Inserting Hidden Content On Page Into Between Tags
Sep 2, 2009
I was wondering if it is possible to do something like below using JS.Say I have some hidden text at the top of an HTML page and an empty tag at the bottom of the page.Is there any way JS could grab the content inside #text and move it inside #empty_container when the page loads?
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Jun 25, 2010
I'm trying to dynamically insert the Tweetmeme button using Javascript. I'm currently using jQuery throughout the site. Here's the script that I'm using. I basically want to cycle through all the blog entries with a class of journal-entry and append the following JavaScript to the end. This Javascript comes straight from[URL].. This doesn't work for me though and it has something to do with the code between append(). It doesn't like the second set of script tags.
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Aug 31, 2010
I want to insert a nested <div> into an existing span in a number of table cells, each of which has different content, so:
would be 'converted' to
I have tried:
$('tr td span').prepend("<div>");
$('tr td span').append("</div>");
However, this actually seems to produce
I have also tried something along the lines of
$('tr td span').html("<div>" + $(this).text() + "</div>");
but have been having trouble using the this keyword to produce the required effect.
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Aug 15, 2006
I'm trying to set adwords up unobtrusively. It will be nice to easily change styles site wide and and serve them to all of the pages in the site without having to go in and manually stick them in the pages (not too mention w3c validation ).
So can anyone help me make this code work?
It's sent to the div onload
I'm also using prototype for getElementsByClassName
HTML Code:
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Oct 23, 2005
The content of my webpage is all contained in hidden divs. These divs are shown when a link in the nav bar is clicked. At the moment, ALL divs are hidden on page load, only the nav bar is visible. Is there a way to have one of the divs visable when the page loads? i.e the 'home' page.
function init(){
if(document.getElementById && document.createTextNode){
var mn=document.getElementById('nav');
var as=mn.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i=0;i<as.length;i++){
as[i]. false}
as[i]. false}
function show(l){
var id=l.href.match(/#(w.+)/)[1];
function hidem(){
for (var i=0;i<document.getElementsByTagName('div').length;i++){
The function init() is called on page load.
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Feb 4, 2009
I am using the following JQuery function to rotate content on my webpage on page refresh. It works perfectly, but all items are displayed while the page is loading before they are hidden. It looks a little odd from the user's point of view as they see all items and then they disappear. how I can make it hide all rotating content while the page loads - then just display the correct content once page has loaded?
<script type="text/javascript">
var randNum = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2))+1;
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Nov 10, 2010
I'm using JQuery to write content into an otherwise empty iframe like so:
The content is coming from an Ajax request. The content gets used more than once on the page for other purposes which is why I don't simply change the iframe src--I have to do an ajax request regardless so I'm trying to avoid multiple calls.
After I load the content, I need modify the height of the iframe so it fits snuggly around the content.
Calculating the height isn't a problem with the exception that it's not always correct and I think it's because the calculation is happening before images have downloaded.
I don't seem to be able to rely on a `load` or `ready` event to delay the calculation. The load event is the only one that tiggers on a change of iframe content, but it doesn't see the new content.
$('iframe').each(function () {
$(this).load(function () {
This will output '<html><body></body></html>' even though I have successfully inserted different content.
Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong, or if it's possible to do what I want reliably?
Note that a general JS solution will be appreciated as much as a JQuery one.
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Mar 6, 2006
I'm trying to insert a javascript variable into a hidden input form
field. Here's what it looks like:
<form name="loginForm"
<input type="hidden" name="pss" value="`G_NEW_PASSWORD.value`">
<input type="hidden" name="usr" value="">
<input type="submit" value="Please Click Here to Continue">
and then later down the page I try to reassign "usr" like this:
var allcookies = document.cookie;
var position = allcookies.indexOf("user=");
var start = position + 5;
var end = allcookies.indexOf(";", start);
if (end == -1) end = allcookies.length;
var valueofuser = allcookies.substring(start, end);
valueofuser = unescape (valueofuser);
document.loginForm.usr.value = valueofuser;
I can see it is printing out document.write(valueofuser) correctly, so
I know it is grabbing the user name. But it doesn't seem to want to
insert it into the form on the next line. Any suggestions?
