JQuery :: Key Events Preventing AjaxStop() From Firing?
Jan 5, 2012
I have a textbox and a button. When someone clicks the button, then the ajaxStop() event fires properly. However, when someone types in the textbox and hits the Enter key, the ajaxStop() event does not get fired. Here's the relevant code bits:
The textbox:
var keywords = document.createElement('input');
keywords.setAttribute('onkeyup', '$(this).keyup(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { $("#submit_button").click(); } })');
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Jun 22, 2011
I have a form element that is readonly. <input type="text" id="kfs_acct_1" readonly="false" /> This field is dynamically populated an making it readonly prevents users from changing the value in this field. The problem I have is users click on the field and try to delete it's value. They click in the field and hit their Backspace key. This takes them away from the page to the page from whence they came. Because of the way the form is set up, doing this makes them loose all the data in the form (the one with the readonly box). How can I prevent the Backspace key from fireing and taking the user away from this page? I've tried a few things, but apparently making a field readonly keeps some key events from being seen.
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Aug 29, 2011
I have the following code which populates a combobox from an existing select field and then makes an AJAX call to a JSONP feed. This is all working and the dropdown list is populating however when I place the following code inside the AJAX call the combobox select function is not fired when the item is selected.
Code JavaScript:
return $("<li></li>").append("<a>" + item.label + results.id + "</a>").appendTo(ul);
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Oct 27, 2009
I have a problem with jQuery appending new text to a div - but then not firing events attached to the inserted text.Let me explain. I have a div that contains a number of divs - the div has a link and a hidden form. Clicking on the link fires a slideToggle event which reveals the form.When you submit the form AJAX handles it and jQuery builds another div with the correct link and the correct form which it sticks on the end of the list. That all works fine and dandy.What I want to be able to do is to click on the newly-added link and have it behave in the same way as the other elements that were on the page when it was built. However, nothing happens when you click on it. Zip. Nadda. Rien du tout.Usually I have found a way round the problem - but I am slightly stuck on my current project. Apart from forcing a page reload, is there any way to get the browser to see the newly inserted link and apply the jQuery action to it?
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Nov 6, 2011
Hide/Show column based on select option.jQuery is not showing any events. Is the selected event not firing?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web page where I want to intercept keypress events in an INPUT-tag
and check if it is the Enter key, which calls another function that executes
a search. My code runs on Netscape 7 for Windows, IE 6 for Windows and IE5.1
for Mac, but not on Netscape 7 for Mac. When I press the Enter key, the
event gets caught but it does not get prevented and the search is never
The code looks like this:
function KeyDownHandler(e)
// if not Netscape, get IE event
if ( !e )
e = window.event;
if ( !e )
return true;
// Get valid ascii character code
var key = typeof e.keyCode != 'undefined' ? e.keyCode : e.charCode;
// process only the Enter key
if (key == 13)
// cancel the default submit
if (e.preventDefault)
// submit the form by programmatically searching
return false;
return true;
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Mar 24, 2011
I've come across an issue where I've got a dynamically created popup class that despite appearing to be bound according to Visual Event does not fire on clicking the closebutton attached to it. I'm not getting any errors in firebug and by setting breakpoints I've verified we are not reaching the code to execute. Ruling out the usual suspects such as obvious spelling mistakes/ swapping out jquery versions 1.3/1.4/1.5 doesn't make any difference.where else I can look?Here is the original function:
$this.find(".close").live('click', function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.parents("." + sets.popupClass).remove();
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Jun 30, 2010
I'm having some problem with this DHTML app. The problem is that when i click on an image button, nothing happens. I have verified that the DOM event handlers are loaded. However, when i click on the images (buttons), nothing happens
var PenSize = "3";
var PenColor = "Black";
var LoadFile = "";
var UIstatus = "visible";
var CurrentNote = 0;
var BGcolor = "#C7C1A3";
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Nov 27, 2002
This script allows you to replay the event-controls coded on your INPUT tags.
You must have a <div id="msgErreur"></div> in your HTML page.
PS : I'm working for an Intranet Webapp. All the users are on IE6.
So i don't mind with NS compatibility
// Wait the end of load before manipulating elements
function doLoad() {
if (document.forms.length > 0) {
for(i=0;i<document.forms.length;i++) { document.forms[i].onsubmit=doSubmit; }
function doSubmit() {
if (document.all["msgErreur"]!=null) {
if (document.forms.length > 0) {
for(i=0;i<document.forms.length;i++) {
for(j=0;j<window.document.forms[i].elements.length;j++) {
if (target.value!='') {
if (message!='') {return false;}
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Feb 2, 2010
This is driving me to distraction and has probably been well and truly answered... but can the order of event firing on an object using a 'traditional' addEvent script (i.e. [URL] be guaranteed in IE(6+)? I am desperately trying 'to do things right' but IE is pushing me into despair - I need a blur event on a textbox to do 2 bits of validation one after the other.
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Nov 12, 2010
I have a script wich processes a bunch of image files and then zips them up into several categorized zip files. The zip script needs to run after all the processing of the images. Here's how I have it set up:
$('#zips').ajaxStop(function() {
$(this).html('<p>Preparing zip files</p>');
The make_zip.php file is executing (I can watch on my FTP as the zip files are created) but the load function never changes the contents of #zips to be the output of make_zip.php
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Jul 21, 2010
I am trying to "ajaxify" my site. Now I have one problem:
$.each(data.Tags_Sidebar, function (indexInArray, valueOfElement) {
var insert = $("<li>");
Now when I click one of those links (href1, href2, href3) generated, the click event won't execute! What's the problem? Also, is it right that I have to transfer the valueOfElement over, like I did? What does stopEventPropagation do? Prevent the href from being navigated to? That's what I am trying to do.
