JQuery :: Toggle Checkboxes (select/unselect All) With This?
Sep 29, 2011
I'm trying to toggle checkboxes on my form with a jQuery function I found. It works, except for the fact the checkbox which I use to select all the other checkboxes does not get checked itself. Any idea why that might be?[code]...
I have a very long form full of items that the user rates from 1 to 3. There may be 100 items that the user needs to rate. For each item to rate they are given three radio buttons for 1, 2 or 3 for them to choose from. Now initially all the radio buttons are unchecked, but each item to rate is required. So this process can take quite a bit of time having to check each radio button. I need a way at the top of the form to have three master radio buttons for 1, 2 and 3 to where if they click 1 it will select/deselect all of the radio buttons for the rating 1 and the same for 2 and 3. I would like to work off of the CSS class selecter for this so I will be giving the radio buttons classes of "radio1", "radio2" and "radio3". What's the best way to go about this?
I have a form with checkboxes and I want a user to be able to select all checkboxes at once and then deselect. I have some code but it only selects and then if I click it doesnt deselect the input items.
What are some other ways to approach this or anyone know why it doesnt work?
I have a dropdown menu and some buttons below in my HTML: <p> <select name="numberDrop" id="numberDropId" onclick="getButtons()"> <option value=""></option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> </select> </p>
What I want to know is that how is it suppose to be coded so that the user can only select the same amount of buttons as the number from the drop down menu? For example if the user selects the number 3 from the dropdown menu, then if the user clicks on a button, it will highlight the button in a color (lets say green) but the user can only have three buttons selected. If an additional button is clicked then that button would not be selected.
The additional button can only be selected if the user unselects a selected button and then selects the button he wishes. This means that only 3 buttons can be selected at maximum. Also only 3 buttons minimum can be selected, if more or less buttons are selected than the number 3 then it should come up with an alert. Is this suppose to be done in Javascript or Jquery and how can I use css to change the color of the buttons to green if selected or back to grey if unselected?
I've seen a variety of implementations around that enable selecting all or no checkboxes by using a checkbox to toggle that choice. However, I'm trying to find a way like this: I have two text links on my page: Select All, and Select None. How can I get those links to call a jquery function to select all or select no checkboxes in my form? As a little food for thought:
<head> $(function() { //function for selecting all or none...is there a way to make a single function that passes in a parameter to differentiate between selecting all or selecting none, or do I need a separate function for both?[code]....
How can I toggle some checkboxes based on a value in a table column? For example in the table below I would like to check all of the checkboxes if the "Needed" column is "Yes".
This all works correctly but does not validate.I need to use unique id's for each name.The easiest way (as each checkbox html is generated by php) is to append the value to the id i.e.
We're using a JavaScript with Google Maps to load geographic data files and define parameters in Google's API. I have a working script that just needs one small change. The checkboxes toggle map layers on and off. Right now, only the last layer in the list is checked on load. We want all layers to be checked (and therefore displayed) on load.
Here's the [URL]
And here's my script: <script type="text/javascript"> var map; var userAdded = 1; var layers = { "Bones": {"url": "[URL]", "name": "Stream & Wetland Mitigation", .....
Here's some related HTML for display: <input type="hidden" id="url" value=""/> <div id="map" style="width: 870px; height: 800px; float:left; border: 1px solid black;"></div> <div id="sidebar" style="float:left; overflow-vertical:scroll; height: 800px; width:150px; border:1px solid black"> <table id="sidebarTABLE"> <tbody id="sidebarTBODY">
I have a textual "link" that, when clicked, I want the text to change, and I want a number of checkboxes to be toggled on or off. Here's my code. Currently, I just have the text changing - I don't know how to simultaneously check/uncheck checkboxes.
<head> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- toggle off and on, currently unused --> function checkAll(checkname, exby)
I have two different rows of checkboxes. When I do an onclick function I only wish to check one column of checkboxes. Not all of them. The one I wish to edit has Id's of "CBOX01, CBOX02, CBOX03 etc, etc. How can I tell my onclick function to only check the ones with the Id's of "CBOX". I cant get the syntax structure correct.
