Accessing Element Properties After Setting InnerHTML?

Mar 21, 2010

I am dynamically building a part of my HTML page by setting the innerHTML of a DIV element. Immediately after I do that I try to retrieve the clientHeight and clientWidth of the DIV element in order to determine what height and width the element actually ended up being. But I always get 0 as both the height and width. The contents of the DIV, i.e. the HTML code that I inserted into it via the innerHTML, does indeed get displayed on the page. But I suspect that the browser doesn't actually update the page until AFTER my JavaScript code has completed and "returns control" to the browser.

Does that make sense? Is there any way I can force the browser to update the page BEFORE my code completes its processing, so that I can properly retrieve the width and height of the element I just inserted into the page?

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Basic Setting Of CSS Properties/innerHTML

Jun 29, 2009

I'm trying to create a script which allows multiple different tables to be shown on mouseover of an area (in this case, a table cell). However, I want the tables to appear in a long list for those who have JS disabled. For obvious reasons I don't want two copies of the tables in my html, and obviously only want the mouseover section to appear for those with JS enabled.

The basic problems I have so far is that I can't get the div "plaintables" (which contains all the tables) to be hidden when JS is enabled, and when I mouseover (activating scim()), I get the message [object HTMLTableElement] rather than the actual table.

Pretty much just starting out with Javascript, so this is probably something really simple I have done wrong.

Just incase it matters, I don't have access to the contents of the <head> tag (This is for a site with an existing template) - it would be easier if everything could be done in the <body> section.

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Accessing Form Element Properties Using Onchange?

Jul 5, 2006

I have 1 form, and dozens of elements. In the select elements I use onchange="somefunc()". In this function I'd like to access and change the form element attributes (such as form.element.option[].value and form.element.option[].innerHTML).

Is there a way to access the element that has just changed (unsing onchange="somefunc()") by passing a "this.element" parameter to access the elements properties such as form.element.option[].value within the function?

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JQuery :: Accessing Methods And Properties On An Object Of A Passed Element?

Jan 25, 2010

I have an object on the document element that allows for other components to register with it, i have a custom event something along$(document).bind("register",function(thechild)..So in the child object when they are created i call$(document).trigger("register",this);And indeed i get the DOM object. However i'm looking for the plug in object, i want to be able to call methods on the passed childobject and access it's Config.Does that make sense? How can i write a plug in that is applied to various objects that also registers itself with an 'overseer' object on the document element in such a way that i can allow that overseer object to call methods on any registered child objects?

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Setting InnerHTML Of Non Standard Element In IE

Jun 23, 2011

I have the non-standard element
In every browser except IE, this bit of JavaScript will successfully change the content of the above element:
document.getElementsByTagName("testele")[0].innerHTML = 'hi';
However, if I change the <testele> to just a <span> (in the HTML and the JavaScript), it now successfully changes the content of the element in every browser, including IE.

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How Do I Use Variables For Properties Like .innerHTML

Sep 15, 2006

I'm trying to use variables in the following way in javascript:

var prop;
prop = 'innerHTML'

I've tried it that way, and it doesn't work, but is there a way to reference a variable in a property like that?

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Accessing Object's Internal Properties?

Mar 31, 2011

I am fairly familiar with the concept of Objects and their properties and methods, but javascript being object based as opposed to object oriented has me stumped on how to access an object's properties from an onclick event handler created for another object created within the original object.In the example below, I have a constructor function called anyObj. to which I pass an object reference to an element.

anyObj has 3 properties and one function increaseWidth()

increaseWidth() creates a new button with an onclick event handler and this is where I have a problem.The onclick function needs to increase the value of anyObj's this.width property. I originally had a line this.width += 10; in the onclick but quickly realised why this wasn't working because the this in the onclick function refers to the new button object and not the this.width property of anyObj.

The workaround I have used, and it works, is to make a copy of all the this.xxxxx properties. eg. width = this.width; and use the width variable in the onclick as you can see below. This "workaround" works fine but doesn't feel ideal to me.So, what I am asking advice on is, is there a better way to access the anyObj()'s properties from within the onclick function than the way I have done it? Obviously I would prefer to not have to make copies of all the anyObj() properties like I have to make them accessible to the onclick function.


function anyObj(divObj){
this.elem = divObj;
this.width = 50;


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Accessing CSS Properties - Resize The Height Of A Div On A Web Page

Aug 6, 2010

I have developped a script in order to resize the height of a div on a web page in order to display it at least up to the size of the window.

Here is the code:

It works well, but I was wondering why I am not able to get the padding-top and -bottom using these two instructions:

The script runs but Firebug shows empty strings for both values. How come? Is there a bug in Firefox?

