JQuery :: Preventing Anchor Jump To #test1 Automatically?
Mar 26, 2010
You know how when you visit [URL] your browser jumps to #test1 automatically? Not talking about when you open page.html and THEN click an anchor to #test1. I mean typing the anchor explicitly at the end of the url before even visiting page.html. How do you prevent that jump? Just a sample scenario, to make sure I'm being extra clear:
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Jan 9, 2010
I have a script that scans an HTML document for headers and special comment tags for the purpose of generating a left-floating/position-fixed DIV that contains the document's outline or "table of contents." Within the DIV are lists (UL element by default) whose items (LI elements) are jump-to links (A elements) to the points (headers, special points marked for inclusion in table of contents) in the document. The problem is this. I have typical HTML document with links that jump to points (usually headers) inside the document, as shown below:
<p>This is addressed <a href="#later-text">later</a> in this document
<h1><a id="later-text"></a>Header Text</h1>
But my script, being a document outliner that finds headers in a document, inserts another anchor as a jump-to point just before the first occurrence of text in the header (inserted A element shown in red below). This somehow disables the document-coded jump anchor (shown in blue below). And it occurs in FF and IE, which suggests it is not a browser-specific issue. Why does it occur? Is there something in the HTML spec that states that two anchors to which a jump occurs are not allowed to be adjacent elements in the document?
<p>This is addressed <a href="#later-text">later</a> in this document
<h1><a id="later-text"></a><a id="jump-1"></a>Header Text</h1>
To reproduce what I am seeing, search for the text "Why Is A Survey Done". The first occurrence is a within-document jump-to link, which should jump to a header below it. If the script execution to generate a document outline is disabled, the jump works. But if the script is executed and the document outline generated, the jump-to link does not work.
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Sep 28, 2010
I have a hidden iFrame (display:none) which I change the src attribute of to load new contents. When the iFrame has finished loading I make it visible again (display:inline). This works fine except for anchors. The iFrame will not jump to an anchor when finished loading if its hidden in FF.
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Jan 27, 2011
Have a drupal site and jquery update1.3. seems to avoid the posiblity to jump to anchor tags. In order to this I use this script for jumping on a page. I works..But how to I manage a jump, if the href is on a different page (not external!).Something like jump on pageload to an anchor.click on page node/5/products on link href: node/5/products/xyz/#anchor1 How do I manage this?
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Aug 11, 2009
I currently have a script to jump to an anchor tag when the page loads:
<script type="text/javascript">
function goToAnchor() {
location.href = "myPage.html#myAnchor";
Now, I would like to take it a step further and would like to link from page A to page B that usually takes a while to load and once the page loads, run a script to jump to the specified anchor tag on the page after everything has loaded. I know I have to add some parameters at the end of the url link on page A, but that's where I get stuck.
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Jun 4, 2009
vBulletin uses a template system so I can't create a separate element for everything -- we have had several people ask for a "skip to the next post" feature and I'd like to implement that for them My first thought was to use anchor tags such as:
<a name="$post[postid]">
for each post and then to create a link for "Jump to Next Post" which would advance the user to the next instance of <a name="$post[postid]"> in which the postid obviously would've changed. With that I didn't know if there was a way that I could have javascript look for the next instance of this, or to pull the postid number and add 1 to it to find the next post on the page. I'm also not sure if it would need to be as complicated as reading where it was at and then adding one and directing person to that anchor point, which is why I thought maybe it could just look for the next instance of <a name="$post[postid]"> and refocus the screen on that.
It doesn't have to be an anchor, it can be a hidden input, whatever makes the JS be able to seek it as a point to move the page to. We do have some members that select a different number of posts per page than the default, so I'm guessing that the plus one might not be a great idea if they used a smaller number per page and then clicked the last one, whereas people with more per post wouldn't need to stop at the same point before it no longer let them. If there's a solution for that, that'd be great as well (such as once it hits the last element on the page, it no longer receives instruction, goes to the top of the page, or something).
