JQuery :: Lose The Ability To Resize A Div After Setting InnerHTML?

Jan 22, 2011

I've got resizable divs:

$(document).ready(function() {


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Images Works In IE But The Other Functions Don't - Use The Span Tag And Work With The InnerHTML Ability?

Mar 1, 2011

Everything works in firefox but only the card switch function works in IE


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Setting InnerHTML Reformats Table

Jun 25, 2006

I have some column headings whose widths are set via styles:

<TD style="visibility:hidden;width:0px">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="visibility:hidden;width:0px">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="visibility:hidden;width:0px">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 120px">Stage</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 90px">Est. Hours</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 90px">Est. Delivery</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 90px">Est. Cost</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 200px">Comment</TD>

When I set the value of a span in a cell using javascript

<TD><Span class="head1" id="TotalHours"

idTotal = document.getElementById("TotalHours");
idTotal.innerHTML = total;

all of the table columns shrink to the minimum size for the content,
ignoring the style width settings. Any suggestion as to why this might
be the case?

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Basic Setting Of CSS Properties/innerHTML

Jun 29, 2009

I'm trying to create a script which allows multiple different tables to be shown on mouseover of an area (in this case, a table cell). However, I want the tables to appear in a long list for those who have JS disabled. For obvious reasons I don't want two copies of the tables in my html, and obviously only want the mouseover section to appear for those with JS enabled.

The basic problems I have so far is that I can't get the div "plaintables" (which contains all the tables) to be hidden when JS is enabled, and when I mouseover (activating scim()), I get the message [object HTMLTableElement] rather than the actual table.

Pretty much just starting out with Javascript, so this is probably something really simple I have done wrong.

Just incase it matters, I don't have access to the contents of the <head> tag (This is for a site with an existing template) - it would be easier if everything could be done in the <body> section.

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Setting InnerHTML Of Non Standard Element In IE

Jun 23, 2011

I have the non-standard element
In every browser except IE, this bit of JavaScript will successfully change the content of the above element:
document.getElementsByTagName("testele")[0].innerHTML = 'hi';
However, if I change the <testele> to just a <span> (in the HTML and the JavaScript), it now successfully changes the content of the element in every browser, including IE.

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Accessing Element Properties After Setting InnerHTML?

Mar 21, 2010

I am dynamically building a part of my HTML page by setting the innerHTML of a DIV element. Immediately after I do that I try to retrieve the clientHeight and clientWidth of the DIV element in order to determine what height and width the element actually ended up being. But I always get 0 as both the height and width. The contents of the DIV, i.e. the HTML code that I inserted into it via the innerHTML, does indeed get displayed on the page. But I suspect that the browser doesn't actually update the page until AFTER my JavaScript code has completed and "returns control" to the browser.

Does that make sense? Is there any way I can force the browser to update the page BEFORE my code completes its processing, so that I can properly retrieve the width and height of the element I just inserted into the page?

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JQuery :: Lose Control After New Table?

Feb 10, 2010

I wrote a program that serves no real purpose while trying to learn. It's posted at [URL]. I generate a simple table and everything works as expected. However, I have radio buttons that cause a like table to be generated. Afterward my mouse functions are inoperable. All new tables do generate correctly and the classes are identical to the original's classes. The significant part of the code is:

$(document).ready(function() {
generateTable($("#tbl"), 1, 3, 1);
var valvalue= $('input[name=radbutton]:checked').val();


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JQuery :: After Appending New Row To Table Lose Handler?

Jul 6, 2010

I've got a problem when I append a row to the table, the link in new <td> in probably not in jQuery Collection and I cant use jquery click or any action on it, just href go to url.

Maybe it will be more clear on my code :)

$('table tr td a').each(function() {
var $dialog = $('<div></div>').append($loading.clone());
var $link = $(this).one('click', function() {
$dialog.load($link.attr('href')).dialog({ (...some code...)


Till now it works, but when I link on this link in the new row it just open href in browser instead of openin dialog.

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JQuery :: TreeView - Lose Persistence Of Location

Apr 5, 2009

I load the content from json, but I lose persistence of location. I get the tree folded and I don't know what branch I'm on to. I managed to fix this by pasting the location code in .async.js,
var sm = current.find("a").filter(function() { return
this.href.toLowerCase() == location.href.toLowerCase(); });
if ( sm.length ) {
("ul, li").add( sm.next() ).show
But now the branch is marked as selected, however the tree is not open (all folded).

