JQuery :: Preventing The Execution Of Code Called By GlobalEval() / Eval()?
Dec 5, 2011
Until now I have used the javascript function eval(), wrapped it in a try / catch block and showen him the error message if the javascript code was flawed.But this comes with the problem that if there is no error the script will be executed.So what I´d like to is use the jquery function globalEval(), wrap it in a try / catch block and display the error message if the script does not run sucessfully as I have done before,BUT:if the script would execute without an error I´d like to use some kind of preventDefault so that the script would not be executed at all and instead I could show the user a message that the script passed validation.I know that the way I propose is not possible as the script has to be executed somehow so that possible errors are generated...does anyone have an idea how to do what i propose ?
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Jun 9, 2009
I'm developing with jQuery quite long right now, but recently I spotted one big problem with execution of jQuery code in Safari and Chrome. So everything is working fine in these browsers until jQuery code is placed in one page. But when using for example tabs plug-in loaded with ajax and on this loaded page exists some extra jQuery code it isn't executed.Co page is loaded but nothing is happening with code which was included. This problem doesn't exists in IE, FF or Opera. It appears only in Safari and Chrome. The same problem is when I'm loading page with $.get, $.post or $.ajax query. So it doesn't affect tabs plug-in but
overall functionality. I was checking that with latest versions of jQuery and UI today.
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Sep 4, 2011
I'm trying to build an image gallery and I want to shrink all the images a bit to allow for enlarging them on mouseover. I have it working fine locally, but when deployed to my server it doesn't work because the image files are still loading as the javascript executes. What I wind up with is the js using the image's alt tag's text size as the image size, which then gets resized to create a squashed image. What I want to do is preload all the thumbnail images before the the function to resize them gets called so the resize function has the proper dimensions of the images to do the transformation on. I'm using the jQuery.Preload plugin for my preloading functionality.
My expectation of this code is that the enable_anim_resize() function will not be called until all the images are loaded, but I don't see any difference in this execution than if I just sequentially put in my resize code after the preload line and didn't use the onFinished callback for the preload method (example below:) $(document).ready(function(){ From my understanding of the documentation and examples of the preload plugin, the enable_anim_resize() function shouldn't be called until all images on the page are loaded, at which point the proper dimensions of these images should be available for correct resizing. Can anyone clue me in on what I'm missing here?
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Nov 9, 2011
I set up a variable that should replace HTML code when run but it doesn't seem to be doing that...
Here it is:
Any idea why? (My console isn't showing any issues)
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to use self.scrollTo(x,y) as the last action in a js function called
by a onClick event. It seems that the scrolling actually takes place, but
the document is then scrolling back to top when js code execution has ended.
In the following example I get this effect in IE6 with the third and fourth
calls, while the first two work fine. Code:
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Sep 3, 2009
have a select element that has a function attached via onchange. The function does some AJAX using the HTML_AJAX library.
When I use Firefox, if I select an item in the list, then the code executes in a timely manner, which means that I see lines 1 and 2 of my debugging output (displayed at the end of this posting). The code then displays a wait window. A second or so later, I see the third and final line of debugging output when the AJAX call has completed. The wait window then disappears. Yaay!
However (and you knew that this was coming even without the "IE" tag in the subject header, didn't you?), with Internet Explorer, I see no debug output nor wait window until AFTER the AJAX call has completed one second or so later. Suddenly, every line of debug output is displayed and the code is executed. Boo!
"Hold on! Are you saying that your Javascript code isn't being executed until after the AJAX call?"
This is what I am seeing with Internet Explorer! Even if I insert an alert() message in the code, I do not see it until AFTER the AJAX call has completed, even though it appears in the code before the AJAX call. Then, I see my alert() message. I do not see the wait window because it is displayed and immediately closed during the rush of code that executes after the AJAX call has completed. The whole idea of the wait window is to display while the AJAX call is working.
Here is the code for the select element:
HTML Code:
<select id="txtfieldNbNights" tabindex="4"
onblur="return ValidNbNights(this, 4, true);"
onchange="return OnNbNightsChanged(this);">
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Oct 19, 2009
I have discovered a XSS vuln in a website and I'd like to use this as a cookie grabber. If you can help, <removed>.
