link outside the outer div that adds more of those outer divs to the page (with an inner div, and the same links to add more). This works on the div that is hard coded on the page, but when I use the link to add additional container divs the links inside there to add more inner divs does not function.
Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".AddDisc").click( function() {
discContainerDiv = "<div class='discContainer'><div
class='trackContainer'><input type='text' class='trackInput' /></
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Jun 23, 2010
I am trying to change my cursor to a help cursor for a webapp I'm helping to develop. It partially works, except when an element has a CLASS attribute. For example:
HTML Code:
<div id="outer">
<input type="text" id="textouternoclass" />
<input type="text" id="textouterwithclass" class="foo" />
So now to my questions:
1) Is this okay? Is there a better way to do this?
2) With doing this, any divs/inputs that do have their cursor attribute set will lose it. What's the best way to store this info so it can be reset?
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Jan 25, 2007
I'm using a function like this to load divs dynamically (and hide
current one..)
function get_img(curr_img,curr_nav,new_img,new_nav2) {
var img_top = eval('document.getElementById(' + "curr_img" + ')');
var img_new = eval('document.getElementById(' + "new_img" + ')');
var nav_top = eval('document.getElementById(' + "curr_nav" + ')');
var nav_new = eval('document.getElementById(' + "new_nav" + ')');
img_top.style.visibility = "hidden";
img_new.style.visibility = "visible";
nav_top.style.visibility = "hidden";
nav_new.style.visibility = "visible";
curr_img = new_img;
curr_nav = new_nav;
problem I always run into in situations like this is I can't tell which
one is currently loaded.. how do you detect which div is currently loaded?
this is in JSP, divs generated with loops...
for (int i = 0; i < photos.length; i++) {
<div id="nav<%=photos[i]%>">
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Sep 6, 2011
I will like to know if there is anyway to view all the rules that I have currently in the Jquery validation plugin. Currently, I am trying to add in rules dynamically through the rules(add) function after adding some dynamic fields through the user inputs. the rules are added in this manner.
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Jan 22, 2010
I'm trying to add some js automation to a blogging application I've developed for a wysiwig site builder program. This program doesn't allow php or any kind of server scripting, so everything has to be done with js. The basic set up is that a user enters a blog post in the application and the code below appends a comments div (which are already on the page but hidden by css) to the post:
Instead of using this code for every post instance, I'd like to create a simple loop that will assign an incremental number to the post and comments id's when a new post appears in the page's html, and then append a comments div to the post. I tried a for routine that would add 1 to every post, but couldn't get it to work right.
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Oct 14, 2010
I have been trying to do some tooltips for a website and desperately wanted to learn something new and do that with jQuery.However, every time a mouse hovers over a tooltip, all hidden divs are shown, not just the one that supposed to. Here's my html:
Code HTML4Strict:
<div class="tip">
<a href="#"></a>[code].....
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Aug 19, 2009
I'm looking for some javascript to work with wordpress (jQuery preferrably) that will show/hide multiple divs on one click.
I had one working but it was kinda janky because it was causing me to have two divs with the same ID on one page. No good.
Since I updated to wp2.8.3 prior to launch, it's not working. So I've decided to just try and do it right.
Here's a page: [URL]
So, what I want to happen: On page load, the first tab: "general" and it's corresponding div beneath should be showing. And the first image should be showing. The other content divs and images should be hidden. I've given the text content divs a dashed border to show their borders. When a visitor clicks "dine at home" the general div and image hide, the second content div shows, as does the second image (it's currently the identical image, but the client may change later.) Etc.
I'll be using this function on a few other pages as well.
how to adjust this javascript to work on two different IDs at once?
current code:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function () {
var tabContainers = $('div.imgswap > div');
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Oct 11, 2009
I'm building a t-shirt shop whose interface includes a gallery of designs in an IFrame. When the user clicks on a design, a dedicated page is loaded into the IFrame which shows all the available products associated with the design the user clicked.