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Setting Custom Properties

Jul 23, 2005

I know that I can read/write custom properties of an object by using
the following:

document.all['Control'].customProp = "this";

Is there a way I can run code when this custom property is set. Or
perhaps there is a way to create a custom method?

<span id="MySpan"><input type="text"></span>

I'd the property:
document.all['MySpan'].enabled = true;
To automatically do this:
document.all['MySpan'].controls[0].disabled = !thevalue;

OR the method
To do this:
document.all['MySpan'].disabled = false;

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Triggering The Execution Of Code With The Setting Of Object Properties

Sep 22, 2006

Subject line would seem to say it all:

How does one trigger the execution of a method within an object or any
other code/function with the setting of an object property?

More elaboration for those who want it:

Suppose we have anObjectType, with a property .description, whose value
can be a string, and the value of .description actually describes the
structure of anObjectType as a string. (The details are not important
about how the structure is described, but if you want something concrete,
think of 'anObjectType' as a DOM Node of type NODE_ELEMENT, and
..description as the property .innerHTML.)

When an instance of anObjectType is created, the value of description is
created with the instance. Indeed, the value of description may not be
set with the construction of anObjectType, but it might be added to the
prototype of anObjectType.

But the property .description is not merely read-only. Fetching the value
of .description returns the string which describes the structure of the
object in a meaningful way.

When .description is set with a value of type string, the string is
checked to see if it properly describes a legally formed structured for
anObjectType, and the instance (and only that instance) of anObjectType is
completely re-built: it might possibly be destructed and then re-
constructed, or all properties (but not methods) which involve descendant
objects are changed to conform to the described structure.

The question is, the setting of a string value of the property
..description of object anObjectType does not automatically trigger a
method/methods (or an exception??) for doing something (such as
restructing the object) as a result of the setting of an object property.

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JQuery :: Setting Properties In A 'parameter List' Delimited By {}?

Mar 29, 2010

I want to set opacity parameter value before calling: $('x').animate({opacity:1},v1);

of course, other than setting a switch case line for each possible expected value.

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Setting InnerHTML Reformats Table

Jun 25, 2006

I have some column headings whose widths are set via styles:

<TD style="visibility:hidden;width:0px">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="visibility:hidden;width:0px">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="visibility:hidden;width:0px">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 120px">Stage</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 90px">Est. Hours</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 90px">Est. Delivery</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 90px">Est. Cost</TD>
<TD class="head1" style="WIDTH: 200px">Comment</TD>

When I set the value of a span in a cell using javascript

<TD><Span class="head1" id="TotalHours"

idTotal = document.getElementById("TotalHours");
idTotal.innerHTML = total;

all of the table columns shrink to the minimum size for the content,
ignoring the style width settings. Any suggestion as to why this might
be the case?

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JQuery :: Lose The Ability To Resize A Div After Setting InnerHTML?

Jan 22, 2011

I've got resizable divs:

$(document).ready(function() {


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Element Has No Properties.

Apr 15, 2006

I only get an error telling me "test has no properties"...


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

var test = document.getElementById("test");
var title = test.getAttribute("title");



<p id="test" title="test title">This is a test</p>


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Getting An Element's Style Properties?

Jun 21, 2009

I am working on a little javascript project, and I need to get an arbitrary element's style information.

For instance, I want a method that you can pass a reference to an object, and for instance, find the current css height property that applies to it, no matter where it was declared. I don't mind it returning a null value if it wasn't set anywhere, but if it's coming from some css class or some css id or some locally defined style, I want to know what is being expressed.

If I just try, it only lets you know what the height is if it was explicitly defined in the style tag.

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Accessing Object Properties "the Php Way"?

Aug 17, 2010

semi-misleading title, but i just didn't know a better way to explain my problem.Given the object:

// js object
var object = {


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Changing Properties Of Element With Function

Nov 23, 2005

Maybe a stupid question (I'm not so familiar with javascript), but:

I want to change background of a paragraph or list item on mouseover. The
following code works:

<p onMouseover="'yellow'"

Now I want to minimize the coding bij using a function. How do I do that?

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JQuery :: Changing Css Properties Of One Element By Another

Feb 10, 2011

I have a billion elements that all share the same class. I have another billion elements that all share another class. This cannot be changed. My objective is to use one element to trigger onclick a change in the others elements' css properties, that is each element is paired with another, producing a billion unique pairs. From hours of deciphering the cryptic documentation examples ive come up with the following, which doesnt work. Assume that im using "name=item#" in the element's tag to identify each pair.

One fundamental issue with this is that it will change the opacity of both elements in the pair were both elements to share a name,or it will only affect the element being clicked on if not, but i only want it to change the opacity of the element that isnt being clicked. Another issue is that there are instances where i may need to set a setTimeout on a css property, and ive not found any documentation on integrating javascript and jquery together within a function.So how do i get this function to accept input from one element and affect the css properties of the other? And what would a setTimeout look like if it were placed around the opacity property?