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Sep 26, 2004
I have some code that gets executed in a document onload event.
I display an alert message box saying that some action was performed successfully.
However the following annoying issue is bothering me.
Whenever someone bookmarks the page, or go back to it, or even refreshes it, then the onload event gets fired again and the alert box appears.
Is there a safe way to make sure that the code in onload will get executed only once? and that cosecutive triggering of the page will not trigger any code execution.
The most important thing to note, is that I pass a parameter in the URL indicating that the code should be triggered in the onload event.
Obviously when I refresh the screen, the parameter is passed again and the code gets executed..
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May 28, 2009
Ok I made a post yesterday for a calculations script and I figured it out.Now the problem I have is as soon as I put it on my website a competitor is going to steal the code and put it on his/her/their page.Is there a way that I can put in my html a call to the javascript so that it just gets the script runs it and then displays it to my page without actually having the source displayable anywhere? Here is the code I made that I want to protect:
<script type="text/javascript">[code].....
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Aug 19, 2010
I have a piece of code that I dynamically load using globalEval(). But I am not able to debug this piece of code, specifically in IE, even when I place a "debugger;" statement.
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Sep 22, 2006
Subject line would seem to say it all:
How does one trigger the execution of a method within an object or any
other code/function with the setting of an object property?
More elaboration for those who want it:
Suppose we have anObjectType, with a property .description, whose value
can be a string, and the value of .description actually describes the
structure of anObjectType as a string. (The details are not important
about how the structure is described, but if you want something concrete,
think of 'anObjectType' as a DOM Node of type NODE_ELEMENT, and
..description as the property .innerHTML.)
When an instance of anObjectType is created, the value of description is
created with the instance. Indeed, the value of description may not be
set with the construction of anObjectType, but it might be added to the
prototype of anObjectType.
But the property .description is not merely read-only. Fetching the value
of .description returns the string which describes the structure of the
object in a meaningful way.
When .description is set with a value of type string, the string is
checked to see if it properly describes a legally formed structured for
anObjectType, and the instance (and only that instance) of anObjectType is
completely re-built: it might possibly be destructed and then re-
constructed, or all properties (but not methods) which involve descendant
objects are changed to conform to the described structure.
The question is, the setting of a string value of the property
..description of object anObjectType does not automatically trigger a
method/methods (or an exception??) for doing something (such as
restructing the object) as a result of the setting of an object property.
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Jul 8, 2006
I have some code comprising the onsubmit attrribute of a form. The code is
executing, but apparently a function called as the last statement is not
executed. The form content is submitted to the server. The behavior is the
same in Firefox and IE (current Windows versions). The following is
excerpted from the browser's "View source": Code:
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Jun 24, 2009
is there any specific function in Javascript / jquery which delay the functionality
I use SLEEP() funciton in php to add delays .
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Aug 8, 2011
I currently have a situation where I have images that load when a user scrolls to the bottom of a page. I also have part of the same function call .remove() on the top 2 images if the number of currently loaded images exceeds 10. The trouble that I am having lies in the .remove() is causing the scrollbar to move down, calling the image-loading part of the function again (essentially a chain reaction of image loads and elements being removed if a user scrolls down while images are being loaded).
I was wondering if I can use setTimeout or a similar function to prevent .remove() from executing until images have been completely loaded?
if (calcScroll == 0 && curPageIndex + 1 < totalCount) {
$("#message").html("loading new images");
window.setTimeout(function () {
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Nov 17, 2011
i have the following two pieces of code:
function slideOut() {
var $slidy = $('#slideout');
right: parseInt($slidy.css('right'),10) == 0 ?
-$slidy.outerWidth() :
As long as i return false and the link is an anchor, i can see the menu slide out. Which is quite clear to me why. When i use a link with a href on another page though, the "jump" is executed before the animation ends most of the time even before it starts.
I would like the click to be delayed weather a certain condition kicks in, or some time passed to end the slide and then jump to the new page. I have been looking throughout the web and found no hint helping me to tackle this. delay() and setTimeout() dont seem to work the way i used them.
