I have my doubts if this question belongs to the javascript side since it's all good until the data from MySQL comes in, but since the javascript is the one breaking I'll take my chances.
The external js (portada.js)
var currentPosition = 0;
var currentPosition2 = 0;
var currentPosition3 = 0;
As you can see I have three divs with different slideshows (slideshow, slideshow2 and slideshow3), they have products that slide to the left. When I was testing to make sure it all looks good the sliding feature was working fine, but I lost this feature when the data was being retrieved from MySQL (at the moment on <div class="slide">).
Is there any way I could fetch data from another web page?
Things like current weather, and rate of exchange?
I would search the data for example by
-loading a web page somehow (IFRAME?) -going through all <td> tags in it and -if the <td> had a spesific text, like "weather in Fooland" then -I'd jump to the next <td> tag and take the text inside it, that hopefully had the data I was looking for.
I used an IFRAME to load a web page. It's id is called "myiframe"
var myIframe = document.getElementById("myiframe") var iframeBody = myIframe.body; var paragraphs = iframeBody.getElementsByTagName("p"); document.write(paragraphs.length); //this writes 0! the page I loaded on the IFRAME has paragraph elements right on body. Why can't I find them?
I tried using node iterator (document.createNodeIterator() ? ) too, but that didn't work at all! I tried it without the IFRAME too. If you have any guesses what it might be, please tell me. Should it work in Mozilla? Should I create the node Iterator only after the page has finished loading?
I am having trouble sending JSON data to a server. Its definitely reaching the parser.php, but I am not what to create in PHP to fetch this data. Also I am not sure my Javascript is correct.
<SCRIPT> var JSONObject = new Object; JSONObject.description = "hello"; JSONstring = JSON.stringify(JSONObject); runAjax(JSONstring);
I want that data against each option should be loaded as the option is selected in the combo box. As, while registering on yahoo, when we select a country all provinces of that country are loaded. (No need to click a submit button.)
<span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">Hello all,</span><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">I've recently started with jQuery because I wanted to use it for posting details from an login form to a PHP script which should return whether the user is authenticated ox not.</span><br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"> <br style="font-family: courier new,monospace;"><span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">For this I use $.ajax, because of it's flexibility and I prefer to use it in this implementation. Reading (jQuery docs and examples) and searching a lot did not solve me on one issue: fetching the data in the callback to the global scope.
Apologies if this is a fairly simple question! I'm fetching data (from a MySQL database), and would like to show an animated loading image while the data is being downloaded, and obviously then hide it when the data is fully downloaded. I've found plenty of tutorials describing how to achieve this is the other direction (i.e. when submitting a form) but I'm not sure how to adapt these to what I want.
I want that data against each option should be loaded as the option is selected in the combo box. As, while registering on yahoo, when we select a country all provinces of that country are loaded. (No need to click a submit button.)
I already know that i can change the src of an image-tag with jquery / javascript.BUT my problem is, that I try to load the new src-information from a dynamic html-sheet.So every 1 second the image src should be refreshed.
Some of my code:
<script src="jquery.js"></script> <script> var auto_refresh = setInterval(
You can see in line 17 that it is no problem to show the fetched data from the other html-file in a div every 1 second.But I would like to change a picture dynamically.That means in detail:in the other html file stands either the value "0" or the value "1".This value should be fetched every 1 second (like the div-refresh) from the file.Then the value should be used as new src-name for the refreshing image, e.g.:fetched value = "1" => img src = "1.jpg" => [user can see a green light]fetched value = "0" => img src = "0.jpg" => [user can see a red light]How can I achieve this?
- How can I change the src name
- How can I refresh the image every 1 second with the new src name?
My website is all up and running and I decided to put a new image viewing script on, I already had a revolving image script showing all my previous work before but the latest script has totally stopped the previous from working. You can view what I mean at www.actioncomputing.co.uk
I am using 2 scripts both available on Dynamic Drive they are
I have a table with a SAVE button on each row (id=SaveBD)...but I also have aSAVE ALL button at the top. It works pretty good except the .each function seems torandomly stop near the end ofthe row countand not save all the rows.that would cause the rows to stop saving?