I've put each design's image and associated page as the first and second elements of a nested array, and am using a for loop to then load all the images into the page that's shown in the IFrame when the web-site loads. It's looking beautiful, but here's the rub I've been stuck on for two days now with no solution in sight...
The array, "designImages", has 37 elements (ie. designImages[0]... designImages[36]). When I click on a design image on the page, any design image, the browser (all browsers, so I can't blame Microsoft for this one :rolleyes: ), loads the page for design #36. I've tried all sorts of things, but still cannot tell if the issue is because the dynamically generated divs are being reassigned the value [36] after the for loop's executed, or if the div id's are okay but somehow the code is rooting for [36], the last element of the array anyway.
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Mar 2, 2011
Is it possible to wrap a tag around another tag with javascript, but without using jQuery?
For example to put each IMG tag inside a SPAN ? Lets say I have [code]...
It can't be done with insertAdjacentHTML - if I try to add only the opening tag, the browser automatically appends the closing tag right after it. If I try to add only the closing tag, just nothing happens.
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May 7, 2009
im trying to get the syntax down to find all img tags that are NOT surrounded by tags and wrap those img tags in tags. I can get the selector to get all img tags and wrap it in a tag but i need to further take it to disregard the img tags that already are wrapped in pseudocode $(img parent tag not equal to p).each().....
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Apr 4, 2011
I've trying this code:
$("object").wrap('<div class="container" />');
but have no result.
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Jul 4, 2010
I want to jQuery to format the following [code]...Wrap new lines with <p> tag
I have read a zillion posts and some that are similar but have not been able to translate them into my problem.
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Jul 25, 2011
I have code
var select = $('#districts');
var wrapper = $('<div>').attr('id','wrapper);
but line "wrapper.append('<p>test</p>') " do not performCan?
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May 7, 2010
Okay guys what I would like to do is add a class to this:
.wrap("<a href='" + item.link + "'></a>");
So that i can style this link
.wrap("<a class="grouped_elements" href='" + item.link + "'></a>"); When i try to use the second approach i get an error that reads: missing ) after argument list
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Jul 28, 2010
I've a nested list which looks something like:
<li>This header of sublist
<li>header of subsublist
Now I would like to wrap the text and only the text (i.e. 'This header of sublist', 'item 1', 'header of subsublist','item2.1') in a <span> tag. I tried $('li', his).wrapInner('<span class="test"></span>') but that includes the ul element as well, which I would like to exclude.regards,
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Sep 21, 2010
Given this...
<label for="field_id">Field Name</label>
<input type="..." id="field_id"/> <!-- or textarea/button/select -->
...I'm doing this...
var $field = $(this).wrap('<div class="wrapper"/>');
var $wrapper = $field.parent();
var $fieldID = $field.attr('id');
It feels pretty clumsyIs there a more elegant way? Maybe even through chaining? Sometimes the <label/> will be before the field and sometimes after...
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Nov 28, 2011
I found .wrap() and .wrapAll(), but I donĀ“t know, how to wrap a group of elements..
I have repeating HTML like this:
<div class="class"></div>
<div class="class"></div>
<button id="button1"></button>
<div class="class"></div>
I need wrap each group of three elements (.class, .class, button) into one wrap, e.g. <div class="wrap">..
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Sep 24, 2010
I have the following markup:
<h2 class="pagetitle">Key Staff Profiles</h2>
I want to select the last bit of text, in this case "Profiles," and wrap it with a span. I have the following code.
var title = $(".pagetitle").text().split(" ");
var lastEl = title[title.length-1];
$(lastEl).wrap("<span />");
The first two lines do what I want, but I can't the wrap to work.
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Jun 7, 2011
for the jquery cycle script I need to generate a wrap around every 4 dynamicly created div's of the same class.
for example, If the following posts are generated:
<div id="postscontainer">
<div class="post"></div>
<div class="post"></div>
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