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Restore CSS Properties For A Selected Element?

Apr 14, 2010

How do I restore CSS properties for a selected element? I want to change the background-color of a particular item on click, then restore the original CSS bgcolor from the stylesheet when it's clicked a 2nd time.

The item in question has a CSS class applied to it from the stylesheet.

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Display A Div Element After Clicking On A Link And Using Its Properties?

Jun 3, 2010

On a page I display a link of search results which are hyperlinks, which all have the same URL get paramaters with different values (i.e. companyreport.aspx?....). I want to then click on a search result hyperlink and then generate a Div popup (this is called through a javascript call that is attached to each search result hyperlink's onClick property.

For the hyperlink that is clicked, I need to take its 'href' value and use it (reason for us is in a bit).

On the popped up Div element is a dropdown box and two buttons (accept / decline). Once the accept button is pressed, I want to then go to the page the selected hyperlink was pointing to by using the 'href' value I obtain from the clicked search hyperlink and to also append to this hyperlink the a new GET parameter and the value of the dropdown box.

I have got this to work currently but it seems quite mess, so was wondering if there is a better solution to this.

For the search results hyperlinks I have...

PromptRequestReason(this.href); return false;

this '' javascript method is....

function PromptRequestReason(hrefLocation)
lnkDERequestReason.href = hrefLocation;

then on the DIV popup I have the following link....

<a id="lnkDERequestReason" onclick="this.href = this.href + '&reason=' + document.getElementById('drpPortfolios').value">Select</a>

now this all works, but I really seem like I am taking the long way around when there could be something simple.

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Set Multiple Style Properties Of A Dom Element In One Time?

May 25, 2011

I know the atomic way to set style properties of a DOM element like

Is there any way to set multiple properties in the same time? I'd like to spare some cpu time...

I assume if I use framework like JQuery to set more style props at once that call will be interpreted to the atomic way I described above...

Am I right with this guess?

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JQuery :: Getting InnerHTML Value Of An Element?

Sep 7, 2011

I'm trying to get a value from a database, assign it to an innerHTML value of a certain element and display this on a web page. Here is how I do this. First I have a js function. Very simple one, here it is:

function get_page_contents(page_name)
{$.post("includes/ajax.php?mode=get_page", {pagename: page_name}, function(data)


This javascript function is being invoked upon clicking on a link. The point is that the content's innerHTML is displayed beautiful while I cannot see H1 innerHTML. Its value is NULL instead of expected database value.

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Getting An Element Inside Of Innerhtml

Oct 24, 2010

I have a <div> tag that is getting updated by calling a php script. Inside of the div's innerHTML, there is a <select> tag.I need to be able to change the div whenever a user changes the select tag. How can I do thisI've been trying to get the select tag, but it doesn't seem to evaluate right.

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Assigning Value To InnerHTML Of Element

Jan 27, 2009

I have a situation where I'm trying to assign a value to an elements innerHTML. When I do this, the value is assigned, but it causes havoc on subsequent javascript calls.I realize this is kind of vague but I'm at my wits end on what to do. I've tried assigning the innerHTML value "NA", just plain text, and it has the same effect.Without being too confusing, I have a table of data inside a <div> where the user can navigate up/down by pressing the <enter> key, pg up/pg dn and arrow up/arrow down. When they move from record to record, I'm highlighting the new row and "de-highlighting" the old row. The row has many fields but only one fill in field which is where the user enters the quantity of the item to be ordered. This is on a local network using the Firefox browser.

Without the above line, all is well. When I use the above line, it messes up the highlighting of the row but also makes the fill-in field "appear" disabled. What I mean by that is when you type a number, you don't see the value change (even though the field has focus and the value is selected) but once you leave that line, the value you typed then appears in the fill in. Normally the value will change as you type a new value.

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InnerHTML - Value Attribute On Element?

Mar 1, 2009

Is there a way I can make this code work:
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeText(){
document.getElementById('boldStuff').innerHTML = 'Fred Flinstone';
<p>Welcome to the site <b id='boldStuff'>dude</b> </p>
<input type='button' onclick='changeText()' value='Change Text'/>
with this:
document.write('<param name=avatarID value=4>');
So when I click the form button it changes the value 4 to Fred Flinstone

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InnerHTML Element To Appear In Textfield

Feb 6, 2010

I am trying to create a calculator for one of my forms.I am having trouble getting the calculated figure to appear inside a textfield though (probably extremely simple for you geniuses).But if I give my textfield the id "total" instead the script doesn't append the result.

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