JQuery :: Fetching Data From Another File And Use It For Changing The "img Src"?
Nov 10, 2011
I already know that i can change the src of an image-tag with jquery / javascript.BUT my problem is, that I try to load the new src-information from a dynamic html-sheet.So every 1 second the image src should be refreshed.
Some of my code:
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
var auto_refresh = setInterval(
You can see in line 17 that it is no problem to show the fetched data from the other html-file in a div every 1 second.But I would like to change a picture dynamically.That means in detail:in the other html file stands either the value "0" or the value "1".This value should be fetched every 1 second (like the div-refresh) from the file.Then the value should be used as new src-name for the refreshing image, e.g.:fetched value = "1" => img src = "1.jpg" => [user can see a green light]fetched value = "0" => img src = "0.jpg" => [user can see a red light]How can I achieve this?
- How can I change the src name
- How can I refresh the image every 1 second with the new src name?
I want that data against each option should be loaded as the option is selected in the combo box. As, while registering on yahoo, when we select a country all provinces of that country are loaded. (No need to click a submit button.)
<span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">Hello all,</span><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">I've recently started with jQuery because I wanted to use it for posting details from an login form to a PHP script which should return whether the user is authenticated ox not.</span><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"> <br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">For this I use $.ajax, because of it's flexibility and I prefer to use it in this implementation. Reading (jQuery docs and examples) and searching a lot did not solve me on one issue: fetching the data in the callback to the global scope.
Apologies if this is a fairly simple question! I'm fetching data (from a MySQL database), and would like to show an animated loading image while the data is being downloaded, and obviously then hide it when the data is fully downloaded. I've found plenty of tutorials describing how to achieve this is the other direction (i.e. when submitting a form) but I'm not sure how to adapt these to what I want.
I want that data against each option should be loaded as the option is selected in the combo box. As, while registering on yahoo, when we select a country all provinces of that country are loaded. (No need to click a submit button.)
Is there any way I could fetch data from another web page?
Things like current weather, and rate of exchange?
I would search the data for example by
-loading a web page somehow (IFRAME?) -going through all <td> tags in it and -if the <td> had a spesific text, like "weather in Fooland" then -I'd jump to the next <td> tag and take the text inside it, that hopefully had the data I was looking for.
I used an IFRAME to load a web page. It's id is called "myiframe"
var myIframe = document.getElementById("myiframe") var iframeBody = myIframe.body; var paragraphs = iframeBody.getElementsByTagName("p"); document.write(paragraphs.length); //this writes 0! the page I loaded on the IFRAME has paragraph elements right on body. Why can't I find them?
I tried using node iterator (document.createNodeIterator() ? ) too, but that didn't work at all! I tried it without the IFRAME too. If you have any guesses what it might be, please tell me. Should it work in Mozilla? Should I create the node Iterator only after the page has finished loading?
I am having trouble sending JSON data to a server. Its definitely reaching the parser.php, but I am not what to create in PHP to fetch this data. Also I am not sure my Javascript is correct.
<SCRIPT> var JSONObject = new Object; JSONObject.description = "hello"; JSONstring = JSON.stringify(JSONObject); runAjax(JSONstring);
I have my doubts if this question belongs to the javascript side since it's all good until the data from MySQL comes in, but since the javascript is the one breaking I'll take my chances.
The external js (portada.js)
Code: $(document).ready(function(){ var currentPosition = 0; var currentPosition2 = 0; var currentPosition3 = 0;
As you can see I have three divs with different slideshows (slideshow, slideshow2 and slideshow3), they have products that slide to the left. When I was testing to make sure it all looks good the sliding feature was working fine, but I lost this feature when the data was being retrieved from MySQL (at the moment on <div class="slide">).
I am usign $.post() method to post selected value in a drop down to server. On server-side I fetch resultset based on the selected value, and serialize the result set via the Response object which is fetched by the on Success function within $.post. How can set the textbox values conatined within that result set to those textboxes? Rather how can I fetch each of the values out from that response object in JQuery?
i am thinking of using a xml file as a data base for example , the xml file stores a list of reference numbers which is allocated to a url or a name such as 0123456789 and i have a text box on a webpage and the user types in a reference number and the javascripts reads the xml file to check if its a valid reference number i.e a registered number i am new to working with xml etc.
id like it to read the specific data thats contained within the tag such as 0123456789's tag = JOE
I am doing a few tests with javascript and oop. but one failed so i falled back to the way i usually do this but it still isnt working properly. i am using $.post() but instead of returning whatever is echoed in the php file like it does with all my other scripts it returns the content of the file:
Isnt returned in var data but the whole file is returned as a string.
