Okay guys what I would like to do is add a class to this:
.wrap("<a href='" + item.link + "'></a>");
So that i can style this link
.wrap("<a class="grouped_elements" href='" + item.link + "'></a>"); When i try to use the second approach i get an error that reads: missing ) after argument list
I have two links that have the same class name (like class="item191") on the same site. I want to hover one of these links and both links should become highlighted.
$(function(){ $("#container div a").hover(function(){ ...
With the focus being on a DIV with ID = container. Now my DIV needs to have a class, not an ID. Can I use the code like it is below for this, with the class name container instead?
Code: $(function(){ $(".container div a").hover(function(){ ...
I'm building a calendar and using a jQuery script to shift between "list view" and "calendar view". The thing is, that I would like to add a unique CSS class to the selected link, so I can make a highlight effect (or something like that) that only applies to the currently selected link. My script is:
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ //if this is not the first tab, hide it jQuery(".tab:not(:first)").hide(); //to fix u know who
I have this script where if users click on a link it will show that particular link in a slideUp, slideDown effect. For example There are two links and Two divs.Both Divs are hidden to start. If the user clicks link 1, Div 1 will appear. If the user clicks link2 Div 1 will close and Div 2 will appear. how do I add a active state when the user clicks on each particular link.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html xmlns ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
I am working on the project that will be only one page and the menu will link to the same page. The problem is that i can't add active class to the menu the same we did in the normal linked pages. For example, in css we can see .about .menu ul li .active a { color:#black} . This means the menu will be in black when the user is in the about page. I can't do like this in one page scroll menu as there is only one menu. Are there any ways to let the menu change (add active class)when i scroll to some specific part of the page?
I'm creating a list of items which visually look like checkboxes. They will work similar to the ones used on eBay that allow you to select only new/used items. Mine are a little simpler though. Here is the markup:
I would like to set the link's "visited" pseudo-class with javascript without clicking on the link. My goal is to update the link's color (previously set in the CSS file) to be "visited" without actually clicking on the link and then clicking "back" in the browser.
Does anyone know how? Here are the following things I've already tried to no avail:
var obj = document.getElementById("idOfMyLink");
//obj.visited=true; // NO //obj.style.visited=true; // NO //obj.click(); // NO, performs a click and takes me away from current page
/* // Setting the src of an iframe on the same page, trying to "stuff" this URL into browser's "History"
var theFrame = document.getElementById("myiframe"); theFrame.src = obj.href;
// NO. The iframe does go to correct URL, but the link's color doesn't update.*/Any ideas?
In a nutshell, I need to set add/remove a class called 'active' to/from a link that is clicked within a DIV. So if the link has the class 'active' already assigned I need to remove it and vice versa however the issue I am having is that I have to double click the link in order for it to work!!
Form that code I would expect the class of 'testclass' to be applied to the button after the link is clicked, but It doesn't seem to work. This is a somewhat contrived example. In my real application I have a form with several collapsable/expandable sections. If the fields in those form sections have values when the page loads, the section needs to be expanded, and the expand/collapse button needs to have a class of 'expaned' applied to it, if not it needs to be hidden. I can check the form fields and show the div if needed without any problem, but I can't seem to figure out how to work out the selector so I can add the class to the button.
There's a feature I want to implement, but don't really know how to code. The intention is to use jQuery to convert words with a certain class attribute into Wikipedia links.
An example to make things clearer:
PLAIN TEXT: There is a <span class="wiki">penguin</span> there.
EXPECTED RESULT: There is a <a href [url] there.
Hence the code would have to grab the string of words inside the tag and place them inside a href with the first part of the link already attached to it. Doesn't seem too complicated, but I wasn't able to do it.
I have been trying to use the code below (created by Patrick Haney and improved by enraged) as a basis, but no deal. This code subistitutes words for code, but it searches for specific words.
If anybody knows a script like that, modify the code below,
I have some problems with assigning a class to my included navagation menu. I would like to give the last clicked menu item a active class so I can style it but i have no clue how that works with javascript. as you can see i have three files two pages which included the same menu. Now I would like to set the first page to active because it would be the page the would start. but then when someone clicks the second page it should become inactive and set the active class to the secone link.
I have no idea about javascript but wanted to use the Konami script on my site. This is the current code:
var kkeys = [], konami = "38,38"; $(document).keydown(function(e) { kkeys.push( e.keyCode ); if ( kkeys.toString().indexOf( konami ) >= 0 ){
I just wondered how to get the javascript to include the class so that it acts in the same way it would if just clicking the link. I imagine this is upsettingly easy to do but I can't seem to find anything about it!?
I have a side menu that I have added an onclick statement to, which will change the css class for that item to "selected" so that I can apply styles for the selected link. Here is what I have:
HTML Code: <style type="text/css"> <!-- .selected {[code]....
How can I modify this so, after one selection is clicked, and you click something else, the class gets removed from the first clicked item, and is now applied to the newly clicked item? I only want the class applied to the currently clicked item, and removed when they click on another item.
I'm having issues with jquery and the tabs I'm using. My tabs work but... I want some more functions and that seems to be a big problem for a Javascript and jquery newby.
I really don't know if this is correct but it works! What doesn't work is the active class. If you use one of the buttons in the first tab you go to the right tab but the tab itself has no class called active and that ruins the style.
2) I also have one other question: lets say that all the above is my second page and I have my frontpage in which I also have buttons. I want somebody to use the button and end up in the third tab of page 2. My link is something like
Code: page2.html#tab3
I read that using this should lead you the third tab but it's not working for me. You go to the first tab of page 2 instead.
I've been reading a LOT! Jquery for dummies, I googled, read the forum and other forums. I posted on a Dutch forum but no answer. I've added a lot of different code but it doesn't work.
My code: [URL]... When I click on UpraviƄ in class edit I need add some HTML code to begin and to end of class entry how to I can select class entry in the same class post on which I clicked?
Is it possible to wrap a tag around another tag with javascript, but without using jQuery?
For example to put each IMG tag inside a SPAN ? Lets say I have [code]...
It can't be done with insertAdjacentHTML - if I try to add only the opening tag, the browser automatically appends the closing tag right after it. If I try to add only the closing tag, just nothing happens.
It should open a modal everytime a link of a given class is clicked. But... it does not.
Code JavaScript: //get the url of the link clicked var url; $('a.edit').livequery('click',function(){ url= $(this).attr('href'); }); [Code]....
When a link of class .edit is clicked, the overlay covers the page for an instant, then a redirect occurs to the page that should be loaded in the modal box (instead of the page being loaded in the modal). It's probably a small mistake as I can get it working the way I want using jqm 'trigger:a.edit'. The problem with this approach is that I lose the livequery power (links from ajax loaded content won't fire jqm).