JQuery :: Allow User To Select And Unselect Form Input?

Jan 11, 2012

I have a form with checkboxes and I want a user to be able to select all checkboxes at once and then deselect. I have some code but it only selects and then if I click it doesnt deselect the input items.

What are some other ways to approach this or anyone know why it doesnt work?

$(function () {
function() {
$('#friendslist .sel_emp').attr('checked', 'checked');


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JQuery :: Select - Unselect Radio Buttons

Jun 15, 2009

I have a very long form full of items that the user rates from 1 to 3. There may be 100 items that the user needs to rate. For each item to rate they are given three radio buttons for 1, 2 or 3 for them to choose from. Now initially all the radio buttons are unchecked, but each item to rate is required. So this process can take quite a bit of time having to check each radio button. I need a way at the top of the form to have three master radio buttons for 1, 2 and 3 to where if they click 1 it will select/deselect all of the radio buttons for the rating 1 and the same for 2 and 3. I would like to work off of the CSS class selecter for this so I will be giving the radio buttons classes of "radio1", "radio2" and "radio3". What's the best way to go about this?

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JQuery :: Toggle Checkboxes (select/unselect All) With This?

Sep 29, 2011

I'm trying to toggle checkboxes on my form with a jQuery function I found. It works, except for the fact the checkbox which I use to select all the other checkboxes does not get checked itself. Any idea why that might be?[code]...

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Select And Unselect All Images?

Aug 1, 2010

Tell me how to select and unselect all images in javascript
just like checkboxes

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Select And Unselect Buttons In Dropdown Menu

Dec 1, 2011

I have a dropdown menu and some buttons below in my HTML:
<select name="numberDrop" id="numberDropId" onclick="getButtons()">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>

<input class="answerBtns" name="answerA" type="button" value="A" />
<input class="answerBtns" name="answerB" type="button" value="B" />
<input class="answerBtns" name="answerC" type="button" value="C" />
<input class="answerBtns" name="answerD" type="button" value="D" />
<input class="answerBtns" name="answerE" type="button" value="E" />

What I want to know is that how is it suppose to be coded so that the user can only select the same amount of buttons as the number from the drop down menu? For example if the user selects the number 3 from the dropdown menu, then if the user clicks on a button, it will highlight the button in a color (lets say green) but the user can only have three buttons selected. If an additional button is clicked then that button would not be selected.

The additional button can only be selected if the user unselects a selected button and then selects the button he wishes. This means that only 3 buttons can be selected at maximum. Also only 3 buttons minimum can be selected, if more or less buttons are selected than the number 3 then it should come up with an alert. Is this suppose to be done in Javascript or Jquery and how can I use css to change the color of the buttons to green if selected or back to grey if unselected?

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JQuery :: Unselect Element Or Not Allow Select Element To Prevent

Sep 12, 2010

I'm trying to unselect element or not allow select element to prevent this:

How can i do this? This only happens on FF, on IE8 its fine..

My html:

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Pass User Input From A Form To One Database Field Using Several Form Elements

May 4, 2009

I need to pass user input from a form to one database field. I'm relatively new to JS but the idea I had was to have several form elements and use JS to collect the users input and send all the values through a hidden element. What's happening is the variable names are being sent rather than the values. The code below is only passing to the next page. Limitations: I am editing an intranet site built by a 3rd party so a lot of the files we've been given are encrypted. I cannot change the method to post.


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JQuery :: Cascade Plugin - Make A Form That Allows A User To Select A State And A City

Apr 17, 2009

I am new to jquery and I need to make a form that allows a user to select a state and a city that they go to school in. I am using the cascade juqery plug-in [url].

Which I think is a great plugin) The problem is there is a lot of data and it takes a long time for it all to load (some 28,000 records).

What I want to do is split it up into different files and then load only the file that contains the data for that start/region.

A sample of my code is blow:

My html:

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Invoice Form - User Can Add - Input Field - After Adding A New Input Field - The Content In The Other Fields Is Deleted

Sep 1, 2011

I'm now working on kind of invoice form which in it the user can add as much input field as he wants.

The problem is that after adding a new input field - the content in the other fields is deleted.


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Grab User Input From A Form?

Jun 17, 2009

I need to grab whatever the user types in an input box and append it to the URL the page is going to, how do I do that?

javascript:var cbobject= document.searchCatForm.inp_searchCat.value; alert(cbobject);


<form id="searchCatForm" name="searchCatForm" action="catalogue/search?input=" method="post">
<div class="searchField">
<input id="inp_searchCat" name="inp_searchCat" value="Search catalogue"


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JQuery :: Form Text Input Value And Select List Value Into One Textarea?

Jul 18, 2011

I want to do the following thing:

On a simple html page I included jQuery. The page contains a big form including text input fields as well as select list fields (with multiple values).

I want to combine the values from all fields (text and select list) into one (hidden) textarea.

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JQuery :: Get Multiple Form Input - Select Values From The Same Page In Php?

Apr 14, 2011

I have multiple <select></select> elements in a php page. After an option is chosen from the first drop down <select></select> element, options of the 2nd drop down <select></select> element will show up. Selection of an option from the 2nd drop down list will get the options in the 3rd dropdown list show up. Thus input from the 3rd drop down list will show up the options in the 4th drop down list. Such is the case for the 4th, 5th ,... drop down list.

Each time depending on the inputs from the previous drop down lists , the values for the immediately later drop down list will be retrieved from the database. i.e options for the nth drop down list to be retrieved from the database will depend on the selected the values from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, .....(n-1)th drop down list.

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Updating Form Based On User Input

Jul 23, 2005

I have a form with a select field. Depending on what is selected in this field, I want to display or not display another select field. For example first field asks the user if they drive, if the user selects "NO" the form doesn't change. If they select "YES", another field appears with different makes to chose from. If they change back to "NO" the second field dissapears again.

