JQuery :: DOM Button Replacement Via .replaceWith()?
Oct 30, 2011
Testing page: [URL]...Testing info: username: claudion ; psw: bolibokhan Background: You enter some text in message editor textbox; press send; page (& not popup) appears stating 'Message successfully recorded...return to message'Send button HTML <input type="submit" value="Send" class="button2" name="post">
Limitations: Cannot edit template/html ...had to be done via javascript/jquery Objective: to replace Send button with a custom one such as one you press it (after message is entered) you be redirected back to your current page(URL) & 'Message successfully recorded...return to message' page is thus skipped.
I've been working with HTML, CSS, and PHP for the past few years. I've decided to add some interactivity to my websites and one of the new courses requires JS in our implementations, so I figure why not.
Anyhow, more to the point...the topic is a bit vague, but I didn't want to put a 50 word topic either so bear with me as I try to explain :D :
Okay, so I'm designing an art portfolio page and I have a 250x250 pixels preview shot of an art piece on my side bar at the top. There is a horizontal column at the bottom of the page (before the footer) that contains about 6 to 8 mini thumbnails around 100x100 pixels. Right now, I am able to make it so that if I mouse over the bottom thumbnails, the 250x250 at the sidebar is replaced to reflect what was hovered at the bottom, only in a bigger size.
This is my current coding:
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function change_img(path) { document.large_img.src=path} function preload(){
I'm not even sure if that's the correct or most efficient way to do it...it took me a while to figure out, and it finally worked so I went along with it.
What I want to do, and what I need help with is...I'd like to give the current artwork, or the piece that's currently @ 250x250 pixels at the sidebar a title. Preferably, perhaps from the context of the alt tag from an img src but not required. However, I would like for it to change to the corresponding pieces' title when I mouseover, so for example:
250x250 piece1's name is ...art1 and that name is located right under the image.
I mouse over the bottom thumbnails to the 5th thumbnail, the 250x250 piece1 is replaced and becomes 250x250 piece5. I'm trying to make it so that art1 becomes art5.
I'm trying to shrink some jQuery code by using replaceWith, instead of hiding and showing two different items. Since I'd never used replaceWith before, I created a test page, all it has has a div container, with class "one", and inside it the word One.
The jQuery code I wrote is below, it works to replace One with Two, when one is clicked. But clicking Two does nothing. I put in an alert to test what replacement is, and it is correct, a div with class of two. Yet still the second click doesn't return to One.
$(document).ready(function() { var replacement; $(".one").click(function(event){
I've been using jQuery for a while now but I never needed to write something from scratch up until now. Is it possible to use some if statements to replace (replaceWith()) a form depending on which of the inputs was activated? The objective is to design a quick survey tool with different forthcoming questions, depending on the ones given.
Trying to replace text in a different div on a focus and change it back on blur. The first replace works, however the second doesn't. If I just comment out the focus then the blur works.[code]
Not sure whether this is a bug, but is is certainly unexpected behaviour. When i try to use replaceWith on a <div /> instead of a <div></div> (which is correct HTML syntax) it causes, not only the div but all code after the div to be replaced. see the code here: [URL] I will make a bug report if others also think this is a bug.
I want to use the the replaceWith() function in a html form with many select buttons to replace the select elements from a second button to other values when the value of a first select button has been changed. The html code is generated in a perl cgi script (I write this only for completeness).The function works but only the first time when I change the value of the first button (e.g. button "Type"). On the second change no more actions are done on button "Severity".[code]I added alert() debug functions in the javascript function getOneofs() and the output looks ok.So the var "selectCode" should be also ok.
I've got an image for the Name & Email field in a form I've made. On click, I've got the images fade out, and replaced with the text field. The problem I have, is having the cursor go in the text field. I know it works if the text field was there when I click on it, but because clicking causes an event to put it in, it does't act like I clicked on the text field. So what I'm looking to do is at the end of the replaceWith(#name_field), I want it to simulate a click so that the cursor would automatically be in there.
Here is my js... $("#name_img").click -> $(this).fadeOut("slow").replaceWith $("#name_form") $("#name_form").fadeIn "slow"
I'm utilizing the replaceWith(); function on a page to simply replace content in one area with new content with corresponding buttons.
Problem is I really want to have slimbox on my images that I am loading into this new area, and the links will not work. Oddly enough the code recognized that it is a link, it just won't play the slimbox animation, it just opens the image normally.
The code I have in a function file linked from the main page (portfolio.html) is:
$('#graphicOne').click(function() { $('#descrip').replaceWith ('<div id="descrip"><div class="floatRightPortfolio"><h4><em>"Embrace your Environment"</em></h4><p class="right"><a href="portfolio/embrace.html" rel="lightbox" title="Embrace Your Environment"><img
So basically there's a descriptive area on the right hand side, and the buttons are on the left. Inside the descriptive area is the title, and then the image.
