JQuery :: Inserting HTML From Another Page Into DIV
Dec 7, 2011
I know this functionality can be achieved using frames, but I'm trying to avoid that because it seems to break everything else when I do use them!
Here is a snapshot from my website, in basic form at the moment:
What I am trying to do is: make the names on the left side adjust the text on the right side. However, I would like to be able to put the text / pictures for each link in a separate HTML, to make it easy to update and add new ones in the future. Is there some way to do this in jQuery, preferably that does not require a huge knowledge of programming?
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Jun 25, 2010
I'm trying to dynamically insert the Tweetmeme button using Javascript. I'm currently using jQuery throughout the site. Here's the script that I'm using. I basically want to cycle through all the blog entries with a class of journal-entry and append the following JavaScript to the end. This Javascript comes straight from[URL].. This doesn't work for me though and it has something to do with the code between append(). It doesn't like the second set of script tags.
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Jan 16, 2010
my script looks like this:
var doc = frames[0].document;
"data" is a string with html content. this works quite good in all browsers but I wonder if there is a better solution.firefox doesn't load the content correctly if the content is too large and doc.close() is called too early.
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Jul 13, 2009
I've been working on this for quite a while trying to figure out why I can only get a click to be recognized by IE once. If a user clicks on another element, and then goes back to the original one, nothing happens. I've gone right down to this
jQuery("ul.showList li.show div.showData, ul.myShowsList li.show
div.showData, ul.myFriendsShowsList li.show div.showData,
div#popForecast li.show div.showData, div#gigList li.show
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Oct 15, 2009
I have a form which is used to write recipes. I have a part of the form to list ingredients which uses 3 for fields, one for quantity one for measurement and one for the ingredient.Quantity is a text field and the other two are selects. The measurement select options are hard coded and the ingredients available are retrieved from a db and added with PHP. Under this I have a button that I would like to use to get the values of these form fields when clicked and apend to the value of a hidden form field which will be a multi dimensional array of those three values for each ingredient used. I would also like it to get the text values and print them to an empty element so the user can see what they are adding.
Form Code :
<label for="quantity">Quantity</label>
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May 4, 2010
inserting a result of a SQL query into a html template.I've got a function which sends a query to a client side database und should afterwards show the result on the html side. Here is my function:
function refreshEntries() {
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Jan 13, 2010
I found the following code on a web site. It creates a small frame inside a web page. The code is too advanced for me to understand. It does the job for me. What I would like to do is insert a small table in the frame. I don't know at what point and how to add the HTML code. I would also like to add a link to a CSS file.
function move_box(an, box)
{ var cleft = 0;
var ctop = 0;
var obj = an;
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Apr 15, 2010
I'm trying to make a script (i'm a bit of a JS newb) which is called every time a change is made to an input box and will show an image either a tick/check or a cross depending on whether the values of two total boxes match. The script looks right to me but the image doesn't show.
HTML Code:
<?php include 'includes/config.inc.php'; ?>
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Apr 25, 2009
I want to insert html/php content into my existing html. I've put together the following code, which works except for the first line:
div.innerHTML = '<param name="userId" value="<' + '?php echo $_SESSION["userId"] ?' + '>">
<param name="id" value="' + id + '">
<param name="title" value="' + title + '">
<param name="type" value="rfq">';
The first line incorrectly comes out as:
<param name="userId" value="<?php echo $_SESSION[" userId="" ]="" ?="">" />
I want it to come out as (after being parsed by php):
<param name="userId" value="user123">
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Nov 10, 2010
I have a html template and I want to insert a deeplink tag like this
<a href='{deeplink}'>nice name</a>
Because I want an output like this:
<a href='[URL]'>nice name</a>
When I do this the output is like this:
<a href='<strong>Deeplink</strong>: <a href="[URL]" onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank','location=1,resizable=1,status=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=1,menubar=1');return false">[URL]</a><br />'>nice name</a>
How can I trim this code to get the results I mentioned before.
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Sep 26, 2011
I'm giving away a freebie on my blog for other people to use on their blogs. It's an add-on thingy that allows their readers to share their blog posts on social networks like Twitter, etc.Since I doubt the people who will be using this freebie are experts when it comes to HTML, I don't want to dump a lot of code on them. I want to give it to them in just a few lines of code.An external JS file works great for this... well, sort of. Basically, this is how the add-on is supposed to work.
My JS file is going to create a bunch of divs, spans, links, and all that lovely stuff, and give them some classes and styling. Then, there's going to be another script (not my own) that I'll be giving away along with my JS script. This script is an AddThis script (AddThis, if you didn't know, is a sharing and bookmarking service used on many sites). This AddThis script basically takes the HTML elements I created in my script (which it can identify by the classes I defined), and make them clickable, and do stuff that I don't want to bother to make them do myself. In other words, it makes my job MUCH easier, in addition to giving the person using my freebie the ability to see who is sharing their blog posts.
creating all these HTML elements was the use innerHTML(). But the problem is that while my script loads fine, the AddThis script doesn't add the classes that it's supposed to. The AddThis script does load, and I've checked my script for errors and I don't see any, so I assume for some reason AddThis is unable to add the classes. So, I tried createElement(). Same exact elements being created, but I get the same problem I have with innerHTML().So, I tried document.write() and everything worked exactly as it's supposed to, which is great, but I know how evil everyone says document.write is, and the last thing I want to do is be evil, LOL.
I think I've tried everything now, even a normal HTML page in an iframe, but that doesn't work because the AddThis script gets the URL of the current page so it can use it for sharing the blog post (like in a tweet), and I don't want the source of the iframe as the URL!
I would like to know how I can make either innerHTML() or createElement() work for this script, and if it's impossible, maybe you can at least tell me WHY it's not working. For me, there's nothing worse than not knowing why something isn't working!