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Jun 17, 2011
When you click a link it jumps to an anchor point on the page and scrolls there smoothly. I was wondering how I get the same effect if I want the link to jump to another page? A normal anchor point on another page would set the href to, for instance, 'index.html#contact' but it won't work in this case as the javascript isn't reading the '#'.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
function goToByScroll(id){
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#"+id).offset().top},'slow');
<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="goToByScroll('contact')">Go to anchor 1</a></li>
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Jun 22, 2010
I've used the ScrollTo plugin for header images for each topic and I have created a menu to change the content in the div(s) that contain readable content with ajax, so it looks like different pages with headers using the one page.
everything works well, but on browser refresh the page jumps down after the menu and on to the header.
Would anyone know a script that would deactivate all anchor links in the page so that page onload the page loads as default index.html instead of index.html#some_anchor
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Aug 14, 2009
using js to force a specific anchor call to jump after the page completely loads. The reason I am doing this is because the page I am linking to with anchors takes a long time to load and a standard browser anchor link sometimes does not work 100%. With that said, I would now like to make the script I wrote universal to get ANY anchor param in the url and jump to that spot on the page. Right now it's coded to just look for "#anchor". I want to re-code it so it will look for "#" + "anyAnchorName".
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May 26, 2011
I need to get the page to reload with the anchor in the link when it is clicked in a dropdown menu. For example if I am on 'www.domain.com/about/#2' and I then click on 'www.domain.com/about/#3' the url changes but the page doesn't reload so I need the page to reload, but keep the new anchor (#3).I gave the links with anchors a class of 'reload' and tried this:
$('a.reload').click(function() {
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Sep 4, 2011
Having a little bit of trouble with a site I'm currently working on I'm using some AJAX for the instant g-mail/facebook style navigation, you know the kind, with no refreshes, etc. Problem is, to allow for back/forward and bookmarks, I currently use a URL that looks like:[URL].. This is fine, not a problem... The issue comes into play when I want to open up the news.html page, from my home.html page, and have it open to news item #6 (for example).
I can't add a #, because one is already being used to reference the anchor for the content div. Has anyone run into a similar problem before? If so, how did you resolve it? Can some jQuery be used to find the location of the news item div in question, on load, and scroll to it like that?
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Jul 26, 2009
If you have a look at [URL].. and click on an image you will see what I mean.It's as if the image is converted to a div while animating.
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Jun 23, 2010
I believe I'm having an issue with the jQuery Cycle plugin. For the duration of the occurrence of a transition, the page appears to be "jumping" due to the fact that the site content is centered vertically and horizontally and the transition is making (inactive) scrollbars disappear entirely. I have not witnessed this personally in Safari/Firefox on Mac or Firefox/IE8 on Windows, but a colleague took a video of it happening on their machine with Firefox (Mac). Some see this problem, and others don't—I haven't been able to narrow it down. I also can't put overflow:hidden; on <body>, as I need the site to scroll if the browser window is too small.Here's the video, it's a 1.8 MB QuickTime file:[URL]
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Apr 25, 2010
i have designed a page that uses a jquery script in a div in the middle of the page (below the logo and upper nav) Every time I click
on a button that is part of the script, the page jumps down to the top of that jquery div. I want the page to stay rooted to the top. I can't tell whether this is a problem with the css or the js script.[URL]
~ script css:
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
#page-wrap {
width: 822px;
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Oct 9, 2011
I use the select menu script from [URL].. in Firefox all works fine. But when I use it in google chrome the focus off the site changes to the end of the site. My menu has 200 entrys. How can I provide the change of the focus?