I'm only new to Jquery and Ajax for that matter, understand JavaScript but don't work with it everyday. I have a function from Jcarousel that is populating a div with images (talking to a .txt file which contains the url), JavaScript then writes out the image. function getItemHTML(data){ var split = data.split(";"); var url = jQuery.trim(split[0]); var title = jQuery.trim(split[1]); var url_m = url.replace(/_s.jpg/g, '_m.jpg'); return '<a href="' + url_m + '" title="' + title + '" class="thickbox"><img src="' + url + '" width="' + 75 + ' " height="' + 75 + '" alt="' + title + '" /></a>'; };
And this is the function talking to the datasource function loadItemHandler(carousel, start, last, available){ if (available) { // Trigger loaded carousel.loaded(); return; }var cr = carousel; jQuery.get("example_dynamic_ajax.txt", function(data) { appendItemCallback(cr, start, last, data); });}; Now what I would like to do is instead of populating with images from .txt file I would like to populate with code from another .html page (a html page containing a table code). I'm just not entirely sure what object I need to use and how to go about that. Full code that I am working with is here: [URL].
I think I have a varialbe scope problem here, but I can't figure it out. What I'm trying to do is extract a piece of data from a JSON file using a variable established earlier in the script as one of the keys.
When I run this script I get the alert that lets me know that the variable "theMappableItem" has been established correctly. I click "OK" in the alert box. Then in my console (in firebug) I see a line showing that the .json file has been gotten successfully. Next in the console is an error that says:
i've learned how to retrieve Information from a xml file and display it in browser window.My question is, is it possible to write data into a xml file with jQuery?
I am trying to replace the names of each link in my html page with $f1 (Page) and replace some content with $f2 (Description).
How would I insert the data from this php file into my html page?
mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query="SELECT * FROM Pages"; $result=mysql_query($query);
I have a JSON data structure that I'm pulling in VIA an AJAX call. What I want to be able to do is click a button/link and be able to save this data structure to disk, but I'm not really sure how to go about this. I've been experimenting with the following:The link has the following format "<a href='data:application/json, " + data_structure + "'>Click here!</a>" I've been able to replace data_structure with text and /json to /rtf, which gives me a pop-up 'SaveAs' dialog box, and when I open the file, it has my text in there. However, if I do data_structure, I just get [Objectobject], which is telling me that I'm passing in the object, but that's basically it, I need to expand it out? I'm not really sure how to do that...Which leads me to calling a perl script. So I make an ajax call like so:
I'm trying to load an xml file with jQuery but it doesn't seem to work. This is my code, I made it very simple for testing, but it doesn't work. var test = "./test.xml"; $.get( test, function(data) { $('#textarea').text(data); }); I just don't know how to get the data of an xml file, does the $.get method not work with xml? When I try it with an .html file it works.
I have a form that asynchronously submits to a PHP file. The PHP file returns the following: PHP Code: echo json_encode($array);
In my Console, I see the following: Response: {"groupname":"XYZ Group","id":4} How do I display that JSON code through jQuery code?
Here's the jQuery code I have so far: Code: $.post("addgroup.php", { groupname:f.groupname }, function(data){ $("#groups tr:last") .clone(true) .insertAfter("#groups tr:last") .html("<td class='tbldata'>"+ /* Returned JSON data (groupname) */ +"</td><td class='tbldata'> /* Returned JSON data (id) */ </td>");
Given some recent success on a simple form validation (mainly due to the kind folks in this forum), I've tried to tackle something a bit more difficult. I'm pulling data down from a database and populating a simple table. I'd like the table to contain 10 entries per page and have the option for the user to scroll through the pages of data without having to go back to refresh the page (I've already pulled all the info I need from the database). So, I've taken a stab at it and this is probably not the best way to do it (so if you have a better idea I'm open), but I think it will work. Right now I'm encountering an 'Object Expected' error and I don't know how to interpret what it's telling me. Code:
I'd like to learn how data is passed form one file to another and then displaying at when an error occurs. I have this php script that checks if an domain really exist
I'm loading a (HTML) list from mySql via PHP into a main page using load. The main page is linked to a css file and a js file (jquery). The loaded data assigns the css file BUT does not seem to be able to find the js file as the click handlers in that file do not work. I'm new at this and this is probably a BASIC issue.
Scenario:i have a user form, and want to modify user details. all user details are from json file. Prob:how can i modify external json file with its updated user details? or what available function to be used?
html > input field > customer types in field > as customer types in field jquery send what is typed and the field id to a php file > php store value as session variable
now i know how to store the php variable i just dont know how to get JQuery to send the input id and the value to the php file