Form In <p> Not Getting Deleted With InnerHTML
Dec 22, 2005
I am trying to update a <p> tag using the .innerHTML property. The <p> tag is set-up as
<p id="p_id">
<form id="form_id">
<![CDATA[Other form stuff here]]>
And my JavaScript
document.getElementById('p_id').innerHTML = 'my message here.'
When I call that JS code, it adds "my message here" in front of the form and only alerts "my message here", not the form code.
When I add text by default in front of the form code, that gets replaced but the form still remains.
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Sep 1, 2011
I'm now working on kind of invoice form which in it the user can add as much input field as he wants.
The problem is that after adding a new input field - the content in the other fields is deleted.
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Jul 28, 2009
Not sure whether this is a bug, but is is certainly unexpected behaviour. When i try to use replaceWith on a <div /> instead of a <div></div> (which is correct HTML syntax) it causes, not only the div but all code after the div to be replaced. see the code here: [URL] I will make a bug report if others also think this is a bug.
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Jan 3, 2011
Aside from using code to delete a JavaScript session cookie, what can arbitrarily overwrite/delete a JavaScript session cookie?
I ask because I have something that is working flawlessly in development; but as soon as it's moved into a staging area for testing, it stops working.
My initial thought was that there is something causing the browser to think that it's being redirected to another domain, thereby deleting the session. But further testing indicates this is not the case.
Basically put, I have a detail page for clients that contains nine categories; all categories are loaded in an "expanded" state (shows all information for each category) and has a "hide" link next to the header. Click "hide" and the whole category collapses, and the link becomes "expand"; click "expand" and vice-a-versa.
Also on initial page load, the document looks for a session cookie called "vddstatus"; if it does not exist, it creates the session cookie with default values set so that all categories are expanded; if it does exist, it checks the values and adjusts the expanded/hidden status as needed. This way, no matter what page you go to, when you come back to the details page, it remembers the expanded/hidden status of each category.
Like I said, on the development server it works excellently; in the staging environment, the only time it remembers the category statuses is if you click "HIDE ALL"; anything else it apparently deletes the session cookie and generates a new one, set to all categories expanded.
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Oct 26, 2010
This code is supposed to create a new row so i can add more data to it, but the thing is that when i hit the enter key to create a new field it will delete the information i just entered.[code]For now, just ignore the fact that the submit button is disabled, that one should be enabled once i had validated every entry against a database using ajax.
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Dec 20, 2011
So I load a form through a XMLHttpRequest and set the content of a div to the returned data, which contains a form, problem is I can't submit this form when it is requested through Javascript, but I can submit it when it is standalone.
I am thinking that this is probably a security setting in the browser to prevent XXS attacks? But I am not sure, why doesn't it work? It is nothing fancy just a regular old HTML POST form and a Javascript AJAXey request.
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Dec 22, 2002
I'm having a bit of trouble getting around forms, innerHTML and div's.
What i'm trying to accomplish is simple done, and i've found a solution to the problem but not one i'm happy with.
ok, so to get down to it...
I have a form, with two radio boxes, 1 select box and 1 submit button.
Now, while a certain value in the select box is selected I have an additional input box appearing for further information/input (duh!).
Anyways, the input field appears, looking spiffy...but, when i submit the form, the input field is ignored.
Now, the way i'm doing it is by using innerHTML and the <div> tag. Code:
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Oct 28, 2011
I made a form and can validate with javascript form validation using the alert(); But i want to validate the form using the innerhtml and the onBlur. My code goes as follows:
function validateform()
var x = document.getElementById("first").value;
if(x==null || x =="")
Now the problem is when i move from firstname to last name the warning message doesnot appear. Both warning appears when i move to the 3rd row.
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Nov 19, 2011
I'm trying to insert a form into a div, based on what the user selects in another select form. I'm getting an error whenever I try typing my code. I'm doing this in Dreamweaver and it highlights my text green (starting at the first /td and ending at the next / of the next /td) Will adding this form even function properly when I send?
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May 27, 2009
I have the following Javascript code and I can't seem to get it to work properly...
function DeleteSelectedBookmarks() {
bookmarksToBeDeleted = array();
if (document.deletebookmark.elements.length == 1) {
if (document.deletebookmark.deletebookmark.checked) array_push(bookmarksToBeDeleted, document.deletebookmark.deletebookmark.value);
} else {
checkboxes = document.deletebookmark.deletebookmark;
for (i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
if (checkboxes[i].checked) array_push(bookmarksToBeDeleted, checkboxes[i].value);
}} if (count(bookmarksToBeDeleted) == 0) {
alert("You haven't selected any bookmarks to delete.");
$.get("bookmarks.php", {delete: serialize(bookmarksToBeDeleted)},
function (result, bookmarksToBeDeleted) {
if (result == "done") {
if (count(bookmarksToBeDeleted) == 1) alert("Bookmark Deleted.");
else alert("Bookmarks Deleted.");
} RefreshBookmarks();
What it is supposes to do is gather the amount of bookmarks that need to be deleted and then send the command to the server to do so. The server then gives a message back (if it is successfully the result is "done") and depending upon how many bookmarks it deleted it gives a different result, ie. singular vs. plural. How do I do this?
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Jan 17, 2011
I am doing task for deleting cookies in javascript for IE and Mozilla. for that i written function is
function deleteCookie(name, path, domain) {
if (getCookies(name)) {
document.cookie = name + "=" +
((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") +
Now , How i know whether my cookies get deleted or not.I am not sure whether my browser cookies are deleted or not
Is there any test is there from where i can confirm the same.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am currently experiencing a bug in Safari v125.9. When I modify the value of form input box and then get the innerHTML property of the surrounding div object - I am returned the original form value not the changed value!
