JQuery :: Eval Fails In Ajax Call?
Dec 4, 2010
I'm working on a weather api. A call to an internal PHP page GETs XML and returns JSON. However, I cannot get it to evaluate as an array:
type: "GET",
url: baseUrl + "weather_data/get_forecast",
Firebug (FF 3.5) displays the response in the JSON tagged perfectly parsed, but the code above fails.
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Aug 1, 2010
I'm doing a JSONP query of a Wordpress database. Example call:[URL].. This code returns the expected data when executed on my local server. It also returns the expected data when I upload it to one of my remote servers. But it fails when run from the root of the domain it's calling, [URL]... no data is returned. (Behavior is the same for latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome.)
I think there's something really simple going wrong here but don't know what it is. The only clue I have is provided by Firefox: When run successfully, all of the GET's appear in the JS subpanel of NET. The failed calls, launched from the domain containing the database, are listed in the XHR subpanel with a status of "301 Moved Permanently".
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Oct 26, 2011
I have an AJAX call to a data grid. The datagrid is authored by Advanced Power of PHP [URL]
I don't want to get crazy and modify the data grid to give me different responses back but rather when it sends a response like this back to the browser via AJAX:
HTML Code:
<form name="frmPagingUpper" id="frmPagingUpper" action="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px;"><table class="blue_class_paging_table" dir="ltr" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 90%;" border="0"><tbody><tr><td class="class_nowrap" align="left"></td><td class="class_nowrap"
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Jul 13, 2011
I have been trying to fix Ajax call for Chrome and Safari and going nowhere.Somehow when the request is sent to the server, UPC gets blank even though upc has some value.This works in Firefox and IE.
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Mar 22, 2010
i have a very simple ajax request, on Chrome and FF, IE 8 it works very well. IE 8 returns "error", "complete"
the content /test.php :
Ajax request:
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Jul 19, 2011
Maybe it isn't really best practice (as it turns out) to use both jQuery and Dojo in the same application, but there are things I like about both libraries (for example jQuery is faster with animations, while Dojo has interface objects I like better). Nonetheless, best practice or not, I use both and that seem to create some complications.
The first time I load content via AJAX with jQuery DOJO seems to properly parse the checkboxes, datetime pickers, etc. which are sent with the new HTML. However, it seems the second time the parser won't react. I'm calling dojo.parser.parse() every time I load content with jQuery's $.ajax call. So basically my code looks like this:
url: 'ajax.php',
success: function(data){
It's like when an ID has been treated once by Dojo it doesn't want to do it again. there's a way to let Dojo know it has to parse the same IDs again?
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Oct 27, 2009
I'm so happy my jquery is dispatching a serverside script (ajax) and it is working I have verified in the database.Now I would like to provide some feedback to the user so first go will be alert, later I will do something snazzy.I am just getting head around jQuery, so please excuse noobness of question. I will think that either one or the other of these alerts below would fire, but neither of them do and nothing also logs in the console.
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Apr 3, 2008
I am wondering how possible it is to use eval() to parse javascrpt that is pulled in through ajax(innerHTML)? I have found a few notes about this, such as:
var myObj = eval ( xmlhttp.responseText );
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Oct 1, 2009
I'm using an .ajax() call to do a jsonp request to another domain. When the user is not logged in, however, the server will return a 401 error. Unfortunately, this causes my .ajax() call to fail _without_ calling the error callback. Is this a known bug? Here is my code:
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May 28, 2011
While doing simple interactive mathematical calculator for my son, i came across some issues. in the beginning i was working on Firefox 4.0.1 Fedora 15 didn't get any issue yet when i switched for google-chrome 11.0.696.68 the script didn't work anymore. i trimmed it down to simplest form possible and here i demonstrate:
<script type="text/javascript">
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May 6, 2010
I have a problem where if a form submission (set up to submit via AJAX) fails validation, the next time the form is submitted, it doubles the number of post requests - which is definitely not what I want to happen. I'm using the jQuery ValidationEngine plugin to submit forms and bind validation messages to my fields. This is my code below. I think my problem is that I need to unbind from the validationEngine plugin when the form fails, but I can't figure out how to do this.
