Using "For" Loop To Assign Link URL's To Dynamically Created Divs NOT WORKING?
Oct 11, 2009
I'm building a t-shirt shop whose interface includes a gallery of designs in an IFrame. When the user clicks on a design, a dedicated page is loaded into the IFrame which shows all the available products associated with the design the user clicked.
I've put each design's image and associated page as the first and second elements of a nested array, and am using a for loop to then load all the images into the page that's shown in the IFrame when the web-site loads. It's looking beautiful, but here's the rub I've been stuck on for two days now with no solution in sight...
The array, "designImages", has 37 elements (ie. designImages[0]... designImages[36]). When I click on a design image on the page, any design image, the browser (all browsers, so I can't blame Microsoft for this one :rolleyes: ), loads the page for design #36. I've tried all sorts of things, but still cannot tell if the issue is because the dynamically generated divs are being reassigned the value [36] after the for loop's executed, or if the div id's are okay but somehow the code is rooting for [36], the last element of the array anyway.
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Apr 20, 2010
I have an issue in dynamically assigning Onclick/<a href> action to the data within <td> cell.
Am pulling out data from a XML file, and displaying it as a table data on HTML page within a for loop. But within a loop, when am trying to do <a href> for the data by providing a dynamically changing URL value, the data is not getting displayed.
I donot know how to do it!! code...
In the code, name is the data element that am pulling from XML file.
On clicking each name, an URL should appear which has name as part of it.
For example, if the name is Kiran, then the URL will be 'Kiran.html'.
Is it possible to do it this way? Please suggest if there is any other way?Kiran.html
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Aug 26, 2009
I have a page with a div that contains other divs. In the outer div, I have links that add new divs inside. I also have a link outside the outer div that adds more of those outer divs to the page (with an inner div, and the same links to add more). This works on the div that is hard coded on the page, but when I use the link to add additional container divs the links inside there to add more inner divs does not function.
Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".AddDisc").click( function() {
discContainerDiv = "<div class='discContainer'><div
class='trackContainer'><input type='text' class='trackInput' /></
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Jan 22, 2010
I'm trying to add some js automation to a blogging application I've developed for a wysiwig site builder program. This program doesn't allow php or any kind of server scripting, so everything has to be done with js. The basic set up is that a user enters a blog post in the application and the code below appends a comments div (which are already on the page but hidden by css) to the post:
Instead of using this code for every post instance, I'd like to create a simple loop that will assign an incremental number to the post and comments id's when a new post appears in the page's html, and then append a comments div to the post. I tried a for routine that would add 1 to every post, but couldn't get it to work right.
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Jul 21, 2011
I am trying to save a dynamically created anchor's id onclick, but I am having a lot of trouble.code...
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Jun 24, 2011
I am creating a dynamo form but <select and <option does not show.
How do I make sure that they are created on the fly?
jQuery("#dump_data_box").append('<select id="thisid" name="value_name[]">');
and later
if (v==k2) jQuery("#dump_data_box").append(' selected ');
jQuery("#dump_data_box").append(' value="'+k2+'">'+k2+'</option>');
But they do not show in the <div>.
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Jan 18, 2011
Im sure this is a very silly problem, but im trying to create a li and then set its class in jquery but it doesn't seam to be working
var listid = field + "_errormessage";
if (errorMessage != "")
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Mar 16, 2011
I have kind of a complicated setup, and I was hoping to bounce this off some one's head who's more experienced with JavaScript.Assuming I have the following HTML markup:
<div id="one-root">
<div id="one">
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a number of input boxes used to display totals based on
selected items for each row in a table. There are more than a few
rows that are identical, except for the form field name. I have added
a sample of that below (there would be many more rows).
I'm wondering if there is a way to dynamically generate the variable
names (ie: T1val, T2val, etc.) in my function 'calc', based on the
argument 'regnum' that I pass it. The problem right now, is that I
have to repeat lines 9 to 15 for every row that I add, using the
specific variable names for each. If there was some way to
dynamically create and assign them using the value of 'regnum'
(similar to using 'elements'), that would be great.
I guess one way might be to create hidden fields for each of those
variables, and I could then use the 'elements' syntax to assign
values, but wondered if there is a simpler way. Code:
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Feb 16, 2011
Ive been picking up javascript little by little after ignoring it for a while but as of recently ive been taking an interested in using it to improve my site.
I noticed a lot of functionally with the getElementById line and was wondering if i can use this to set a destination to a link that exists on many pages . Sort of a link with the id contact and the javascript assigning an href value to everything with this id.
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Feb 25, 2009
I have checkboxes which is generated within loop of records come from db and append the id with the name and id like this
<input type=checkbox name=CB.<?=$id?> name=CB.<?=$id?> >
Now in extension js file i want to check if check box is checked then create the variabel like CB1 (1 is the id) and the i want to assign value to this variable
i did something like this
[code ]
//arrayLength is the no of check boxes
for(var i= 0 ; i <arrayLength; i++)
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Jan 28, 2011
I have a php-loop to read an xml file (id and comment). Now to my question, must i write the Script into the loop or can i assign via a parameter (or whatever) in the header Script?
