Dynamically Inserting <script> Tags Into HTML On Page Load?

Jun 25, 2010

I'm trying to dynamically insert the Tweetmeme button using Javascript. I'm currently using jQuery throughout the site. Here's the script that I'm using. I basically want to cycle through all the blog entries with a class of journal-entry and append the following JavaScript to the end. This Javascript comes straight from[URL].. This doesn't work for me though and it has something to do with the code between append(). It doesn't like the second set of script tags.


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Inserting Hidden Content On Page Into Between Tags

Sep 2, 2009

I was wondering if it is possible to do something like below using JS.Say I have some hidden text at the top of an HTML page and an empty tag at the bottom of the page.Is there any way JS could grab the content inside #text and move it inside #empty_container when the page loads?

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JQuery :: Dynamically Load Data Driven Html Page?

Jun 30, 2010

So here is my problem...I've been banging my head against the wall for days with this one.How do you send data through the URL to be handled by a script in page.html, where page.html processes the data and dynamically displays the data in a modal. I can get the script to execute without trying to display in a modal, but as soon as I attempt to display in a modal, all I get is the static HTML without the jquery dynamic html.I know some code should be given, but if anyone could just walk me through the logic of why static html might be shown but not the dynamic, I think i can figure it out.

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Set HTML Image Tags Width And Height Dynamically

Sep 6, 2010

I have the task of creating an asp page that generates a standard email newsletter. The HTML Image Width and Height tags need to be set to the actual image size (no they haven't been set to a standard size on the server) as they are read in via an while loop. I believe in ASP, you are out of luck for a function that does this, so Javascript may be the way forward.

My code is as follows for the image inside an anchor tag, as you can see i tried the min and max style properties for the image, but this does not set them exactly. e.g. width="120px" height="94px", which is what is required.

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JQuery :: Load Missing Html Tags?

Apr 27, 2009

im using .load to get a part of a html site into my div.Problem:For exapmle i have some markup like:<strong>some text</strong>When i load this content the tag is closing befor of the strongtag.Looks like this:

<strong>some text</strong>
<script type="text/javascript">


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JQuery :: Inserting HTML From Another Page Into DIV

Dec 7, 2011

I know this functionality can be achieved using frames, but I'm trying to avoid that because it seems to break everything else when I do use them!
Here is a snapshot from my website, in basic form at the moment:
What I am trying to do is: make the names on the left side adjust the text on the right side. However, I would like to be able to put the text / pictures for each link in a separate HTML, to make it easy to update and add new ones in the future. Is there some way to do this in jQuery, preferably that does not require a huge knowledge of programming?

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Dynamically Load Html Without Reload?

Jul 18, 2011

I currently have a grid of thumnails which when clicked will load an image at the top of the page without reloading the page.This works wonderfully, However, what I need to do now is to produce the same thing but instead of loading an image, load an html file into the page without reloading.

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Randomizing DIVs - Display Only One Of The Tags On Each Page Load

Sep 3, 2009

I have five DIV tags that contain a photo and brief bio for partners of an accounting firm. I need to randomize these DIV tags (id="d1" - "d5") to display only one of the tags on each page load. Normally, I would do this with ColdFusion but the client isn't willing to purchase the language support for their hosting system. A sample of one of the DIVs is below.


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JQuery :: Dynamically Load Html Into A Table?

Jul 27, 2009

I am trying to dynamically load html into a table, i.e add new rows in the table if a user clicks on an element in the table. Calling code :

<TD><a href="#" onClick="javascript:AddElement('someVal',
'someOtherval');return false;">Click ME</a></TD>
No problems there, I have a function :
function AddElement(someval, i) {


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JQuery :: Inserting The Nested Tags?

Aug 31, 2010

I want to insert a nested <div> into an existing span in a number of table cells, each of which has different content, so:


would be 'converted' to


I have tried:

$('tr td span').prepend("<div>");
$('tr td span').append("</div>");

However, this actually seems to produce


I have also tried something along the lines of

$('tr td span').html("<div>" + $(this).text() + "</div>");

but have been having trouble using the this keyword to produce the required effect.

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Inserting Script Tags Unobtrusively

Aug 15, 2006

I'm trying to set adwords up unobtrusively. It will be nice to easily change styles site wide and and serve them to all of the pages in the site without having to go in and manually stick them in the pages (not too mention w3c validation ).