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Feb 6, 2009
Suppose I have a page that I cannot edit(in before "get a real host") but can apply Javascript to. For stylistic purposes, I would like to wrap the contents of the page in a <div> or <table>. Could I use Javascript to insert the needed HTML tags directly after the <body> tag in a fashion similar to document.write? I'm not very familiar with Javascript, but I've tried a few half-baked solutions of my own using GetElementsByTagName('body') and other variants, but no luck. I've tried scanning Google as well but I couldn't find anything that would work for me there either but I'm not sure if that's because I wasn't searching for the right keywords or what.
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Mar 29, 2006
I've been trying JavaScript a little bit. I beginned by changing
an image using a very simple:
document.getElementById(...).src="new image"
Which worked fine.
However this does not work if Firefox is configured with
the "Change images" disabled... Fair enough.
Now I'd like to try something else: not "changing" an image
but inserting a new image, in a page that had no image
I'd like to do this because the image isn't ready yet when
the user arrives on the page: I want the page to already
render the text, then "insert" an image once the server
is done creating it.
For example, when the user arrives on the page, he sees
the following text:
"Please wait while the server is preparing the data
you want to visualize"
And then after a few seconds the image appears (the
script checks data on the server every second using
XmlHttp requests and once the server warns that he's
ready, I modify the src of an 1x1 image).
As I already said, it works if I change the src of an
image already present on the page (like a 1x1 white
pixel on a white background) but now I'd like
to know if it's possible to insert a whole new image
in a page that had none previously.
Note that I'm not necessarly looking for something that
works even when Firefox's "Change images" is disabled
but simply as to how to insert a new image in a page
instead of changing a 1x1 white pixel.
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Apr 9, 2004
how to add pop up window in my home page.
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Sep 2, 2009
I was wondering if it is possible to do something like below using JS.Say I have some hidden text at the top of an HTML page and an empty tag at the bottom of the page.Is there any way JS could grab the content inside #text and move it inside #empty_container when the page loads?
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Jun 21, 2010
I need to insert the data into a textarea from a text file when the user loads the browser..
and I am using this program to do it..but its throwing error 405, I dont know whats the problem.
<script type="text/javascript">
function getfile()
xmlHttp = GetXmlHttpObject();
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Jun 27, 2010
I need to have a simple text input field on a html page. It needs the users to type in either:
And depending on whats entered this will then take them to the corresponding:
Is this possible with javascript?
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Feb 7, 2011
I have this normal HTML page, starts with <!DOCTYPE ...... and end with </html>, nothing special, what I need is to get every character from the beginning to the end.I've tried $("html").html(), but this cannot get the <!DOCTYPE line and also the <html> line, but only the codes inside the <html> tag, how can I get all ?
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Jun 9, 2010
I am working on a page that will load in other pages using AJAX and the .html method. Something like this :
<span id = "edit">Edit</span>
<div id = "cont">
//the click edit script
Unfortunately this does not seem to work, entirely. It does trigger the click event but it messes up the post for some reason. I have played around with it for the last 45 minutes or so and it seems like the click event trigger is what is messing things up, if I comment it out it works fine. Could anyone tell me why they think this is? note this is an over simplified version of my actual code, but the structure is the same.
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Apr 20, 2010
How to test if a html page has a parent page?Let me explain: I use the (great) Colorbox plugin and I like to apply jquery functions only if a page is in an Colorbox iframe.So, basically, I'd like to know how to determine with jQuery if a page has a parent page (= is in a Colorbox iframe).
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Apr 7, 2010
I have a html document with some jquery which is working fine...i pasted the same code in aspx page but its not working properly...i am not able to make out where the problem lies...
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Jul 28, 2011
I know how to employ .load() to bring a partial doc.html into a receptacle division upon menu selection, but am still unclear after reading the api whether I can also load a dedicated .css file for it ...I suppose prior to content load(?)... or if I can/should outfit the doc.html with <head><style> yada yada</style></head> and load it as one doc..
Or is one obliged to write out the entire styling for the doc.html in camelCase as a string enclosed in .css() ??
These are various stories fetchable via a menu. Each one has a different and detailed set of classes for styling..
Lastly, should I identify each story as an id or class?
What I'm not wrapping my head around is how to lay out the stylesheet. If a particular story ...(I'm using the same name as its document page (minus '.html')... is denoted as a class or id, then how do I assure that all the classes and id's which are in effect subordinate only to that id or class name also get loaded...?
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May 16, 2010
I have a web site which main page is index2.html I need a script that when I refresh the page it takes me to index3.html or index#.html in a random fashion. the list of index numbers is 10 so far.
etc etc
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Dec 28, 2010
I tried to load 1 html through ajax and javascript and it worked.But i want to load more than one and i cant.I thought that it would be a good idea to put the ajax files to the external websites and put the same load button.I tried this idea but it doesn work.I can only load one external website.
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Mar 9, 2009
exporting field value from one html to another html page. I have created such a script, but it opens the second html page in a new window every time. I need a script which would recognize the existing open window rather than trying to open a new window. Here are the two pages
Page 1 ( from where the field values are getting exported)
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function Fill(f) {
if(f.form1.checked == true) {
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Feb 18, 2011
I have an external page with some rudimentary html in the source code missing many tags.. a bit like the below. On a page hosted elsewhere I need to take the html from this external page and add and remove certain parts of it and add some styling such as line breaks before ^FIELD01. I've looked at jquery and AJAX but cant find anything to suit my needs. I think what I am struggling with most is having this page in a variable to then be able to edit it.
<form name="dancesearch" action="JJList.html?PHPSESSID=604918b69ab9936e638b5d48cdc142a3&xt=673">
^FIELD01: Dance Name<input name="ts" type="text" size="20" maxlength="25" />
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