JQuery :: Using ReplaceWith On A <div /> Instead Of A <div></div> Causes Text To Be Deleted
Jul 28, 2009
Not sure whether this is a bug, but is is certainly unexpected behaviour. When i try to use replaceWith on a <div /> instead of a <div></div> (which is correct HTML syntax) it causes, not only the div but all code after the div to be replaced. see the code here: [URL] I will make a bug report if others also think this is a bug.
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Jul 30, 2011
I've got an image for the Name & Email field in a form I've made. On click, I've got the images fade out, and replaced with the text field. The problem I have, is having the cursor go in the text field. I know it works if the text field was there when I click on it, but because clicking causes an event to put it in, it does't act like I clicked on the text field. So what I'm looking to do is at the end of the replaceWith(#name_field), I want it to simulate a click so that the cursor would automatically be in there.
Here is my js...
$("#name_img").click ->
$(this).fadeOut("slow").replaceWith $("#name_form")
$("#name_form").fadeIn "slow"
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May 11, 2011
I am working on a site that has an acronym in the content that require a registered trademark symbol. This content is added via a CMS. I am currently having problems with the special character sticking when entered via the CMS textfield (it turns into a ? if the CMS page is edited and resaved), which brings me to my question:I would like to just enter the basic acronym via the CMS, like so: ACRONYM and then use the JQuery .replaceWith feathure to add the registered trademark to the ACRONYM dynamically so it will return: ACRONYM ® in place of all instances of ACRONYM that exist within a container div that has a lot of other content like so.I tried the following example and it worked in my webpage, but when I tried to change the code to replace just a text string instead of the p tag it did not work. I did not see an example of this in the documentation. So is this possible with .replaceWith and how would I fashion the code to look for the ACRONYM only? or is there some other method that is better suited fro what I am trying to do? [code]
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May 27, 2009
I have the following Javascript code and I can't seem to get it to work properly...
function DeleteSelectedBookmarks() {
bookmarksToBeDeleted = array();
if (document.deletebookmark.elements.length == 1) {
if (document.deletebookmark.deletebookmark.checked) array_push(bookmarksToBeDeleted, document.deletebookmark.deletebookmark.value);
} else {
checkboxes = document.deletebookmark.deletebookmark;
for (i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
if (checkboxes[i].checked) array_push(bookmarksToBeDeleted, checkboxes[i].value);
}} if (count(bookmarksToBeDeleted) == 0) {
alert("You haven't selected any bookmarks to delete.");
$.get("bookmarks.php", {delete: serialize(bookmarksToBeDeleted)},
function (result, bookmarksToBeDeleted) {
if (result == "done") {
if (count(bookmarksToBeDeleted) == 1) alert("Bookmark Deleted.");
else alert("Bookmarks Deleted.");
} RefreshBookmarks();
What it is supposes to do is gather the amount of bookmarks that need to be deleted and then send the command to the server to do so. The server then gives a message back (if it is successfully the result is "done") and depending upon how many bookmarks it deleted it gives a different result, ie. singular vs. plural. How do I do this?
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Jan 1, 2012
I'm trying to shrink some jQuery code by using replaceWith, instead of hiding and showing two different items. Since I'd never used replaceWith before, I created a test page, all it has has a div container, with class "one", and inside it the word One.
The jQuery code I wrote is below, it works to replace One with Two, when one is clicked. But clicking Two does nothing. I put in an alert to test what replacement is, and it is correct, a div with class of two. Yet still the second click doesn't return to One.
var replacement;
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Aug 15, 2010
I've been using jQuery for a while now but I never needed to write something from scratch up until now. Is it possible to use some if statements to replace (replaceWith()) a form depending on which of the inputs was activated? The objective is to design a quick survey tool with different forthcoming questions, depending on the ones given.
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Oct 30, 2011
Testing page: [URL]...Testing info: username: claudion ; psw: bolibokhan Background: You enter some text in message editor textbox; press send; page (& not popup) appears stating 'Message successfully recorded...return to message'Send button HTML <input type="submit" value="Send" class="button2" name="post">
Limitations: Cannot edit template/html ...had to be done via javascript/jquery Objective: to replace Send button with a custom one such as one you press it (after message is entered) you be redirected back to your current page(URL) & 'Message successfully recorded...return to message' page is thus skipped.
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Jul 5, 2010
Trying to replace text in a different div on a focus and change it back on blur. The first replace works, however the second doesn't. If I just comment out the focus then the blur works.[code]
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May 12, 2011
$('#main1').replaceWith("<a href='../Dashoard/pages/dashboard.php'></a>");
How do I replace main1 with a an external file?
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Oct 20, 2010
I have the following HTML:
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Aug 17, 2010
I want to use the the replaceWith() function in a html form with many select buttons to replace the select elements from a second button to other values when the value of a first select button has been changed. The html code is generated in a perl cgi script (I write this only for completeness).The function works but only the first time when I change the value of the first button (e.g. button "Type"). On the second change no more actions are done on button "Severity".[code]I added alert() debug functions in the javascript function getOneofs() and the output looks ok.So the var "selectCode" should be also ok.
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Apr 1, 2011
I have the following HTML:
<div class="content"><button class="showalert">Show Alert</button></div>
<button class="blaat">Test button</button>
With this jQuery code:
$('.blaat').click(function() {
$('.showalert').replaceWith('<button class="showalert" name="test">Show NewAlert</button>');
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Jan 24, 2010
I'm using jQuery to created a linked TOC that appears in a dialog box. The function I wrote to do so finds all the h4's in the page and
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Mar 31, 2011
I'm trying to remove an option in a dropdown menu so it's default is not Select. I'm using jquery-latest.js.This is the html:
<td class="column_main" align="center"><b>Size</b><br>[code].....