I have a jquery script converting a XML file into html and part of the script is set to display an image based on the value in one of the elements. It's almost working as planned except that it affecting the preceeding record instead of the record that meets the conditions of the if/else statement.[code]
I am using jquery in my current application to add min/max functionality, i.e, when the user close at maximize, table gets maximized, when clicked on minimize, table gets minimized. It works fine functionality wise, but, ideally, when maximized, max image should replace with min image and vice-versa, but images gets replaced only when clicked 2nd time around, for very first time, images don't get replaced, though the system works fine,
Here's how I am calling the function: <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="showinghide('contacting')"><img src="images/arrows/opened.gif" id="contactingarrow" class="myarrows"></a>
Here's the function: function showinghide(oobj){ if(oobj=="contacting"){ jQuery("#contacting").toggle('slow'); mycookies("contacting"); } And the jquery code is: function mycookies(myobbj) { var mycookiesvar=myobbj+"cook"; if(jQuery.cookie(mycookiesvar)){ if(jQuery.cookie(mycookiesvar)==myobbj+"hide"){ jQuery.cookie(mycookiesvar,null); jQuery.cookie(mycookiesvar,myobbj+"show",{expires:365}); jQuery("#"+myobbj+"arrow").attr({'src':'images/arrows/open_bk.gif'}) } else if(jQuery.cookie(mycookiesvar)==myobbj+"show"){ jQuery.cookie(mycookiesvar,null); jQuery.cookie(mycookiesvar,myobbj+"hide",{expires:365}); jQuery("#"+myobbj+"arrow").attr({'src':'images/arrows/close_bk.gif'}) }} else { jQuery.cookie(mycookiesvar,myobbj+"hide",{expires:365}); }}
I have a big image and several small thumbnails. Every time the user clicks on one of the thumbs, I want the big image to update. This is my code:
Code: $("#thumbs a").click(function() { var largePath = $(this).attr("href"); $("#largeImg").attr(src: largePath);
Although, the thumb image gets always displayed in an empty window, as if there is no "return false". If I click Back in the browser, I see that the big image has been indeed changed just before the link executed. Why is my "return false" not firing and preventing the browser from following the link?
my understanding is that one of the great benefits of $(document).ready() is that it will execute code once the DOM is ready, yet prior to content being loaded.
For my example, with what I'm observing in Chrome (I'm on a MAC), I'd like to replace a default image with a different image, without seeing jQuery do the work. However, in Chrome, I see the original image for a brief instant before the jQuery replacement pops in. Why the flicker of the original image? Perhaps I'm not understanding the particulars of what is firing, and when its firing...
You can view online here, and refresh a few times to see the flicker in Chrome:
I have a photo gallery built with XML and PHP (pulling images from a client's Myspace albums).The gallery works fine, displays thumbnails and captions, paginates properly, etc.The whole thing is loaded by AJAX into a div, which complicates things a bit, but it works.When a visitor clicks a thumbnail, the full-sized image displays in a div overlay on top of the gallery div.The overlay is hidden until a thumbnail is clicked, when it is toggled to "visibility:visible". When the overlay "close" link is clicked, the overlay is hidden again.That also works. Some of the images are too large to display properly inside the div without throwing off the layout, so I had to set a max height and width.I can't just use CSS to set the dimensions or it'll size EVERY image to those dims, and the photos are all different sizes...some wider, some longer.So I used javascript to check the image size when the thumbnail is clicked.
All of that worked.(Although strangely, if I try to toggle the visibility as part of the function rather than putting it into the link, it doesn't work!)The problem is that once the dimensions of "img1" are set, they STAY that size even when the next thumbnail is clicked.So if the first image is 800px tall, the script crops it to 640px...then the next image may only be 400px pix tall but it displays as 640px high, making it distorted.I tried to add a "resetImgSize" function to the "close" link in the overlay, setting the img1 dimensions back to 2px x 2px when the overlay is closed, but the same thing happens...Once the img1 dimensions are set to 2x2px, they stay that way even when a new thumbnail is clicked.
I am working on a site that has an acronym in the content that require a registered trademark symbol. This content is added via a CMS. I am currently having problems with the special character sticking when entered via the CMS textfield (it turns into a ? if the CMS page is edited and resaved), which brings me to my question:I would like to just enter the basic acronym via the CMS, like so: ACRONYM and then use the JQuery .replaceWith feathure to add the registered trademark to the ACRONYM dynamically so it will return: ACRONYM ® in place of all instances of ACRONYM that exist within a container div that has a lot of other content like so.I tried the following example and it worked in my webpage, but when I tried to change the code to replace just a text string instead of the p tag it did not work. I did not see an example of this in the documentation. So is this possible with .replaceWith and how would I fashion the code to look for the ACRONYM only? or is there some other method that is better suited fro what I am trying to do? [code]
I've set up two buttons to dynamically load in content. However for some reason the content only loads on the first time you click a button. The transition function does receive the correct variables however. The fade0ut animation also doesn't take affect whilst the replaceWith() function is inside the transition function.
I've been stepping back and trying to understand basic ajax calls again. I want to build up a simple gallery. I've got that done, but now I want to add fades, and eventually slides effects to the main image. I can't figure out how to coordindate the timing or a fadeOut on the current image with a fadein on the incoming image. Any thoughts? Right now it just fades and the of course gets hidden.Also not sure if I should fade a container around the image, or the image itself as I've done here,
Is anyone in here familiar with the javascript textarea that is used by any of the textarea replacement WYSIWYG editors.. like SPAW, MoscCE and TinyMCE.
I found that they ALL wrap paragraphs in div tags rather then p tags and I was hoping someone could tell me how to fix this.
I did a batch replacement to replace all "div" with "p" but even that didnt keep the editor (SPAW) from using div tags instead of p tags.
I have a very simple jquery RTE I've built. When adding a link I currently do this ( $.iframeread is just a function to pick the right way to "find" the iframe content for the browser being used)
I can obviously create this and show() it when I need to - what I don't know how to do is pass $('select[name="type"]').val() + $('input[name="link"]').val() back to the orginal function - ie how do I capture $link