So can anyone help me make this code work?
It's sent to the div onload
I'm also using prototype for getElementsByClassName

HTML Code:

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JQuery :: Stripping <form> Tags - .load On My Ecommerce Page

Nov 28, 2008

I'm doing a .load on my ecommerce page which goes back and recreates a form based on the payment option selected.

I can use nusphere debugger to step through the php function and i see it returning the output properly:

But when the ajax loads it, it only sees

I googled and saw that some other frameworks strip form tags for some reason and wondered if jQuery also did that?

If i change <form to <fomr it shows all the code, so something is stripping off form tags

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Dynamically Change The Font Family Of The Loaded Html Page Of The Main Page?

Nov 4, 2010

On my webpage, I dynamically create an iFrame when a button is pressed, then load a html page from within my own domain into the iframe, based on what html page is loaded into a variable. My question is, can I dynamically change the font family of the loaded html page from the javascript of the main page? My code to create the iframe is:

function setSubTxt(){
var par = document.getElementById('parentDiv');
par.innerHTML = '<iframe src="'+subTxt+'" style="width: 375px; position: fixed; height: 365px; left: 400px; top: 145px; border=none;" name="subIframe" frameBorder=0></iframe>';
document.subIframe.document.body.style.fontFamily = "Arial";

the variable "subTxt" has the url of the html page to be loaded (always on the same domain). The code: document.subIframe.document.body.style.fontFamily = "Arial"; was my attempt to dynamically change the font, but it didn't work. Also, it should be noted that there is no font family set in the html pages which would override this.

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Dynamically Inserting Text Into Textbox...

Aug 9, 2002

I'm not very familiar with Javascript, only PHP and ASP. I want to be able to have a user click an image and have text be inserted into the textbox where the cursor is at.

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Dynamically Adding Html To A Page

Jul 23, 2005

I have two problems that I suspect will be bread-and-butter problems for the
more experienced guys on here, but I'm not the greatest with js.

NB: Code snippets at the bottom

The first problem is that after a bit of fiddling I'm getting am 'Object
Expected' error when I click on the Depot dropdown which I can't seem to get
round. The code I had was working OK but then I cut it all out, tidied it
all up, and put it back in and now it doesnt work.

The second problem is a 'How do I...'. I'm using an XML data island to
retrieve some data without submitting the form. In the first example, when
the user selects a Customer, the Depot list is updated with all the depots
for that customer; This all works fine. What I want to do now is retrieve
some more data when the Depot is selected.

I have the XML bits working; the js code snippet correctly output a series
of msgboxes with the correct value in (or at least it did until I introduced
the Object Expect error!).

However, I'm unsure as to how to display this information on the page. The
XML contains a series of Part No's and Quantities, which I'd like to display
in a table towards the bottom of the screen. The problem is that I don't
know how to dynamically create and populate this table.

The only caveat is that I dont want to show the table if no values are
returned from the query....

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Add Controls Dynamically In Html Page

Jul 23, 2005

i need to add n number of text box in a html page, the main idea is
when the user press a button apear 2 text box and if he do it again
apear 2 text box more and so on, also need that all the text boxes has
a unique id, in order to make some thing whit the values. but i dont
know how to do it.

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Dynamically Add Html Controls In Php Page?

May 10, 2011

I'm trying to add html controls dynamically. and I successful in that using clone method. But I lost my way I confused how to retrieve the values from the controls which I had cloned. Below is the simplified code i had done.


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JQuery :: Ajax.load() Seems Unable To Load HTML5 Tags Under IE?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a problem when trying to load an HTML5 element with Ajax (jQuery.load ()).Here is a simplified example of the problem.

Main page :
<!--[if lt IE 9]>


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Add Dynamically Generated HTML After The Page Has Loaded?

Mar 14, 2009

I'm trying to add dynamically generated HTML after the page has loaded. I've tried two versions.The latest versions is this, using insertBefore (as appendChild is buggy in a few browsers according to the SitePoint reference) ...


addImageField: function(x) {
var newNode = createImageField(x);
var src = document.getElementById("imageUploads");


The first alert returns: object HTMLFieldsetElement .The second alert returns: object HTMLDivElement....and the third alert fails to fire, indicating a problem with the code above.Note that if I change the problem line to remove the null reference it still doesn't work (again the third alert won't fire):



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JQuery :: Binding Events To Dynamically Created Elements That Do Don't Exist At All On Page Load

Jul 26, 2010

In the examples for live() and delegate(), the selectors match at least one element that already exists. Will either of these commands work on elements for which there is no match at all on page load?