It doesn't seem to be working. When I do it without an attribute it replaces the lot of options which isn't what I'm after.
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May 31, 2011
I'm utilizing the replaceWith(); function on a page to simply replace content in one area with new content with corresponding buttons.
Problem is I really want to have slimbox on my images that I am loading into this new area, and the links will not work. Oddly enough the code recognized that it is a link, it just won't play the slimbox animation, it just opens the image normally.
The code I have in a function file linked from the main page (portfolio.html) is:
$('#graphicOne').click(function() {
$('#descrip').replaceWith ('<div id="descrip"><div class="floatRightPortfolio"><h4><em>"Embrace your Environment"</em></h4><p class="right"><a href="portfolio/embrace.html" rel="lightbox" title="Embrace Your Environment"><img
So basically there's a descriptive area on the right hand side, and the buttons are on the left. Inside the descriptive area is the title, and then the image.
You can view the site here: [URL]
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May 20, 2011
I have a jquery script converting a XML file into html and part of the script is set to display an image based on the value in one of the elements. It's almost working as planned except that it affecting the preceeding record instead of the record that meets the conditions of the if/else statement.[code]
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Oct 29, 2010
If you replace with an object that has a click handler, do you have to do anything to get that listener to bind?[code]...
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Nov 13, 2011
I've set up two buttons to dynamically load in content. However for some reason the content only loads on the first time you click a button. The transition function does receive the correct variables however. The fade0ut animation also doesn't take affect whilst the replaceWith() function is inside the transition function.
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Dec 22, 2005
I am trying to update a <p> tag using the .innerHTML property. The <p> tag is set-up as
<p id="p_id">
<form id="form_id">
<![CDATA[Other form stuff here]]>
And my JavaScript
document.getElementById('p_id').innerHTML = 'my message here.'
When I call that JS code, it adds "my message here" in front of the form and only alerts "my message here", not the form code.
When I add text by default in front of the form code, that gets replaced but the form still remains.
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Jan 3, 2011
Aside from using code to delete a JavaScript session cookie, what can arbitrarily overwrite/delete a JavaScript session cookie?
I ask because I have something that is working flawlessly in development; but as soon as it's moved into a staging area for testing, it stops working.
My initial thought was that there is something causing the browser to think that it's being redirected to another domain, thereby deleting the session. But further testing indicates this is not the case.
Basically put, I have a detail page for clients that contains nine categories; all categories are loaded in an "expanded" state (shows all information for each category) and has a "hide" link next to the header. Click "hide" and the whole category collapses, and the link becomes "expand"; click "expand" and vice-a-versa.
Also on initial page load, the document looks for a session cookie called "vddstatus"; if it does not exist, it creates the session cookie with default values set so that all categories are expanded; if it does exist, it checks the values and adjusts the expanded/hidden status as needed. This way, no matter what page you go to, when you come back to the details page, it remembers the expanded/hidden status of each category.
Like I said, on the development server it works excellently; in the staging environment, the only time it remembers the category statuses is if you click "HIDE ALL"; anything else it apparently deletes the session cookie and generates a new one, set to all categories expanded.
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Oct 26, 2010
This code is supposed to create a new row so i can add more data to it, but the thing is that when i hit the enter key to create a new field it will delete the information i just entered.[code]For now, just ignore the fact that the submit button is disabled, that one should be enabled once i had validated every entry against a database using ajax.
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Jan 17, 2011
I am doing task for deleting cookies in javascript for IE and Mozilla. for that i written function is
function deleteCookie(name, path, domain) {
if (getCookies(name)) {
document.cookie = name + "=" +
((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") +
Now , How i know whether my cookies get deleted or not.I am not sure whether my browser cookies are deleted or not
Is there any test is there from where i can confirm the same.
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Nov 3, 2011
I have an Extjs web app that's running on a spring/rest backend & I'm having a really strange caching issue with my web app's javascript files & no-one seems to be able to tell what it is.The issue is that I have deleted a section of code in the JS file, yet it's still appearing in the browser, both IE and FF.
Manually remove & re-add the file
Rollback the file to a previous version
Remove the file from the index.html and re-add it
Clear all cache in FF & IE
Disable firebug
Check the script is updated by manually accessing the file via the application URL & Firebug Script tab
Renaming the JS file
Renaming the index.html file
I'm at a loss as to what could be causing it.
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May 19, 2009
I am using a javascript code to refresh a page.
this code refereshes the whole page and focus goes at the top of the page but I want the focus of the page at the same place where I perform refresh. Actually I am using AJAX to submit a form, a form opens through ajax request but I need to refresh the page to take the effect of the dynamic data, which is being saved,updated or deleted on the page. So is there any way where focus of the page remains there when I refreshed the page
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Jun 6, 2009
i want to ask that is it possible that using javascript injection the contents of a web page can be altered (add / edit / deleted) in Line of Code.Since, this has happened with me couple of times,talking to the support team at my hosting provider, they say that its due to the security holes in the Coding, but i think that its the security issue at the hosting side (since modifying the web pages code)i've found this code immediately after the opening of the body tagearlier the page snoofing for the above URL was working, but now its not producing the output. (so can not post whats inside it).My Another website (hosted by the same provider) is also infected. there the code immediately after the body tag is again the page snoofing yeilds no output with the error
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Sep 1, 2011
I'm now working on kind of invoice form which in it the user can add as much input field as he wants.
The problem is that after adding a new input field - the content in the other fields is deleted.
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