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Jun 8, 2006
I have a piece of code which replaces the contents of a div using
e.g. this.targetDiv.innerHTML = '<form name="test" id="test1"> in form
This works fine in IE but FF(1.5.04) strips out the <form> and </form>
I know there are some differences in how these browsers handle
innerHTML but I can't seem to find anything on this specific problem.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
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Apr 14, 2011
I am generating a string from AJAX data which contains forms and submit buttons. I then try to assign this string to a div using innerHTML. This works fine in IE but Firefox strips form tags and every thing in between form tags. How to solve this issue
Example code:
str = "<form action='somepage.php' methid=post><input type=text name=some_field><input type=submit value='Submit'></form>";
I am using Firefox version 3.6.16
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Jul 13, 2010
I have this snippet of javascript that is supposed to add additional input fields when a user requests them, which it does just fine. However, when the new field is added, if any of the existing fields had a value, the value gets erased.
Here is the code:
Code JavaScript:
if (document.getElementById('morestores') != null && document.getElementById('initialStore') != null) {
var trid = document.getElementById('morestores');
var idiv = document.getElementById('initialStore');
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May 22, 2007
I am having trouble with adding a dynamic form to a DIV through innerHTML.It is a Paypal BuyNow button where the values change according to the thumbnail previously selected.I imagine the syntax is wrong... Is this something even possible?
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Nov 3, 2011
I have an Extjs web app that's running on a spring/rest backend & I'm having a really strange caching issue with my web app's javascript files & no-one seems to be able to tell what it is.The issue is that I have deleted a section of code in the JS file, yet it's still appearing in the browser, both IE and FF.
Manually remove & re-add the file
Rollback the file to a previous version
Remove the file from the index.html and re-add it
Clear all cache in FF & IE
Disable firebug
Check the script is updated by manually accessing the file via the application URL & Firebug Script tab
Renaming the JS file
Renaming the index.html file
I'm at a loss as to what could be causing it.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have come across a problem with the onKeyDown event in some of my forms.
I'm using onKeyDown in <form> as a standard method to open my help screen
system throughout my system, but I have discovered that If I have a
<div></div> section somewhere and then load the contents of it from another
file using innerHTML after the main window is loaded, the onKeyDown event
doesn't trigger any more.
I'm using IE6 and the structure is:
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Jul 28, 2009
I have a sortable with has nested content in each sortable item:
<ul id="sortable">
<li id="item_1">item 1<div>content i want to get</div></li>
<li id="item_1">item 2<div>content i want to getss</div></li>
<li id="item_1">item 3<div>content i want to get changed</div></li>
I have a submit button which serilizes the sortable so I can save the changes of the order. I also want to save the changes I have made in the div's but that information doesn't seem to get passed, only the
ids of the items. So, the question, how can I get the inner html of the items?
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May 19, 2009
I am using a javascript code to refresh a page.
this code refereshes the whole page and focus goes at the top of the page but I want the focus of the page at the same place where I perform refresh. Actually I am using AJAX to submit a form, a form opens through ajax request but I need to refresh the page to take the effect of the dynamic data, which is being saved,updated or deleted on the page. So is there any way where focus of the page remains there when I refreshed the page
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Jun 6, 2009
i want to ask that is it possible that using javascript injection the contents of a web page can be altered (add / edit / deleted) in Line of Code.Since, this has happened with me couple of times,talking to the support team at my hosting provider, they say that its due to the security holes in the Coding, but i think that its the security issue at the hosting side (since modifying the web pages code)i've found this code immediately after the opening of the body tagearlier the page snoofing for the above URL was working, but now its not producing the output. (so can not post whats inside it).My Another website (hosted by the same provider) is also infected. there the code immediately after the body tag is again the page snoofing yeilds no output with the error
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May 23, 2007
I spent several hours struggling with dynamic form fields added with
appendChild or innerHTML not POSTing on submit in Firefox. The only
way I found to make it work is to append any created fields to a DIV
within the form. Code:
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Dec 17, 2009
I have encoded same javascript file with "Microsoft script encode" and accidentally deleted the original file.There is a way to convert the encoded file into the original version.. The form of the encoded file is : <script type="text/jscript.encode">#@~^.....
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Mar 16, 2009
Is there a way to add an if and else with in innerHTML like this.
var sfe = document.getElementById("mainform").innerHTML ='<form name="'+frmName+'">'+
'<!-- comment -->'+
'<h2 id="pa" name="dr">';if(n == 1){'+fname+'}else if(n == 2){<b>No Title</b>} '</h2>'+
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Apr 10, 2006
I'm currently using AJAX to perform some dynamic updates and return some text to the web page. At the moment I'm using innerHTML as follows:
but I'd like to be standards compliant. How would I do this using pure DOM stuff?
btw WrkItemDiv is an exisiting <div> I simply want to overwrite the text within it with the newly returned text.
Also, is it possible to change the onMouseOVer code with some text returned in the same way as above using pure DOM?
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Oct 22, 2007
I am getting data from two tables in a database using a dropdown box with a onchange and some ajax to update two diferent Div tags, basically the id is passed to a php page,, I grab the data from the two tables, I then echo the data in two html tables. I echo a ** for a delimiter between the two tables,
Then I use a javascript split function to split the responseText into two peices so I can update each DIV with the coresponding data.
Everything works in Firefox, but in IE7 only one div gets updated with its data, the other div will not change, and I get a unknown runtime error. However if I go into my php page and change the data I am echoing after the delimiter to a simple echo 'test' it will work. Code:
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