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Jan 5, 2012
I have a textbox and a button. When someone clicks the button, then the ajaxStop() event fires properly. However, when someone types in the textbox and hits the Enter key, the ajaxStop() event does not get fired. Here's the relevant code bits:
The textbox:
var keywords = document.createElement('input');
keywords.setAttribute('onkeyup', '$(this).keyup(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { $("#submit_button").click(); } })');
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May 11, 2010
Basically I want to prevent a user from moving to another field if the current one is invalid (non-numeric).I've tried a few things that I though would do the job, I've also tried using the change event with the last line (resetting the focus to the current element) but no dice.
jQuery('.setupprice, .monthlyprice, .quantity','#config_dialog').live('focusout',function(e)
var val = parseFloat(jQuery(this).val());
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Jun 22, 2011
I have a form element that is readonly. <input type="text" id="kfs_acct_1" readonly="false" /> This field is dynamically populated an making it readonly prevents users from changing the value in this field. The problem I have is users click on the field and try to delete it's value. They click in the field and hit their Backspace key. This takes them away from the page to the page from whence they came. Because of the way the form is set up, doing this makes them loose all the data in the form (the one with the readonly box). How can I prevent the Backspace key from fireing and taking the user away from this page? I've tried a few things, but apparently making a field readonly keeps some key events from being seen.
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Apr 14, 2011
I am building a user-based online application using jquery, and I am concerned about the possibility of users being able to hijack my ajax functions. I'm sure there is a standard way of dealing with this, but I don't know what it is.For example, if users are logged in,and want to send an instant message to each other, they can use a simple messaging system.An ajax call passes their message to a back-end handler script, like so:
type: "POST",
url: "back-end-handler.php",
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May 29, 2009
I have a very simple image rotator that brings in images then rotates through them using fadein/out.
You can see it going here: [URL]. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page then wait a few seconds the main image will rotate and the browser will jump up (almost as if it's going to an anchor).
The images are brought in to a 100% div and the images are specified to 100% width (not sure if this is related but I'd thought i'd let you know!).
The code I'm using is this:
function run_slides(id){
var curid;
var nextid;
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Jul 20, 2011
I have a problem to solve where I have a Hidden set of 40 text inputs. A link to show 10 more of these in inputs at a time, all having unique ID's. The goal I am trying to accomplish is to set the focus to say the 10th input. If the "show more inputs" link is clicked then the focus should go to the next 10th input (really input ID number 20) and so on.
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Jun 5, 2009
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content="text/html; charset=us-ascii" http-equiv=Content-Type>
<META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.18702"></HEAD>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face="Trebuchet MS"><SPAN class=372450018-05062009>I have 6
links , each loads a form into its respective div. How can I disable the links if one of the 6 is clicked preventing a user from opening up 6 forms at
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May 6, 2010
I have some elements that hide and show real quick when I click on the same selected checkbox. I only want to hide or show something on change, and only when I need to. The way the behavior works now is I have 20 checkboxes, and each time I check one (even if it's the same), I see the associated elements hiding, then showing real quick. I don't want anything to happen though if all they do is toggle the checkbox, unless there's a condition to uncheck it. It's kind of hard to convey what I'm talking about here, but maybe my code can shed some light:[code]
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Aug 29, 2011
I have the following code which populates a combobox from an existing select field and then makes an AJAX call to a JSONP feed. This is all working and the dropdown list is populating however when I place the following code inside the AJAX call the combobox select function is not fired when the item is selected.
Code JavaScript:
return $("<li></li>").append("<a>" + item.label + results.id + "</a>").appendTo(ul);
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Sep 4, 2009
Say I have a site that's centered on the page, and do $ ("#some_content").slideDown(). If the appearance of the new content means that the page no longer fits in the browser window, scrollbars will appear, and so the available page width decreases slightly, and so my centered content jumps left while it's sliding down. Is there a decent workaround for this? Best I can figure out at the moment is to persuade the browser to always display scrollbars, which isn't exactly ideal.
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Dec 5, 2011
Until now I have used the javascript function eval(), wrapped it in a try / catch block and showen him the error message if the javascript code was flawed.But this comes with the problem that if there is no error the script will be executed.So what I´d like to is use the jquery function globalEval(), wrap it in a try / catch block and display the error message if the script does not run sucessfully as I have done before,BUT:if the script would execute without an error I´d like to use some kind of preventDefault so that the script would not be executed at all and instead I could show the user a message that the script passed validation.I know that the way I propose is not possible as the script has to be executed somehow so that possible errors are generated...does anyone have an idea how to do what i propose ?
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