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URL Link Dependant On User Input In Form

May 28, 2007

I have a form setup on my webpage that grabs a couple pieces of information from the user (ie name, address, etc.) and when the user enters this information and submits the form, the base URL of Code:

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Have Two Input Boxes On A Form Which Receive The First And Last Name Of A User?

Jan 17, 2011

I have two input boxes on a form which receive the first and last name of a user. I want to be able to use charAt() to get the first letter in each box and pass it a third box on the same form. is this doable? May I request some help? I was thinking something like the function below would be the starting point --I stand correct, as it is not working.

<script type="text/javascript">
var str="Mossa";
document.write('<INPUT TYPE=text size=2 VALUE="str.charAt(0);">');
var str="Barandao";


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Adjusting Form Based On User Input

Feb 3, 2001

This is probably easy, but I flipped through the first 100 posts and couldn't find a similar question.

I would like to set up a form with multiple radio boxes in a table. The first row containing two selections, second containing 2..... Once the 1st row/column is selected, the 1st row/2nd column automatically displays the information from the first selection.

I am not necessarily looking for exact code on how to do this, just reference points to go to, and preferably suggestions on the best(meaning quickest) language to do this with.

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Allow The User To Chose One From A Select Form (Choice)?

Feb 12, 2011

I am working on a little project here. I have two arrays (States, Cities) I am trying to allow the user to chose one from a select form (Choice) and then have the values of the chosen array displayed in a alert(). Obviously I could just write an if statement and display the required content depending on whether the value selected == States or Cities. But this project is just a placeholder project for me to figure out one aspect of a much larger project I am working on. And it is important for the result to be chosen dynamically as in the final project I won't know the values that the select field is being filled with.

What I need to do is take the value returned from the select field (Choice) and turn that into the name of the array and display that. If I use this code alert(States); then it returns the values of that array. But like I said I need to be able to dynamically select what array to display based on users input.
alert(document.getElementById("Choice").value); returns the value chosen. How can I take the value chosen and actually display the value of the array with that same name. In other words let JS know that I don't literally want it to display the value chosen but rather the value chosen is the name of the array I want it to display?

Pseudo code
x = document.getElementById("Choice").value;
x is name of array;

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HTML Form - User Select To Set Two Values?

Jul 4, 2005

I need to use Javascript or similar to do this, but not certain. I want to set up a form in HTML to sell photo prints. I'd like the user to be able to select a print size (eg 4x6 or 5x8 or 7x9) and as a result, two values are set:

1. the print size in text (eg &#394;" x 6" print')
2. the price of the print (eg $5.00)

How do I code my form so that two values are set at once, and if the user changes their mind (eg selects 5x8), the two values are set again.

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Form - Show Specified Items Based On User Input?

Feb 17, 2010

So I am trying to make a form that will eventually take the user to a specified link. It is a form that uses drop down menus. I based this off of someone elses code (with permission :)), but it shows everything <= user input. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it only show only one of the next options.here is the JS code:

<script language="JavaScript">
function ShowMenu(num, menu, max)


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Force User To Input 2 Decimal Places In Form Field

Jun 17, 2010

I have a small piece of code (taken largely from W3 Schools)that checks that there is a decimal point entered in a form field, but what I really need is to check that the number entered ends in 2 decimal places.

10 is Invalid
10.00 is Valid

My current code is below. Can someone explain what I need to do to ensure that the user enters a number including two trailing decimal places please?


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Creating A Form That Will Change The Number Of Fields Based On User Input

Jan 4, 2006

I have a form that collects information about up to 5 items. I would
like the user to be able to select from a drop down menu how many items
for which they want to compare information, and then have the form
change the number of input fields accordingly.

In other words, if the user selects enter info for 3 items, then input
fields for only 3 items are shown, if they change it to 4 items, then a
fourth column shows up in the table with the appropriate input fields.

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Email Form Info Based On User Input In Previous Page?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm just starting up in web design and I have an interesting challenge that I'm hoping can be solved w/java script. I have a site with an application form. When the form is to be submitted, the form data needs to be emailed to the correct person to handle that particular application. However, that can't be determined by anything specific in the form. It can only be determined by the link that they clicked on to get to the form. I really don't want to have 22 identical forms with just a different EmailTo addie, which is what the previous site developer did. Someone please tell me this can be done w/java script? If not w/java script

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JQuery :: UI Slider - Form With Two Slider On It So The User Can Select An Amount

Dec 16, 2011

I have a form with two slider on it so the user can select an amount. The slider works fine and passes the values to email ok etc. but when the page is loaded there is "[object Object]" in box of the second slider. I can't find the problem with the code as it is the same for the first slider.

Here is a link to the form: [url]


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Open A Small Form Window That Allows User To Input An Email Address And Update It To Proceed

Aug 30, 2011

I found this forum while running out of ideas and being extremely desperate to fixing a probably small javascript error in a script. the script is supposed to open a small form window that allows the user to input an email address and update it to proceed. the form item is initially unchecked, but as the user clicks it and enter his email address, it updates the value of the email address and the box becomes "checkable". the problem is that with both IE and firefox, the box doesn't close again, doesn't get checkable and basically doesn't work. in the firefox debugging console, I found the following error:


The part responsible in the javascript for this section is:


And the html code that is supposed to pop up the box is:


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User Input Restrictions - User To Input Age Greater Than 17

Feb 24, 2009

I need help with user input. I need to restrict the user to input age greater than 17 and weight restricted to the range of 80-300.

My code is not working:

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Update Form Input Value From Select Option

Sep 22, 2009

I am trying to update the value of a hidden tax input based on the selection of a specific state from a dropdown, and am not having success.

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