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Nov 27, 2006
I am trying to do something, which should be fairly easy. I have a link that is defined as:
<a href="javascript: doTemplates(<?php echo $toggle_templates; ?>);" title="Click to show/hide message templates.">
The php code simply echos either 1 or 0 depending if the templates should be shown. Then I have the following function, doTemplates() defined as:
function doTemplates(input)
document.write('<input type="hidden" name="showMessageTemplates" value="' + input + '" />');
The problem is that when you click the link, the page simply reloads to a blank page with the only code being the hidden field. This is not what I want, I want the hidden field code to be passed along, and then for the form to submit. So, what should have is that the hidden field code is added, and then the form submits.
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Nov 25, 2009
I have:
var moreinfo ="";
moreinfo+= "here some content";
And this inserts "here some content" in a div called divMoreInfo.
Now divMoreInfo is placed inside an iframe while the rest of the programming has to be in the parent page... How do I insert moreinfo's contents in the iframe's div?
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Apr 25, 2009
I want to insert html/php content into my existing html. I've put together the following code, which works except for the first line:
div.innerHTML = '<param name="userId" value="<' + '?php echo $_SESSION["userId"] ?' + '>">
<param name="id" value="' + id + '">
<param name="title" value="' + title + '">
<param name="type" value="rfq">';
The first line incorrectly comes out as:
<param name="userId" value="<?php echo $_SESSION[" userId="" ]="" ?="">" />
I want it to come out as (after being parsed by php):
<param name="userId" value="user123">
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Jan 16, 2010
my script looks like this:
var doc = frames[0].document;;
"data" is a string with html content. this works quite good in all browsers but I wonder if there is a better solution.firefox doesn't load the content correctly if the content is too large and doc.close() is called too early.
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Dec 13, 2011
I have two divs: #div1 and #div2. what I'm trying to do is attach the second div to follow directly to the right of the first div, but I'm doing something wrong with the left property:
$('#div2').show().css({$('#div1').css('left', 100%)});so to recap, just trying to insert the second div directly to the right of the first one.
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Jul 20, 2010
Most Jquery I have seen 'pushes' the content above or below it up or down the page as it reveals the hidden content, the above example reveals the content over the top without pushing out any other content which is what I am looking for I have tried to take the code and everything works aside from those tabs!! I was hoping somebody has a link to another site that does the same effect
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Sep 29, 2011
I have 4 div tags which are hidden to begin with from the css as shown below:
The contents of these is pulled out of a db and so the quantity of text changes (within certain parameters) and so the size of the divs changes, hence no height: setting.
I know I could get around this by setting an absolute height and using overflow to show a scrollbar but I would rather not have a scrollbar as the amount of text will only be 100-200 words.
Elsewhere I have used the following script to equalise div tags
I tried this for my div tags but because they initially start with display:none it sets the height of them to zero. Is there a simple way to make all of these the same height whilst they are hidden?
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Nov 22, 2011
If there are multiple hyperlinks in a webpage, How do I recognize them using java script. Also How do I store the content of the hyperlink in a variable , so that the data stored in the variable will be used the query a database and populate results in another webpage For example there are many links in the webpage like this
<a href="update.php">text 1</a>.
<a href="update.php">text 2</a>
<a href="update.php">text N</a>
User can click any one of the hyperlinks in the webpage. If user clicks on hyperlink 'text4', text4 should be saved in a variable. Then pass the variable value to update.php , where database is queried using the statement "SELECT text4 from table sometable" and results are populated.
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Jan 17, 2010
I have html code:
$(document).ready(function() {
<span> These span should not be deleted
<span style="color: black; font-weight: normal;">
<font size="5"> I want to be here without tags span
and Font
How to delete tags <span> but remain the text between them? Also other <span> do not delete ...
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Dec 17, 2011
I am trying to create an AJAX website. The content that will be updated is text description of the product. I am wondering how would I be able to add HTML tags within the content of my XML? For example, ProductA.XML:
<description>This product was inspired by <a href="jason.html">Jason</a></description>
To be clear, I am using AJAX to retrieve XML documents. The XML will be formatted via XSL. Is this the correct format?
