I load the content from json, but I lose persistence of location. I get the tree folded and I don't know what branch I'm on to. I managed to fix this by pasting the location code in .async.js,
var sm = current.find("a").filter(function() { return
this.href.toLowerCase() == location.href.toLowerCase(); });
if ( sm.length ) {
("ul, li").add( sm.next() ).show
But now the branch is marked as selected, however the tree is not open (all folded).
I'm having some issues using the cookie persistence, it appears that as long as the link is in the jsp directory the menu renders properly, however if the link is not in the jsp directory the cookie is set to null and when the page loads all of the trees are expanded.
Here is the abridged version of the file that I'm using, this is included on all pages of my application. <div id="main"><a href=".">Main Demo</a> <div id="sidetree"> <div class="treeheader"> </div> <div id="sidetreecontrol"><a href="?#">Collapse All</a> | <a href="? #">Expand All</a></div> <ul id="tree"> <li><span>Customer Accounts</span> .....
Looking at jQuery to replace my zoo of scripts, but can it do this? I want a movable dialog with position remembering in a cookie. Searched all over Google but found no demos that actually worked. Will be happy to click a link to a sample page, if I see it work I can figure it out.
I wrote a program that serves no real purpose while trying to learn. It's posted at [URL]. I generate a simple table and everything works as expected. However, I have radio buttons that cause a like table to be generated. Afterward my mouse functions are inoperable. All new tables do generate correctly and the classes are identical to the original's classes. The significant part of the code is:
I've got a problem when I append a row to the table, the link in new <td> in probably not in jQuery Collection and I cant use jquery click or any action on it, just href go to url.
Maybe it will be more clear on my code :)
$('table tr td a').each(function() { var $dialog = $('<div></div>').append($loading.clone()); var $link = $(this).one('click', function() { $dialog.load($link.attr('href')).dialog({ (...some code...)
Till now it works, but when I link on this link in the new row it just open href in browser instead of openin dialog.
I'm working on a WYSIWYG editor. I have a textarea that I'm using for the editing. Also, I have a button to insert images. When I click the button, a modal window opens, and the user can upload images, enter title, etc.
The problem is, that once I click inside the modal window, the textarea loses focus—and then the image can't be inserted at the cursor position. How do I prevent the textarea from losing focus?
javascript that would remove the initial value of a text field within a form once the web visitor clicks on it? Below is a link to the page in question as well as the code...
This code works fine in Firefox and Opera, I can see that it put focus on the correct input in IE, but by the time the page has loaded completely it loses focus.
The first time you enter the page it works fine in IE too, but if you click a link which gives the input a value after reloading the page the above happens. Code:
I am currently loading the TreeView asynchronously and I'm trying toset it up so an animated gif displays while a node is being expandednd its child nodes are being created. Currently it just saysplaceholder until the child nodes are done loading
Im building ul li list dynamically on the serverside code. How can I determine which node should be expanded when page is loaded ? Im using plugin: [URL]
I have a treeview with links in that navigate to other pages when clicked. I didn't want these to cause toggling when they were clicked. My lists are prerendered. I didn't find a very good way to do this, but the following works, This function goes in the head, it is to stop the event bubbling up to the default treeviewcode. function lihyperlinkclick(e)
I'm using the treeview plugin [URL]. On some pages, the treeview is setup in a tab that isn't currently active. When there are some pre-opened nodes (by specifying the class "open") the nodes open, but the +/- hitarea is set to the wrong class (it's set to expandable instead of collapsible). The reason for it is the following piece of code in "applyClasses" in the pluggin. Because it's in a tab that's currently hidden, :hidden is always true, regardless of the child nodes actually being visible (but hidden).
I have a standard treviewthat loads sections of a users guide into an iframe. Users can click a 'Next' link within the iframe doc to display the next section. Is there a way to update the treeview in the parent document to show the newly selected node from the iframe?
I have the Treeview Async working. It does a JSON call each time a LI is opened and gets the sub UL list. Everything works great. However, I want to fire the load event for specific LI so I can load the tree and get & open only certain sub UL lists. How can I fire the load event for just certain LI when using the async treeview?
I need a TreeView which is inside the first column of a table. In theseconds (and more) columns there should be data about every "row" of the treeview.It is important that the data for each item is aligned under each other.
Danged if I can find the thread, but I swear I saw a $.url() reference in here a day or two ago. It was beingutilized for parsing out the window.location or window.location.search parameters. I made a mental note because that was something I would be needing to do.
Now I can't find it, either because the search isn't finding it or I was dreaming about this function existing.
I rummaged about the API docs and didn't find it there either. Is it something provided by one of the plugins and not a function native to jQuery?
I was trying out [URL] with IE 8 in IE 7 mode. The menu animates and opens. When I click to close, the menu collapsed instantaneously. However, it is working perfectly in IE8 mode i.e. the menu animates while closing up. How do I fix this for IE7?
Is there a way to make a node in the treeview expand/collapse ONLY if the +/- is clicked but not the folder icon or folder name but still make the node selectable?
I have an application that produces a dynamic unordered list from DB categories table. The list is representing the hierarchy by adding a “..” (Double dot) in front of the list item name for each hierarchy level like so: