I'm trying to insert a form into a div, based on what the user selects in another select form. I'm getting an error whenever I try typing my code. I'm doing this in Dreamweaver and it highlights my text green (starting at the first /td and ending at the next / of the next /td) Will adding this form even function properly when I send?
I am trying to insert numbers from a form into two different URLs, and then launch both with a single click.My problem is getting the numbers to insert correctly.Below is what I have attempted.
I have a form on a page that has several textareas, and textboxes inside a table (so the table containing the textboxes is also inside the FORM tag).
I want to replace the textareas with simple text instead. But I want to keep the format of my page EXACTLY the same. However, the problem is that ...
1) Javascript won't let me create say a one-cell TABLE containing some text (e.g. textarea's value) and then insertBefore an element in the form. This is so because the a TABLE element is not compatible to be a FORM's child.
2) I surely can insert a text node or a table using appendChild or insertBefore on document.body. However, like I said I must maintain the formatting of my page, so I again can not do this. Reason being that the document.body won't have access to anything that's inside the FORM tag and can only insert before or after the FORM tag.
<BODY> <P id="para1">foo</P> <FORM id=form1"> <!-- anything in here is Form's property NOT body's --> <input type="text" name="name" id="txtbox1"> </FORM> </BODY>
So the following code is invalid:
var tNode = document.createTextNode ("hello"); document.body.insertBefore (tNode, document.forms[0].getElementsByTagName ("txtbox1"));
because I can't insert a textnode before a form element using a body method.
And following code is valid but not what I want according to my second point above:
var tNode = document.createTextNode ("hello"); document.body.appendChild (tNode);
How can I insert a text node or table containing text inside FORM tags?
The problem is that when you click the link, the page simply reloads to a blank page with the only code being the hidden field. This is not what I want, I want the hidden field code to be passed along, and then for the form to submit. So, what should have is that the hidden field code is added, and then the form submits.
I am currently working on a site as part of a student work term. One of the features of this site is the ability to upload a resume. The resume can have a arbitrary number of "work experiences". I have set up a form and want the user to be able to add new input elements with a click of a button. Here is a very pared down(for simplicity) version of the form:
I have a form which is used to write recipes. I have a part of the form to list ingredients which uses 3 for fields, one for quantity one for measurement and one for the ingredient.Quantity is a text field and the other two are selects. The measurement select options are hard coded and the ingredients available are retrieved from a db and added with PHP. Under this I have a button that I would like to use to get the values of these form fields when clicked and apend to the value of a hidden form field which will be a multi dimensional array of those three values for each ingredient used. I would also like it to get the text values and print them to an empty element so the user can see what they are adding.
So I load a form through a XMLHttpRequest and set the content of a div to the returned data, which contains a form, problem is I can't submit this form when it is requested through Javascript, but I can submit it when it is standalone.
I am thinking that this is probably a security setting in the browser to prevent XXS attacks? But I am not sure, why doesn't it work? It is nothing fancy just a regular old HTML POST form and a Javascript AJAXey request.
I am trying to update a <p> tag using the .innerHTML property. The <p> tag is set-up as
<p id="p_id"> <form id="form_id"> <![CDATA[Other form stuff here]]> </form> </p> And my JavaScript
document.getElementById('p_id').innerHTML = 'my message here.' alert(document.getElementById('p_id').innerHTML); When I call that JS code, it adds "my message here" in front of the form and only alerts "my message here", not the form code.
When I add text by default in front of the form code, that gets replaced but the form still remains.
I made a form and can validate with javascript form validation using the alert(); But i want to validate the form using the innerhtml and the onBlur. My code goes as follows:
<script> function validateform() { var x = document.getElementById("first").value; if(x==null || x =="")
Now the problem is when i move from firstname to last name the warning message doesnot appear. Both warning appears when i move to the 3rd row.
I am currently experiencing a bug in Safari v125.9. When I modify the value of form input box and then get the innerHTML property of the surrounding div object - I am returned the original form value not the changed value!
I am generating a string from AJAX data which contains forms and submit buttons. I then try to assign this string to a div using innerHTML. This works fine in IE but Firefox strips form tags and every thing in between form tags. How to solve this issue
I have this snippet of javascript that is supposed to add additional input fields when a user requests them, which it does just fine. However, when the new field is added, if any of the existing fields had a value, the value gets erased.
Here is the code:
Code JavaScript:
if (document.getElementById('morestores') != null && document.getElementById('initialStore') != null) { var trid = document.getElementById('morestores'); var idiv = document.getElementById('initialStore');
I am having trouble with adding a dynamic form to a DIV through innerHTML.It is a Paypal BuyNow button where the values change according to the thumbnail previously selected.I imagine the syntax is wrong... Is this something even possible?
I have come across a problem with the onKeyDown event in some of my forms. I'm using onKeyDown in <form> as a standard method to open my help screen system throughout my system, but I have discovered that If I have a <div></div> section somewhere and then load the contents of it from another file using innerHTML after the main window is loaded, the onKeyDown event doesn't trigger any more.
I have a sortable with has nested content in each sortable item:
<ul id="sortable"> <li id="item_1">item 1<div>content i want to get</div></li> <li id="item_1">item 2<div>content i want to getss</div></li> <li id="item_1">item 3<div>content i want to get changed</div></li> </ul>
I have a submit button which serilizes the sortable so I can save the changes of the order. I also want to save the changes I have made in the div's but that information doesn't seem to get passed, only the ids of the items. So, the question, how can I get the inner html of the items?
I spent several hours struggling with dynamic form fields added with appendChild or innerHTML not POSTing on submit in Firefox. The only way I found to make it work is to append any created fields to a DIV within the form. Code:
I need to insert some text (keywords) into a searchform of another window. I assume this is possible via the window.opener, but I would be grateful for some hints.
I have a textarea, where people will be posting multiple images links. I need to be able to add [img] & [/img] to the start and end of each line respectively.I also need to stop each textarea from posting information if it is empty, which I can't seem to do either.
PHP Code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function addtext() { var newtext = "[b][u]" + document.gen.title.value + "[/u][/b]" + "
First off: I know nothing of Javascript (or much of any coding really), but I expect this to be simple for someone experienced, although it was (suprisingly) hard to figure out, for a lousy Googler like myself; so here I am. I have a function that generates an URL to an image, as so:
function todaysDate() { var currentTime = new Date() var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1 var day = currentTime.getDate() window.location.href = "http://www.ecample.com/generator.aspx?format=png&month="+month+ "&day="+day+"&width=320&height=480" }
I get the image displayed fine in a new window, but I need it to open in a <div> or object, iframe, something I can place under my <div>-based header, when a button is pressed from my menu.