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JQuery :: Lightbox Causes Textarea To Lose Focus?

May 23, 2010

I'm working on a WYSIWYG editor. I have a textarea that I'm using for the editing. Also, I have a button to insert images. When I click the button, a modal window opens, and the user can upload images, enter title, etc.

The problem is, that once I click inside the modal window, the textarea loses focus—and then the image can't be inserted at the cursor position. How do I prevent the textarea from losing focus?

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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin Resize (realign) Slide On Window Resize

Oct 28, 2010

Im using the cycle plugin trying to make a banner slide tha is 100% the width of the window, my problem is that when i resize de window the banner does not align center, it stays somo what left align. So is there a way to keep the slides align center after you resize the window usingthe cycle plugin? or is there another plugin that i can do that? I attached a image to ilustrate, the white banner with the cat should align center when i resize the windows but it stays left align.

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JQuery :: Passing An Element To An Event (resize Control Upon Window Resize)?

May 31, 2011

I'm trying to develop a function to resize a control upon window resize. In regular javascript I would make a global array of control names and append code to the event that cycles through and resizes each control.For example

var proportionalizedImages=new Array();
if (window.addEventListener)[code]....

I'm wondering if there's a more elegant way to do this in jQuery. I've played around with it a bit, but i'm unsure how to get the control object to the resize function triggered by window resize without a global variable.

jQuery.fn.resize = function(max_size) {
$(window).bind('resize', $(this), resizeTriggered);

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JQuery :: Ability To Access 'data' Attributes Without Having To Use .attr()?

Dec 27, 2011

I make use of new HTML5 data attributes to attach data to DOM elements like so:<div class="foo" data-randomdata="bar">jQuery is awesome.</div> It would be nice to have a specific method to accessing the attributes without having to use the .attr() method like this: var foo = $('div').attr('data-randomdata'); It would be nice for it to work something like this: var foo = $('div').DOMdata('randomdata'); //equals bar

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JQuery :: Resize Function That Will Resize A Window Around Content?

May 15, 2011

I'm looking for a resize function that will resize a window around content, in my case a div.

I've googled away but not come up with anything as yet so would like to ask if anyone knows a plug in that can do this simple task.

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JQuery :: Resize Text On Window Resize?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm trying to scale the text with the size of the window (I've also got all the layout sizes in ems, so this should keep the aspect ratio of everything the same as the window is resized). The code that I've got at the moment doesn't do anything -

$(window).resize(function() {
var $width = $window.width() / 10;
$("body").css("font-size", $width);

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Lose Initial Value In A Form Field Once Clicked?

Feb 17, 2009

javascript that would remove the initial value of a text field within a form once the web visitor clicks on it? Below is a link to the page in question as well as the code...



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Input Element Lose Focus On Page Load In IE

Nov 3, 2006

This code works fine in Firefox and Opera, I can see that it put focus
on the correct input in IE, but by the time the page has loaded
completely it loses focus.

The first time you enter the page it works fine in IE too, but if you
click a link which gives the input a value after reloading the page the
above happens. Code:

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Ability To Refer To Function By Variable

Mar 26, 2010

I have a function that sets a value of this.name. If I call a function of that function (is there a better term for that?), I can get the value of that name with this.name. However, if I save that function's function as a variable, and THEN call it, this.name is undefined.

I don't think my vocabulary is clear enough, so here's my example:
function Ninja(name){
this._name = name;
this.getName = function(){
return "ninja "+this._name

sam = new Ninja("sam");
assert( sam.getName() == "ninja sam", "Ninja's name is ninja sam" );
sam2 = new Ninja("sam2");
sam2getName = sam2.getName;
assert( sam2getName() == "ninja sam2", "Ninja 2's name is ninja sam2" ); //fails
log("Ninja 2's name is actually "+sam2getName()) // actually "ninja undefined"

(Note: Use of "ninja" and assertions are because I was playing with the code in John Resig's java runner thingie: [URL]). The reason I want to be able to refer to a function by a variable is because I want to pass the function to something else that requires a function to be passed in, such as an ajax callback or something. Anyway... why is this.name undefined in the second example?