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Mar 29, 2006
I've been trying JavaScript a little bit. I beginned by changing
an image using a very simple:
document.getElementById(...).src="new image"
Which worked fine.
However this does not work if Firefox is configured with
the "Change images" disabled... Fair enough.
Now I'd like to try something else: not "changing" an image
but inserting a new image, in a page that had no image
I'd like to do this because the image isn't ready yet when
the user arrives on the page: I want the page to already
render the text, then "insert" an image once the server
is done creating it.
For example, when the user arrives on the page, he sees
the following text:
"Please wait while the server is preparing the data
you want to visualize"
And then after a few seconds the image appears (the
script checks data on the server every second using
XmlHttp requests and once the server warns that he's
ready, I modify the src of an 1x1 image).
As I already said, it works if I change the src of an
image already present on the page (like a 1x1 white
pixel on a white background) but now I'd like
to know if it's possible to insert a whole new image
in a page that had none previously.
Note that I'm not necessarly looking for something that
works even when Firefox's "Change images" is disabled
but simply as to how to insert a new image in a page
instead of changing a 1x1 white pixel.
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Apr 9, 2004
how to add pop up window in my home page.
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Oct 19, 2011
I'm trying to write a RegEx function that will remove all HTML tags AND the content in between.
I'm finding a lot of functions that will strip out JUST the tags (leaving the in between content), or will remove tags and content for specific tags only (or will allow only specified tags, removing all else.) But I can't quite seem to write a mask that will take out ALL HTML tags and their content.
Here is the mask I have now (fiftieth version of it, anyway):
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May 3, 2005
I am using the following code to hide a <tr>. The script does its job, however before hiding the <tr>, when the cookie is set to true the hidden content flickers for half a second before being hidden. Is there something I am doing wrong or is the problem in style.display="none";?
function ShowHide(DivId)
var DivId=document.getElementById(DivId);
{ = "inline";
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Dec 7, 2011
I know this functionality can be achieved using frames, but I'm trying to avoid that because it seems to break everything else when I do use them!
Here is a snapshot from my website, in basic form at the moment:
What I am trying to do is: make the names on the left side adjust the text on the right side. However, I would like to be able to put the text / pictures for each link in a separate HTML, to make it easy to update and add new ones in the future. Is there some way to do this in jQuery, preferably that does not require a huge knowledge of programming?
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Sep 22, 2009
I have just setup jeditable for a text area and this works fine however when I activate / click on the text area to bring up the editor, the content is filled with br tags (example below). How to convert the br tags into tags before it is displayed?
comment 001<br><br>
comment 002<br><br>
comment 003<br>
Comment 4
JQuery code
$(".editable_textarea").editable("update-comment.php", {
indicator : '<img src="/intranet/media/icons/indicator.gif">',
type : 'textarea',
submitdata: { _method: "put" },
select : true,
submit : 'OK',
width : 400,
rows : 3,
cancel : 'cancel',
cssclass : "editable",
id : 'comm_id',
name : 'comm_details'
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Apr 17, 2010
I'm recieving an HTML piece from wich I should get all the TD tags, for example, I recieve the following:
<td>name</td> <td>surname</td>
Then I must look for "<td>[anything]</td>" with a regex and and I build an array containing the text inside the tags, like
tags[0] = "name";
tags[1] = "surname";
So... I did this:
html = "<tr><td>name</td> <td>surname</td></tr>";
var reg = new RegExp('<td[^>]*>(.*)</td>', 'gim');
var matches = html.match(reg);
The problem is that I'm getting just ONE array element with the value:
"<td>name</td> <td>surname</td>"
instead of two values (on for name and another for surname).I testes a lot of different regex and also some string methods but I cannot make it work
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Jun 21, 2010
I need to insert the data into a textarea from a text file when the user loads the browser..
and I am using this program to do it..but its throwing error 405, I dont know whats the problem.
<script type="text/javascript">
function getfile()
xmlHttp = GetXmlHttpObject();
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