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Jun 17, 2011
Could someone help me figure out why this AJAX request is not completed in Internet Explorer.
function openmanagegraphs() {
document.getElementById('managegraphs').style.display = 'block';
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
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Jan 20, 2010
I am trying to populate page elements from an AJAX call, which returns JSON.
For some reason, JSON that looks like this, fails to evaluate, I'd like to understand what's wrong with it.
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Dec 14, 2010
The general framework is a simple user login function. The user name is selected and a password entered as usual. The function grabs the element values and passes them to a php page that queries the database. An AJAX call returns the password to the function and then I want the innerHTML to be a choice of two web pages, depending on success or failure of validation. There are existing AJAX functions available on the internet but they are overly complicated for what I think should be a simple, quick to load function.
Where I am stuck is that the standard procedure to make an AJAX call is the browser window event. How do you make the call from within the function? I have tried creating two new variables, "success" and "again" to replace xmlhttp, but still stumble on the event to assign a value. I left the blank password protection (if statement) with that variable to demonstrate what I mean.
I've put in my code below, which is in development and successfully alters the innerHTML text depending on user input but I can't figure out how to insert the relevant php page. I have '// out' the testing bits, but left them for info. (I have tried full 'scripting' as the innerHTML, but it's messy.)
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Mar 16, 2011
I wrote the following code with Dreamweaver:
If I run it in Dreamweaver It works and the alert success is raised, but If I run this code into Safari or Chrome the Error alert is always raised.
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May 10, 2011
My goal is to get some HTML content including some UI widgets and other stuff via an ajax call. To clarify my goal and the strange behavior, I attached some HTML files, that you can run for yourself. Open the index.html will show you some UI widgets, which are pulled from the ajax.html via ajax. When you scroll to the bottom you can see the same content inserted a second time. But this time, the widgets are not "rendered". It looks if the "button()" calls etc. are not executed.
The only difference is the way I insert the result of the ajax call. The first time I insert the hole content received by the ajax call, the second time I only insert the content of a special div. The goal in this is to get various chunks of content with one ajax request and replace "div#one" and "div#two" with different parts of my site. Which is not working. Is it generally okay to receive html content which has some script parts to be executed via ajax and what is wrong with my second approach?
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Aug 9, 2009
I'm currently using the dialog functionality (modal form) from UI library to submit data to the database. All the validation checks have been running ok until one of the validation checks requires a ajax call to check if a username exist in the database. I'm fairly new to both javascript and jquery so this could be a fairly basic blunder. Initially, i thought it was an synchronicity problem, but I changed the $.ajax async option to true but still no joy, so maybe it something to do with scope etc?
Here's the code:
function checkIfUsername(){
type: "POST",
url: ""+CI_ROOT+"index.php/admin/check_if_username",
data: ({username: username.val()}),
async: false,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data){
returnUsernameBool(username, data);
}function returnUsernameBool(o, data){
if(data.bool == true){
updateTips("Your username must be unique");
alert('false'); //this works
return false; //still can't return bool
alert('true'); //this works
return true; //still can't return bool
bValid = bValid && checkIfUsername(username);
alert(bValid); //still gives undefined
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Sep 6, 2009
I am trying to set an html attribute after an AJAX call. Works great on the initial tab I can't get it to work on the rest [code]...
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Jan 25, 2011
Is it possible to get a return value from a page call within an ajax call? For example,
Here I make an ajax call from a click on a div. I then call "_insert_new_request.php" page, with a param of "partner_id_link".
Can I return a value from the "_insert_new_request.php"? and how?
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Jul 6, 2010
I am planning to use an AJAX call to a PHP script that accesses a REST servlet. My php script would be very simple; something like:
I'm an experienced programmer, but I'm fairly new to web development, so I am having trouble interpreting this error. What have I done wrong? Is this the proper way to call a PHP script with AJAX?