Here is my code example $("#CntrHistory").click(function(){ var size = $("input:checkbox[]:checked").size(); if (size == "0") { alert("One Checkbox Must Be Selected."); return "false"; } if (size != "1") { alert("Only One Checkbox Can Be Selected At A Time."); return "false"; } $("input:checkbox:checked").each(function() { var str = $(this).val(); var substr = str.split("!"); var comp = substr[0]; var ordr = substr[1]; var eqpt = substr[2];
I currently have a form that the checkboxes are automatically populated. There is over 1000 checkboxes in total, 48 of these checkboxes are designed as main topics, when the checkbox for one of these 48 are ticked, it checks all sub catergory checkboxes as well as populates a <select><option> multiple list with its value. When unchecking one of the 48, it unchecks all its sub categories and removes them from the <select><option> multiple list.
The problem I am having is, when i select one of the 48, which populates the multiple list option and checks all sub categories... i go to uncheck one in the sub categories, which successfully unchecks the main category (as it indicates they are not all selected). It also successfully removes the sub category from the multiple select option list and its main category (which became unchecked).
When I go back to check the main category which makes all the sub categories checked... it re-populates the <select><option> multiple list with the values creating duplicates. I need a proper way of when I check a box, it scans the multiple <select><option> list to see if it already exists, then adds it again if it is not there. I have tried the following jquery:
but it seems the length always comes out 0 (zero). I need a fast and efficient way of doing this there is over a 1000 checkboxes that can be checked and need to populate this list.
I know I can find all inputs with ids ending with '_chkSelected' doing input[id$=_chkSelected] but how do I select all checkbox (and checkbox only) that ent with chkSelected from a specific table row? I have the id of the row (say row10) jQuery('#row10 input:checkbox input[id$=_chkSelected]") does not seem to work...
This is for a test, am not sure what they mean by "do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript":
instructions: When a user selects a date from the investment cycle drop-down box, the subsequent investment values must display the next three fiscal quarters.
Do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript. (empahsis mine...;-)
The subsequent quarters should be presented with checkboxes which are all unchecked.
Checkboxes in markup:
The values to populate the checkboxes (value and label) have to be hardcoded somewhere, no? what am I missing?
this is for a test, am not sure what they mean by "do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript":
Instructions: when a user selects a date from the investment cycle drop-down box, the subsequent investment values must display the next three fiscal quarters. (e.g. for "January 2010", the subsequent quarters will be Q2 2010, Q3 2010, Q4 2010; for "June 2010", the subsequent quarters will be Q3 2010, Q4 2010, Q1 2011.)
Do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript (empahsis mine...;-)
The subsequent quarters should be presented with checkboxes which are all unchecked.
My markup for the checkboxes:
The values to populate the checkboxes (value and label) have to be hardcoded somewhere, no? what am I missing?
(and, since markup doesn't change when u set value for chkbx dynamically, how do you check that you have set correct value for the checkbox? (don't know if it shows in Firebug, since don't know if code have there now is correct (have this funky code in there for now.. not sure how to approach this...$('#checkbox1').attr('value', 'Q2 2010');
And how do I populate label? (<label for=""....></label> -- do I need to give label an id? or can you grab "for" attr for a label with jQuery?)
I need to remove the checkbox and label when a checkbox is selected. For example: I check the checkbox "flashlight". --> The checkbox and the text "flashlight" slowly fade away
I have the HTML all laid out for what I'm trying to do. I want to have the user be able to select any 10 checkboxes, and keep a tally of how many are selected, and how many are left to go. Should I do this with jQuery?
Code HTML4Strict: Select any 10 cds for $20<br /> You have chosen $selected CD's<br /> You have $remaining CD's left</p>
I have a list of 60 check boxes from a mysql database and i only want to be able to select 5 out all of them and the rest to be disabled here is my code so far [code]...