I am sure there is a way, its just the blind man's stick in my eye that keeps me from it. I hope someone can help me with this.
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Oct 5, 2010
Heres the general idea of what I want to be able to do
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Oct 18, 2010
What I've already build can be found on demo. The Idea:I wanted to build a menu that when you hover the menu button the menubuttons slides up, when it is ready all the menubuttons will slide down. The next may slidedown when the first one is ready, etc.When you leave you mouse outside the picture, all the menuitems must slide up (like to have them slideup like it works when they slidedown) and the menubutton must slide down.The idea works, so that's not the problem, maybe the code could be better, but I thinks that's for later.The problem:When a user hovers very fast between menubutton and outside the picture the menubutton is slidedup, down etc. When you do this even faster the menuitems are stuck and shown, and that is not what I want.
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Mar 25, 2010
I've noticed after some code investigation that I cannot execute jQuery within 'included' php sites. The structure looks like the following:
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Dec 14, 2009
I'm not sure if the subject describes what I'm asking very well, but it's the best I can think of. In this example:
$(".nav a").bind("click", function(event, i) {
Is there a way to get the index of the a you clicked passed into the handler? Like if I clicked the second A i would = 2.Same question for any jquery method actually. Since they all work off of collections I'd like to be able to get the index on anything.
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Aug 6, 2010
I'm trying to use delay() before changing the html contents of an object.Eg. myobj.text("Hi There").fadeIn().delay(2000).text("Bye!").fadeOut();The result of this is that it just shows "Bye!" then fades, without any delay. So delay() seems only to work only with effects methods (fade, etc) not with other methods.Is there any way of getting around this and making a pause between any type of method in a queue?
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Dec 4, 2010
I'm working on a weather api. A call to an internal PHP page GETs XML and returns JSON. However, I cannot get it to evaluate as an array:
type: "GET",
url: baseUrl + "weather_data/get_forecast",
Firebug (FF 3.5) displays the response in the JSON tagged perfectly parsed, but the code above fails.
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Jul 21, 2011
I am using jQuery 1.5.1 and am seeing a problem when testing in IE7 - all other browsers are fine.I am loading a number of scripts, and the last two load in the reverse order in which their respective script tags are listed, presumably because the last one is considerably smaller than the one previous. The problem is, instead of waiting for ALL scripts to load, jQuery begins processing the ready handlers before the final script loads. Subsequently, my handlers attempt to access objects that aren't defined, yet.Is this a known problem that is fixed in later jQuery versions, and is there some way I can work around this to ensure the ready handlers actually wait until ALL the scripts are loaded?
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May 20, 2010
I need my code to execute something AFTER all images are loaded, but I don't know how?
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Jan 5, 2012
I have a textbox and a button. When someone clicks the button, then the ajaxStop() event fires properly. However, when someone types in the textbox and hits the Enter key, the ajaxStop() event does not get fired. Here's the relevant code bits:
The textbox:
var keywords = document.createElement('input');
keywords.setAttribute('onkeyup', '$(this).keyup(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { $("#submit_button").click(); } })');
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May 11, 2010
Basically I want to prevent a user from moving to another field if the current one is invalid (non-numeric).I've tried a few things that I though would do the job, I've also tried using the change event with the last line (resetting the focus to the current element) but no dice.
jQuery('.setupprice, .monthlyprice, .quantity','#config_dialog').live('focusout',function(e)
var val = parseFloat(jQuery(this).val());
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Jun 22, 2011
I have a form element that is readonly. <input type="text" id="kfs_acct_1" readonly="false" /> This field is dynamically populated an making it readonly prevents users from changing the value in this field. The problem I have is users click on the field and try to delete it's value. They click in the field and hit their Backspace key. This takes them away from the page to the page from whence they came. Because of the way the form is set up, doing this makes them loose all the data in the form (the one with the readonly box). How can I prevent the Backspace key from fireing and taking the user away from this page? I've tried a few things, but apparently making a field readonly keeps some key events from being seen.
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