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Apr 28, 2006
Ok so, this is my purpose:
- to be able to load asynchronously (via AJAX) some javascript ads (like google's or adbrite) so as to make them be loaded in the background, then update the page after the ads have loaded via innerHTML
-Because 90% of the time in my newer sites, javascript ads are the major offender in terms of speed of page rendering
My problem:
Via ajax, I can call a php file that retrieves some javascript and outputs it, XMLhttprequest returns those javascript lines, but they don't render in the page, since they miss the whole page loading, and are apparently not parsed
For example, let's say I call a php file via ajax, and it returns the output into a variable named "text" containing "document.write('hello')"
if I use xxx.innerHTML=text, nothing happens
My 1st solution:
Passing those javascript lines to eval() [like eval(text) ], but this produces a second problem, that I couldn't solve (probably because of my lack of knowledge in javascipt):
if I eval the code, it deletes my current page and renders a new one
for example, if I parse a document.write, my page disappears, and a new one is rendered with the document.write text
What I want is basically to make that "document.write" appear inside a div in my page, adding to the content (and not overwriting the whole page), much like what happens when using innerHTML
Is this even possible? How would you go about it?
I tried xxx.innerHTML=eval(outputfromphpfile) but it overwrites my whole page...
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Apr 9, 2011
I have a page that creates one unordered list from the contents of another list. The second list is created from a database query and is hidden on the page. I have written a JQuery function shown below that does an AJAX call which causes the hidden list to be created and that is working perfectly. The problem is that when the code following the AJAX call is executed it doesn't see the hidden list. The alert message displays 0 the first time. clicking on the Load button a second time results in the first list being displayed. If I click on the Load button a third time, the previously loaded list is displayed; click on a fourth time and the new list is displayed.
In other words, it takes two cycles to display the correct list. I am at a loss as to what might be the problem. Other than this issue the code does what I need it to do.
$(function() {
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Oct 15, 2010
Strange behaviour: User enters text into textarea - text includes URL with protocol e.g. [URL]. JSON call fails with 403 forbidden. It seems the the serialised content is being interpreted as a cross domain call (my guess). Any other text works - Even if the user enters "http://www.u", but as soon as the input qualifies as a url, I get a 403.
The code extract:
var formText = $("#contributioncontrol").serialize();
$.getJSON('[URL]',formText, function(response) {
if (response.ERROR != true) {
var output = response.HTML;
If the user enters http://www.url.com in the textarea on the form then The request looks like this: [URL]. The '/' chars in the line above are replaced by% 3 A % 2 F % 2 F (without spaces - Don't know how to stop browser interpreting the encoded stuff).
And the response like this:
<title>403 Forbidden</title>
<p>You don't have permission to access /API/createcontribution.php on this server.</p>
<p>Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.</p>
<address>Apache mod_fcgid/2.3.5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ Server at www.mysite.com Port 80</address>
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Jul 5, 2010
i have a set of select fields, which when selected, send a value via ajax, to return a sub-selection for further choice. I have 3 levels of sub-categories like this. For some reason it works in FF only - not IE. [URl]..
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Feb 16, 2011
I am using an ajax call when clicked on a link... It asks whether you want to continue or not and if you say "ok" then it uses a perl script to delete something from the db.[code]So I was able to call confirm on each of those links and if agreed use an ajax call to a perl script to wipe the user from database. The thing is that I had to usereturn false; in the end of my js call (after ajax) otherwise the link would take me to the script, which I dont want to. I want to remain at main level (to be able to see all users)... Now how do i refresh the page after such deletion? Lets image this scenario:
User clicks on link_to_delete Brad => confirm => he confirms by clicking ok => ajax call to perl script that handles the deletion of Brad => return false (I want to remain at index.pl) => HOW DO I REALOAD INDEX.pl ? I deleted Brad but I can still see him cause the page has old data.
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Nov 16, 2010
I need to append a parameter during an ajax call: I was thinking about something like below:
The problem seems to be with the ajaxSend parameters. It seems that I cannot modify none of them:
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