In my case, I want to bind a keyup event to the textareas that jeditable creates. I could probably create custom plug-in (to the plug-in :) to do the job, but I'd like to use live or delegate if they would work.

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JQuery :: Dynamically Adding Elements To A Form And Inserting

Apr 13, 2010

I am currently working on a site as part of a student work term. One of the features of this site is the ability to upload a resume. The resume can have a arbitrary number of "work experiences". I have set up a form and want the user to be able to add new input elements with a click of a button. Here is a very pared down(for simplicity) version of the form:


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JQuery :: Dynamically Add Divs To HTML Page And Get Its Contents?

May 12, 2010

There is a project called Seed which allows JavaScript programs to run on the Linux desktop. There is connected project called SeedKit which runs HTML files as a Graphical User Interface front end for JavaScript files run by Seed. It acts like a webpage which rather than linked to a web-server is linked to a JavaScript program with HTML events like buton clicks etc that drives JavaScript much in the same way as normal desktop Graphical toolkits do. I hope this page from my blog starts a bit.


Both projects are quite new so is very experimental. I am not involved in the development of any of the projects but I am trying to create a few examples to show how it works. My first example is to take the contents of the log folder /var/log, display it in the SeedKit HTML file and when a user clicks on it, it displays the contents of the log file.The way I am going about this is firstly to create a two column table in the HTML thus:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

The table on the HTML file is populated with the file names but I can't get the contents of the specific div I have clicked on. I tried $(this).text() but it displays all the text in the table.

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A Way To Dynamically View A Live Source Of A .html Page??

Aug 26, 2007

Many ajax and javascript functions change the innerHTML of elements in the source, writing and rewriting things in the source

You can run any javascript function or action you want that would change the source, but when you view it, it will always show the original source before a JS function changed it

Is there a way to view the changed source after each time a JS functoin changes it??

for example:
<span id="whatever">This is the original source code</span>

then you may run this piece of JS:
whatever.innerHTML= 'Changed source code!'

but when you right click and press 'view source"
you will always get this:
<span id="whatever">This is the original source code</span>

I want to get the changed source code, maybe its possible to write the changed source code to another file, or use some kind of HTTP prog to read the changes on an html page?

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Way To Load A Page With JS - HTML And PHP

Jul 15, 2011

I'm experimenting with different ways to sequence the different coding required in order to reach the same end result (a dynamic, loaded page with results of database queries.

Whats the best way to go about it in terms of achieving best speeds possible and creating an easy to maintain and modify code? Theres lot's of different tables i need to queury. Should i...

1. Hard code only the most basic HTML tags like HTML, HEAD, and BODY, as well as container divs for the different page fragments i want. Once these are rendered (body onload), make all AJAX requests needed for all different parts of the page and load each of those segments individually and asynchronously, appending the AJAX responses to the tags once processing is complete.

2. Same as above, but instead of making Ajax queries onload, write static php for the page that loads before any HTML is rendered. This i think would make it less flexible but may be slightly faster ? Or is the speed the same as in previous example ?

3. hard code only a single HTML tag, and do all processing using AJAX, then append all the result as one big single child to the HTML tag once everything is done.

4. Is there another better way to go about it than these?

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JQuery :: Load An Html Page Into A Div And ALSO Its Own Css Page?

Jul 28, 2011

I know how to employ .load() to bring a partial doc.html into a receptacle division upon menu selection, but am still unclear after reading the api whether I can also load a dedicated .css file for it ...I suppose prior to content load(?)... or if I can/should outfit the doc.html with <head><style> yada yada</style></head> and load it as one doc..

Or is one obliged to write out the entire styling for the doc.html in camelCase as a string enclosed in .css() ??

These are various stories fetchable via a menu. Each one has a different and detailed set of classes for styling..

Lastly, should I identify each story as an id or class?

What I'm not wrapping my head around is how to lay out the stylesheet. If a particular story ...(I'm using the same name as its document page (minus '.html')... is denoted as a class or id, then how do I assure that all the classes and id's which are in effect subordinate only to that id or class name also get loaded...?

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Document.write Command To Dynamically Cretae A New Html Page

Jul 20, 2005

When using the document.write command to dynamically cretae a new html
page .. how should I use the "" charcters.

e.g. for font size="2"

As the attributes appear within " "for the purposes of the documnet.write
bit ...it just gives me errors.?

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