I have a simple function for an intranet site that should make and return a XMLHttpRequest object in most browsers (including IE8):
function createXMLHttpRequest() { var xmlhttp = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
Then I use it autocomplete a input text with a list of client company names from a database. Then the user selects a company and it reloads the page with that company's info. (The ajax input text box remains so the user can type in another company name)
In firefox this works fine. However, in IE8 the very first time the page loads it works fine, but after the user selects a company and the page reloads, the ajax longer works. It gives an error at "xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();" saying: "Message: Object doesn't support this property or method"
If I type anything in the input, it gives the error: "Message: 'searchReq.readyState' is null or not an object" leading me to believe that somehow after the first time the page loads, IE is not able to process a XMLHttpRequest which seems unlikely, so I'm not sure where to go with my code. I've tried a bunch of other similar createXMLHttpRequest() functions, but they all have the same problem of working once then not working after.
WhenIrun the below code above the init code for jQuery plugins it stops them working. Im just trying to run the code after the DOM has loaded, is there a better way? <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function() {
// The gallery is hidden so need to unhide it. document.getElementById('verticalCarousel').style.visibility='visible' }) </script>
I have four scripts being called to my page however i have two that isn�t playing nicely. The two in question is Fancybox and the Nivo Slider. The slider and fancybox both work alone but not when they are on the same page, however the slider will stop working when
Is used and nothing changed when i apply it to Fancybox instead. I have tried wrapping and dividing the scripts with
But nothing. I have also changed all
On the slider but again no change.
Here are the scripts in my <head> :
The problem mostly is that the slider won�t work in no conflict mode but won�t work with Fancybox either.
This code works to insert a MySQL record to a Database using AJAX. It works fine on IE, but it's not working on FF or Chrome. When I test it on FF/Chrome, i just get the text "Just a second..." and it doesn't advance from there.
I'm trying to use the cascade function from the below link. If I try it as it is there, it works, but if I change the jquery reference to the one I'm using (1.7.1) it stops working... is there a diferent way to use that ajax call or am I missing anything?
I have several ajax calls that originates from the same page its updating. It works perfectly in firefox but in IE it works for about 18 requests and then just stops until the page is refreshed. I thought it was a cashe issue but I have added a variable for that. I think it may have something to do with binding but I am not sure how to sort that. This is one of my functions.
I'm trying to create a demo to display a new way of showing our data.I thought I remembered this being pretty simple but I'm hitting a snag. The table, the mouse over, and the check row by clicking on the row all work separately but when the check row by clicking function is on, seen in the first row, the checkbox stops working.
I have a webpage where i load eachdifferentcontent through a function load and after i load that content a problem with jQueryoccurs...if i go directly to the page where i have the "datepick" without load the content it works, but if i load some content stops working...
If you want to try it live to understand what is happening here is the url: [url]
When you open the webpage if you click on the textbox it will show the calendar, but if you navigate on the right menu and then press the text box won't work...
I have a database holding roughly 20 fields of data per entry. I want to make only one request to the database, store this information in some manner on my client, and then use javascript to deliver this information to the user. Initially the user will be presented with just a list describing each entry, when clicked upon, all corresponding fields will populate. I know how to do this with javascript fairly easily, but I'm not confident in my methods for getting that data from my database ala php to javascript.
The first thing that comes to mind is to write some PHP code to pull from my DB and then echo out a two dimensional javascript array. I have seen posted elsewhere that this method is not ideal... And I can see why as I always run into issues with attempting this... plus it is ugly as all hell. What is clean way to get all this information onto my client so no subsequent server requests must be made?
I am trying to get data from mysql into a variable, that should be read by protovis.
I tried /* abfrage_LB.php echoes a json string with the data from mysql */ var parsedData; $.post('abfrage_LB.php', function(data){ parsedData = JSON.parse(JSONdata); });
the error message says, that parsedData is undefined. How can I display, what is in parsedData?
I start to use JQuery and see how is really simple...! I just have a question that I couldn´t find in documentation or here in the forum, andI have a PHP Script that is a combobox with a several textareas. What I would like to do is, select a data in combobox andit will get some data in MySQL database and put it the textarea inputs.The combobox is from name of persons, and the textareas is address, telephone, email, etc... all of them are in MySQL database.
i have a script which i found on the internet. i modify that script according to my needs. what is in that script is there are three form fields with two buttons. one button is "Give me more fields" clicking on this button will give you more fields. and second button is submit so the data goes to server side and will be added to db. the problem is when i click give me more fields it gives me three more fields which is right but when i fill all these fields and click submit button it adds to the db but the data in the first three fields adds in the one row and the other three fields data adds in separate row which is not fine for me. so how can i do this so all the data will be added to only one row.
here is js code
var counter = 0; //Start a counter. Yes, at 0 function add_phone() { counter++;