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Apr 6, 2010
I am creating a page that has a to do list. Each item has been created with a for loop in a class method. So this makes multiple drop down boxes on the page. I need to know how to NAME them (I guess?) so they are unique and how to reference the selections via jQuery.
It seems like it would be very simple, however after a couple hours of searching on the 'Net I cannot seem to find any resources and it would seem that I can't be the only person who dynamically makes several drop-downs with the same options.
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Feb 25, 2009
I have checkboxes which is generated within loop of records come from db and append the id with the name and id like this
<input type=checkbox name=CB.<?=$id?> name=CB.<?=$id?> >
Now in extension js file i want to check if check box is checked then create the variabel like CB1 (1 is the id) and the i want to assign value to this variable code...
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Oct 20, 2010
I need to be able to dynamically assign a variable to the height attribute of a div(flashOverlay) based on the height and t position of another div(pageContent). I am using the following script to capture the variable data. How do I apply this var to the div?
<script type="text/javascript">
onload=function() {
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Sep 1, 2009
I've been having problems getting jqmodal modal dialogs to display on links added dynamically by client side code. I've demonstrated the problem at the following URL: [URL] jqModal plugin here - [URL]
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Jun 9, 2009
If I have this regular expression that matches anything that contains the string "link": links = links.replace(/link/gi, "<a href="+ assigned link number goes here +.html">Click</a>");
How can I sequentially assign a number to each string that it replaces (in the order that it finds it from top to bottom)? If I had an unspecified number of strings that match "link", how can I use one regular expression to output the following for each string it replaces?:
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Dec 3, 2010
I have some problems with assigning a class to my included navagation menu. I would like to give the last clicked menu item a active class so I can style it but i have no clue how that works with javascript. as you can see i have three files two pages which included the same menu. Now I would like to set the first page to active because it would be the page the would start. but then when someone clicks the second page it should become inactive and set the active class to the secone link.
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Nov 15, 2010
i have 3 links... (eg. stomach, brain and heart). and also 3 images (stomach.gif, brin.gif and hear.gif) when i click stomach i want to display the image of stomach and hide the rest. ALSO there are another 2 links (view cross-section, and view inside) and images associated with this if stomach is selected, clicking the 'view corss-section' should display corss-section image of the stomach (together with the stomach image).....if brain is selected, clicking 'view corss-section' should display corss-section image of the brain..
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Nov 1, 2006
If I do this:
el = document.createElement("iframe");
el.src = "test.htm"; = "frm"; // or el.setAttribute("name","frm");
the iframe gets created but the 'name' attribute is not added under IE
6. I tried setting the 'name' after appending the iframe but still no joy.
How can I add a 'name' attribute to an iframe so that IE 6 sees it?
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Mar 20, 2010
I have an input box "product" besides it there is an add input button which adds another input box product upon clicking.This array of input boxes I have created is through document.createElement('input').My autocomplete is working for the initial input when I click add Input button for the generated box also the autocomplete shld do I make it work? Autocomplete script is working so I didnt post it here..I just want it to make it working dynamically created i/p boxes
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Mar 19, 2010
I have an input box "product" besides it there is an add input button which adds another input box product upon clicking.This array of input boxes I have created is through document.createElement('input').
My autocomplete is working for the initial input when I click add Input button for the generated box also the autocomplete shld do I make it work??
PS:Autocomplete script is working so I didnt post it here.... I just want it to make it working dynamically created i/p boxes
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Oct 15, 2009
I add a new row to a table using something like this:
So if I add 1 rows, I get 2 text boxes with the ID of 1-medication as I already have a row in place (static) This works fine. However when I try to get the value of 1-medication, I thought I'd get something like value1,value2 but instead I just get value1 If I change the function above to putput a text box with ID of 2-medication, I can get the value of that by itself just fine. why if I have more than 1 item with the same ID, I can't concatenate each value?
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Jul 22, 2009
I want to update the contents of several divs periodically with the response i get from a php-script. the number of divs is changing depending on what the user has chosen before. i store the variable part of the ids in a hidden input field. this input field may look like this:
<input type="hidden" name="devices" value="1,2,3,4,5,6,7">
to do this task periodically i use setIntervall():
<script type="text/javascript">
// dies stellt sicher, dass updateDivs() erst ausgeführt wird, wenn
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Jan 5, 2012
Let's say I have a list of Div's on a page
But depending on the users settings there could be 3 or 30...each div has a button. On press 1 it opens that div(by opens I mean populates with some data. When you press another button on another div, I want it to check the page and close any other div that may be open so you can only have one open at once.I'm familiar with loops and arrays but I'm not quite sure if this is totally possible. I'm not looking for the code, per-se, just a push in the right direction
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Jul 23, 2005
I create a table containing radiobuttons in client script depending on
what choices the user makes.
It works fine the radio buttons appear *but* they are *not clickable*.
Why? Is there a solution? I'm using IE 6.0 Code:
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