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DOM Range - Ability To Add Custom BBCodes?

Dec 22, 2010

First of all, I am not a student and this is not homework. Secondly, I've been programming in C, Motorola assembler, Intel assembler and even GWBasic for years. I recently (this year) got into Web / Javascript / PHP / HTML programming and I'm clawing up the learning curve. I know a fair amount, but have a long way to go. I've been trying to integrate a WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE) into a bulletin board software package (PHPBB3). All is working well except for one big stumbling block that I've been battling for the past MONTH!...: I want to support the original BBCode system of PHPBB3 (mostly because of the ability for the admin to add custom BBCodes).

So, what I need to do is this:
(1) Select a range of text.
(2) Either REPLACE it with "selection" or else INSERT "" before and "" after.
(3) Lastly, the original selection must remain selected so that additional BBCodes can be wrapped without the need to re-select.

The purpose of (3) is, say, the user clicks "bold" and "italic" and "underline".... all they should have to do is click those 3, not re-select each time. I've tried doing this:
(1) get the selection range
(2) get the selection text
(3) delete the range contents
(4) create two "contextual fragments" (one for the opening tag, the other for the closing tag).
(5) create a <span> element containing the selection text
(6) Insert it all into the range with range.insertNode()
(7) finally select the new span element

This seems to work fine, but Internet Explorer : fails (it complains when I try to get the selection range).

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Summary Of Checkbox Values With Recalc Ability?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a pricing page that is broken into multiple categories per phase. I want a customer to be able to select my checkboxes and hit a button that will display a rolled up total. I also want it to be able to re-calculate the totals if a box is subsequently unchecked. I have browsed and searched the form to get the code to where it is now but need help to finish it.

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Ajax :: Ability To Link Directly To Specific Tab

Mar 11, 2010

I am currently using this template by flowplayer.org: [URL]. The functionality I need is the ability to link directly to a specific ajax tab (i.e. Seagram Building, Barcelona Pavilion, New National Gallery). As of now they are just line items without any anchor tags.

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Enable The Ability To Always Delete <li> Elements When They're Clicked?

Mar 1, 2011

I want to enable the ability to always delete <li> elements when they're clicked. I can't add id's or onclick functions to each <li> because each one is made using document.createElement("li"); So my question is, how can I make a script that easily allows users to delete a <li> element just by clicking on it.

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JQuery :: Create A Site That Allows For Images To Go Full Browser And Then Have The Ability To Have The Other Images Slide In Based On A Click?

Mar 9, 2010

I prefer jQuery over flash and not sure how to tackle this, so please advise as best you can. Trying to create a site that allows for images to go full browser and then have the ability to have the other images slide in based on a click.

I also want to float a menu that will allow it to pull in other media (video, that would slide in the same way). The best example I can share is this: http://j.mp/5U79i1 What he is using is flash based (slideshowpro director and slideshow pro for flash). Not interested in flash for this personal project.

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Create An Order With The Ability To Dynamically Self Total The Sum Of The Selected Items?

Aug 7, 2011

I am trying to create an order with the ability to dynamically self total the sum of the selected items but also be able to add a 25% labor fee having it be at least $90.So if someone buys $300 worth of items the labor charge would be $75 but it would be automatically bumped to $90.heres the existing code:

* Calculates the payment total with quantites
* @param {Object} prices

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Dynamic Form Creation - Ability To Enter Into Text Field

Dec 6, 2010

A while back, I an working on dynamic form creation. I wanted a user to be able to enter into a text field how many designs he or she would like, then, based on that number, be provided with a pair of text boxes that asked 1) name of design 2) quantity of that particular design. I received this cool way of doing it by user thraddash:

<script type="text/javascript">
function BuildFormFields($amount){
$container = document.getElementById('FormFields'),
$item, $field, $i;

$container.innerHTML = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) {
$item = document.createElement('div');
$item.style.margin = '3px';

$field = document.createElement('span');
$field.innerHTML = 'Name of Design';
$field.style.marginRight = '10px';
$item.appendChild($field); .....

As a followup, I wonder how to control in a table where each of these text boxes will appear.

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Resize Element On Windows Resize

Apr 10, 2011

Is there anyway to make a custom resize function that resizes one of my div elements on the webpage the same amount of pixels as the browser window gets resized?

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