The data object is JSON fed from here:[URL]
The HTML is here: [URL]
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Feb 4, 2011
I have a series of images with an animation bound to mouseover and mouseleave events, and I'm trying to get my head around adding a click event that would prevent the mouseleave animation from occurring only for the image that was clicked, preserving everything else as is (until another image is clicked). I've discovered .stop() and I think I'm getting close, but some part of the logic is still escaping me.
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May 11, 2010
Basically I want to prevent a user from moving to another field if the current one is invalid (non-numeric).I've tried a few things that I though would do the job, I've also tried using the change event with the last line (resetting the focus to the current element) but no dice.
jQuery('.setupprice, .monthlyprice, .quantity','#config_dialog').live('focusout',function(e)
var val = parseFloat(jQuery(this).val());
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Apr 14, 2011
I am building a user-based online application using jquery, and I am concerned about the possibility of users being able to hijack my ajax functions. I'm sure there is a standard way of dealing with this, but I don't know what it is.For example, if users are logged in,and want to send an instant message to each other, they can use a simple messaging system.An ajax call passes their message to a back-end handler script, like so:
type: "POST",
url: "back-end-handler.php",
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Jun 5, 2009
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content="text/html; charset=us-ascii" http-equiv=Content-Type>
<META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.18702"></HEAD>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face="Trebuchet MS"><SPAN class=372450018-05062009>I have 6
links , each loads a form into its respective div. How can I disable the links if one of the 6 is clicked preventing a user from opening up 6 forms at
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Mar 26, 2010
You know how when you visit [URL] your browser jumps to #test1 automatically? Not talking about when you open page.html and THEN click an anchor to #test1. I mean typing the anchor explicitly at the end of the url before even visiting page.html. How do you prevent that jump? Just a sample scenario, to make sure I'm being extra clear:
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May 6, 2010
I have some elements that hide and show real quick when I click on the same selected checkbox. I only want to hide or show something on change, and only when I need to. The way the behavior works now is I have 20 checkboxes, and each time I check one (even if it's the same), I see the associated elements hiding, then showing real quick. I don't want anything to happen though if all they do is toggle the checkbox, unless there's a condition to uncheck it. It's kind of hard to convey what I'm talking about here, but maybe my code can shed some light:[code]
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Sep 4, 2009
Say I have a site that's centered on the page, and do $ ("#some_content").slideDown(). If the appearance of the new content means that the page no longer fits in the browser window, scrollbars will appear, and so the available page width decreases slightly, and so my centered content jumps left while it's sliding down. Is there a decent workaround for this? Best I can figure out at the moment is to persuade the browser to always display scrollbars, which isn't exactly ideal.
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Dec 5, 2011
Until now I have used the javascript function eval(), wrapped it in a try / catch block and showen him the error message if the javascript code was flawed.But this comes with the problem that if there is no error the script will be executed.So what I´d like to is use the jquery function globalEval(), wrap it in a try / catch block and display the error message if the script does not run sucessfully as I have done before,BUT:if the script would execute without an error I´d like to use some kind of preventDefault so that the script would not be executed at all and instead I could show the user a message that the script passed validation.I know that the way I propose is not possible as the script has to be executed somehow so that possible errors are generated...does anyone have an idea how to do what i propose ?
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Jan 25, 2011
I'm trying to modify this piece of code to stop firing when I constantly mouseon and mouseout.[code]I know I need to use stop(), but I dont know where to stick it
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Jun 2, 2009
I posted this in the UI group and was told to put it in here... My problem is that I have a function that is to call blockUI both upon login and logout. BlockUI only fires upon logout.
Here's my code:
function Processing(dataString,l_processing,control)
if (l_processing == "yes")
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Dec 7, 2011
The code is standard $(document).ready(handler); and it doesn't fire in my script I have alert(document) to test the document object is defined and it is. I put an alert in the ready and it doesn't fire.I put an alert outside of the ready and it fires.
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Sep 24, 2009
I've got 2 pages: a current events page and a past events page the current events page loads fine as there is only about 10 events the past events page takes about 30 seconds to load and will crash if u click your mouse in the loading time.
The pages are near identical the only difference is the query that selects the events (> versus <)
The page loads immediately without:
But when i put it back in the above happens. I'm using jQuery.roundedcorners.
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Mar 9, 2010
I am using:
$(function() {
var viaje;
var total;
Basically, when the user selects a trip, or the number of travellers it triggers a table to show with the corresponding options, the problem I have is that in ie7, it doesn't trigger the first time, only the second time. I have seen a few posts saying they have a similar problem, but in their case, it triggers when they unfocus. I have tried using simple javascript to select one of the options manually, hoping it would count as a first change, and that then clicking the first time would do it, but nop.
the page is [URL]
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Nov 17, 2011
I want make a function fire when an element slidesup. I use slidetoggle to make the element appear and dissappear-i have attached a callback to it but it fires on slidedown-on clicking the element.
I do not want the function to be called on the slideDown phase of slideToggle but on its slideUp phase.
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